These 10 minutes were very long for Jiang Shen and Xiang Lan.

For the first time, Jiang Shen felt that he was not omnipotent.

After all, it's not really a fairy.

If it's a real god, with a single thought, the leaders of the city unanimously approve Xiang Lan as district mayor.

Xiang Lan is also struggling, this little hooligan has such a good relationship with Xu's eldest son, if I can't handle the district chief, can I still call the police?

Is it useful to call the police?

The two had their own thoughts, and after waiting for more than ten minutes, Xu Shengjie called.

"It's a bit difficult to say to others, Brother Shen, you can do it." Xu Shengjie said something inexplicable as soon as he came up.

It turned out that the city had already booked candidates.

Don't underestimate the district chief and secretary below. The position is not small, and the power is not small. All the leaders of various factions are eyeing this kind of position.

The high-level officials in Dongning Province are divided into three factions, the gold faction, the yellow faction, and the land faction.

These three families are all big families in the capital.

Among them, the gold and yellow factions are stronger, and they are also sworn enemies. Xu Zhen, the boss of the province, and Jin Zhonglin, the head of the organization, are both members of the gold faction, and temporarily hold the official hat.

But the yellow faction is not bad either. The governor, the new deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, and Jiang Fengmin, the mayor of Dongning, are holding back the power of the gold faction.

The secretary of the Dongning Municipal Party Committee is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, named Ye Botang.

Ye Botang is from the Lu faction, and he has a good relationship with both parties. Of course, he will not be too close. In short, the three forces are in a relatively balanced situation. This is also the strategy of the central government, and it is impossible for one family to dominate.

The former district chief was from the Jiang family, which was equivalent to the Huang family.

Now that the district chief has stepped down, the Lu family can't wait to grab this position.

In the morning, Fangbingsong was dismissed, and in the afternoon, the Lu Department confirmed the candidate.

A deputy director of the Municipal Party School.

As for the Huang family who had lost their position, of course they were not to be outdone, and were planning to transfer the deputy secretary of another district to be the district chief.

The Jin department also wanted this position, and reported to Wang Weixin, the secretary of the deputy mayor of the city.

Zhou Chenglu, the executive deputy mayor of Dongning City, belongs to Boss Xu, which means that the gold department wants to grab this position.

Each of the three parties showed their special abilities, and they wanted to compete in the Municipal Standing Committee.

Jiang Shen was dumbfounded when he heard that.

Damn, I thought that the provincial high-level would not pay attention to this small position, but I didn't expect that all parties were wrestling.

Nonsense, don't take the position as a cadre, Xu Shengjie secretly despises Jiang Shen.

The top leaders of the districts and cities are much more valuable than the bureaus and bureaus of the provincial and direct agencies. This is the only truth to test the degree of control of a force over the place.

For example, no matter how good the secretary of the provincial party committee is, if all the top leaders in the districts and cities below belong to the governor, then what is the use of the order of the provincial party committee secretary coming out of the provincial party committee?

Therefore, the grassroots is also very important, especially at the provincial level, where there are frequent transfers, and the deputies at the grassroots often work until they retire. All parties control the grassroots well, and they have a lot of power to speak, which makes it much easier to do things.

To use another analogy, if all the leaders in Dongning City were Xu Zhen's people, as long as he gave an order, the city could immediately arrange a candidate for the district chief according to his wishes.

But now the people in the city are also divided into factions, and Xu Zhen, the boss of the party and provincial committee, can't decide on a district mayor, so he can only choose the candidate for the district mayor.

Today is Saturday, next Monday the city will hold a party committee meeting, and these three people will decide the candidates.

There are eleven members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

According to Xu Shengjie's information, the secretary of the municipal party committee, the director of the organization of the municipal party committee, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, and the director of the United Front Work are in the same line, and the boss, Ye Botang, relies on Lu's family.

