Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 445 Father and Son Acquaintance

When Jiang Fengmin heard this, he was taken aback for a moment: "It's only been two months since Karamatsu took office."

"I know he is from your Jiang family, but who told him to force the demolition? The current situation can easily arouse public dissatisfaction with us. We are the capital city of the province. Others can make troubles from the district government to the provincial government. You are not afraid of embarrassment. I'm still afraid of being humiliated."

Shi Anshi shouted sharply.

Jiang Fengmin lowered his head and remained silent.

Shi Anshi was a little dissatisfied with Jiang Fengmin. Everyone relied on the Huang family, but Jiang Fengmin's promotion was too fast.

Jiang Fengmin is only 46 years old this year and has become a vice-province. His future is boundless.

When Shi Anshi was the deputy governor, Jiang Fengmin was the deputy governor. He wanted to join Shi Anshi, but Shi Anshi confiscated him.

Later, Jiang Fengmin accidentally met a member of the Huang family in the capital. Because he did one thing to his satisfaction, the deputy hall became the main hall.

In the main hall, the Huang family will pay attention to this kind of person.

For the big families in the capital, the lowest level of income is generally the vice-province, and there is still a period of assessment.

After paying attention to Jiang Fengmin, Huang Jia felt that he was very good, young and energetic, so he accepted him, and then Jiang Fengmin was successfully promoted to vice-province.

In this way, Shi Anshi's position is a bit uncomfortable.

I didn't like Jiang Fengmin at the beginning, but now I'm in the same camp as him.

Newcomers are always jealous of old comrades, especially Shi Anshi and Jiang Fengmin have a feud.

Of course, I said earlier that the government only cares about camps, and these small grievances are really nothing in front of camps.

"Then let's avoid it, it's not a big deal to be in the right place." Jiang Fengmin lowered his eyebrows and looked pleasing to the eye.

But the pride in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

Don't be arrogant, I will probably retire after this term.Jiang Fengmin still looks down on Shi Anshi.

The 62-year-old Zhengxing, how many more years do you want to work?

The Huang family in Dongning is now focusing on training Jiang Fengmin, preparing to take over Shi Anshi's class.

However, because Jiang Fengmin was too young, Shi Anshi retired at the age of 65, and Jiang Fengmin was only 49 years old. In theory, it is impossible to become a provincial government unless the Huang family dies against him.

So it is estimated that there may be a transition in the middle.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee who was airborne this time is a transitional figure in the middle.

If Jiang Fengmin's guess is correct, the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee will succeed Shi Anshi in the future, and in a few years, he will take over after he is fifty.

The layout of the high-level starts every generation, and the vision will be five or even ten years later, which is completely different from the vision of the lower level.

Seeing that Jiang Fengmin had no objection, Shi Anshi's face softened a little, after all, everyone was in the same camp.

"The new Deputy Secretary Yan invited us to dinner today, so you are free tonight."


The three giants of the Huang family in Dongning are about to gather.

Coming out from Governor Shi's side, Jiang Fengmin met Fan Li, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, followed by a deputy director of the Provincial Department and two policemen.

"Mayor Jiang, the suspect is under control. We need to record a statement, routine, routine." The deputy director was extremely polite, and this superficial work still needs to be done.

"Mayor Fengmin, let's cooperate." Fan Li is not polite, he is no lower than Jiang Fengmin, and he has his back to Boss Xu, and Boss Xu's camp is against the Huang family, so he has nothing to be polite about.

"Okay, it should."

Jiang Fengmin smiled lightly, he held his breath, because he was young, and sooner or later he would surpass Fan Li.

If you can't be wronged, how can you do great things.

What's more, he has not been wronged. The two camps are different, and the attitude of the other party is normal.

"Mayor Jiang, please tell me what you just said. We want to compare it with the witness in front."

"The young man?" Jiang Fengmin thought of Jiang Shen.

"Yes, that person is the deputy director of the Merchants Bureau of Chengdong District."

Oh, people in the system too?Became a chief at such a young age?But with that quality, I thought he was a hooligan.

Jiang Fengmin felt that the China Merchants Bureau was a bit familiar, but he didn't care. He first told everything before the case happened.

The other party recorded them one by one, and compared them after listening, it was basically exactly the same as what Jiang Shen said.

"Well, it seems that there is no problem." The deputy director nodded: "That Director Jiang reported to Governor Ou. We also checked with Ou Province. Then we met you when we came down, and then we were controlled by the suspect. At the last moment, he took the knife and made a meritorious service."

The deputy director's tone was full of envy. They were afraid of Jiang Shen and the suspects before, but now that it is confirmed, they are a little jealous.

This case happened in the provincial government, many leaders were watching, Jiang Shen made a small move, and the leaders all wrote down the name.

"Mayor Jiang, please sign it." A little policeman took the document to him.

According to the rules of the police, fingerprints are still required, but considering that he is a senior cadre at the deputy provincial level, this is not a major case, so this procedure is omitted.

Jiang Fengmin smiled, took a rough look at the document, and prepared to sign it.

But with a glance, I saw another person's name in the file.

"Jiang Shen" "Jiang Shen"

Not really.

Jiang Fengmin suddenly felt dizzy in his head.

Finally remembered, isn't the other son, Jiang Shen, in the Merchants Bureau of Chengdong District?

He was originally transferred from the police station, but now he is the deputy director?

