Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 459 Ghost Upper Body

Besides, in the hotel.

At around [-]:[-], Su Wan and Chen Xiaomiao finally ended the meal hastily.

Chen Xiaomiao said that she was going to sleep at Su Wan's house, the two policemen from Dongning went back to the hotel by themselves, and the two women came outside the hotel together.

Waiting for a taxi to come and go.

After a while, a taxi arrived in front of the two women.

"Go there?" There was a dark-skinned man in the taxi.

"Anshun Community."

"Get in the car." The other party's tone was a bit blunt, but there was a smile on his face.

"Let's go." Both Su Wan and Chen Xiaomiao drank red wine today, their faces were flushed, and they looked very good-looking.

Su Wan sat in the front and Chen Xiaomiao sat in the back.

The two got into the car one after the other.

The taxi started, there was still light music playing in the car, and there was a nice fragrance in it.

Listening to the music and smelling the aroma, both of them felt a little drowsy. In addition, they drank a lot of wine. After a while, both of them narrowed their eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but the car stopped slowly.

"Are you there?" Su Wan tried hard to open her eyes, but found that she really wanted to sleep, and faintly heard someone chuckling in her ear: "It's here, you can sleep for a while."

Then he took a white cloth with one hand and covered her mouth.

"Hmm---" Su Wan suddenly felt her eyelids become heavier, then her head drooped, and she was sound asleep.

"Su Wan?" Chen Xiaomiao, who was sitting in the back, saw in a daze that someone was pressing Su Wan with something.

"Not good." Chen Xiaomiao suddenly felt a sense of fear, and then felt, bang, the car door was opened, and the same hand stretched in.

"Uh--" Chen Xiaomiao barely struggled and fell asleep.

"It's done." The two communicated in Vietnamese.

These are two Vietnamese men in their 40s.

One of them made a quick phone call.

"What? Caught two?" Dong Xin on the other end of the phone was stunned: "The two walked together? It is said that Chen Xiaomiao is wearing a gray trench coat with a hood today, did you see it clearly?"

"Just see it. Put Chen Xiaomiao in the car and take her to the place I designated. Put the other woman beside her first. How long will it take for her to wake up?"

"Two hours? OK, two hours is enough, put her somewhere where no one is around, and leave her alone."

The two Vietnamese hung up the phone, took out the card, crushed it, threw it away, and threw it into a nearby river, then took out all the mobile phones on the two women, turned them off, and then drove forward.

After a few kilometers, I came to a parking lot, first put Su Wan into a car without a license plate in the parking lot, tied up her hands and feet, and then put a wet towel with a smell on Su Wan's face .

In this case, as long as no one finds Su Wan, she won't wake up for three or four hours.

Then the two continued to drive, and half an hour later, they left the Anning District and came to the outskirts of Anzhou.

At this time, it was past eight o'clock, and Jiang Shen finally took a shower, and then flew to Anzhou.

He knew that Xiaomiao's two daughters were having a dinner party, so he saved his immortal energy and flew over slowly, and called Chen Xiaomiao as soon as he arrived in Anzhou.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."


Jiang Shen thought that the signal in the hotel where they were staying was not good, so he called again, this time it was Su Wan.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off"

Grass, there is a problem.Jiang Shen was a little anxious.

For Chen Xiaomiao and Su Wan, only Chen Xiaomiao has the jade talisman she gave her, but that jade talisman can only protect her in a critical situation, and it will react when encountering powerful bullets and knives. Pressing the foot is unresponsive.

Ding Yan was held down at the ktv before, and then she almost wanted to jump off the building.

But fortunately, Jiang Shen has things on all the women who have had an affair with him.

Everyone has hair, even the fur in his storage space.

"Great Thousand Insight Technique." Jiang Shen used his magical powers and began to look for Chen Xiaomiao and Su Wan.

At this time, in a suburb dozens of miles away, in a somewhat old factory building.

Two Vietnamese carried Chen Xiaomiao to a room on the second floor, and then threw her on the bed.

Chen Xiaomiao was sound asleep, lying motionless on the bed.

Young Master Sun was sitting on the side, and he had just arrived.

He looked at the two Vietnamese, and then at Chen Xiaomiao on the bed.

"Ni, it's really beautiful. This figure? Tsk tsk." Sun Shao looked at it, and thought that this was the woman who was his biggest enemy. He was excited, and the little guy under his crotch immediately raised his head and chest.

"You wait for me below, and I will call you when I'm done." Young Master Sun ordered.

"Yes." The two Vietnamese hurried downstairs.

They already know that they are dead soldiers.

After Sun Shao finished killing Chen Xiaomiao, Sun Shao asked them to come up to take Chen Xiaomiao's turn, and then the two of them killed Chen Xiaomiao and drove away, and they would choose to crash and die on the way.

Later, the police investigated the case and found that after the two Vietnamese raped and killed Chen Xiaomiao, they accidentally died in a car accident while running away.

Because this case happened in Fu'an Province, Zeng Lihui will use his influence to close the case soon.

so perfect.

Sun Shao's idea is too perfect.

Especially since this is Fu'an Province, even if Jiang Shen had doubts and wanted to continue the investigation, there was nothing he could do.

"Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen, do you dare to fight me? Hahahaha." Sun Shao walked to the side, and there was a camera beside him. He will record this sacred moment, and maybe show it to Jiang Shen in the future. .

