"How about it, what did Jiang Plague God say?"

Xu Shengjie nodded: "He said it can be done."

"If he can handle it, Secretary Xu will be able to use him in the future." The man smiled: "Everyone says he is a plague god, but I want to see what he can do."

Xu Shengjie looked a little upset: "Actually, let my dad do the work. It's just a district chief. Give Ye Botang a deputy office. He will definitely be willing to change."

"It's not about this question, I just want to see how this Jiang Shen has the ability to get the attention of so many leaders."

"Hey." Xu Shengjie shook his head: "His way of doing things-----a bit--informal---I'm afraid he will mess up." In fact, he really wanted to say that this Jiang Shen is very cruel and murderous Dare to do anything.

"Xu Shao, the combination of Qi and Zheng should also be used in war, and the same is true in politics. You don't understand now. Maybe your father will use Jiang Shen in the future. Now is the time to test his strength."

"You recommended a sub-subject to your father. Why? As Secretary Xu, do you need to know such a small person?"

My dad needs Jiang Shen?Come on kidding, how big is that?Xu Shengjie smiled wryly, and didn't speak any more.

Who is this guy, Xu Zhen's driver, he is called Ma Chu.

Don't underestimate the drivers of provincial leaders. When many people retire, they are really at the top level.

In the morning, he sent Xu Shengjie back to work, and Xu Shengjie treated him as his own, so he also knew about Jiang Shen's desire to mention Xiang Lan.

To say whether this matter is difficult, the key depends on whether Xu Zhen is willing to exert his strength.

Xu Shengjie originally wanted to find his father and ask him to come forward.

There is an unwritten rule in the officialdom that people can trade officials for officials.

As long as Xu Zhen stepped forward and gave Ye Botang a position as a deputy director, Ye Botang would definitely give Xu Zhen a district chief.

At that time, there will be no need to vote at all. The Jin and Lu families of the Standing Committee will unify their voices. It is useless for people from the Huang family to object.

When this horse hears it, you do things too simply.

Why?Xu Shengjie doesn't understand?Although he is not a young official, he is still a bit young.

"Let me teach you, you must not do things too easily when you help others. If it is too easy, others may not thank you much. On the contrary, you will feel that you are a little effort."

You said that Jiang Shen made a phone call, you went to your father, and then exchanged a deputy office for a principal office.

After a few minutes, this matter was settled, and Jiang Shen was satisfied, but did he know how difficult this matter was?This matter needs your father to communicate with Ye Botang in person.

He is a sub-subject, is it worthy of the provincial government to open this mouth for him?

He uses you so easily, you help him get it done in a few minutes, and you will be used by him like your grandson in the future.

Then what should I do?

Make things a bit more complicated, the more complicated the better, the harder it sounds the better, only when he succeeds will he know how much you have done for him, and he will remember how good you are.

So some of what Xu Shengjie and Jiang Shen said later were true and some were false.

For example, Xu Zhen didn't know Jiang Shen's many deeds at all, but he had only heard the name before, so he probably couldn't remember it now.

Then Xu Zhen boasted about Jiang Shen in front of Xu Shengjie.

The candidate for the mayor of this district was also proposed by Duan Weihua, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and Xu Zhen's subordinate.

Xu Zhen really didn't pay attention to such a small position.

This was a game between the various factions in the city. Xu Shengjie raised him to the provincial level because he deliberately said something big.

Now that there is a horse in charge and Xu Shengjie speaks, Duan Weihua, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, will give them face and replace the candidate with Xiang Lan.

Anyway, they already knew that they couldn't handle the land system this time, so they were just putting on a show.

And this matter did not alarm Xu Zhen.

If the official was changed, Xu Zhen would have to go and talk to Ye Botang in person.

Xu Shengjie felt reasonable when he heard it.

If my dad comes forward and takes a deputy office to change to a principal, Jiang Shen will definitely feel that this matter is too simple, and if he wants to mention someone in the future, he may talk to Xu Shengjie again and find your father again. A main hall to help me change to a deputy hall.

