Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 452 Ye Botang's Helplessness

Ye Botang said with a serious face: "Then, let's vote according to the procedures and agree with Comrade Wu Yongcheng's proposal to be the acting district chief of Chengdong District—"

Raise your hand after speaking.

As soon as Secretary Ye raised his hand, Secretary Tian Li's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

They opened the Standing Committee, and the mobile phone was either turned off or put on vibrate.

The secretary-general is the housekeeper, so he might be a little busy and focus on the shock.

With this shock, he couldn't help but look down. The short message sent by the other party probably knew that the Standing Committee was here.

"Wu Yongcheng drove his car into a big tree on the side of the road, was sent to the hospital, and is currently in a coma."

Damn, the Secretary-General almost jumped up.

Looking up, people from the Ye family and the Jiang family raised their hands one after another. Apart from Tian Li, seven people had already raised their hands.

No, if Wu Yongcheng is fixed, it will be a joke if it spreads out tomorrow.

The new district chief fell into a coma in the hospital, didn't this slap Ye Botang in the face?

He hurriedly ran to Ye Botang.

Everyone looked at him strangely.

What's wrong with Tian Li?It doesn't have the stability of the main hall at all.

Ye Botang was still raising his hand, but he knew his housekeeper too well. When he saw Tian Li running over with a changed face, he knew something had happened. He quickly put his hand down, and then glanced at the head of the organization.

Organization Minister Wang Kuan was supposed to announce the results of the vote.

Seeing this scene, I immediately understood and didn't dare to speak out.

"Boss." Tian Li bent down and said nothing, quietly put the phone under the table, in front of Ye Botang.

"Wu Yongcheng drove his car into a big tree on the side of the road and was sent to the hospital. He is currently in a coma." The text message was printed in front of Ye Botang.

Fuck me, Ye Botang almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He tried his best to gather his mind, and after three seconds, he looked up at the scene.

Many people are already looking down at their phones.

That's right, at this time, text messages came in one after another, and many leaders were notified.

"Wu Yongcheng drove his car into a big tree on the side of the road, was sent to the hospital, and is currently in a coma."

Duan Weiguo almost jumped up when he saw the text message.

Ni, that Wu Yongcheng was sent to the hospital?

He received many requests to replace the candidate with Xiang Gang, and then confirmed that only two people would participate, and others would take care of the rest.

In the past, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing, and Boss Xu's son couldn't just assign him a main hall, right? He would definitely ask Boss Xu for instructions.

But this time, they knew that Ye Botang was going to win, and people from the Jiang family would help, so they gave their names just to make a difference, just to pass the scene.

That being the case, it's better to be a favor and change to Xiang Lan.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Wu Yongcheng entered the hospital.

Xiang Lan is so fierce?Get Wu Yongcheng into the hospital?Impossible, how dare a woman be so violent, didn't the short message say that he bumped into it herself?

It's just that the short breath is too simple, and we need to carefully understand the car accident later.

However, according to the organizational procedures, two candidates were confirmed today, and if one is unconscious, it must be the other.

Ni, opportunity, this is a good opportunity.

Duan Weiguo knew that this was an opportunity not to be missed, and a district chief who was originally a member of the Ye family finally had an accident.

"Personally, I still agree with Comrade Xiang Lan. As I said before, the investment promotion work in the east of the city has been developed in her hands, and she is five years younger than Wu Yongcheng. Now the central government and the local government are talking about younger cadres. This is the trend. We can't say that she doesn't have enough qualifications because she is young, Minister Wang, I remember that when you were in office, you were also promoted to the deputy office once every two years."

"I support Secretary Duan." Executive Deputy Mayor Zhou Chenglu also spoke.

"Now there is an unwritten requirement in the province that there must be a number of female comrades in deputy positions at the county and district levels, and the number of female comrades must be ensured as much as possible in the chief positions. We currently do not have a female principal position in the eighth district of Dongning. This is completely inconsistent with the provincial government. Comrade Xiang Lan, I'm going to put an extra burden on her."

