Why is Lu Qi in the hospital?

Xiang Xiaoxi was hospitalized.

District Chief Xiang was also there, and Lu Qi went to visit.

Why was Xiang Xiaoxi hospitalized?What is the disease?

Lu Qi hung up the phone and glanced at Xiang Lan beside her: "Ju Jiang said he was coming."

"Jiang Shen called?" Xiang Lan frowned.

"Yeah." Lu Qi nodded.

"What is he doing here? It's not annoying enough, tell him not to come." Xiang Lan was a little annoyed, and then added: "Don't let him come."

Lu Qi was stunned for a moment, but unexpectedly, the leader suddenly became angry. She hurried out and sent a text message: "I told the district chief not to come, she is in a bad mood."

Why is Xiang Lan so angry?

Others don't know what disease their daughter has, but Xiang Lan knows.

Nima's thoughts.

Xiang Xiaoxi, who has just turned 14 years old, is always thinking about Jiang Shen.

She has asked Xiang Lan to see Brother Jiang more than once.

Xiang Lan ignored her at first, but she later evolved into pretending to be sick, pretending to have a nightmare at night, Xiang Lan noticed it, and Xiang Lan still ignored her after scolding her.

Then Xiang Xiaoxi's grades got worse and worse, and she went home every day and began to watch the news about China Merchants.

Really sick for a few months.

Xiang Lan took her to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said it was a heart disease, mental reason.

Xiang Lan is that angry.

Nima's only 14 years old, you make my old lady feel sick.

This sign must be killed, this is only 14 years old, it will be fine if it is older, it will be against the sky.

If this sign is not killed, there will be even more lawlessness in the future. Xiang Lan is determined to beat this sign.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qi came back again: "Jiang Ju said he was on his way, and he wanted to see what's wrong with Xiao Xi."

I'm stupid, Xiang Lan almost swears, with a gloomy face: "Xiao Lu, help Xiaoxi go through the discharge procedures."

Let's leave the hospital, can I hide from you?

Xiang Lan was also afraid of Jiang Plague God.

"Ah..." Lu Qi didn't understand, so she was discharged from the hospital.

"I didn't make it clear?" Xiang Lan looked at Lu Qi coldly.

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away." Lu Qi had no choice but to go through the discharge procedures.

When Jiang Shen arrived, Xiang Lan had already returned home with Xiang Xiaoxi.

Ni, what rhythm is this?Jiang Shen rushed to nothing, but also felt that something was wrong.

He came here because he was worried about Xiang Xiaoxi's illness, and because he wanted to talk to Xiang Lan.

In good conscience, Xiang Lan wanted to be the mayor of this district, and Jiang Shen might not be as effective as Yu Shijun's father in other provinces.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Lan would not give him a chance.

Jiang Shen rushed to the hospital during the day, feeling a little depressed.

After talking with Lu Qi in the afternoon, I knew that Xiang Lan was very disgusted with seeing Xiang Xiaoxi.

You old witch, pervert, what are you thinking, I treat Xiang Xiaoxi like a younger sister.

Jiang Shen cursed Xiang Lan in circles in the office all afternoon.

After dinner in the evening, Jiang Shen waited until after seven o'clock, when the weather was dark, and went to Xiang Lan's house.

He asked Lu Qi today, but Xiang Lan didn't talk to her about work, which is not a good sign.

That is to say, in order to win over the district chief, Xiang Lan really might not have planned to let Lu Qi take Lu Yong's class, maybe she would seek Yu Shijun's help.

It's not easy for her to think about it. The former backer is gone, and now no one from top to bottom can help her. It is as difficult as heaven to win a district chief.

She was in a hurry and rushed to the doctor, and there was no way to find Yu Shijun.

This sacrifice is still a bit big, and it hurts people's hearts to let Lu Qi, a hardcore subordinate, know about it.

So Jiang Shen didn't tell Lu Qi about the changes this time, which saved Lu Qi from being sad.

He talked to Xiang Lan first.

At 07:30, Jiang Shen knocked on the door of Xiang Lan's house.

Why go to the leader's house after 07:30 is also a question.

Book lovers may not read a certain news, but leaders generally must read it.

It starts at 07:30 and ends at [-]:[-]. This half hour is the prime time for the leaders. The grassroots are better. The higher the level, the more you need to watch the news. The country's major wind direction and major trends are all in it.

The Internet often uses this program to make fun of it. In fact, it is a bit superficial. The main reason is that people who watch this program are in different positions and see different things.

For example, he also released football news recently. What the fans see is the AFC champions, and what the executives see is the mood and hobbies of the chief executive.

So, the same thing, different people will have different results when viewed by different people, the key lies in where you are.

Okay, let's not talk nonsense, besides, when Jiang Shen knocked on the door, Xiang Lan had just taken a shower, just finished watching the news, and was still wearing a nightgown.

She is the head of the beautiful district and is single, so she can basically turn down all the entertainment outside, and watching the news at night is also her favorite thing.

Xiang Lan also felt strange when she heard the knock on the door, because she was the head of the single beauty district, and except for the New Year, most of the subordinates would not come to her house, which would be a bit abrupt.

Who is this?

She walked to the door, looked through the cat's eyes, and said, that disgusting face.

In fact, since Japan and Shanghai, Xiang Lan recognized Jiang Shen's ability to work, and his impression of him changed a lot, but after Xiang Xiaoxi came, Jiang Shen was directly seen dead by Xiang Lan.

Now she gets angry when she sees Jiang Shen.

Crazy, come to my house so late.

Xiang Lan remained calm and slowly backed away.

Grass, do not open the door?

Jiang Shen could see clearly, Xiang Lan knew he was coming, but he didn't open the door.

