Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 453 Sense of Achievement

Today's results were astonishing.

The big favorite Wu Yongcheng was eliminated, but Xiang Lan, who played soy sauce, went up instead.

The vast majority of people on the field felt Xiang Lan's luck.

Only Duan Weiguo was shocked.

He vaguely felt that Wu Yongcheng might have been brought into the courtyard by Xiang Lan.

That morning, the party committee ended, and Xiang Lan was appointed as the deputy secretary of the Chengdong District Party Committee and acting district chief.

Not only the official circles in Chengdong District were shaken, but the whole Dongning was shocked.

Afterwards, everyone knew the truth of the matter.

The big hit Wu Yongcheng was driving to work in the morning. When passing a three-way intersection, he slammed the steering wheel to avoid an oncoming truck and hit a thigh-thick tree on the side of the road.

I don't know if it was because of the panic, but when it was in danger, I stepped on the brake as the accelerator, and hit it hard.

When he was sent to the hospital, he was already dying, and the hospital issued critical illness notices to his family members many times.

However, a miracle happened.

Ten days later, Xiang Lan had started working steadily in the district chief's office, and Wu Yongcheng, who was critically ill, woke up again.

But after waking up, hearing that the district chief was taken away by Xiang Lan, his eyes darkened and he passed out again.

Then I stayed in the hospital for more than a month, and was discharged alive again.

From then on, Dongning official circles called Wu Yongcheng unlucky Wu.

So unlucky.

At the critical moment, he was critically ill, and the district chief sat down firmly, and he recovered again.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it was all Xiang Lan's luck, but only Xiang Lan knew that it was Jiang Shen's strength.

But Jiang Shen and Wu Yongcheng had no enmity, so he was temporarily critically ill, and later rescued him with immortal energy. It can be said that he worked hard for Xiang Lan.

If it was someone else, it would be fine to directly kill Wu Yongcheng.

In order to save one person from being killed, buddy, how much immortal energy wasted, district chief, do you understand what I mean?

At the end of April, Jiang Shen came to the district government and walked directly to Xiang Lan's office.

Xiang Lan had just secured the position of district chief, and it was time for him to be full of ambition.

When Jiang Shen reached the upper floor, he was stopped by his secretary Xiao Fang.

Xiang Lan's secretary, Xiao Fang, is also a woman. She is called Xiao Fang, but she is not young anymore. She is in her early thirties, a bit mature, and she is not very beautiful, but she can be called ugly at best.

As for the leader's secretary, it's always bad to be too beautiful, as long as it's right for the audience.

Xiao Fang didn't know Jiang Shen: "Do you have an appointment?"

"I told the District Chief that I am Jiang Shen from China Merchants." Jiang Shen was also a little angry, and I praised you as District Chief, so you won't recognize him if you pat your ass?

That's right, Xiang Lan hasn't contacted Jiang Shen recently. Jiang Shen called her once, but she didn't answer.

Originally, Jiang Shen wanted to kill her at her house, but thinking that the deterrence was not enough, he simply killed her at the district government.

Xiao Fang went in to report to the leader, and came out in less than a minute: "I'm sorry, the leader wants to see Mayor Qin and Director Song, can you come tomorrow? They have made appointments in advance."

Grass, is this the rhythm of turning around?Jiang Shen smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'll just wait."

Then he sat outside and sent a text message to Xiang Lan.

"I can make people go up, and I can also make people come down. You forgot that my name is Jiang Wenshen." Jiang Shen thought for a while, and then sent another message: "Wu Yongcheng is still in the hospital." (Wu Yongcheng was still in a coma at this time middle.)

This is a naked threat.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiang Lan replied a text message: "Wait a minute, I really want to meet them first. I just took this position and I need people to support me."

Of course, Xiang Lan also wanted to pull her own people.

She was entered by a dark horse, and her foundation was not stable. Whether it was the district party committee or the subordinates, she needed support.

These few days are the time to recruit troops, buy subordinates, and choose factions.

Well, I forgive you, Jiang Shen thinks about it, she is a beautiful district head, it is not easy for her to stand firm, so she waited outside for a while.

At 11:30 in the morning, even the secretary Xiaofang was about to leave work, and finally called Jiang Shen.

"Jiang Shen, I want to see you from the District Chief. I'm off work first." Xiao Fang probably had been instructed, and said to Jiang Shen before leaving get off work.

"Thank you Director Fang." Jiang Shen walked into Xiang Lan's office with a smile.

Xiang Lan wore very professional attire today, with a small suit on her upper body and fashionable trousers on her lower body. She looked very energetic and capable, and the aura of the district chief gradually increased.

Seeing Jiang Shen come in and close the door, Xiang Lan's face blushed slightly, and he was also full of thoughts.

"Sit down, what can I do for you?" She wanted to try her best to maintain the majesty of her district chief in front of Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen giggled, closed the door, and with a bang, the door was closed by him.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" Jiang Shen walked forward with a smile, and walked all the way to her desk.

"Why did you report the door?" Xiang Lan was startled, and Huo Di stood up.

"Don't mess around, this is the district government." Her face was flushed, thinking of what happened that night: "Jiang Shen, this matter is over, you helped me, I am very grateful, if you have any requirements at work, you can ask , can help, I will definitely help, in the future, I hope we--"

"You want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?" Jiang Shen rushed to Xiang Lan before she could finish speaking.

"Jiang Shen--" Xiang Lan's voice suddenly rose a few points.