As soon as Zhou Chenglu finished speaking, the Secretary of the Xingye District Committee sitting in the corner also spoke.

Xingye District is the largest and most economical district among the eight districts of Dongning, so the secretary of the district party committee is also a member of the standing committee of the municipal party committee: "Because we are all district-level county units, Comrade Xiang Lan and I may have more contact with you than the leaders, and we are very serious in our work. , very responsible, the investment promotion work of Chengdong District has been brought into full play in her hands, she is really a very good comrade, she has been working in Chengdong District after graduating from university, and as for the qualifications to be the mayor of Chengdong District, I personally think that It is completely more suitable than Director Wu."

As soon as Duan Weiguo spoke, all the members of the Duan family began to fight back, and the scene was immediately dominated by the people of the Duan family.

Duan's rival, Jiang Fengmin's family all stared at Jiang Fengmin in astonishment.

Usually Jiang Fengmin didn't need to speak, they would immediately jump up one by one and find various reasons to refute.

But, what's the use of rebutting today?The other person, Wu Yongcheng, is still in the hospital. If I had known, I would have known that our Jiang family would also push someone out.

But now that the organization department has just been confirmed, there are only the two of them. It is not impossible to add candidates now. It is a bit against the organizational procedures. Generally, few dare to do so.

"Everyone---" Ye Botang saw Duan Xi's discovery, and was very annoyed in his heart.

But he had no choice but to grit his teeth: "Everyone may have received the news that Comrade Wu Yongcheng had an accident. I am very worried about Comrade Wu Yongcheng. I suggest that everyone go to the hospital to see Comrade Wu Yongcheng. We will discuss this matter next time. We'll discuss it again."

Ye Botang wanted to delay.

If it is delayed until the next time, they can change someone.

"Secretary Ye, what you said just now is that a snake can't do without a head. The district government has few people who are in charge of the work. We must hurry up and elect one." Of course Duan Weiguo couldn't give him a chance to catch his breath, and he chased after him fiercely.

"Chengdong District has recently introduced several foreign businessmen, all of which require the signature of the top leader of the government. Time is waiting for no one. If the foreign capital is withdrawn, who will bear the responsibility? The head of the district must be elected today. How can our party committee do it because of a comrade?" Is it interrupted by an accident?"

Zhou Chenglu, executive deputy mayor, sneered: "Hundreds of thousands of cadres in Dongning are sick and dying every day. How many are hospitalized and operated? Everyone is hospitalized, and our party committee stops to see him? Should the party committee be opened?"

Grass, Ye Botang almost hit the table, you bastard, dare to grin with me?

However, he, the secretary of the municipal party committee, was also very depressed.

Because he is not the secretary of the provincial party committee, but Zhou Chenglu is the secretary of the provincial party committee.

Ye Botang's anger turned to anger, but what Zhou Chenglu said really made sense.

At this moment, many people's mobile phones rang.

Because everyone knows that something happened outside, some people turned on the phone, and some people adjusted it to the sound.

Various text messages and cell phone ringtones.

New news came again.

"Wu Yongcheng is critically ill, and the hospital issued a critical illness notice to his family."

Members of the Standing Committee, those who read text messages read text messages, and those who answer mobile phones answer mobile phones.

Duan Weiguo was the only person present who dared to answer the phone.

After answering the phone, he had a strange expression on his face, and then smiled.

"Secretary Ye, I have something to report to you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Botang's face was watery, and anyone who knew his mood could tell that Secretary Ye was very angry now.

"Just now I received a call. The family, relatives and friends of the Bian brothers who attacked the provincial government the day before yesterday gathered more than 20 people from the society to forcibly attack the Chengdong district government and demanded the release of the Bian brothers."

"What?" Everyone's face changed drastically, this is still lawless.

"What happened in the eastern part of the city? This kind of thing happened again? Why don't you send people to arrest them all?" Zhang Yunqing, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, was furious.

Duan Weiguo glared at him, and you knew to catch him.

