Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 448 Unspoken Rules

She was scared, and she regretted it a little.

While backing away, he stammered: "Xiao Jiang, you are still young, as long as you leave now, I promise, I promise I won't hold you accountable, Xiao Jiang, you have a bright future, don't get kicked out on impulse."

"For the crime of rape, at least seven years, maybe no period."

Ni, I didn't intend to rape you, why do you keep mentioning it?

Jiang Shen was very depressed, this Xiang Lan mentioned rape twice.

Are you leading someone to commit a crime?

"Shut up..." Of course Jiang Shen wasn't fooled by her, now that he was ready, even if he quit now, he would definitely report to the organization and the police when he turned around.

Just because he rushed into the boudoir is enough to sentence him.

Jiang Shen approached step by step, with a look of determination on his face.

Xiang Lan was even more frightened when she saw it: "Stop, stop, do you think I really dare not scream?"

"Then yell, yell loudly, I'm not in a hurry." Jiang Shen smiled.

This feeling of looking at Xiang Lan in a panic is really not good.

Smelly Sanba, you usually pretend to be a tiger in front of me, and show me a dirty face all day long. You also have times when you are afraid.

"Help ---" Xiang Lan really called out.

At this point, she also knew that Jiang Shen had also come out, either she was insulted by Jiang Shen, or she escaped, and one of the two would definitely die.

She yelled like crazy, not caring that her daughter was nearby, while yelling, she picked up all the available things around her and threw them at Jiang Shen, while looking for a chance to escape from the room.

She yelled crazily and loudly, but it was useless in front of Jiang Shen. No one could hear her except Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen dodged the thing she threw, and rushed over ferociously.

The bodies of the two made heavy contact.

Bang, Jiang Shen hugged Xiang Lan.

Then they both fell on the bed at the same time.

"Beasts, hooligans---beasts---" Xiang Lan danced wildly with her hands and feet, but found that she was getting weaker and weaker due to a man's breath.

Her struggle was not only weak, but also made Jiang Shen even more excited.

It was Jiang Shen's first time to do such a thing.

I copied Xiang Lan's nightgown with both hands, only to find that my hands were wet.

Grass, no clothes underneath?wet?

How many years have you not been hugged by a man?

Jiang Shen pressed down hard, grabbed Xiang Lan's hands with his right hand, and grabbed them on top of her head, making her stand there in a very humiliating posture.

Then leaned down to her ear: "Xiang Lan, I've actually liked you for a long time, because you are so charming---"

"Beast, dirty." Xiang Lan blushed, feeling that her body was getting weaker and weaker, and even felt that she had some kind of reaction.

She tried desperately to twist her body, but found that her body was getting hotter and hotter.

"I won't let you go, unless you kill me, I will sue you and put you in jail for the rest of your life, never to come out." Xiang Lan gritted his teeth, not believing Jiang Shen's love words.

"That's right, even if I go to jail, I want to get you first." Jiang Shen originally wanted to have sex with her slowly to mobilize her emotions.

Hearing Xiang Lan's fierce words, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Hiss, almost instantly the clothes on his body were shattered, Xiang Lan was dumbfounded.

Then he spread her legs directly and lifted her bathrobe.

"Ah---" Xiang Lan screamed and almost fainted.

A place that hadn't been broken into for many years suddenly suffered a huge puncture.

Because of Jiang Shen's anger, he went all the way to the end with almost no temptation.

After Xiang Lan was in pain, she lay there blankly as if someone had tapped her acupuncture points.

The mind is blank.

After so many years, it was finally entered.

Still the man I hate the most.

She closed her eyes and turned her head away. There was no longer any resistance in her body, and two lines of tears flowed out.

"Look at me, look at me." Jiang Shen didn't move, and growled at her: "Obviously you like me, seduce me again and again, I'm here to talk to you, but you always mention rape, Lan, do you like me and deliberately seduce me---"

Jiang Shen's words stimulated Xiang Lan's nerves, and his body, which was a little stiff just now, became hot when he heard such lewd words.

"Animals———, you Hu—um——say eight———"

Jiang Shen deliberately teased her, every time she said a word, Jiang Shen rushed.

Soon, Xiang Lan began to speak incoherently.

No matter how ashamed, sad, or hated she was, she couldn't control her instinctive reaction, she couldn't control her desire.

In less than half an hour, Xiang Lan had experienced three orgasms screaming, and each time became crazier.

In the end, he even desperately clawed at Jiang Shen's body with his fingers, as if to tear Jiang Shen's flesh.

An hour later, she had no strength in her whole body, her mouth was dry, and she was limp at Jiang Shen's mercy.

"Lie down." Jiang Shen used the old trick again at the last moment.

Patting Xiang Lan's butt lightly, Xiang Lan turned around without hesitation.

But at this moment, she was weak all over, and it took Jiang Shen's strength to turn her over.

What's wrong with me, I gave in?Xiang Lan's mind became calm for a while, she wanted to turn around again, but Jiang Shen pressed her from behind and made a thud.

The moment Little Jiang Shen entered, she was confused again.

two hours later.

Xiang Lan was nude all over, with her thighs spread, lying on the bed like a dead fish.

There was a strange fishy smell in the air.

"Water, water, I want water." Xiang Lan yelled for almost two hours, and then the yelling sounded like a mosquito, and the water in her body was probably exhausted.

Jiang Shen smiled and gave her a bottle of mineral water directly from the storage space.

