"You're welcome, you're welcome." Zhuang Zhiguo looked at the beautiful and glamorous Xiang Lan walking up and down, busy making tea, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Suddenly, Xiao Xiang rushed out of a dark horse, and he didn't know whose bed he was moaning at night.

Zhuang Zhiguo understands too well, in the officialdom, beautiful officials, who are promoted so quickly, either sleep with her awesome person, or sleep with her mother's awesome person.

Zhuang Zhiguo stared at Xiang Lan's butt, he couldn't bear to be the one who slept with her that night.

"Secretary Zhuang, drink tea." Xiang Lan poured tea and put it on the table.

"Gudong" Zhuang Zhiguo swallowed, calmed down, and returned to reality.

"District Chief Xiang, I came to see you because I have something to say hello to you." He didn't call Xiao Xiang, but District Chief Xiang, and that was to talk about work.

"You are the monitor of work, of course I will listen to you." Xiang Lan's attitude is very good, but, that being said, it is impossible for her to really say nothing. The government still has to rely on her Lord, I can only respect the party committee in terms of general policy.

"It's like this, and it's related to you. You used to be in charge of China Merchants, and you know China Merchants best." Zhuang Zhiguo also started directly.

"Lu Yong is leaving soon. Do you have any suggestions for the new director?" After Zhuang Zhiguo finished speaking, he waited for Xiang Lan with a smile and said, "The party committee is in charge of personnel, of course it depends on the squad leader."

He thought Xiang Lan would definitely say that.

Because of this, he could have stopped to say hello to Xiang Lan.

He came to say hello, which has two meanings.

One is to take a look at the beautiful district head by the way, and see the district head's attitude, and the other is to give her a blow and let her know that the district still has to be headed by me.

I saw that Xiang Lan had a very good attitude earlier, and he also knew what Xiang Lan was thinking. Since you don't intend to fight with me, then we can coexist peacefully.

Who knows that Xiang Lan was stunned for a few seconds after hearing this, and then said: "This, I really know it too well. I started as a clerk in the China Merchants Bureau and worked for eight years. I was in charge of investment promotion for two years. For ten years, the current deputy director, Comrade Lu Qi, has been with me for six years. He is serious in his work, has a solid foundation, and the achievements in attracting investment are obvious to all. I hope that Secretary Zhuang will take a serious look at it."

My grass.Zhuang Zhiguo was stunned.

Ni, I'm here to say hello and have fun, and by the way to tease the beautiful district chief, are you serious?

If it were someone else, Zhuang Zhiguo would have thought that her modest attitude just now was a faux pas, but Zhuang Zhiguo knew that Xiang Lan was not a faux pas, but you don't have to criticize Lu Qi so much, right?

What if I promised Yu Shijun?

When Zhuang Zhiguo stayed there, Xiang Lan knew that he must have agreed to someone else.

Jiang Shen said that Yu Shijun wanted this position, no, if he can't figure it out, Jiang Shen, a lunatic, will go crazy again.

"Secretary Zhuang." Xiang Lan is no longer called the squad leader: "I, Xiang Lan, will definitely not interfere with the affairs of the party committee. The government's major policies and policies will also be reported to Secretary Zhuang, but Comrade Lu Qi is really good. In charge of investment promotion, no one knows her better than me."

"The achievements of China Merchants this year are all made by her and Jiang Shen. If their hearts are chilled, it will be difficult to carry out future work."

Xiang Lan was willing to go all out, for Jiang Shen and Lu Qi, he didn't care to say anything serious.

It was obvious what she said.

In the future, I can ignore the personnel affairs of the party committee, and I will report to you about the government work, but I must mention Lu Qi.

It is really not easy for a district chief to do this.

The former Fang Bingsong dared to twist his mouth at the head of the party committee and confront Zhuang Zhiguo.

And Xiang Lan also said another meaning, Jiang Shen and Lu Qi were together, and the results of China Merchants were all made by Jiang Shen alone.