If one day, Jiang Shen suddenly saw a video of her woman being popular on the Internet, how would he feel?


Sun Shao walked slowly to the bed.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's boring to sleep like a pig now?" Sun Shao looked out the window.

This is a gravel factory, built against a mountain, very remote, the boss disappeared a month ago because he borrowed a lot of money and couldn't repay the wages owed to the workers, and there has been no one to live there since.

Dong Xin found it specially for him.

There are hardly any people living within 500 meters around, and there are mountains on three sides. It is really a good place to do things and kill people.

Young Master Sun is more interested in sex. It's too boring to go to Chen Xiaomiao like this. It's different from the last dead man. Jiang Shen didn't see it enough to stimulate him.

Well, he thought about it, took a few ropes, tied Chen Xiaomiao's hands and feet to the four corners of the bed in a big shape, and then wrapped Chen Xiaomiao's mouth with tape.

After finishing everything, he took some water and sprinkled it on Chen Xiaomiao's face, slowly washing her.

After a while, Chen Xiaomiao really woke up.

"Uh-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, when I saw that I was tied up on the bed and there was a naked man standing in front of me, I was both shocked and angry.

"Uh---uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of

"Hahaha, are you scared? Director Beauty, let me introduce myself. My name is Sun Yaowu. Your boyfriend, Jiang Shen, is my enemy."

Young Master Sun watched Chen Xiaomiao's delicate body wriggling in horror, but was speechless again, feeling a perverted sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame your boyfriend. This bastard dared to offend me, Sun Yaowu. I will let him know today how miserable the person who offends me will be." camera, raised it to face Chen Xiaomiao.

He wanted to take a picture of this exciting scene, and then find a chance to show it to Jiang Shen.

"Beauty, let me strip you naked first, let me see your little white rabbit." Sun Yaowu held the camera with one hand, and touched Chen Xiaomiao's chest with the other.

"****, did that bastard Jiang Shen take a video for you?" Sun Yaowu grabbed her with one hand, thinking about how to crush her breasts.

"Beep" suddenly made a soft crisp sound.

Through the portrait of the camera, Sun Yaowu saw in horror that there was another hand blocking his subordinates.

Grab a hand yourself?This hand covered Chen Xiaomiao's crisp chest.

Her hands untied?

Sun Shao quickly took away the camera, took a closer look, and took a deep breath.

"I am grass."

Pushing, pushing, Sun Shao took several steps back, and the camera fell to the ground in shock.

Jiang Shen did not know when he appeared.

Ni, you are a ghost, how did you appear?

Young Master Sun was so frightened that his soul flew into the sky. He had fought Jiang Shen before and knew that he was very good at fighting.

However, this is not the key point, the key point is how Jiang Shen came up.

"Ah Xing, Ah Xing----" Sun Shao screamed, wanting to call the two Vietnamese people downstairs to come up.

"Stop barking, Young Master Sun." Jiang Shen giggled: "They only listen to me now."

Jiang Shen stretched out his hand, bang, bang, and tore apart the rope that bound Chen Xiaomiao.

Chen Xiaomiao angrily tore off the tape on her mouth, her face grim: "Pickle him, Jiang Shen, pickle him for me."

Chen Xiaomiao went mad with anger, looked left and right, looking for something to hit Young Master Sun.

If Jiang Shen came later, he would be molested by him, and he might as well die then.

"Brother Shen, just kidding, just kidding, hehe, don't be like this, don't be like this." Young Master Sun finally knew that Jiang Shen was terrible.

Can this be found here?

Simply incredible.

He even wondered if Dong Xin betrayed him.

He begged for mercy and stepped back.

"It's okay, I don't mind, I really don't mind, you say, me and a dead person, what do you mind?" Jiang Shen smiled gloomyly, and couldn't hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Plop" Sun Shao fell to his knees in fright, howling and crying: "Brother Shen, I was wrong, I was blind, it's none of my business, it was Zeng Li who told me that your girlfriend was here, Brother Shen, Give it a chance, I'm not a human, I'm a beast---ba, ba, ba" he slapped himself on the mouth.

"Did I mess with you?" Chen Xiaomiao found an ashtray on the table at this moment, and threw it at Young Master Sun's head without thinking.

Young Master Sun shrank his neck, and suddenly, the ashtray was emptied.

"What the hell, the gun, I know you have a gun, give me a gun." Chen Xiaomiao was furious, and in desperation, asked Jiang Shen for a gun, ready to kill Sun Shao.

"Don't worry." Jiang Shen comforted Chen Xiaomiao, and then said to Young Master Sun, "You said you are not human anymore, why don't you become a ghost?"

"Reincarnate in the next life, don't mess with Jiang Shen."

Jiang Shen waved his hand lightly.

Teng Teng Teng, two people ran up downstairs.

"This is?" Chen Xiaomiao was puzzled.

"We are good cadres of the people, Comrade Xiao Miao, don't beat and kill at every turn, you are a policeman. Come, let's go to the theater."

It was the two Vietnamese who came up, and one of them was still holding a mobile phone, talking in his mouth: "1000 million, not a penny less."

Then after hanging up the phone, "Sun Yaowu." Both of them yelled at the same time, and rushed towards Sun Yaowu.

It's just that when Chen Xiaomiao was watching in the camera, he felt that the two people were looking at him and Jiang Shen in horror.

I'll copy it, it's the devil's upper body.Chen Xiaomiao felt a little cold all over her body.

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