These two shots fired at the same time, one from the east and the other from the west, both aimed at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen looked left and right, Ni, who should be killed first?

Swipe, he became invisible, stepped out in one step, and appeared on the east building in an instant.

That person had been locking Jiang Shen with a scope, but suddenly he couldn't see him.

"Where is the person? Mike, where is the person?" This is a Chinese, but he speaks fluent English.

The Mike he was talking about was the upstairs opposite him on the west side.

The bullets of the two were all empty.

"God, Jon, he's behind you." Michel screamed.

What?Jon reacted quickly. After hearing Mike's words, he let go of his hand on the spot, and he didn't want the sniper gun. Then he rolled over. While rolling on the ground, he pulled out a pistol from his thigh with one hand.

Hit without looking back.

Hey, hey, hey.

Three shots in a row hit Jiang Shen's chest.

This person is definitely a professional shooter, even a soldier, and he may be the kind of special forces, both in terms of reaction speed and skill.

It's a pity that he met Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen pointed a little.

Jon's vision went dark intuitively, and he passed out.

Then Jiang Shen raised his head, swiped, and locked his eyes on Mike, another gunman in the distance.

Is it mine?Mike met Jiang Shen's eyes from the scope, and was scared out of his wits.

He also didn't even want the sniper gun, got up, turned around and fled.

Suddenly, he felt wind behind his ears, and with a whistling, a figure flashed in front of his eyes.

God, Mike looked at Jiang Shen who was hundreds of meters away a second ago in disbelief.

Jiang Shen giggled, stretched out his hand, and knocked Mike down.

Then he brought Mike back to the roof of the building where Jon was, and threw the two of them together, and all their equipment was stored in the storage space.

Then he made a call to the second-hand Guan Ruohua.

"Hey, Master, where did you go? You were still there just now?"

"I have something to do. You go in first. There is a door key under the carpet at the door. Go in and boil some water and clean up. I'll be right back."

"Oh, master." The second-hand Guan Ruohua was still a little shocked.

She also saw Jiang Shen suddenly disappear and disappear just now.

Ni, how many secrets does this man have?Be sure to fuck him, fuck him, get all his secrets.

Just when Guan Ruohua took out the key and entered the door.

In another building nearly 500 meters away from here.

On an inconspicuous small window, two pairs of eyes watched every move here.

These two people are the vampires George and Sora.

The businesses of both of them have to invest in Dongning, so they just arrived in Dongning recently.

"George, do you see clearly?"

"I can see clearly that his speed is at least five times faster than ours. Even the bullets from the sniper gun can't catch up with his speed. Perhaps only the elders of the council can compare his speed with him."

"He can catch the 'Holy Light Bullet' that can penetrate our bodies, which proves that his body is stronger than ours."

"And he seems to be invisible? Did you see clearly just now? Did he disappear first and then fly away, or did he just fly away?"

"I can't see it, it's too fast."

"The bastards of the Divine Power Bureau, I knew that there was nothing good for us. I want to suggest to the council that it is best not to be an enemy of this Jiang Shen. To be honest, we have no hatred with him, and there is no need to arouse his anger."

"The people of the Presbyterian Church will not reject the Divine Power Bureau. If the Divine Power Bureau is annoyed, we may not be able to freely travel in the M country and the European Union in the future."

"Hey, it's really a dilemma."

"However---" Although that George was a little jealous of Jiang Shen, he still licked his lips: "He smells really good, and I can feel the power in his blood from more than 500 meters away. His blood, squeak--"

"Then we have to have this life." Sola sneered: "You can do it yourself, I'm only over 300 years old, and I still want to enjoy my life."

Sora finished speaking, turned and left.

In the small window, only George kept watching Jiang Shen who was more than 500 meters away.

What is Jiang Shen doing on the roof?

He puts the two gunners together and wakes them all up.

The two woke up and looked at the devil in front of them in horror.

Yes, in their eyes, Jiang Shen was scarier than the devil, scarier than the vampire.

They are all specially trained fighters, even if they face a vampire like George, they can fight. If it was George who was ambushing just now, George may not even be able to hide.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Jiang Shen asked with a smile: "I just want to keep one alive, and whoever I say will be released first?"

Mike and Jon looked at each other and found that they couldn't move at all, they could only turn their heads and talk.

"We are professional killers, and we are entrusted by the Japanese government---" Jon spoke first, still speaking in English.

"You think I'm an idiot?" Jiang Shen stretched out his hand and grabbed Jon's right arm, and a splash of blood splashed on Jon's face.

Jon's entire right arm was torn off by Jiang Shen from his shoulder.

"Ah--" Jon's painful face turned green, and his whole body trembled.

But he and Mike were horrified to find that the wound stopped bleeding in less than two seconds.

It's too scary, it seems that they have become vampires too.

"Now I'm in control, it won't hurt very much, after a while your blood will come out like a fountain, have you ever seen a fountain, suddenly burst out, the blood in your whole body will flow out in five seconds, the process is very painful, and then the body will dry up , like a dead corpse that has been drained of blood—it’s so ugly that your family won’t recognize you when they see you.”