Speaking of Jiang Shen and Zhuang Zhiguo's eyes lit up.

Last time Ou Xing wanted to mention Jiang Shen, and asked someone to pass on the word that Zhuang Zhiguo originally wanted to mention Jiang Shen, but Fang Bingsong disagreed.

At that time, both of them had just arrived, so no one was afraid of the other.So it was very unhappy.

Later, after the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department issued the document, Fang Bingsong had no choice but to mention Jiang Shen in the end.

So Jiang Shen and Lu Qi were together?Jiang Shen has someone in the province.

Once Xiang Lan made it clear, Zhuang Zhiguo understood.

Fuck him, it seems that Yu Shijun is the only one who is sorry.

He is also a crooked person.

First of all, Lu Qi really has been in the China Merchants Bureau, and is more suitable to be the head than Yu Shijun, who was parachuted from the province. Secondly, Jiang Shen and Lu Qi are in the same group, and the work of the China Merchants Bureau is fully supported by Jiang Shen.

The third point is that Jiang Shen's relationship is from this province, while Yu Shijun is from Fu'an Province.

No matter from that point of view, the director should belong to Lu Qi.

If he wants to pass it by force, there must be some people in the party committee who will not accept it.

"What Xiao Xiang said makes sense. Fortunately, I'm here to ask you for advice. You are the most familiar with the job of attracting investment." Zhuang Zhiguo hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, and then called Xiao Xiang with a smile.

"I'm a little impulsive, but I will definitely listen to the monitor." Xiang Lan also expressed her kindness.

Except for Lu Qi's matter, I can make concessions, and Xiang Lan made it very clear.

"Okay, that's it, we met, and the party committee next week will be easy to talk about."

"Thank you, Captain."

"You're welcome."

After the two exchanged some polite words, Zhuang Zhiguo left very depressed.

Fortunately, Yu Shijun's father is the governor of Fu'an Province. Although he is depressed, he is not very scared, at least he can't control him now.

I'm unlucky, if I knew this, don't see Yu Shijun, meet Xiang Lan first.

Zhuang Zhiguo also felt his mistake.

I blame myself, I was a little excited when I heard the governor's daughter, hey, miscalculation, miscalculation.

It was the end of April, April 29th.

The day after tomorrow is May [-]st.

Three days off for Labor Day.

Jiang Shen also has big things to do.

what's up?

Go kill Luo Bushen.

He let go of Luo Bushen that day, not really letting him go, and he wanted to get rid of the flb people once and for all.

He put a divine sense on Luo Bushen.

After Luo Bushen escaped, he returned to flb and reported to the leader.

The flb department is called the flb National Security Bureau to the outside world, and the National Security Action Team to the inside.

In fact, it is a very small unit, and the people in the unit are all elites in flb.

There are computer hacker geniuses, financial giants, sharpshooters in the army, and martial arts masters like Luo Bushen.

Their task is also to maintain homeland security and eliminate all opponents who have hidden dangers to flb's national security.

Jiang Shen is now their target.

Labor Day is a good day, go to flb for a walk.

After Jiang Shen got off work, he returned to his home thoughtfully.

In the past, there were several in his house, and they were all places with different beauties.

Later, I built a house by myself. Every week from Monday to Saturday, beauties from all walks of life live in turns. On Sundays, I live in my house. Today is Monday.

According to the rules, he was going to Xicheng District, where there lived three beauties in a house, Xiao Miao, Jin Zhiqing, and He Liuye.

After he got home, he put down his things, changed his clothes, put the car here, and then he would take a taxi there.

Who knew that as soon as he got to the door, he saw someone standing at his door carrying a big bag.

Ni, the second-hand Guan Ruohua?

Jiang Shen felt dizzy for a while.

"Master." Seeing Jiang Shen's car stop, Guan Ruohua threw away his bag, flew over like a swallow, and then rushed into Jiang Shen's arms.

