Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 460 Calling All Women

On the evening of April 29th.

A shocking case occurred in Fu'an Province.

The reason why it was shocking was because the identities of the deceased were different.

Sun Yaowu, son of Sun Youquan, vice governor of Fu'an Province, was raped and killed.

That's right, Sun Yaowu's chrysanthemum was exploded.

The perpetrators were two Vietnamese nationals, according to an internal police investigation.

The two kidnapped Sun Yaowu halfway to an abandoned factory, and then called Vice Governor Sun Youquan to extort 1000 million in cash.

Of course Sun Youquan called the police, but the Vietnamese first sodomized Sun Yaowu and then killed him.

The Vietnamese fled by car afterwards. Because of panic, the car crashed into the side of the mountain in the dark, and the two died on the spot.

Dong Xin, the Vietnamese boss, was also unlucky. He was arrested by the police that night, and the results of the interrogation have not yet come out. He committed suicide by hitting a wall in the detention center the next day.

And that night, when the police were investigating the case of Sun Yaowu being raped and killed.

In Anshun Community, Su Wan's home.

Three women are entangled on the bed.

Chen Xiaomiao, who was naked all over, seemed to have just finished, her limbs were stretched weakly, her mouth was open and she kept panting, her eyes were staring at the other two people beside her.

Su Wan was wearing a police uniform shirt on her upper body, and her lower body was completely nude, lying on the bedside with blurred eyes.

Jiang Shen held her police uniform with one hand, touched her buttocks with the other, and kept hitting behind her.

"Let me say, Sister Su, do you still have a smaller police uniform, lend me it." Chen Xiaomiao didn't bring a police uniform when she came here this time, and Jiang Shen seemed to spend more time with Su Wan, so she knew Jiang Shen I like other people wearing police uniforms.

"I said Xiao Miao--oh--ah--I'm fatter than you-- my ----- police uniform, you don't fit well --- -" Su Wan moaned and enjoyed, while looking at Miao Miao flirtatiously.

"You---in Dongning all day long---it's rare---um---Jiang Shen came here---let me have a good time---you will die---ah--- ----"

"Okay, I'm just talking, but you don't know, Jiang Shen is actually busier in Dongning." Chen Xiaomiao glanced at Jiang Shen resentfully. This little rascal has so many women, and it's my turn only once a week. You think it's easy for me.

Jiang Shen had the first half in Dongning, and now he is even more unyielding in the second half, plus it is rare to see his girlfriend Su Wan, Jiang Shen is also very powerful.

The battle continued that night until after five o'clock in the morning of the next day.

In the early hours of the morning, Governor Sun was angered by Sun Yaowu's case. Under his pressure, the entire Fu'an Provincial Police Department mobilized.

The Anning District, which was not the area where the crime occurred, was also called for a meeting, and Su Wan reluctantly put on her clothes and rushed to the police station.

"Xiao Miao, I'm off to work, you two can stay in bed all day." Su Wan's eyes were red, a little bit reluctant.

Because she knew that Jiang Shen and Xiaomiao were going back too.

"Don't be reluctant, from now on, you can come to our Dongning every Monday to play." Chen Xiaomiao didn't know what she was thinking, and no woman would forget the taste of Jiang Shen.

"I don't want to go to work." Su Wan whispered, while putting on her shoes, she was also thinking about this possibility.

She is also the leader, the political commissar of the district bureau. There was a meeting in the bureau on Monday morning, and she can also go to Dongning to study and study.

Su Wan, a friend with benefits, kind of wants to upgrade a little bit, and turn a temporary friend with benefits into a lover.

"When I come to Dongning in the future, I'll take care of the air tickets. I'll find a company to buy them for you." Jiang Shen still has someone he can use in Fu'an.

For example, Chen Yongxiong, who is as famous as Dong Xin.

Hearing Jiang Shen's words, Su Wan also turned her complaints into joy.

It's not about the plane ticket, it's about Jiang Shen's attitude. If you agree with her, you don't have to just be friends with benefits.

"I'm going to work, you continue." When Su Wan walked out, her steps were brisk and she was extremely happy.

"When are we going back to Dongning?" Jiang Shen looked at Chen Xiaomiao on the bed.

"Are you kidding me?" Chen Xiaomiao turned over and rode on Jiang Shen.

"It's rare to be alone with you. You are not allowed to leave this gate before noon."

"I'll do it, isn't it." The buddies have been plowing all night, and the iron ox needs to rest.

The two continued to fight, and Chen Xiaomiao seized the opportunity to single out Jiang Shen. He also desperately asked for it, enjoying the physical pleasure.

When it was extremely cool, it screamed loudly, and the sound of screaming was distorted.

At the end of the battle, it was finally discovered that Jiang Shen was still defeated by one person.

"Ah---I can't do it---I can't do it---ah------" Before seven o'clock in the morning, after Chen Xiaomiao screamed, she limply lay on the bed and refused to move again.

"I haven't come out yet, why can't you do it?" Jiang Shen stood up and deliberately teased Chen Xiaomiao.

"Call——Sister Su——I——can't take it anymore, I surrender—surrender." Chen Xiaomiao spoke intermittently, out of breath.

"Didn't you just say that it was hard to be alone with me? Director Chen, as a policeman, you are not good at fighting." Jiang Shen continued to move.

"Don't move, don't move---" Chen Xiaomiao rolled over and got away from little Jiang Shen, scaring Huarong to turn pale.

"I admit defeat, you can find Sister Su to take over."

"Sister Su is in a meeting."

Just as Jiang Shen finished speaking, a mobile phone rang nearby.

The two turned their heads and looked: "Hey, Sister Su dropped her phone at home."

