Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 458 The Desperados

The two sat down. There was one person and another person beside Chen Ju. They drank a little too much, their faces were flushed, their heads were buried on the table for a while, and they were propped up with their hands for a while.

"Is Zeng Ju not good enough to drink like this?" Chang Ju smiled.

Hearing this, Zeng Ju raised his head slowly: "Hey, Chen Ju, you're in a bad mood, aren't you going to see Su Meimei?"

"Whether I tell you to go or not, you go and pay respects to Miss Su." Chen Ju sat down coldly.

He lost face by toasting in the past, so he was naturally in a bad mood.

"What's the matter?" Zeng Ju had too much wine today, otherwise he would definitely go to toast, so he turned his head and asked Chang Ju what's the matter?

"Su Wan is inviting the police from Dongning, and there is a man named Chen Xiaomiao, which is what happened to Bureau Zhao last time." Bureau Chang said quietly.

What the hell, smashed Director Zhao's head?When Zeng Ju heard this, he was half sober.

Then I sat there and my eyes began to circle.

Bureau Chang and Bureau Chen looked at each other, smiled secretly, and remained silent.

Who is this Zeng Ju?

Zeng Li, once had dinner with Jiang Shen.

Many people came that time, including Sun Yaowu, son of the vice governor. Jiang Shen and Chen Xiaomiao beat Zhao Zhicheng together, which shocked Zeng Li. Had a glass of wine.

I heard that Chen Xiaomiao is Jiang Shen's girlfriend.

Bureau Zeng has a good relationship with Bureau Zhao, while Bureau Chen has a bad relationship with Bureau Zhao.

Chen Ju revealed the news to Zeng Ju and sat aside with a smile.

If you want, you go to Zhao Zhicheng, let Zhao Zhicheng trouble Chen Xiaomiao again, I'm happy to see you all have bad luck, whoever is bad luck.

Of course Zeng Li didn't.

He knew that Zhao Zhicheng couldn't deal with Jiang Shen, and he didn't dare to find Jiang Shen again, but there was another person who dared to deal with him.

"I had a lot of wine today, so I have to leave first." Zeng Ju took his own things and was the first to leave.

"Hey, Ju Zeng, let's go so soon, it's not over yet."

"Zeng Ju, Zeng Ju."

Everyone couldn't help shouting, Zeng Li ran away in a hurry.

Why did he go, of course he wanted to make a contribution.

Start calling as soon as you leave the hotel.

"Beep beep ---" The phone rang for a long time, and finally connected.

Then I heard the heavy panting sound of "呵---um---" on the phone.

Then someone was very impatient: "Zeng Ju, it's so late, what's the matter?"

What a fart, you started fucking women after seven o'clock?Zeng Li felt contemptuous in his heart: "Mr. Sun, I have some news to share with you."

On the other end of the phone was Governor Sun's son, Young Master Sun.

At this time, he just got off a beautiful woman, and then lay down on the bed, while answering the phone, he gestured with his hand.

The woman obediently knelt down towards him, lowered her head and opened her mouth, and began to swallow.

"What news? Tell me." Young Master Sun was a little annoyed. I was having a good time, so I don't want to bother me with bullshit news, but the other party is the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, and he is considered a powerful person, so he didn't want to get angry in person.

He was lying there enjoying the service of the beauty while listening to Zeng Li's report.

"What?" Halfway through hearing that, Young Master Sun sat up, and his face became extremely ferocious: "Are you sure, that policewoman is Jiang Shen's girlfriend?"

"I still remember turning into ashes. She was the one who hit our Bureau Zhao. Mr. Sun, will I lie to you?"

"Okay, I see, thank you Zeng Ju." Sun Shao hung up the phone angrily.

Jiang Shen?That was the eternal pain in his heart.

The dignified son of the deputy governor was slapped more than once by Jiang Shen, and last time Jiang Shen snatched Shu Jue away from his side.

In fact, Jiang Shen didn't do anything to Shu Jue that night, but Young Master Sun believed that Jiang Shen must have fucked him that night since he was snatched away by Jiang Shen.

I have always been the only one who robs other people's women. When did I get robbed by others.

When Sun Shao heard that Jiang Shen's woman was in Fu'an and was drinking, his heart suddenly became lustful.

Hehe, if I fucked Jiang Shen's woman today, would I have revenge?

But the other party is also a policeman, and I heard that she is a female bureau chief. This job is not easy to do, and ordinary people can't do it.

How to fuck her?

While touching the head of the woman below, Sun Yaowu thought about how to mess with Xiao Miao, and even imagined that it was Xiao Miao who was lying on his crotch now, and his blood boiled even more.

The grievances between him and Jiang Shen have not lasted for a day or two. Before, he sent swordsmen and killers, and even asked Xu Shengjie to find someone to deal with Jiang Shen.

However, the relationship between him and Xu Shengjie was not good. He contacted Xu Shengjie through the son of another provincial leader.

At that time, everyone was the second generation of officials and sons of provincial leaders, and they were considered to be on the same path. Xu Shengjie helped him contact Zhong Ping, one of the five tigers of Xiangmen.

It was later said that it all failed.

After Xu Shengjie was defeated by Jiang Shen, he felt ashamed and didn't say much, he just talked to others and then ignored it.

So Young Master Sun didn't know how fierce Jiang Shen was.

Xiangmen's knife hands are useless in the interior, and the son of the provincial party secretary of the next province is also bullshit. He can't do small things well, so I have to rely on myself.