"Stop, stop ---" Jiang Shen put his hands on her shoulders firmly, preventing Guan Ruohua from being able to hug him.

"Why are you here?" Ye Qian must have told her my address again.

Only Jiang Shen's woman knew about this place, and no one in the unit knew about it.

"Ye Qian's place has moved. She changed to a new house. The old house is sold. The new house is under renovation. I have no place to live, so I have to find you." Guan Ruohua found another excuse.

Let me tell you, I'll arrange a hotel for you, I can't live at home.

"Why can't I stay?" Guan Ruohua refused.

"I'm away six days a week, only on Sundays."

"I'm at Ye Qian's house, and you only come once a week. Sometimes I don't come. I'm used to it. I live alone when you're not here. I will help you clean up."

I'm dizzy, by the way, are you still doing it, big sister?How many months have you been in Dongning?Don't you need to go back and deal with your gang's affairs?

You are usually not here, I can go back to Qingfeng to handle some help and then come right away, anyway, I promise, I will definitely be there on Sunday, and I will help you with cooking and laundry.

I made a fuss, Jiang Shen fainted, so I still have a day off?

On Sunday I just wanted to rest by myself.Besides, is the food you cook edible?

At Ye Qian's house, he had eaten it once, so it really shouldn't be too bad.

I don't care, I don't live in a hotel, if you don't let me in, Master, I'll stand outside.Guan Ruohua was dragging a big bag, and stood pitifully at the door of Jiang Shen's house.

My God, how will life be after this?

Jiang Shen found that being chased by a woman is also very painful.

Jiang Shen scratched his head depressedly, gritted his teeth and said, "Come in, let's see how long you can last."

I don't believe it anymore, as long as I don't burn myself, do you think you can get me?

Immortals are so easy to drink, there is a reason for it.

"Haha, Master is so kind." Guan Ruohua laughed, and happily dragged his big bag to Jiang Shen's door.

Jiang Shen shook his head helplessly, just as he took out the door key, he suddenly felt a killing intent.

what's going on.

He had focused on Guan Ruohua before, and he had no enemies in Dongning now, so he never thought that someone would dare to come to Dongning to kill him.

Swipe, his divine sense covers it, looking for the other party.

It's a pity that he didn't practice real martial arts.

Like some martial arts masters, as long as someone's gaze and murderous intent lock him, he can immediately feel and lock on to the other party.

For example, Sun Lutang's Kung Fu practice is late, and he sleeps like a sleeper, but as long as someone looks at him, he will wake up immediately, so he is not afraid of being attacked by someone at all.

Jiang Shen had never practiced martial arts, so he couldn't sense the opponent's position, so he relied on his divine sense to cover it up, and then find this person.

This time varies according to the length of the distance.

According to Jiang Shen's estimate, the best killing distance of a general gun is only about 50 meters, and this person is hiding nearby.

Unexpectedly, his divine sense just moved.

Whoosh, there was a sudden wind in his ear, and a bullet hit him.

Copy, sniper gun?

Sniper guns appeared in the country.

As soon as the opponent's bullet came out, Jiang Shen found him.

On top of a building hundreds of meters to the east of him.

He didn't even turn his head, and reached out to grab it.

Flutter, he caught the bullet in his hand.

His hand was scorching hot, and the next second, with a chuck, the bullet exploded in his hand.

A stench came from his hand, making Jiang Shen dizzy.

What kind of bullet is this?

Chi, Chi, Jiang Shen felt that his skin was crackling, as if ordinary people were burned by sulfuric acid.

This is a special bullet, which is even stronger than the one he encountered in Japan last time.

Jiang Shen's skin was considered super hard, but it was still crackling and painful with burns.

Jiang Shen was shocked and angry.

Who is going to kill himself again?

Bang, bang.

Two more shots rang out.

There is also a sniper gun on a building a few hundred meters west of Jiang Shen.

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