The mayor, the deputy mayor of a standing committee, the propaganda minister, and the secretary of the political and legal committee belong to the same department, and the boss, Jiang Fengmin, relies on the Huang family.

The deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, the executive deputy mayor, the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and the secretary of the Xingye District Party Committee belong to the same department, and the boss relies on Xu Zhen, that is, the Jin department.

The three companies are evenly matched in the party committee, but considering that the Lu faction has the secretary of the municipal party committee and the head of the organization, they are obviously more than a star and a half taller, and the Huang faction was handed over once before, and Fang Gangsong came to be the district chief. It is more likely that the yellow system will help the land system.

Another member of the Standing Committee is the political commissar of the military sub-region, who has always followed the trend without asking.

People in their army do not engage in local political affairs, nor do they vote for any faction.

Looking at it this way, Ye Botang, the secretary of the municipal party committee, has the greatest chance of promoting someone.

"My dad took advantage of this attack on the provincial government to dismiss the district chief of the Huang faction, and the Huang faction was also very angry. On the surface, he pushed out a person, and he might secretly help the Lu faction win over the district chief."

"If you don't vote in the end, it must be from the land family. If you win the vote, it may be from the land family, because the yellow and gold families are sworn enemies. If the gold family supports it, the yellow family will oppose it. Jiang Fengmin and the others may help Ye Botang."

"Nah." Jiang Shen said angrily, "Then you tell me, I can handle it?"

Members of the Standing Committee vote, can I handle it?I can control the will of so many people, but what should I do afterwards?

It is impossible to control their thoughts all the time. Afterwards, when they think that so many people voted wrongly, there must be something wrong.

Moreover, the three of them have nothing to do with my woman.

"It does matter, my dad said, replace Wang Weixin with your woman."

I'm sorry, did Boss Xu call the name?Jiang Shen was taken aback.

Xiang Lan, who was listening all the time, felt her heart beating wildly.

Boss Xu asks for my name?He knows my name?Replace Wang Weixin with me?

Wang Weixin is the secretary of the deputy mayor of the city, so he gave up his position to me?

Xiang Lan was extremely excited at this moment.

Jiang Shen was shocked at first, then understood.

Jin Zhonglin and Xu Zhen belonged to the same department, maybe Xu Zhen had heard Jin Zhonglin mention me, so when Xu Shengjie mentioned his name, Xu Zhen changed the candidate.

However, this is really unexpected.

Among other things, Jiang Shen admired Xu Zhen for the fact that the name of a deputy department could reach the ears of the boss of the provincial party committee, and he even changed people specifically for the deputy department.

"Brother Shen, you have a great reputation. When I mentioned your name, my dad also raised his finger."

"Japan's affairs, attracting investment, foreign banks in Shanghai, and the provincial government empty-handed. My dad is full of praise for you and tells me to learn more from you."

Hearing this, Jiang Shen chuckled and felt a little complacent.

However, he doesn't dare to be proud. If you think Xu Zhen is telling the truth, it would be too funny.

Xu Zhen said this because of the face of the Jin family. Without Jin Zhonglin, if Jiang Shen did ten times as much, the boss of a province might not be able to say such words of praise.

The city government of the leaders must not be underestimated.

Xu Zhen asked his son to relay such words, not necessarily really admiring Jiang Shen, but also expressing that he knew Jiang Shen was a member of the Jin family and his own, expressing a goodwill.

As for the reason for the substitution, Jiang Shen understood after listening to Xu Shengjie.

The Jin faction wants to push Wang Weixin, and the Lu faction also has its own people. It is useless for the secretary of the municipal party committee to say it, and everyone has to vote.

If you vote, if the yellow family helps, the land family will definitely win, and the gold family will lose face.

Therefore, the gold department changed people, and they were not going to vote.

"At that time, the executive deputy mayor will mention to----"

"Xiang Lan"

"Yes, I will mention Brother Shen and your wife Xiang Lan's name."

