Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 449 How to Conquer

There is a bathroom in Xiang Lan's room.

The sound of the shower in the bathroom spread into the room, and Xiang Lan sat on the bed blankly.

She was still naked, but wrapped in a sheet.

Do you want to call the police?

The mobile phone is not far away, and now he is taking a shower, and there is a phone by the bedside.

Believe him, or call the police?

She is struggling.

But after all still dare not.

Now call the police and let Jiang Shen see that even if the police is successful, Jiang Shen can kill her after the police come.

She has always felt that Jiang Shen is a lawless person who dares to do anything.

The reason why she hates Jiang Shen is because she is afraid of Jiang Shen.

Ever since she heard Jiang Shen slap Lu Yong, she didn't like such a subordinate.

A leader who is afraid of his subordinates will of course not like it, that's why she put on a haughty demeanor everywhere to prove that she is not afraid of Jiang Shen.

In fact, this was exactly what she was afraid of.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Shen came out of the shower, still naked all over his body.

The bath water was not wiped clean, but his strong body, especially the huge one underneath, attracted Xiang Lan's attention.

Xiang Lan tried hard to look away, showing an angry face: "You don't know how to put on clothes."

"It's all broken." Jiang Shen shrugged.

It was only then that Xiang Lan remembered that Jiang Shen's clothes were all broken in an instant.

This guy knows martial arts and is a very scary person.The more Xiang Lan thought about it, the more frightened she became.

"Turn around, I'm going to take a bath too." Xiang Lan pointed to the other side.

"I've seen it all, what's there to hide, hehe." Jiang Shen giggled, but turned around.

Xiang Lan was still ashamed and angry, and after Jiang Shen turned his head away, he quickly jumped out of bed, picked up his nightgown to cover his chest, and ran all the way into the bathroom.

When taking a bath, she washed desperately, desperately, as if she wanted to wash off the shame on her body.

After just ten minutes of washing, just as she was about to wipe off the shower gel again, there was a sudden sound behind her.

Before Xiang Lan had time to turn around, she felt the water above stop, and was pushed down by someone, bending over and lying in front of her.

A fiery body was pressed against her ass so tightly that she felt so huge.

"Bastard, your words don't count." Xiang Lan was ashamed and angry, trying to twist her body to escape, but found that her thoughts were out of control, and her heart seemed to be very longing.

In Jiang Sisi's words, no woman can forget the taste of Jiang Shen.

"I didn't say it. You said it yourself. If you are in the right place, it's enough for you to accompany me once?" Jiang Shen said, pushing hard.

"Excuse me" Xiang Lan lost again.

This time the two went from the bathroom to the toilet, and then Jiang Shen carried her into the room again.

On the floor, on the sofa, next to the cabinet, and finally on the bed.

The two are lovers who have not met for a long time.

Xiang Lan also went crazy.

Maybe after today, there will be no chance to be with Jiang Shen again.

Xiang Lan also catered to Jiang Shen, and she would follow whatever posture Jiang Shen wanted.

The two were crazy about each other.

Almost two hours passed.

After lying down for 5 minutes, Xiang Lan, who was as soft as mud, slowly got up: "Water, is there any water?"

Jiang Shen conjured another bottle of mineral water like magic.

Xiang Lan didn't care about the mineral water he took out, drank it in one gulp, and then lay down on Jiang Shen's chest, panting heavily.

"It's nice to be young."

Xiang Lan lamented Jiang Shen's youth.

"If you like it, I will tell you what to do in the future." Jiang Shen said with a smile.

"Dream. One is right, you want me to accompany you for the rest of your life?" The so-called first time life, second time acquaintance.

After the second shot was fired, Xiang Lan dared to say anything.

"Then the deputy hall, the main hall." Jiang Shen said boldly: "I'm not bragging, even if you become a bureau committee in the future, it's not impossible."

"Che..." Xiang Lan was a little dissatisfied this time.

Bureau Committee?There are only twenty or so in the whole country, who do you think you are.

Being despised by Xiang Lanyi, Jiang Shen became angry.

"You doubt me?"

"I don't doubt your ability in bed, but for the rest, please settle the relationship." When it comes to promotion, Xiang Lan is just like a normal person, without the pain of being raped just now.

"That is, you have to dare to doubt my ability on the bed, hehe."

"It's only after eleven o'clock. Before dawn, you still have time to prove your ability." Xiang Lan was really coquettish after being developed by Jiang Shen today.

After saying this, the dejected little Jiang Shen got up immediately.

Jiang Shen secretly sighed, woman, there is a saying that is good, eating like a mouse, and sleeping like a lunatic.

The deputy mayor is no exception.

"Well, I'll prove it to you." Jiang Shen turned over again and rode on Xiang Lan's body.

This night, the two were crazy with all their might.

Jiang Shen also finally discovered the fatal truth of the saying, "There are only exhausted cows, but no plowed fields".

He often stayed with Jiang Sisi and the others, but he wasn't as tired as today.

This Xiang Lan didn't know if he hadn't touched a man for more than ten years, and all the needs of the ten years were made up today.

He really doubted whether Xiang Lan had deliberately kept mentioning rape and rape in front of him, so as to make him become a beast.

This time, the two of them will take a break when they do it, and they will take a break when they do it.

Toss all the way until dawn.

At six o'clock, it was daylight.

The two of them finally rested completely.

Xiang Lan tidied up the things in the room while getting dressed.

"I'll wait for your call. If you can't do it? I'll send these things to the police station."

