Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 446 The Plague God Is Famous Again

the end of April.

Fang Bingsong, the district chief who had just served for less than three months, was removed.

You must know that the district mayor and mayor must be elected by the National People's Congress. At this time, he can only be regarded as the acting district mayor. In the end, because someone attacked the provincial government, Fang Gangsong stepped down without sitting on his butt.

As soon as this incident came out, someone became famous.

Who is famous?

Jiang Shen chant.

Because it was the Bian brothers he met in the provincial government, and was praised by the provincial and city leaders. (Although only verbal praise)

And the most important thing is that when the district wanted to propose Jiang Shen as the deputy director, only Fang Gangsong disagreed.

Then---then Fangagamatsu stepped down.

The name of Jiang Plague God was passed from the police system to the government system.

Everyone thought that going against Jiang Shen almost never ended well.

From the former deputy director of the Education Bureau, the deputy director of the police station, the head of Tang District, the deputy director of the China Merchants Bureau, the director of the office, and now the head of the housing district.

Anyone who is against Jiang Shen will either commit suicide or step down.

There were even rumors outside that Jiang Shen asked someone to attack the provincial government and then brought down Fangbingsong.

No matter how these rumors affect Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen is now famous.

It is even more solid to confirm the golden signboard of Jiang Wenshen.

Among other things, Chengdong District is full of thunder anyway, from the various ministries and commissions to the township agencies, no one knows the name of Xiaojiang Bureau.

In less than half a year, the district chief has changed twice.

Really awesome.

Jiang Shen has a great reputation, some people are happy and some are worried.

Bureau Lu was not happy.

Although they still controlled the party committee in the bureau now, after returning from Shanghai, he found that Yu Shijun's attitude towards Jiang Shen had changed a little.

In previous meetings, Yu Shijun was always aggressive. She would object to what Jiang Shen said. Although there are objections now, they are not as sharp as before.

Of course, Bureau Lu could see Yu Shijun's dissatisfaction, but it seemed that after going to Shanghai, Yu Shijun was a little bit pushed away by Jiang Shen.

This is my No. [-] general, and it's up to her to go ahead against Jiang Shen.

The two of them must be allowed to clash fiercely again.

Lu Ju is also an old fox.

He thought of another way.

This day Jiang Shen and Yu Shijun were called to the office together.

Three people are sitting in the office.

Bureau Lu looked left and right.

One is beautiful and flamboyant, and the other is handsome. They are really golden boys and girls. It would be great if Nima Jiang Shen could cooperate with me in my work. I can also help you win a governor's son-in-law.

This thought passed in a flash, he and Jiang Shen were already deadly enemies.

A slap, this is a shame that a man can never erase.

We must defeat him, either he will die or I will die.

"Ahem, I called you here today because I have something to announce. The Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has just issued a document. Our bureau has developed very well this year and has made great strides. We need to add a few more establishments."

"The preliminary calculations are for two business establishments and one administrative establishment. The specifics must be reported to the district establishment office to be finalized."

"What do you two think?"

Plus compilation?Jiang Shen and Yu Shijun looked at each other.

Now everyone is talking about streamlining the army and simplifying the administration, and the higher-ups feel that the number of civil servants is too large, and they are still adding more.

Of course, this is also normal. Some units have too many employees, and some units do not have enough staff. This is also a common problem in the current Huaguo government.

For example, their China Merchants Bureau is quite special. There are almost no people who are empty-handed, that is, those who are not in the post.

Because China Merchants is really busy, everyone has to be mobilized. There are more than 30 temporary workers in the overall situation, and there are also many contract workers, so there are really not enough people in China Merchants.

Of course, the China Merchants Bureau has the same situation as other bureaus, that is, there are formal cadres, and the older ones rely on the old to sell the old and don't do much work. Most of the work is done by young people.

This is also a common occurrence in the opportunities of the Chinese government.

After Jiang Shen became the deputy director of Chengdong District, this bad habit changed a lot, and many old comrades were also suppressed by him.

Some people say that the task of 12 billion in the city of Chengdong District this year has not been completed.

That's right, you can't stop working if you're done, so Jiang Shen and Lu Yong discussed, and continue to assign tasks to the people in the bureau, and the bureau will assess themselves.

This saves them from doing nothing throughout the year, and at least has a little motivation to work.

Although he was dissatisfied with Jiang Shen, Lu Yong still admitted that this method was good, and if the news spread, if someone was dissatisfied, he would definitely be dissatisfied with Jiang Shen who had this idea.

So now the overall working atmosphere of China Merchants is still good, everyone is more active, everyone is active, and everyone can count whether there are enough people in a unit.

"I think Song Linghua is a good comrade, and I can consider giving her a career." Of course, Yu Shijun first supported Lu Yong.

After she admitted to going to Shanghai, she had a good impression of Jiang Shen, but she was determined to make progress, so she wanted to keep in touch with Lu Yong in terms of officials and politics.

For example, after Lu Yong is transferred, he has the right to make suggestions and recommendations, although this right to make suggestions may not be useful under the leadership's will.

But some advice is better than no advice.

She heard that Lu Yong was planning to transfer away, and when he left, it became very important to suggest that she take over as the director.

She has the governor's father above her, and someone below her recommends and recommends, and it will be natural to take over as the director.

