Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 464 Let's Get Engaged

"Missing me so soon?" Jiang Shen put one arm around Qiao Feixue, leaned down and kissed her little mouth.

"Well..." Qiao Feixue threw and pushed a few times, and the two kissed passionately, rolling on the bed non-stop.

This passionate kiss lasted for more than a minute, and the mouths of Jiang Shen and Qiao Feixue were full of saliva.

Jiang Shen even took off Qiao Feixue's clothes while kissing.

After the two kissed, Qiao Feixue's twin peaks had already fallen into his hands.

Just about to press Qiao Feixue to her crotch and enjoy her extremely gentle mouth, Qiao Feixue suddenly raised her head.

"Jiang Shen, let's get engaged."

"---" Jiang Shen stopped there like a pause.

Nimei, I knew it was not a good thing to come to the door today.

Jiang Shen stayed there.

"What are you doing? This expression." Qiao Feixue was furious, and pushed Jiang Shen down on the bed: "Do you just want to play with me?"

"Of course not---I'm that kind of person." Jiang Shen has never encountered such a thing.

All the women, including Ding Yan, Jin Zhiqing, and the others, had never mentioned engagement and marriage to him.

Suddenly being asked by Qiao Feixue, he was so frightened that he stuttered: "Aren't I the one who is still young, the legal --- I haven't reached the marriageable age --- a bit unexpected, a bit unexpected--"

"I said engagement, not marriage---what's the accident? I can't bear the flowers and plants outside you, don't think I don't know---"

Qiao Feixue pouted Lao Gao, angry like a child.

"Let me tell you, my parents asked you to come and talk about this matter. You have to be mentally prepared to tell my parents later."

I'm going, this is the rhythm of forcing the palace.I knew I wouldn't come, but I can't escape, what should come will still come.

Jiang Shen came here almost every week, sooner or later.

In the past, Qiao's parents felt that Jiang Shen was too young and were still hesitating. After Jiang Shen was promoted to the deputy director of the China Merchants Bureau, Qiao's boss, Qiao Xiaoshan, knew that this son-in-law must hurry up, otherwise there will be no accidents. alright.

He knew that his daughter, although beautiful, was old, and because of the strict family upbringing, she had a relatively calm temperament. In other words, she was not as open and bold as the current president's woman.

This little Jiang is famous for being romantic, the beauty outside is coquettish and bold, young and energetic, my girl is still very dangerous.

Especially when he met Jin Zhonglin, head of the organization of the Provincial Party Committee, Jin Zhonglin mentioned his own daughter intentionally or unintentionally.

When Qiao Xiaoshan heard this, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Nima, her daughter is younger and more beautiful than mine, and he is several grades older than me, the gap is too big.

As long as he is a normal person, he will choose Jin Zhonglin.

Moreover, there are still rumors in the police tradition that Jiang Shen is also having an affair with Chen Xiaomiao, the new deputy director of Chengdong District.

He is no worse than my daughter.

No, get it done quickly.

So Qiao Xiaoshan asked her daughter what she was thinking.

Qiao Feixue also knew that Jiang Shen was not a good guy, and there must be women out there.

However, women always talk about finding a man who is good to them wholeheartedly. In fact, once the man is too good, the women will not mind, as long as they have it, why should they be so strict.

Qiao Feixue doesn't mind, as long as she can be with Jiang Shen.

After discussing with each other, the family of three asked Jiang Shen to have dinner.

Qiao's mother gave Jiang Shen a psychological preparation, and drove Jiang Shen to Qiao Feixue's room, and the two had a chat first.

"This engagement - how to decide?" Jiang Shen was in a daze: "Can you not make it too big."

"My dad is the deputy mayor, so how could he make it too big? Now the central government has regulations. As many eyes are watching, we will find a few relatives, with a smaller scope and a little more concealment." Qiao Feixue said sweetly.

"My dad also said that if you want to continue to move forward, you must be engaged or married. If the cadres are not married, they dare not reuse them in the organization. How many of the leading cadres are single?"

Nima, District Chief Xiang is single, Su Wan and Shu Jue are both.

Female cadres do not count.


Jiang Shen is so depressed, he wants to get engaged, how many women's hearts will be broken.

But if he said he was not engaged, Qiao Feixue would definitely die of heartbreak.

Neither side can give up, neither side can offend.

Ni? Who came up with it?It must be that old fox Qiao Xiaoshan.

Jiang Shen guessed right away.

At around 40:[-], Qiao Xiaoshan went home happily.

"Hello, Uncle Qiao." Jiang Shen's smile was uglier than crying.

"Little Jiang, come and eat first, eat first."

"I'm still called Uncle, did Fei Xue tell you, I'm going to be called Dad." Qiao's mother was even more powerful, and Dad even said it out.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Qiao Feixue was extremely shy.

Mother Qiao was serving the dishes, and Father Qiao looked at the little son-in-law with joy on his face: "How about it, what do you think? Are there any elders in the family?"

"I listen to the leader." What else could Jiang Shen do?Qiao Feixue took the lead and forced the palace to correct the situation. Among so many women, only Qiao Feixue thought of it. Originally, the principle of first come, first served, she could only be the real card.

"Cut, what do you say, don't you want to?" Qiao Xiaoshan pretended to be angry, but his eyes were full of complacency, Xiao Jiang, Xiao Jiang, you are still a little tender, and you can't escape my palm.

"No, no, I'm used to it, haha, listen to Uncle Joe."

"What Uncle Qiao?" Joe's father stared and pressed forward step by step.

"Listen to Dad." Jiang Shen also had a thick skin, so he called him Dad directly.

