Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 457 Fortunately, I Reminded It Early

After more than three hours, it was dark.

Jiang Shen and the two women lay limply on the floor in the hall.

The air is filled with the aftertaste of passion.

He Liuye's head rested under Jiang Shen's crotch, and the huge little Jiang Shen was next to her mouth. She fondly stroked the already dejected little Jiang Shen: "It would be nice to have you as a baby every day."

"Don't be fussy, just now I tried hard to say no, don't ----- I'm not good at fighting, but I'm also greedy." Jin Zhiqing's charming legs wrapped around Jiang Shen's chest and stuck to Jiang Shen's face.

The three overlap each other.

"You do what you want, it's not as good as me." He Liuye refused to accept.

"I said, stop arguing, you two." Jiang Shen touched Jin Zhiqing with one hand and He Liuye with the other, comparing the size of their breasts in his heart: "Where is Xiao Miao, why didn't she come?"

As soon as Jiang Shen entered the door just now, the two women rushed forward like wolves and tigers, and the little Jiang Shen fell instantly, and Jiang Shen even forgot that there was another Xiao Miao.

"You are heartless, you only thought of Xiao Miao until now."

"I guess there is one less of us, and you can't think of it." He Liuye said, opening his mouth, and angrily swallowed the dejected little Jiang Shen in one gulp.

"Hiss——" Jiang Shen pressed her small head: "You guys are all talking, I have a chance to ask her."

"Xiao Miao went to Fu'an, caught some fraudsters, and can't come back today."

"What can this policeman do? It's time to transfer her to another department." Jiang Shen also felt that Xiao Miao was too busy. Little police officers sometimes have nothing to do on their busy days off.

"Don't you like her wearing a police uniform?" Jin Zhiqing smiled.

"That's, that's, it can't be adjusted, it can't be adjusted." Jiang Shen smiled openly.

Just then, someone's phone rang.

Jin Zhiqing's phone rang.

Jin Zhiqing took it over and took a look: "Xiao Miao's."

"Hey, Xiao Miao."

"Yes, Jiang Shen just asked you when you will be back." Jin Zhiqing glared at Jiang Shen, which was a good word for Jiang Shen, otherwise it would be strange if Xiao Miao was not angry when she knew that Jiang Shen had almost forgotten her.

Jiang Shen smiled wryly, buddy is not such a fickle person.

"You answer, she wants to talk to you." Jin Zhiqing handed the phone to Jiang Shen.

"Hey, Director Jiang, is it fun to fuck the two of them today?" Officer Xiao Miao is becoming more and more dissolute now, and the first sentence that Xiao Jiang Shen said suddenly exploded.

"Craft." He Liuye, who was busy below, was furious. The old lady moved her mouth for a long time without much reaction. You were so excited about what Xiao Miao said.

"I still miss your police uniform." Jiang Shen giggled.

"Then are they satisfied? If you are satisfied, you come here. Someone here misses you too."

It turned out that Xiao Miao was working in Fu'an, so he naturally had to cooperate with the other party's police, and then met an acquaintance.

acquaintance?Su Wan, Jiang Shen's friend with a gun.

When Su Wan was training with Jiang Shen, she was the deputy director of the office of the Anzhou Police Department.

Now I am the political commissar of the Anning District Police Station under Anzhou.

The rank is the same as before, but it is of course promoted from the deputy to the second in command of the district bureau, and there is a chance to be the chief in the future.

However, considering that she is a woman, it is estimated that there are not many opportunities to become a director, and she may be mentioned as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee in the future.

Xiao Miao happened to be in the Anning District when arresting people, so she ran into Su Wan.

Su Wan knew that Xiao Miao was Jiang Shen's girlfriend, and Xiao Miao also knew now that she was Jiang Shen's friend with sex.

Because of some formalities, Xiao Miao had to stay overnight. Like the previous training, Xiao Miao did not stay in a hotel, but stayed at Su Wan's house again.

When the two had dinner together at night, they talked about Jiang Shen.