It's not that she is bold, Jiang Shen can't solve her problem, and probably won't let him go.

"Wait a little longer, 06:30." Jiang Shen knew that leaders usually get up early, but it shouldn't be too early.

He sat there, trying to figure out who to call.

To say that the best and most effective one is for Jin Zhonglin.

But the deputy director mentioned that Jin Zhonglin was troubled by such a trivial matter, and the head of the organization of the provincial party committee was too worthless.

Jiang Fengmin was actually a good choice. Fang Bingsong belonged to the Jiang family, so it would be good for Xiang Lan to join him, but Jiang Shen would definitely not look for Jiang Fengmin, and both the Jiang family and him were enemies.

Joe Hill?The deputy mayor, the deputy mayor of Xinzha is not a member of the Standing Committee, and his ability is limited.

Jiang Shen boasted in the front, but suddenly found that he was a little powerless to actually do things.

There is no underworld in the system, and it's not that he can do whatever he wants, and he still has to follow the rules.

He closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and finally thought of someone.

Who is the biggest in Dongning Province?

Boss Xu?

Who does Boss Xu hurt the most?

Xu Shengjie?

Who is Xu Shengjie's boss, am I Jiang Shen?

Jiang Shen picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Seeing him calling and lying down with his clothes on, Xiang Lan sat beside him and watched him dial a number.

"Xu Shengjie? Who is this?" Xiang Lan asked eagerly.

"Boss Xu's son." Jiang Shen was showing off a little.

"Boss Xu?" From the underworld?Xiang Lan was stunned for a moment, then shocked.

Xu Zhen?Xu Zhen, the head of the Provincial Party Committee, is so awesome?He knew Xu Zhen's son.

Half-believing Xiang Lan looked at Jiang Shen on the phone, feeling more nervous than Jiang Shen.

With Xu Zhen, Yu Shijun's father was also compared.

"Hey, Brother Shen, Jiang Ju---" Jiang Shen just fed him, and the other side called out affectionately.

"Mr. Xu got up so early. It's really hard work. Did you bother you?"

"Brother Shen said this, do you have any instructions, I'm having breakfast outside, let's come together."

"Is it convenient to talk?" Jiang Shen asked again, and in order to let Xiang Lan listen, he pressed the speakerphone so that Xiang Lan could hear clearly.

"It's convenient, it's convenient, there's no one in the small box, Brother Shen said." When Xu Shengjie saw Jiang Shen, he felt like he saw a ghost, and he had to obey if he refused.

"My woman, the deputy director wants to raise the issue, so you can help me find a way." Jiang Shen was domineering, and said it directly, and it didn't mean that you could help me find out or something, or you could help me find a way to force me Xu Shengjie thought of a way.

Sure enough, Xu Shengjie was stunned for a moment, he probably didn't expect Jiang Shen to be so direct.

Here Xiang Lan gritted her teeth, who is your woman, exchange, we are exchange, but for some reason, after so many years, a man suddenly said such words in front of her, a strange feeling surged in Xiang Lan's heart Feel.

"What unit?" Xu Shengjie replied quickly: "If it's from the provincial bureau, it's easy, but if it's from the top of the district or city, it's a bit difficult."

As soon as Xu Shengjie said this, Xiang Lan knew that the other party was really capable, and what he said was an expert.

This is what the secretary of the provincial party committee said.

Because at the level of the provincial party secretary, he doesn't have much contact with the people below, but has more contact with the bureau.

"It's because it's difficult to do it that I ask you to do it. Only these few people are capable in Dongning Province." Jiang Shen flattered him without any trace.

Even though he is a younger brother, he still has to give others face.

When Xu Shengjie heard this, he was also a little proud, that is, you are good at fighting, but you still have to rely on me for this.

"District or city? Where is it?" Xu Shengjie asked.

"As far as our east district is concerned, the district chief has left. My woman is the deputy district chief, but not a member of the standing committee, but the deputy district chief has---" He turned his head and looked at Xiang Lan.

Xiang Lan stretched out two fingers. At this moment, she didn't care about Jiang Shen's repeated mention of his woman.

"The deputy mayor has served for two years."

"The deputy district chief for two years, isn't he a member of the Standing Committee?" Xu Shengjie frowned, this is a bit bad.

In terms of qualifications, it is barely qualified, reaching the red line of one mention every two years, but the two-year one mention is in the central ministries and commissions, and there are really very few grassroots.

Not yet a member of the Standing Committee, this kind of promotion is very easy to make people crooked, and the people below are also prone to dissatisfaction.

This matter is really difficult to handle, he is only Boss Xu's son, not Boss Xu himself.

However, Brother Shen confessed that he had to do it if it was difficult.

"Give me 10 minutes, I'll go back to the office, and then I'll make some inquiries first." Xu Shengjie hung up the phone very neatly.

He's having breakfast outside, so it's not the place to talk about it.

"Wait a little longer, don't you need to cook breakfast for Xiaoxi today?" Jiang Shen looked outside.

It's almost seven o'clock, and the children have to wake up for school.

"She slept in late on Saturday today." Xiang Lan and Jiang Shen went crazy all night, and they didn't have the previous resistance, and their attitudes and tone were much more easy-going.

But Jiang Shen knew that if he couldn't figure out the right place, the woman would turn her back if she said so.

Unless you can completely conquer her in bed.

Not once, twice, not twice, three times, as long as Jiang Shen is given a chance, he will definitely conquer her in bed.

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