"Hahaha." Qiao Xiaoshan laughed wildly, the pride in his heart, Minister Jin, you are higher in rank than me, and your daughter is more beautiful than mine, but you can't let go of your figure, and it's not good if you don't know how to push the palace, hahahaha.

Hearing Jiang Shen finally called Dad, Qiao Feixue blushed like something, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Ni, I, I sold myself just like that, Jiang Shen wanted to cry but had no tears.

More importantly, how to face so many women tomorrow.

However, he is also an extremely thick-skinned person, so if he agrees, he should be more generous.

The family ate dinner happily that day, and Jiang Shen was also cheeky, eating one father and one mother, which made the two elders of the Qiao family happy.

However, Jiang Shen also had the warmth of a family for the first time.

He had no father since he was a child, and was brought up by his mother alone, and now he finally enjoys the feeling of family.

To say that Qiao Xiaoshan can stay at the grassroots level for so long, it is a fuel-efficient lamp.

After dinner, the family drinks tea together.

"Ah Shen, let's move in from now on. Your mother will take care of the house, cooking and laundry, and you don't have to take care of everything." Qiao Xiaoshan's old face was completely out of control anyway.

"Flash---" Jiang Shen took a sip of tea and almost spit it out.

Don't bring such a thing, Mayor Joe, we are not married yet, so it's not good to live together.

Although Jiang Shen strongly wanted to sleep in the same bed with Qiao Feixue, but at this moment he really couldn't give in.

To be honest, women outside should be able to accept his engagement. If he lives in Qiao Feixue's house, the harem will definitely rebel.

He also lived in Xu Li's house before, but later there were more harems, so he built another suite and took turns taking care of the women every week.

He wants to live with that woman regularly again, it's no wonder the rest of the harem is not turned upside down.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Jiang Shen is busy with work and often comes home very late. My mother and you go to bed early and it will disturb you. Let him stay outside first." Qiao Feixue helped Jiang Shen at a critical moment. speak.

It's not that she doesn't want Jiang Shen to live here, she also vaguely knows Jiang Shen's thoughts.

It's okay to force the palace, don't force it too hastily.

As far as she knew, Jiang Shen hadn't made a clear distinction from Fang Rou, the little nurse's current office director of the Health Bureau.

Give Jiang Shen some time.

"That's it." Qiao Xiaoshan still listened to his daughter a little bit, and when he heard her daughter say that, he understood what it meant.

"It's okay to sleep here occasionally, but you have to come here to sleep one night a week, the minimum requirement." Qiao Xiaoshan gave instructions decisively.

I went, and there are such minimum requirements.When Jiang Shen looked up and saw Qiao Feixue, Qiao Meiren lowered her head shyly.

Jiang Shen's heart skipped a beat.

So can I sleep here tonight?

Among so many women, only Qiao Feixue has never been truly possessed by Jiang Shen.

From this point of view, Qiao Feixue is still very traditional. To marry a wife, you have to marry such a traditional type.

"Why are you meddling with young people's affairs? Let's go, I'm going to go into the room to watch TV." Mother Qiao was also a mother-in-law who saw her son-in-law getting more and more happy, so she dragged Qiao Xiaoshan away.

I'm dizzy, I still have work to talk to my son-in-law.

Qiao Xiaoshan was in a hurry.

"Wait, wait, I still have a few words."

"Dad." Jiang Shen said honestly.

It's not Mayor Joe anymore, it's Dad now.

"Well, Feixue recently took the exam for the position of vice president of Huaxing Dongning Branch. There should be no problem with the written test. For the interview, I may need your help."

Mayor Joe is not polite.

"Dad, what can Jiang Shen do?" Qiao Feixue didn't understand either.

"Well, tell me, Dad, what should I do." Jiang Shen was also baffled, things about the bank and the financial system had nothing to do with me.

But Qiao Feixue is also making progress, Jiang Shen is still very happy.

Among his women, Xiang Lan is now the highest ranked one.

If Qiao Feixue can pass the exam as vice president of Dongning City Branch of China Bank, although there is no administrative level in the financial system, it is actually equivalent to the level of deputy department or main department.

When encountering each other at work, Xiang Lan, the district chief, also gave Qiao Feixue, the vice president, some face.

"Ou Chufeng used to be from the central head office of China Bank. He resigned in 03 and was admitted to the Ministry of Finance. In 06, he was transferred to Qing'an City, Qingfeng Province, as the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee. Come to Dongning to serve as the vice governor."

"Ou Chufeng knows the leaders of Huaxing Dongning Provincial Branch. Ah Shen, Governor Ou values ​​you very much, so I will trouble you with this matter."

Mayor Qiao also did homework for his daughter. Ou Sheng grew up dealing with the financial system for half his life, and Qiao Feixue had great hopes to be greeted by someone during the interview.

At Mayor Qiao's level, the leaders of Huaxing Dongning Provincial Branch really don't need to give him face, let alone he is the deputy mayor of Xinzha.

"That's it, no problem, when did it happen?"

"The written test will be next week, and the interview will be next week. After she passes the written test, you can start working."

"Okay, Dad, don't worry, Feixue's business is my business." Of course Jiang Shen agreed.

Even if Governor Ou can't help, he can solve this matter.

"Hahaha, I'll just say that Ah Shen is fine, okay, okay, I've gone to watch TV too, you guys chat, you chat." Mayor Qiao turned around with a smile, walked to the door of his room and suddenly turned around: " Well, stay here today, and try your mother's poached eggs tomorrow morning, it's top-notch."

"I'm dizzy." Jiang Shen's face was black.

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