Is Lao Tzu so scary?

Jiang Shen was so angry, he picked up the phone and started calling.

"Beep, beep--" Xiang Lan's phone rang a few times the first time and she pinched it off, and the second time she pinched it off.

Xiang Lan is expressing his opinion to Jiang Shen, don't bother me, get out.

Jiang Shen was also angry when he was pinched off four times.

The more you are like this, the more I want to go in, don't force me to open the door directly.

He could open the door at will, but it was not easy to do so, so he sent a text message.

"District Chief, I know you are at home. I want to see how Xiao Xi is doing. If you keep doing this, I will knock on the door hard. Who are the people living next to your house? Are there any from our district government? I'm afraid it will be bad."

Jiang Shen is threatening Xiang Lan.

Damn, when Xiang Lan saw the message, his nose smoked from anger.

She is a local and does not live in the family building of the district government, but there are people from the district government in this building.

Not to mention people and colleagues from the district government, even if there were no people, the neighbors next door heard Jiang Shen knocking on the door outside, and they didn't know what happened.

This Jiang Shen, lawless, really did it.


Xiang Lan had no choice but to come out and open the door.

She opened the door a little, revealing half of her body, not intending to let Jiang Shen in, so she blocked the door.

"Xiao Xi's illness is cured and she is asleep now. Thank you for your concern, Jiang Shen. I am a single woman at home. Please respect yourself." This is also the rhythm of Xiang Lan's anger. Speak out.

Copy, you give me this set.

Jiang Shen stood at the door and looked at Xiang Lan.

Xiang Lan just took a shower and lay on the sofa to watch the news.

The nightgown was a bit messy, and her hair was draped lazily and casually on her shoulders. There was a faint bath fragrance on her body, entwined with her body fragrance.

Her nightgown was not very short, but it was not very long either. The hem reached exactly ten inches below her knees, and a pair of snowy calves were displayed in front of Jiang Shen.

Coupled with her gorgeous little face, the breath of a mature beauty extended from the room to the outside.

Jiang Shen took a light breath and settled his mind.

"I have something else I want to talk to you about."

"Come to my office tomorrow to discuss something, hurry up." Xiang Lan was a little annoyed.

Especially when Jiang Shen looked at her just now, her face turned red, and she felt like being molested by someone's eyes.

You little boy, how old are you? It makes my daughter feel sick, and she looks at me like this again.

Xiang Lan became a little annoyed, so she just waved her hands and was about to close the door.

I'll copy, what's your attitude.

Jiang Shen is also famous for eating soft food but not hard food.

When Xiang Lan got angry and told him to leave, it was actually tantamount to telling Jiang Shen to go away.

When Xiang Lan closed the door, Jiang Shen was also furious, he stretched out his hand fiercely, and slammed it against the door.

Then with a step of his left leg, Jiang Shen squeezed into Xiang Lan's house.

Shocked and angry, Xiang Lan quickly pushed towards the door with all her strength, but she was Jiang Shen's opponent.

Jiang Shen stepped into the gate with the other foot and pushed gently.

"Excuse me--" Xiang Lan groaned in a low voice, losing her focus and backing away again and again.

When she stepped back a few steps and stood still, with a bang, Jiang Shen closed the door behind his back and had already entered her house.

"Get out." Xiang Lan was furious, pointed to the outside and shouted: "Jiang Shen, you are lawless, believe it or not, I will call the police?"

However, she might be afraid of waking Xiang Xiaoxi up, so she suppressed her voice as much as possible, and looked very ferocious.

"I have something to talk to you, give me 5 minutes." Jiang Shen stretched out five fingers, suppressing the anger in his heart.

He has never been the only one who told others to go away, and when he was called out by others, if he hadn't looked at Xiao Xi's face, I would have slapped you to death.

"I'll give you five seconds, get out immediately." Xiang Lan picked up the phone from the sofa and held it in his hand.

"Here are our orphans and widowed mothers. If you trespass on a private house, I can sue you for burglary and rape. If you still want to do it, get out in five seconds."

Xiang Lan was a little scared, because she knew that Jiang Shen was lawless, so while shouting angrily, she stepped back step by step.

"Get out, get out, get out immediately." Xiang Lan knew that he couldn't be weak at this time, and if he was weak, Jiang Shen might become emboldened, so he began to press his phone while cursing angrily.

"If you don't leave, I'll call the police—"

Damn, Jiang Shen was really mad when she scolded her to get out of here.

"Stinky Sanba, what the hell are you?" Jiang Shen was furious at being scolded by her today, after thinking about it, he rushed over suddenly.

"Not good." Seeing Jiang Shen's eyes glowing red, Xiang Lan knew that he had angered Jiang Shen.

She turned her head and saw that her mobile phone had been dialed to 110, but she didn't hear anyone talking.

She knows that 110 is always busy, but don't give me a busy signal at this critical time.

Really busy.

'Beep' the phone hangs up by itself.

It was too late to dial these three numbers again.

Now Xiang Lan had two choices, either to yell loudly, or to run into the room.

If you yell loudly, it is likely to wake up Xiang Xiaoxi. If she wants to wake up and see this picture, how can I look up as a mother?

Xiang Lan turned around decisively and fled to her room, where she could lock the door and call the police again.

However, she couldn't be faster than Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen caught up with Xiang Lan in an instant.

Feeling the wind behind him, Xiang Lan stepped into the room.

There was a bang behind, and it rang again.

She turned her head again, Jiang Shen followed her into her boudoir, and the door was closed again.

Now it's all right, I want to yell loudly, but the effect is not good in the hall, and even Xiang Xiaoxi next door may not be able to wake up.

Xiang Lan's face turned pale with fright, and her heart sank.

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