Is it better to refuse at that time, or not to refuse?

Now that he and Jiang Shen have talked about it, it has risen to the provincial level. You see, my father can't decide a district chief even if he is a provincial.You know how hard it is for me to do it.

But there is also a problem with doing this.

Duan Weihua changed the spot to Xiang Lan, and didn't plan that Xiang Lan would definitely attend, but Jiang Shen wanted Xiang Lan to attend.

What should I do?

Ma Chu is an old Jianghu, it's easy to handle. Didn't you say that Jiang Shen is awesome, let him take care of Director Wu of the party school.

This Director Wu still has a feud with Ma Chu.

He used to be a classmate, but later he entered the system, and Xiao Ma was still fooling around outside. At that time, Director Wu looked down on him very much.

The horse is ashamed.

Fortunately, he caught up with Xu Zhen later, and finally had his present life.

This time is a good opportunity, if you say Jiang Shen is great, let Jiang Shen mess with him.

Ma Chu came up with such an idea to Xu Shengjie because he had this in mind.

Xu Shengjie has heard of it, this is not good, my dad doesn't like what I do.

It wasn't you who did it, it was Jiang Shen who did it.

There is no such thing as a wasted lunch in the world. If you nominate a woman for him, he has to do something himself.

How much money does it cost others to run right, how much effort does it take, if you don't want him for a minute, if you don't take any benefit from him, he will always do something.

When Xu Shengjie heard it, it made sense.

So it was agreed upon.

When reporting to Jiang Shen, it was Xu Zhen who replaced Xiang Lan. Director Wu, you have to figure it out yourself. As for how to do it, it's up to you.

Of course, they almost thought of what Jiang Shen would do.

In officialdom, don't do too much of this kind of thing.

For example, if there is a trend, the next time the party committee wants to nominate someone to compete with whom for what position, there may be negative news about a certain person immediately.

In order to fight against opponents, some have mistresses, crash cars, eat and drink, and all kinds of news will be released.

Everyone often sees a certain official go to ktv to spend money on the Internet, and a certain official is photographed drinking Moutai in a hotel.

It's a pity that Ma Chu's calculations didn't count that Jiang Shen didn't use these methods.

It was Saturday, and the next day was Sunday.

For two consecutive days, there was no news about Director Wu in the Internet and society.

Ma Chu and Xu Shengjie were anxiously waiting at home, what is this Jiang Shen doing?still nothing?Tomorrow will be the party committee.

At that time, a piece of news suddenly spread in the eastern district of the city, saying that the mayor Xiang was young, beautiful and single, and was promoted after being unspoken by a certain leader in his early years.

He also said that the last time Xiang Lan went to Japan, he had a secret meeting with his lover in a hotel, and was photographed, and the photos were seen all over Japan.

Jiang Shen didn't move at this side, and someone started to issue bids to Xiang Lan on the other side.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

Duan Weiguo changed his candidate, and the other party preemptively struck.

On Sunday afternoon, it was rare for Xiang Lan to go out. The car hit an old lady, who immediately yelled and made a fuss, almost making things worse.

Fortunately, Xiang Lan knew that she had to keep a low profile recently and had a good attitude.

Jiang Shen knew about this, and immediately remembered the time when he knew Qiao Feixue.

Before Qiao Xiaoshan was about to mention the secretary, Qiao Feixue's car also hit someone, and it was obviously designed by someone.

How similar.

I said you attack your opponent, is this the way you use it?

Monday morning.

Dongning Municipal Government.

The party committee was convened on time.

Ye Botang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Jiang Fengmin, Mayor, Duan Weiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhou Chenglu, Executive Deputy Mayor, and other members of the Standing Committee sat in a circle.

The thirteen members of the Standing Committee are divided into three factions, which is rare in ordinary cities.

The main reason is that this is the capital city of the province, and there are exactly three factions in the province, and everyone wants to control Dongning City.

Jiang Fengmin's face was calm, he looked around, thinking in his heart, the Lu faction has the least say in the province, but the secretary of the municipal party committee happened to belong to the Lu faction.