"The other party must be very surprised, and then the land department will mention their names."

"According to the usual practice, after the proposal is finished, the head of the organization will ask if you have any other comments."

"Looking at the current situation, no matter if people from the Huang family see Xiang Lan or Wang Weixin, they may directly support the Lu family without mentioning their candidates."

"The candidate will be decided between Xiang Lan and the two from the Lu family."

"According to the usual practice, the two sides will first explain to each other the advantages of their candidates, fight for it, and then start voting if they can't reach an agreement."

"As long as it is confirmed that these two candidates are selected, Brother Gentleman, you have to play your part and enter the voting process. If one person can't do it, the other person will definitely be able to."

After Xu Shengjie finished speaking in one breath, Jiang Shen couldn't turn his head around.

What do you mean?

What do I play?

He finally understood half of it.

The Jin family determined the candidate between Xiang Lan and Lu family.

Then Jiang Shen took care of the rest.

It's not my business?How can I do it?

"Brother Gentleman, can you even handle the Japanese? Can't a small deputy director of the party school handle it?" Xu Shengjie said in a nonsensical manner.

Damn, it's not scientific.

To elect a district chief, we must go to this point.

When Jiang Shen heard this, he finally understood what Xu Shengjie meant.

Co-authored you to let me handle the deputy director of the party school?

Nima, is this the mayor of the constituency or the seat?

How do I feel that I am in the rush of Xiangmen.

This is really a surprise.

Jiang Shen never thought that a district chief would alarm so many big shots and then have such an ending.

Totally unscientific.

When the phone was hung up, Jiang Shen was still recollecting the whole conversation, his mind buzzing.

Xiang Lan also understood that the final key still depends on Jiang Shen.

Earlier, Boss Xu had chosen her as Xiang Lan, but the result still surprised her.

Because she also understood the meaning of the last few words.

Get someone else?What does it mean?How to do it?

"Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen, can you do it?" Xiang Lan's face was sour, he probably didn't expect Boss Xu to go through so much trouble trying to appoint a district chief.

However, from the conversation between the two just now, she has heard something.

In the past, there were three pillars here, and there had never been any major disputes.

Since Jin Zhonglin came, the Jin family has the potential to rise up. In order to suppress the Jin family, the Huang family began to exert their strength.

It seems to change the district chief, but it is actually a secret competition between the two sides.

It can be said that if the Jin family didn't want the district chief, the Huang family would not fight against them. Ye Botang, the secretary of the Lu family, didn't need to vote and no one would pay attention to anything he said.

A community leader really doesn't deserve too much attention from the thirteen standing committee members in the city.

There are eight districts and dozens of bureaus in the city, and the Standing Committee does not have a group of subordinates.

You boss Ye wants a district chief, just take it.

But once the Jin family paid attention, the Huang family was not reconciled, and the Lu family also had a headache.

I'm unlucky, it's not the right time to take the lead.Xiang Lan understood.

Maybe wait another year or two, without waiting for the Jin Department to come forward, as long as there is a way to find Ye Botang, he can become the district chief with a word.

However, it's not bad to seek refuge in the gold department. How can boss Xu have more say in the province, and it's better to be under the cover of the provincial party secretary than the municipal party secretary.

Xiang Lan also had a hard time choosing, suffering and being happy.

"It's difficult." Jiang Shen also smiled wryly, but when he saw Xiang Lan's discolored face, he nodded immediately: "But don't worry, I will take care of it even if it is difficult."

For you, buddy, I have no choice but to bully mortals again.

"Don't worry, if the district chief wasn't yours, I'd crawl out of the district government." Jiang Shen also got angry.

It's so difficult for a dignified fairy to get a girl, this district chief, I'm sure.

Here Jiang Shen was swearing and swearing, while Xu Shengjie had a strange expression on his face after hanging up the phone.

There was another person sitting in front of him.

This person is in his 40s, and his hair is much grayer.

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