"Gudong, Gudong--" Xiang Lan drank the whole bottle of water in one breath.

After the passion, there is sobriety.

After Xiang Lan finished drinking a bottle of water, she turned around suddenly, whoosh, the mineral water bottle hit Jiang Shen on the head.

Jiang Shen smiled lightly, avoiding the mineral water bottle.

"Get out, get out -- woo woo woo --" Xiang Lan hugged the sheet to her chest, shrank to the innermost part of the head of the bed, and burst into tears.

"Isn't that what you called just now?" Jiang Shen was naked, dangling in front of her to show off his huge size. "Just now you kept saying more, more."

"Fart, fart your whole family." Xiang Lan blushed to the neck, no longer had the cold arrogance of the district chief, and cursed like a shrew on the street.

But subconsciously, she really knew that she had called it that way just now.

Endless humiliation welled up in my heart.

"Have you had enough? Isn't it enough to humiliate me like this?" Xiang Lan pointed outside: "Get out, I beg you to get out."

"Even if it's my fault today, let's pretend that nothing happened today. You will be your bureau chief, and I will be my district chief. I don't want Xiao Xi to be hurt. You go out."

It makes sense for Xiang Lan to say this.

She was afraid that Jiang Shen would kill someone in a hurry.

Hold on to Jiang Shen at this time, wait until tomorrow, and call the police immediately, no, as soon as he leaves, call the police immediately, I can't wait for a moment, I will shoot him now.

"Okay, don't get excited, the small things are done, let's do big things." Jiang Shen sat down beside the bed slowly without rushing.

"Are you still coming?" Xiang Lan was shocked, it had been more than two hours, you are so strong, after speaking, he looked at Jiang Shen's bottom from the corner of his eye, and his face turned even redder.

"You're thinking nonsense again." Jiang Shen laughed out loud, and Xiang Lan felt so ashamed that he almost lowered his head to his chest.

At this time, Xiang Lan didn't have the majesty of the usual deputy district chief, and was completely suppressed by Jiang Shen.

"I came here today to ask you about something, but you didn't let me in to talk about it."

"The handle is loose. I know you want to be the head of this district. I can help you work hard."

Boom, Jiang Shen's words shook Xiang Lan's heart like a bolt from the blue.

"You, what are you talking about?" Xiang Lan didn't believe it, but at the same time, she knew that there were people above Jiang Shen, otherwise she wouldn't mention it so quickly at such a young age.

Like Shu Jue and Yu Shijun, she has an official addiction.

Why have been single, is to make progress.

In officialdom, especially beautiful officials, it is best to be single if you want to improve.

If there are family members, the leaders are not good at arbitrarily calling them out. It is easy to cause trouble if the family members know about it.

"Give me time, three days, I will give you an answer within three days, if you can't help you, you can call the police and arrest me in time." Jiang Shen stretched out three fingers.

Why didn't he know Xiang Lan's current mood, and he was afraid that she would call the police as soon as he turned around.

But I can raise you, it is better than you let the leader unspoken rules.

"You want to procrastinate?" Xiang Lan was not stupid either.

Three days later, she called the police again, and the black ones could also be called white ones.

At that time, Jiang Shen can turn around and sue her subordinates under the unspoken rules. The police can completely ask why you didn't call the police at that time, and you have to wait three days later.

Hearing Xiang Lan's answer, Jiang Shen knew there was something going on.

This woman is really crazy about wanting to be an official.

If she is determined to call the police, she will definitely pretend to agree, and then call the police when Jiang Shen leaves. Now she suspects that Jiang Shen is dragging his time because he really wants to be promoted to district chief.

"How about tomorrow morning?" Jiang Shen thought for a while: "Today is too late, the leaders are all asleep, let me sleep here for the night, and I will call in your presence tomorrow morning."

"You're going to call the police tomorrow, so you'll come in time, right?"

Want to sleep here all night?When Xiang Lan heard this, her body became hot again.

But at this moment, she saw Jiang Shen's confidence.

A 19-year-old sub-subject, a sub-subject who has been promoted many times.

Xiang Lan knew that Jiang Shen was capable, and during his trip to Japan, the officials on the opposite side who were equivalent to the level of the Huaguo Bureau Committee respected Jiang Shen very much.

It's just that she has always disliked Jiang Shen's refusal to ask him for help.

But today, Jiang Shen offered to help her.

Yu Shijun's father may not be able to influence the choice of district chief here, since he must not belong to the same province.

Do you want to trust him?

Should I bet on Yu Shijun or trust him?

Intuitively, she actually trusted Jiang Shen more.

However, what is the difference between Jiang Shen talking to her in this way and the unspoken rules of being led.

After all, she must be the deputy head of the district, so she has experienced wind and rain.

In less than five seconds, I had a calculation in my mind.

"Okay, just treat it as an exchange, Jiang Shen, don't mess around anymore, I'll wait for your news."

What Xiang Lan means is that I will accompany you once today in exchange for my promotion, but in the future, we will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road, so don't mess around again.

When she finished speaking, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the sheets.

There are also things left by Jiang Shen on it, this is evidence, if you want to keep it well tomorrow, the old lady will be treated as an unspoken rule.

"Hehe, okay, then I'll take a shower first, and we'll sleep together later."

"Get out" Xiang Lan was furious, but Jiang Shen ignored her, turned around and laughed and walked to the bathroom.

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