This opportunity doesn't come often, and Young Master Sun didn't dare to go to Dongning District easily. He had heard the name of the God of Plague in Dongning, but now that the God of Plague has arrived in Fu'an, it would be a pity if he didn't do it.

But there are no more than three ways to be a woman.

One is to use money and power to smash it. This is how he got it under his crotch, but it will definitely not work with Xiao Miao.

The second is to use drug addicts. When drinking or bar, he will give drugs. As his young grandson, he has not done this kind of thing once or twice. After the incident, he will give some money to make up for it. If you don't want to, you can turn around and sue people for prostitution.

But he didn't have a chance to drink with Chen Xiaomiao, and it's probably too late to go now, and it's not easy to prescribe medicine, and it won't work either.

The third is violence.

Strong on the deputy director of the police flower, listening to it makes people excited.

But to be strong, you have to use tricks. After playing with Chen Xiaomiao, Chen Xiaomiao can't find a way to sue him.

As the son of the vice-governor of Fu'an Province, Young Master Sun still has some confidence in this.

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly pushed the woman under his crotch away: "Okay, let's go, I don't want it today."

"Young Master Sun." The woman twisted her buttocks, not only did not leave after hearing the words, but she opened her mouth and slammed into Young Master Sun's crotch.

"Hurry up, I have something to do, I'll see you next time." Young Master Sun was impatient, after all, this kind of thing can't compare to the beauty deputy director, Zeng Li said that she is more beautiful than Shu Jue, tsk tsk, I'm really looking forward to it.

He dismissed the woman and immediately made a phone call.

"Hello, Dong Xin?"

"Young Master Sun, Young Master Sun, I'm Xiao Dong, hahaha." Immediately there was a hearty laugh from the opposite side.

Who is Dong Xin?

As mentioned earlier, Fuping City, the second largest city in Fuan Province, has two heroes on the road.

One is Dong Xin who plays shipping.

One is Chen Yongxiong who plays smuggling.

Later Chen Yongxiong was convinced by Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen mobilized a thousand brothers on the road to expedition to Fuping, scaring Chen Yongxiong for life.

This is also the time after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the most people gathered on the road. Since then, after Jiang Shen, no one in the country has been able to do it.

Dong Xin is one of the best gangsters in Fuping City.

His ship is the only big boss in Fu'an Province with [-] tons of expeditions, and sometimes even passes through Somalia, the Gulf of Aden, the Bay of Bengal and other areas with the most modern pirates in the world.

So Dong Xin raised a group of desperadoes.

But no matter how aggressive he is outside, he will respectfully call Sun Yaowu "Sun Gongzi" in the province.

It's useless to do the most business, Sun Gongzi gave an order, and he will flee abroad overnight.

"Is it convenient to talk?" Sun Dashao asked.

"Wait, wait for me for five seconds." Dong Xin knew something important was going on when he heard it, and quickly hid in the bathroom because he was also eating at this time.

"Young Master Sun, tell me what you want." Dong Xin knew that this was an opportunity to flatter her.

As a businessman, if you want to do a good job in business, you must contact the officialdom.

He, Dong Xin, started his career by being an official. Back then, the [-]-ton ship was bought from a state-owned shipyard that was closed, and it cost less than one-tenth of the money, and then rebuilt. The money spent before and after it was less than buying a new one. It is five times more appropriate, so it is better to offend the people on the road than to offend the government.

"There's a big event, can you just say something, I want to get a woman." Sun Shaoxian asked tentatively.

Dong Xin is also a big boss now. How ruthless he is abroad is one thing, but whether he dares to do it domestically is another matter.

"Young Master Sun treats me as one of my own, just say it casually, you want her to die in the third watch, and I won't let her live in the fifth watch." Dong Xin understood half of it when he heard it, but what did Young Master Sun say?He wasn't sure whether to kill him or just play around.

But his statement is full of sincerity, Sun Shao, I dare to help you kill someone.

"Okay." Young Master Sun understood. "Do you have any desperadoes on your hands?"

"Of course, we have been overseas all year round, and we have to support everyone, especially those from Vietnam, Cambodia, Africa, and Iraq. As long as these people have money, they dare to do anything. I dare not say anything else. The whole In Huaguo, I, Dong Xin, have the most foreigners under my command."

Dong Xin has raised some foreigners, actually not many, only twenty or thirty, but he is really the most of the domestic gangsters with foreigners under his staff.

"This matter is really about to die. After the matter is completed, the person who wants to do it will die, because I don't want to implicate me."

Grass, what is so serious?Dong Xin was also slightly taken aback.

But he also came out to hang out, and now he is determined to curry favor with Young Master Sun, so he nodded his head without hesitation: "Yes, I have two Vietnamese, and my wife and son are helping me run the boat. I will pay a sum of money to support his wife and son For the rest of my life, these two people are absolutely reliable, dead soldiers."

Dong Xin felt a little heartbroken.

These two Vietnamese are indeed dead soldiers, and they are also the ones he plans to use in the future. If there is any enemy, the dead soldiers are very lethal.

The Vietnamese sailed with him, with a fixed salary and bonus for one year. He expressed many times that he wanted to do something great, and then let his wife and son live a good life.

Now that Dong Xin has arrived, it is finally time to use it.

"Then listen carefully, you can arrange it right away---" Young Master Sun originally wanted to arrange it on the phone.

After thinking about it, I changed my mobile phone and sent a short message to Dong Xin.

With his status, he should be careful in what he does. If Dong Xin is allowed to record the sound, it will be bad for him in the future.

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