Knowing that Jiang Shen is now the deputy director of the China Merchants Bureau, Su Wan was also a little surprised.

When women are together and talk about the same man, both of them are very excited.

Su Wan even thought of the happy time with Jiang Shen, so she became bolder and encouraged Xiao Miao: "Call him over and go back with you tomorrow."

If it takes ten minutes for the plane to reach Anzhou, Su Wan is also in the rhythm of spring.

Xiao Miao drank some red wine with her, her face was flushed, and after hearing the words, she also missed Jiang Shen: "Him? If he is willing to come, he will come faster than the plane."

She knew the magic of Jiang Shen.

"Then ask him to come." It's terrible to say that a woman is flirting, Su Wan also misses Jiang Shen, and Jiang Shen can't wait to appear in front of her the next moment.

So Xiao Miao called later.

Jiang Shen listened, smiled wryly, and checked the time.

It's past seven o'clock in the evening.

"What? You're going to Anzhou? What shall we do? There's still the second half? You won't be here for a few hours at night, the night is long, how can we sleep?" He Liuye refused, spit out a sentence, and ate desperately.

"That's enough, you and I have had a good time, let Xiao Miao quench his thirst, let Jiang Shen go." Jin Zhiqing and Xiao Miao have a better relationship, so they still help Xiao Miao.

"Hi -- well, I'm hungry too, let's go out and eat something." He Liuye was not an unreasonable person, and knew that Jiang Shen didn't like sisters competing for favor, so he spit out little Jiang Shen unwillingly.

"That's right, I haven't eaten until now. I'm starving to death. You can go to Anzhou. Let's go eat." Jin Zhiqing and He Liuye planned to go out for dinner.

Then I'm welcome?I go to Anzhou to continue the second half?

***, fortunately, I am a divine cow, otherwise I would have been plowed to pieces.Jiang Shen took a shower in Dongning, then flew thousands of miles to Anzhou to continue the second half.

Besides, in Anzhou, after the phone call, Jiang Shen took a bath in Dongning, while Su Wan and Xiao Miao continued to eat.

There were three people from Dongning who had dinner today, Xiao Miao led the team, there were two policemen, accompanied by Su Wan from Anning District, and two from the Anning District Police Station, there were only six people in total.

Su Wan and Xiaomiao were anxious to finish eating and go back to wait for Jiang Shen.

But for an official dinner, as long as there is a drink, no one can eat until eight o'clock.

At 07:30, the gate was suddenly pushed open.

Two middle-aged men with pot bellies came in with a smile.

"Political Commissar Su, I heard that there are guests here today. I'm here to respect the guests."

As soon as the two came in, Su Wan and the Anning District Police Station stood up.

"Bureau Chen, let me introduce you. This is Deputy Director Chen Xiaomiao from Chengdong District of Dongning City. Xiao Miao, this is Director Chen of our Municipal Bureau."

"My family is Chen." The person walking in front of the other party turned out to be a bureau chief surnamed Chen from Anzhou City.

But Xiao Miao knew that the Anzhou police chief was surnamed Zhao, who was raped by Jiang Shen at the beginning, and this surname was Chen, so he should be the deputy chief.

"Xiao Miao, this is our bureau chief."

The other person is Chief Chang of the Anning District Police Department.

"Director Xiao Miao, I respect you on behalf of the police system in Fu'an." Director Chen called Director Xiao Miao, and then he came to Chen Xiaomiao with a glass of white wine.

Although Xiao Miao didn't like it, she had no choice but to pick up the wine glass in front of her.

"Director Xiao Miao, Director Chen is baijiu, you can get some baijiu too." Director Chang of the Security Bureau laughed, and brought an empty wine glass from the side.

"Our Bureau Chen doesn't know how to drink baijiu, so I'll drink it for her." A small policeman in Chengdong District stood up.

"Is it okay to replace the drink?" Anzhou Bureau Chen chuckled: "It's right to protect the beauty, but it's wrong to replace the wine. Are you sure you want to replace it?"

He said and looked at the little policeman.