"Career exams are the same as civil servants now, and it doesn't mean you can give it if you just give it." Jiang Shen didn't have a good impression of Song Linghua, but he didn't have a bad impression either. At least Song Linghua had never been right with him. This woman is smarter , do not show your head, do not offend others.

"Then arrange a condition." Yu Shijun dared to say that he was desperately trying to please Lu Yong: "College degree or above, working at the grassroots level for three years, and having more than three years of experience in investment promotion. Outstanding investment performance is preferred."

It is true that Jiang Shen said that careers should be tested, but the test also depends on how the test is done.

What Yu Shijun said is what we often say is a purposeful recruitment.

"College degree or above, three years of working at the grassroots level, more than three years of experience in investment promotion, and outstanding investment performance is preferred." This condition is tailor-made for Song Linghua.

This is exactly the same as the last time the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee set conditions to promote Jiang Shen, and it was even more obvious.

People outside can tell that this is a targeted recruitment, and those who are smarter and more interesting will not even sign up.

You are amazing, Jiang Shen looked at Yu Shijun.

He himself had enjoyed this kind of treatment before, so he couldn't resist vehemently. In addition, he felt that although Song Linghua was coquettish, she did a good job in attracting investment, which was much better than recruiting a newcomer.

Therefore, sometimes it seems that it is very unfair for one card to be pitted, but in fact, it may be more suitable than recruiting a newcomer.

"Then it's settled like this. Those in the business department will be arranged according to this condition, and those in the administrative department will be arranged according to the district organization department."

It was rare for the three of them to be so harmonious. When the meeting ended, Lu Yong pretended to ask the three of them to have dinner together, but of course Jiang Shen refused, and then Jiang Shen left first.

"Xiao Yu, wait a moment." Lu Yong called Yu Shijun to stop.

Yu Shijun smiled and sat down again.

When Jiang Shen left, Lu Yong shook his head and sighed.

"From now on, it will be your young people's world. It's nice to be young."

"The Lu Bureau is also in its prime, and we still need you to lead us a lot."

"It can't be done, it can't be done." Lu Yong continued to shake his head, looking outside the door with lingering fear in his heart, his voice lowered a lot: "I'm getting old, I don't want to be frightened, let's say---"

He pointed to the outside with his finger, meaning to refer to Jiang Shen: "With this ginger plague god here, I, the bureau chief, can't sit at ease."

Yu Shijun was overjoyed in his heart, and said calmly on the surface, "What's wrong with Bureau Lu?"

"I met District Chief Xiang a few days ago, and I plan to make a move." Director Lu smiled and said, "District Chief Xiang seems to have some personal matters recently and is busy. She asked me what plans I have, and I recommended you to her." , Xiao Yu, you are young, but you are capable of working, when Xiang Xiang was the district chief, you were two years older than you are now."

"That's all I can help you with. Fight for it and take over from me."

finally come.Yu Shijun was ecstatic, and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"I'm also a newcomer to the China Merchants Bureau. Director Lu is also outstanding in his work ability. I heard that he used to be the director of the district chief's office." Of course, Yu Shijun wanted to pretend to be humble.

"Hehe, that's true, but can you find your father? District Chief Xiang is busy recently." Lu Yong said again.

There is also a lot of information in his words.

Yu Shijun must be inexperienced, and finally came to his senses when he heard Lu Yong repeating this sentence.

What is Xiang Lan busy with?

Fang Gangsong is gone, and there is no district head in the district.

Xiang Lan wants to be the head of the district?

It's not easy to be a beautiful district head.

With her qualifications, it was barely enough, but there was no one above, so don't even think about it.

After all, she is not the executive deputy head of the district right now. If the higher-ups don't send someone down, the executive deputy head of the district will have to step up anyway.

However, it is okay to have this idea to the district chief.

Especially since the investment promotion work she is in charge of this year is so prominent, you can really think about it.

Well, Yu Shijun understood what Lu Yong meant.

If I can help the district chief to become a district chief, then the district chief can help himself win the bureau chief.

To say that Lu Qi and District Chief Xiang have a good relationship, but how can they live their own progress?

This is an opportunity, but not easy.

If her father was the governor of Dongning, it would be too simple. Now he is the governor of Fu'an next door.

"Understood, thank you Lu Ju." Yu Shijun understood, and thanked Lu Yong very much.

"Work hard, don't lose to the God of Plague." Lu Yong was not worried about Jiang Shen.

How many days has Jiang Shen been deputy director?The one-year probationary period has not yet expired, so it is impossible to compete with Yu Shijun.

Yu Shijun left Lu Yong's office full of ambition, thinking about how to act as the chief of the bureau.

At that time, Jiang Shen can really be controlled in a legitimate manner, and you are still a fart.

Not far from the next door, Jiang Shen was also squinting.

Seeing that Lu Yong left Yu Shijun behind, he knew that the two of them were colluding again.

So I listened to it outside my divine sense.

Oh, it turns out that Yu Shijun wants to be the chief.

***Lu Yong, I really belong to you.

Jiang Shen also knew that before the probationary period expired, it would definitely be impossible to turn the situation into a positive one, but he couldn't be biased against Yu Shijun.

Lu Qi is a good opportunity, we have to talk to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi is like a family with him now, the party committee is in the same direction, and they cooperate seamlessly in work.

Lu Qi being the director is just like Director Jiang Shen.

"Boss Lu, where is it?" Jiang Shen called Lu Qi.

"I am at the hospital."

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