Jiang Shen threatened Jon, dispelled his will, and at the same time tried to control him with divine thoughts.

Such fighters are very firm-willed, and they cannot be controlled casually. Only by frightening them first, eliminating their psychological defenses, and then pretending to be false, can they have a chance to control their minds and let them tell the truth.

Jon and Mike were really scared.

But the two looked at each other again.

"Okay, let me say." Jon suddenly bit hard, and Mike did the same.

I copy, no.

Jiang Shen restrained their bodies but did not restrain their mouths. He didn't expect that they still had something in their mouths.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of their mouths.

In less than a second, the two were dead.

committed suicide?Jiang Shen stared at the two of them dumbfounded.

That's too fast, faster than potassium cyanide.

The teeth of both of them contained highly poisonous substances, and they committed suicide after biting them directly, and they died in less than a second.

***, Jiang Shen looked at the two corpses very depressed, and hung up without asking any questions.

After collecting the bodies of the two people, there is no information, but Jiang Shen can be sure that they came in from abroad, and there are contacts in the country. Otherwise, where should they put their documents, passports or something?

Is it a person from country m or a European?

Jiang Shen raised his head, swiped, and saw George's location hundreds of meters away.

George has been watching the distance from the window.

When he saw the two committing suicide, he shook his head again and again.

When Jiang Shen's eyes suddenly swept over, George was startled.

He was also smart, he quickly turned his head and looked away, as if watching the traffic on the street downstairs in a normal way, as if the things in the distance had nothing to do with him.

Don't pretend to me, these two must be with you.Jiang Shen glared fiercely at George twice.

George lowered his head, not looking at Jiang Shen, with a nonchalant expression, but he was still very scared in his heart.

Because he knew that Jiang Shen might have discovered himself and Sola long ago.

Fortunately, we didn't do anything, just looked at you from a distance, this is not an offense to you, George thought in his heart.

Do you want to arrest him and ask him?Jiang Shen was also thinking about it.

But the other two vampires didn't participate, and they were counting on them to invest. Don't worry, I'll deal with them later.

Jiang Shen cleaned up the scene and returned to his home.

The second-hand guy at home was indeed boiling water and cleaning, but he was a bit diligent. When he saw Jiang Shen coming back, he was pleasantly surprised: "Should we have dinner at home tonight? I'll go buy some food and come back."

"----" Please, can you eat what you burn?

Jiang Shen thought for a while, and said solemnly: "I'm staying at my girlfriend's house tonight, you can get something to eat outside, I'm going out tomorrow night, it may take a few days to come back--"

"Master, you haven't taught me Kung Fu yet?" Guan Ruohua chased Jiang Shen for several months, and it was rare to be able to live in the same house with him, but he didn't expect Jiang Shen to go out again.

"Don't worry, you have to learn to be careful and calm before you can learn boxing. I will ask your senior sister to teach you in a few days." Jiang Shen chuckled.

"What? No, I don't want senior sister to teach, you want you to teach." Guan Ruohua screamed when he heard it.

But Jiang Shen ignored her, took some things, and left in a swaggering manner.

"I'm going to your teacher's mother's house, you can play by yourself."


"Asshole, Jiang Shen---"

"go to hell."

Guan Ruohua watched Jiang Shen go away anxiously, and cursed anxiously, "Damn, such a beautiful woman is in front of you, if you tick off her little finger, it's yours. Are you impotent?"

At this time, Jiang Shen had already walked more than ten meters outside the door. When Guan Ruohua scolded him for being impotent behind him, he twitched his feet and almost fell down in anger.

Nima, believe it or not - I'm not fooling you.

Jiang Shen left with annoyed expression on his face.

In a room in Xicheng District.

Jin Zhiqing and He Liuye were both sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Did you call Xiao Miao? Brother Gentleman is here today."

"Xiao Miao went to Fu'an, seems to have caught a scammer, and I can't come back today." It was only April 29th, and Jin Zhiqing was wearing a pair of thongs and a strapless vest at home, looking very sexy.

Especially since she didn't wear underwear underneath, and her vest was low, the double grooves on her chest were very dazzling.

"I said, can you stop being so coquettish, he hasn't come yet, he's almost undressed." He Liuye couldn't stand it, but while talking, she put down the potato chips in her hand and began to take off her clothes.

Jin Zhiqing gave her a white look: "Then you take it off too?"

"Huh..." He Liuye ignored her, and soon took off like Jin Zhiqing.

Then the two continued to watch TV and eat snacks on the sofa.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Shen came.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw these two beauties with big breasts and big breasts, and they were fighting everywhere. Jiang Shen was also ready to move, especially thinking of what Guan Ruohua said just now, he felt his body burning hot.

"I said, you haven't eaten dinner yet, so you are going to start?"

"Now I can only see you once a week, what are you having for dinner?" Jin Zhiqing threw away the potato chips and threw herself on Jiang Shen.

"What do you want to eat? It's not enough to eat us." He Liuye smiled and knelt in front of Jiang Shen with winking eyes: "I just want to eat you."

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