After all, there was too much difference in level between the two of them, and the little policeman felt terrified when he saw it.

And he knows that if you drink instead of alcohol, you can be fined.

However, don't say that Chen Xiaomiao is a beauty director, even if she is not a beauty, she is still the leader and must be protected.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet: "I'll make the case for us."

"No need." Chen Xiaomiao picked up the red wine: "I'll just drink the red wine, Bureau Chen, I'll drink it first as a respect." After finishing speaking, she raised her head and drank it in one gulp.

When Zhao Zhicheng, the director of Anzhou and the deputy director of Fu'an Province, was here, Chen Xiaomiao ignored him and even hit him with a wine bottle. She would take Director Chen seriously.

It's just that Director Chen didn't know Chen Xiaomiao. Seeing that Chen Xiaomiao had already drank the red wine, his expression changed slightly.

Too disrespectful.

I am a deputy department, and you are a deputy department, so you don't give me face?Even if you are the deputy director of a sub-provincial city, you are at best a regular, and you are still one level behind me.

The chief of your city bureau is here, he is a guest, so he should give me, the deputy chief, some face.

Director Chen was a little unhappy, holding up his cup, thinking about what to say to Chen Xiaomiao.

But Su Wan walked quickly to the side of the two, pulled Director Chang aside, bowed her head and said a few words to Chang Ju.

Bureau Chang had been laughing all the time, but after hearing Su Wan's words, his expression changed drastically, and he hurried to Director Chen's side.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Director Chen has a good drinker capacity, come on, Director Chen and I will thank Director Chen together." After speaking, he lightly bumped Director Chen with his shoulder, raised his head and drank the wine in his glass in one gulp up.

When Chen Ju saw Chang Ju's anomaly, he immediately thought of something.

Do you have a background?He and Chang Ju are often together, and of course he understands what Chang Ju is thinking.

He remained calm, raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, then drank another glass with the others at the table, turned around and went out with a smile.

As soon as Chen Ju and Chang Ju left the box, their faces sank: "Who is this Chen Xiaomiao? Why did you drink?"

Bureau Chang looked around and said in a low voice, "Chen Xiaomiao, the person who came to our training last time smashed Bureau Zhao's head with a wine bottle."

"Hiss—is this the baby?" Chen Ju gasped when he heard this.

A few months ago, they were shocked by Fu'an Province, especially the Anzhou police system.

Director Zhao Zhicheng was first hit on the head by a woman from another province with a wine bottle, and then by another man, but he was not caught.

I heard that after the incident, Zhao Zhicheng, the director of the bureau, refused to accept it and asked someone to try to mess with the man, but the result was even worse.

This incident has simply become a disgrace to the Anzhou Police Department. On his own field, he was beaten badly by the police from other places, and there is nothing he can do.

It is said that he was dispatched to the army later.

Bureau Chen is not from Zhao Zhicheng's lineage, and he doesn't have a good relationship with Zhao Zhicheng, so he doesn't have much inside information, but he knows that Zhao Zhicheng has suffered a lot.

And afterwards, Zhao Zhicheng was also unlucky.

He is the director of Anzhou Municipal Bureau, the provincial capital, and the deputy director of the provincial department. He has always been a member of the provincial party committee and a member of the party committee.

After this incident, the party committee was also removed. Now it is very rare for the political commissar of the municipal bureau to concurrently serve as a member of the party committee of the provincial department.

"It turned out to be her. It's a good thing you reminded me early." Chen Ju also broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

If he was aggressive and was smashed by this girl, the police system in Anzhou would be completely humiliated.

"Oh, this girl, she was born so beautiful, I didn't expect to be so fierce, and she has a lot of background?" Chen Ju was a little dissatisfied.

"No matter how fierce a woman is, she will be ridden by a man sooner or later. Chen Ju, let's ignore her, isn't it just a competition." Chang Ju is also really rude.

They went back to their boxes, and there were also a bunch of people inside. The Anzhou court and the provincial police were all officials at the official and deputy division level.

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