I heard that the central government will soon adjust a wave of high-level officials. I don't know who will be unlucky and who will be lucky.

Jiang Fengmin was still thinking about other things when someone spoke.

"Ahem, let me talk about it first." Following Ye Botang's opening, the party committee officially started.

The most important topic of the party committee today is actually personnel affairs, and everyone knows Du Ming.

The three members of the party committee even knew who would get it.

Director Wu.

The appointed Director Wu.

Deputy Secretary Duan Weiguo launched a dark horse, Xiang Lan, but everyone knows that this dark horse cannot perform miracles, and even the people in the Duan Department don't believe it.

"The government work in Chengdong District has done a good job this year, especially the work of attracting investment, which is worthy of commendation in the whole country. At this critical time, the government cannot be without leadership. Comrade Fang Bingsong has resigned from the National People's Congress yesterday. We must hurry up Time to select a new comrade, and take over Comrade Fang Gangsong's class."

Ye Botang's words were a bit different from that of the Provincial Party Committee Boss Xu.

Mr. Xu called Fangbingsong Fang, and he praised Fangbingsong by name here.

In fact, he was showing his favor to Jiang Xi. If Duan Xi disagreed with his proposal later, he had to vote, and then Jiang Xi would cooperate with him.

"Is there any suitable candidate, Minister Wang, what suggestions does your organization department have?" Jiang Fengmin followed Ye Botang.

Originally, it was not his turn to say this, but Ye Botang said that he was showing his favor to Ye Botang, and told Ye Botang that people from my Jiang family will support you in a while.

It's rare for the two to be so united. They looked at each other and saw the kindness in each other's eyes.

"After a democratic inspection by the Organization Department, two comrades were selected. One is Wu Yongcheng, the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Municipal Party School, and the other is Comrade Xiang Lan, the deputy district chief of Chengdong District."

"I personally think that Comrade Xiang Lan is very good." Duan Weiguo said symbolically: "Secretary Ye said it well earlier. The biggest highlight of the Chengdong District Government this year is investment promotion. Comrade Xiang Lan is in charge of investment promotion. He used to be the director of investment promotion. She has at least half of the credit for the performance of the Chengdong district government."

"Xiang Lan is too young. The deputy office is only two years old, and he is not yet a member of the standing committee of the district committee. His qualifications are too low." Tian Lima, Ye Botang's secretary general, said.

Duan Weiguo didn't speak, and neither did the people in the Duan family.

They don't speak, and Jiang's naturally can't speak either.

Ye Botang glanced at Duan Weiguo indiscriminately, are you planning to vote?Count your wit.

Now that he saw that Duan Weiguo was speaking symbolically, he felt relieved.

"Comrade Wu Yongcheng worked as a deputy district chief for three years before entering the party school. Regardless of his qualifications and experience, he is competent enough. I personally agree with Comrade Wu Yongcheng."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the people in the Duan family.

According to the tradition, after the secretary has said it, if someone from the other party jumps out to argue with reason, everyone will vote after a few rounds of fighting.

If no one speaks, it means that they agree, and the head of the organization can make a decision.

There was a full minute of silence in the office.

Seeing that no one had finished speaking, Ye Botang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it would be best not to vote, and then looked at the head of the organization, Wang Kuan.

"Cough cough" Wang Kuan coughed a few times, ready to end this topic. Originally, he wanted to say, "If everyone has no other opinions, then Comrade Wu Yongcheng will be decided." '

Before he could speak, Ma Yingnan, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, suddenly said, "I want to make sure, is Xiang Lan and Wu Yongcheng the only ones?" After speaking, he looked up at Jiang Fengmin's people.

What do you mean?Everyone didn't understand, Wang Kuan, the head of the organization, looked at Ye Botang, nodded and said, "Yes, the organization department inspected the two of them."

"Then vote." Duan Weiguo's words stunned everyone.

Are you going to humiliate yourself?Jiang Fengmin and Ye Botang laughed at the same time.

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