Jiang Fengmin didn't pay attention to Jiang Shen all the time, especially after Jiang Shen was promoted. No one in the Tang family knew about it and no one took the initiative to tell Jiang Fengmin.

In an instant, he stayed there, never thinking that one day he would meet the son he didn't want to see like this.

Like, he really does look a bit like his mother.

No, it's actually a bit like me.

Jiang Fengmin finally knew how he got the sense of familiarity and intimacy when he first met Jiang Shen.

Mixed feelings can't describe his current mood.

For a full ten seconds, he stood there blankly.

"Mayor Jiang—Mayor Jiang—please sign here." The police didn't know what happened because they felt Jiang Fengmin was stunned.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jiang Fengmin recovered and signed his name.

"This Jiang Shen is the deputy director of the Merchants Bureau of Chengdong District? Doesn't he look so young?" Jiang Fengmin asked intentionally.

"Yeah, we also thought he was lying, 19 years old, a 19-year-old deputy, really awesome." A little policeman was very envious.

"What's so awesome, our Mayor Jiang is the youngest vice-province in the country." The deputy director of the Police Department gently patted Jiang Fengmin's ass.

"Hehe." Jiang Fengmin smiled lightly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Trouble Mayor Jiang." Several policemen and Jiang Fengmin nodded and turned to leave.

Seeing them about to leave, Jiang Fengmin suddenly thought of Jiang Shen's eyes.

He kept staring at me just now, and kept looking at me with contempt. He knew I was Jiang Fengmin, he knew that I was his father, and he didn't forgive me.

Jiang Fengmin had never cared about Jiang Shen's feelings before, and for some reason, he suddenly cared now.

"Yao hall." Jiang Fengmin called to stop the deputy director.

"What instructions does Mayor Jiang have?" Director Yao was polite.

"Is Director Xiao Jiang still there? He saved me just now, and I haven't thanked him yet."

"It should still be there. Those who just took the statement on the other side will not leave until they find out." Deputy Director Yao led Jiang Fengmin over.

As expected, Jiang Shen was still there.

He was with a few other policemen, one of whom was an acquaintance of his. They met when they were hunting down bandits on the mountain, and they were chatting.

"Okay, I've found out everything, my own." Yao Ting grinned.

"Yao Hall." "Mayor Jiang."

The police all knew Jiang Fengmin.

Jiang Shen didn't expect Jiang Fengmin to come, and the father and son officially paid attention to each other for the first time.

Swipe, two gazes fiercely intertwined in the air.

Anger, hatred, contempt, disdain, all kinds of emotions in Jiang Shen's eyes were seen by Jiang Fengmin.

Confusion, hope, fantasy, difficult to choose, what Jiang Fengmin expresses is also seen by Jiang Shen.

In your heart, don't you have any regrets?Jiang Shen sneered secretly, hating this father even more.

"Ah--gentleman--Little Director Jiang, right? Thank you for helping me today." Jiang Fengmin couldn't control the excitement in his heart, and stretched out a trembling hand.

This is his own son, but he cannot admit it. If he admits it, his political opponents will probably attack him and his government career will end.

No matter how good this son is, he will never be able to face it.

He also has his pain.

Jiang Shen didn't reach out his hand, and said in a cold tone: "I'm just doing what a cadre should do. Even if it's not Mayor Jiang, Mayor Yao, Mayor Song, or even an ordinary citizen, as a state cadre, I'll do the same."

Oh, awesome, everyone looked at Jiang Shen's attitude and completely ignored Mayor Jiang, that's awesome.

Jiang Fengmin was very embarrassed. He stretched out his hand in mid-air and no one paid attention to him. He stretched out another hand in self-deprecating manner, and wiped his hands to relieve his embarrassment.

"That's right. Chief Xiao Jiang is really a good cadre of the people. You should be commended for what you have done."

As soon as this remark came out, there was another jealous look around.

Jiang Shen is about to prosper now, and was noted by the mayor again.

Everyone was amazed, but Jiang Shen said again: "But from a personal standpoint, I support the Bian family brothers to take the normal way to fight for their own interests. The forced relocation in the east of the city is unpopular and violates the rules. The relevant leaders You also have to bear the main responsibility.”

Nima, fainted all around, who are you.

When you speak in such a tone, others will think you are Boss Xu.

The only one in Dongning who could talk to Jiang Fengmin like this, besides Xu Boss, was Shi Lao Er.

Moreover, Jiang Shen even said that he made the move because he was a cadre. If it wasn't for the cadre's personal standpoint, he would support the Bian brothers.

Really bold.

The few policemen had no choice but to turn their heads away immediately as if they didn't hear them, and took a few steps back.

Feeling dizzy, Jiang Fengmin was also extremely embarrassed, he didn't expect his son to have such a temper.

Who is this temper like?Isn't it exactly the same as his mother?

Jiang Fengmin stayed for a few more seconds, then nodded: "You are right, there is a problem with the way the district chief of Chengdong District works, and we will hold him accountable."

Grass, the police fainted again.

This is your son, you are still smiling when you talk to you with this attitude.

That's right, it was really his son. Although they didn't recognize each other today, the two had already known each other.

"Little Jiang, are you free--" Jiang Fengmin asked tentatively, wanting to communicate with his son.

"Sorry, I have to go back to work." Jiang Shen didn't wait for him to finish, interrupted directly, and then turned around and left.

In an instant, Jiang Fengmin seemed to have aged a lot.

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