The mobile phone number shows 'Zhu Ke'.

It should be from a colleague in Su Wan's work unit.

Jiang Shen looked at Chen Xiaomiao, and Chen Xiaomiao looked at Jiang Shen.

The two watched for a while, but neither dared to answer.

After a while, the phone stopped and another text message came.

"I'm Su Wan. I forgot my mobile phone at home. I just called on my colleague's phone. Today we are busy with yesterday's case. You can turn off my mobile phone for me. Just leave it at home. I will go back to pick it up at noon."

Oh, that's it.

Jiang Shen took the phone and was about to turn it off.

The phone rang again.

He glanced at it casually, intending to turn off the phone directly, but immediately froze for a moment: "Shu Jue".

Copy, Shu Jue's phone number.

"What are you looking at? Turn off the phone." Chen Xiaomiao also tilted her head to take a look.

"Oh, it turned out to be Miss Shu. I said Jiang Shen, can you call her over for halftime?" Chen Xiaomiao said jealously.

She knew that Su Wan and Jiang Shen were having an affair, but she didn't know if Shu Jue did.

"She also mentioned it after the last training, and now she is the political commissar of the 'Yangzhou' City Police Department, and is in charge."

"Are you in the right place?"

"She's good at first, and she's a beauty. It's always easy to be a beauty." Chen Xiaomiao forgot that she was also a beauty.

The person who spoke was full of jealousy.

Yangzhou is on the edge of Anzhou, a prefecture-level city in Fu'an.

It was not easy for Shu Jue to become the political commissar of a prefecture-level city after going down from the provincial department.

After a few words between the two of them, Shu Jue hit him again.

Hit twice in a row, should something happen?

Jiang Shen smiled: "It seems that there is something wrong, I have called twice, and I will take it."

"Hmph." Chen Xiaomiao despised Jiang Shen.

"No -- hello, Commissar Shu." Jiang Shen said with a smile.

"You are?" Of course it was Shu Jue, who felt a little familiar when she heard this. Moreover, she was calling Su Wan, so why did a man answer the phone.

"The political commissar Su went to the city bureau for a meeting, and lost his mobile phone at home. I'm Jiang Shen, Xiao Jiang, do you remember me?" Jiang Shen was a little proud.

Back then, he almost fell in love with Shu Jue.

"Jiang Shen?" Shu Jue was taken aback, and then his whole face turned red.

The scene of that night reappeared in her mind.

"You ---- why are you in her house?" Shu Jue became more and more embarrassed as he thought about it.

A man was at another woman's house, and he answered the phone for her, goddamn it, Su Wan had an affair with you too.

"I'm here to meet a friend, and I don't have a place to live, so I'll borrow her house for a while, Commissar Shu, don't think about it." Jiang Shen chuckled.

Ni, I don't think it's weird to be crooked.Shu Jue squeezed her little hand: "Forget it, Su Wan is not here, I will call later."

"Director Shu" Jiang Shen suddenly called her by the school name: "Actually, when I came to Fu'an, I just wanted to meet you. Can we meet?"

Jiang Shen was also on a whim, and suddenly thought of molesting Shu Jue.

"What?" Shu Jue was about to hang up the phone, but when he heard Jiang Shen's words, his heart beat faster, his face turned redder, and he stammered: "You---you nonsense---what------"

She was ashamed and angry, you said you wanted to see me at Su Wan's house, who do you think I am?

"I---I'm in Yangzhou now---" Shu Jue hung up the phone, his heart fluctuating.

Then she looked up and saw that she was standing downstairs in Suwan community, but she lied to Jiang Shen that she was in Yangzhou.

Damn little rascal, Shu Jue gritted his teeth and turned around to leave.

Uh, she's in Yangzhou now?Jiang Shen laughed secretly.

Shu Jue's refusal was not very decisive. If you work harder, you can still take her down.

It is true that Shu Jue wants to make progress with all her heart, but she is also a woman, and she also has needs.

"You're showing off again, don't add any more sisters, do you want us to take turns every two weeks?" Chen Xiaomiao said angrily, "If you dare to add more, He Liuye said that we will call all the sisters together some other day , I don’t believe I can’t knock you down.”

"I'll torture you." Jiang Shen gasped. He Liuye, a bitch, dares to say anything, calling all the women together?

Then I am a real god, I am afraid it will not be easy to deal with.

"Don't be scared, hehe." Chen Xiaomiao snatched the phone from Jiang Shen's hand, turned off the phone, and continued to ride on Jiang Shen's body.

This tossing took another nearly an hour.

In a blink of an eye, it was past eight o'clock in the morning.

The two worked together from nine o'clock in the evening to eight o'clock in the morning, and after eleven hours, even Jiang Shen was overwhelmed by Chen Xiaomiao's physique.

A policeman is a policeman, and he is much better at fighting than ordinary people.

Chen Xiaomiao saw that it was almost time, and was about to lead the team back to Dongning. Jiang Shen also got up and got dressed, planning to go back.

After the two finished dressing and washing, Chen Xiaomiao called the two subordinates that Dongning had brought over.

"Beep, beep, beep" The call you dialed is temporarily unavailable.

The two little policemen couldn't get through.

Hey, what kind of rhythm is this? The two didn't drink much yesterday.

Chen Xiaomiao was a little strange.

"What's the matter, you and the two policemen go away, then I'll go back by myself." Jiang Shen was about to open the door when his expression changed slightly.

"Something is wrong, someone is here."

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, a large number of policemen downstairs rushed towards us.

At least 20 police officers surrounded the building.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xiaomiao asked strangely.

"I don't know, don't be afraid, I'll be watching by your side." Jiang Shen looked around, retreated directly into the room, and then disappeared without a trace.

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