"The matter has been resolved. The deputy head of the district, Xiang Lan, communicated with them single-handedly, convinced Bian's family and friends, and evacuated the casual people. That's why I say that sometimes lesbians can do more than gays."

Ni, what a coincidence.

One got into a car accident, and the other solved the problem of the district government.

Hearing this, everyone had different expressions on their faces.

"Secretary Ye, shall we re-vote on who will succeed Comrade Fang Bingsong?" Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Ma Yingnan was instructed by Duan Weiguo, pressing harder and harder.

Ye Botang didn't speak.

His mind was also in turmoil.

At this point he has two choices.

One is to decisively end the party committee and come back at another time.

This is the power of his party secretary, but this is really excessive and embarrassing.

Generally, party secretaries who cannot control the situation will do this.

The second is to continue, but Wu Yongcheng has been notified of his critical illness over there, so it is obviously impossible to choose Wu Yongcheng again.

Duan Weiguo didn't give him a chance to think twice, seeing that Ye Botang didn't speak, he immediately made a move.

"Then I will start by agreeing to Comrade Wu Yongcheng's raising of his hand as acting district chief of Chengdong District."

Grass, Jiang Fengmin's eyelids twitched when he heard this, did you start like this?

Sure enough, when Duan Weiguo said this, the surrounding area was quiet.

No one raised their hands.

Seven people raised their hands just now, how do we raise them now?

Everyone is dying.

Duan Weiguo is insidious. If he wants to say he agrees with Xiang Lan's raise of his hand, at most four of his Duan departments raised their hands, and even half of the party committee members raised their hands.

Now he said he agreed with Wu Yongcheng, but no one dared to raise his hand.

"Minister Wang, you saw that, since everyone disagrees with Wu Yongcheng, I think Comrade Xiang Lan is the one." Duan Weiguo laughed.

The old fox, the head of the organization Wang Kuan cursed secretly.

Of course he didn't listen to Duan Weiguo, and turned his head to look at Ye Botang and Jiang Fengmin.

Jiang Fengmin also made a move: "Not necessarily, I think we can vote for another round. If everyone thinks that Xiang Lan is not suitable, we can choose a more suitable candidate."

Jiang Fengmin forced them to cast another round.

Xiang Lan didn't get more than half of the votes, so it didn't follow the procedure.

"That makes sense, Mayor Jiang. You have also served as the head of the organization. One of the candidates selected by the organization will be eliminated, and the other will definitely go up. This is the organization's procedure. You treat the candidates inspected by the organization department as the boss of the supermarket." Cabbage? You can change it if you want?" Executive Deputy Mayor Zhou Chenglu didn't give Jiang Fengmin any face.

Previously, Zhou Chenglu was the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, and Jiang Fengmin was the executive deputy mayor.

The mayor left, and the two competed for the mayor. Zhou Chenglu, with Xu Zhen's backing, didn't win over Jiang Fengmin, which was also very annoyed.

Of course, this involves a higher level of struggle.

The Jin department wanted to arrange for Jin Zhonglin to come over, so Xu Zhen gave up the mayor to Jiang Fengmin from the Huang department.

Zhou Chenglu's words were very sensible now, and Jiang Fengmin's face flushed when he said it, and at the same time he was warning Ye Botang.

This is not buying vegetables in the market. If you say you want to change it, you can change it or stop it. This is the party committee.

Ye Botang heard that Zhou Chenglu was talking about Jiang Fengmin, so he also pointed him in.

Do you want to stop the party committee?

He is the secretary and has this right, but, but, as for it, he is just a community leader.

The district mayor may not want to, but the face cannot.

Ye Botang is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and a deputy provincial senior official, so there is really no need to lose face.

"Okay, since Comrade Wu Yongcheng had an accident, I think Comrade Xiang Lan will be the acting district chief of Chengdong District." Ye Botang made the final decision, but the expression on his face was very helpless.

Except for the Duan family, the whole audience was dumbfounded.

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