But this time, it was more dangerous than the last time she was at home, and this was in the district government.

Although it happened to be time to get off work, Xiang Lan also sent the secretary ahead of time, but she really didn't expect Jiang Shen to be so bold, so the voice was still muffled, and she didn't dare to speak loudly.

She didn't cry very loudly, Jiang Shen had already turned her over, pushed her down on the desk, copied her up from the front waist with one hand, stretched out her small suit, and touched her tall twin peaks.

The other hand went directly to untie her pants.

Xiang Lan was ashamed and angry, but found that her whole body was weak during conditioned reflex, as if Jiang Shen touched her, and her body reacted.

"Excuse me - don't come, this is the district government, Jiang Shen, you are crazy - um -"

She wanted to struggle, but the more she struggled, the more powerless she became. In less than three seconds, her chest felt cold. Jiang Shen had skillfully unbuttoned her clothes with one hand, pushed off her bra, and then held her tightly. chest.

"Don't think I'm afraid to scream, I really did." Xiang Lan's face was shy, and her mouth was getting tougher.

"Scream, shout loudly, let others see how you, the chief of the new division, secretly rule the young and macho subordinates in the office." Jiang Shen laughed, and quickly unbuttoned Xiang Lan's pants amidst the laughter.

"Don't---" Xiang Lan dared to shout.

Not to mention that she dared to be the district chief, even the deputy district chief would not dare to call her in the office.

At this moment, she was really scared, and she was really convinced by Jiang Shen.

Lawless doesn't even describe him.

"Come on, ok, ok, I'll listen to you, let's go home, let's go to the hotel--his--um--"

Before he finished speaking, little Jiang Shen had already killed him.

As if possessed by a demon, in an instant, District Chief Xiang, who had just been noble and generous, turned into a little slut on the bed.

"Tell you to put on airs as the district chief, and tell you to pretend to be b" Jiang Shen violently attacked, enjoying the excitement of attacking the district chief in the district government office.

"Eh--um--" Xiang Lanchang murmured softly with a flushed face, clenching his teeth, trying not to scream loudly.

At this time she was very happy, but also very painful.

Happiness is the physical feeling Jiang Shen brought her, and pain is that she is helpless in the face of Jiang Shen, a hooligan.

There's no denying she's enjoying the moment.

Every time Jiang Shen entered, she almost forgot everything.

If she didn't have a little residual will to know that this is the office, she would almost scream like she was at home.

In just 10 minutes, Xiang Lan couldn't stand it anymore.

She knew that if she continued, she would go crazy.

"No, no, I can't stand it anymore, let's end it first, let's change places."

"This is the office. My secretary will be back soon after dinner."

In the district government, many people went home to eat, and many people ate in the cafeteria and went back to the office immediately.

Xiang Lan was terrified.

"End? I'm at a critical time now, how do I end it?" Jiang Shen rolled his eyes, let go suddenly, stepped back, and then sat down in Xiang Lan's office.

"Okay, if you use your mouth, I will come faster."

What?Ask me to help you with that?Xiang Lan was so angry that she blushed even more than Apple.

"This is the only way to end it sooner." Jiang Shen's face darkened: "Do you still want to go to the main hall, kneel down."

main hall?Kneel down?

Xiang Lan stood there, biting her lip tightly, really wanted to rush out and shout for help to die with this bastard.

However, the temptation of the main hall works better than any aphrodisiac.

She has seen Jiang Shen's ability.

"Asshole." Xiang Lan finally gritted his teeth and burst out these two words.

Then he closed his eyes, walked up to Jiang Shen, and knelt down.

"Oh, damn --- the technique is good." Jiang Shen took a breath, then straightened his lower body: "Look up, look at me, I like you looking at me."

Xiang Lan looked up, his eyes were a little blurred.

Probably even she herself didn't expect that she would be so depraved.

This feels so good?Hahaha, Jiang Shen is aloof, sitting in the district chief's office, watching the beautiful district chief bury her head in her mouth for her own people.

So fulfilling.

No wonder foreigners and big bosses want to fuck female officials most.

What is more exciting to a man than to engage in a female official.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Shen and Xiang Lan sat in their respective seats in well-dressed clothes.

There was a very strange smell in the air.

Xiang Lan sat on her desk, took a small mirror to look around, adjusted her makeup, and then resumed her appearance as the beautiful District Chief Frost.

"Is there any air freshener?" Xiang Lan looked at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen is sitting down at the bottom right now, if someone comes in, they will think that Jiang Shen is an honest baby.

"Air freshener?" Jiang Shen was puzzled, then moved his nose, feeling the peculiar smell in the office.

"I'll look for it." Jiang Shen searched in the storage space.

He often goes to the supermarket to replenish his supplies, and his wife also owns a supermarket, and sometimes he goes directly to the warehouse to get something to throw in.

As soon as Shen Nian entered, he found that there were many cars in his storage space.

They were all brought from Japan that day.

After searching for a while, I finally found it.

"Chichi." Jiang Shen took out the air freshener and sprayed it all over the office.

"How do you know I have it?" Jiang Shen's wonder appeared in front of Xiang Lan.

"You were at my house that day and brought out two bottles of mineral water." Xiang Lan's expression changed countless times.

She was observant and didn't lose her mind that night.

I have always wondered about the mineral water Jiang Shen took from there. I tried it today and witnessed the legend again.

This is really a very amazing man, no wonder he has such courage.

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