Mayor Joe is disrespectful.

He walked away, went to the door, blah blah, all the lights in the hall were turned off, and then returned to his room with a smile.

Today, is this asking the princess to force her bow?

Looking at the darkness around him, Jiang Shen also blushed, a little embarrassed: "Well, Feixue---"

"If you want to go back, I'll take you downstairs." Qiao Feixue said with a straight face.

"Okay, then I'll go back." After Jiang Shen said this, Qiao Feixue's expression darkened.

Before she could get angry, she felt her body was empty, and she was already hugged by Jiang Shen.

"Go back to your room."

"Let me down." Qiao Feixue was both happy and annoyed, she didn't expect Jiang Shen to be so daring, daring to mess around in the lobby of her home.

"Okay." Jiang Shen let it go as soon as he said it, and with a plop, Qiao Feixue found that he had thrown him on the bed.

"Don't be like this---" Qiao Feixue's refusal to greet him further stimulated Jiang Shen.

In addition, this is Qiao Feixue's home, and his parents are next door, Jiang Shen felt that his whole body was scorching hot.

He pressed Qiao Feixue madly, and took off her pants rudely.

Qiao Feixue was also a little distracted, panting coquettishly while trying to take off her little suit.

"Don't take it off, I like this uniform."

Jiang Shen's words made Qiao Feixue shy and embarrassed: "This is work clothes, you little rascal."

Jiang Shen didn't care what kind of clothes she was wearing, and stripped Qiao Feixue's bottom in three or two strokes.

Qiao Feixue sensed Jiang Shen's danger: "Don't, don't, I --- can I help you ---" She was a little scared.

Qiao Feixue, who had never experienced such a thing before, was still a little flustered when it happened.

mouth?Is it not enough for you to help me?How could I give up such a good opportunity today.

Jiang Shen didn't care about her anymore, little Jiang Shen was ready to go, and had endured for a long time.

He roughly separated Qiao Feixue's tightly clamped legs with his knees, lowered his head and kissed Qiao Feixue's neck: "Don't worry, it won't hurt."

Little Jiang Shen was getting closer and closer to his destination, just as he was about to attack Qiao Feixue's last holy place with a powerful thrust.

"Dinglingling---" At this moment, Jiang Shen's cell phone rang.

I handcuffed, Jiang Shen and Qiao Feixue let out a long sigh of relief at the same time.

At this time, Jiang Shen's arrow is on the string, and he doesn't care about Sanqi 21, let's go in first and then talk.

"Telephone, telephone, answer the phone, don't worry." Qiao Feixue backed away in fright, then pulled the quilt over the bed to cover herself up, sat on the head of the bed, panting heavily.

Your sister, who is calling?

Jiang Shen shook his head, his phone ringtone was set differently, so he basically knew who it was calling from.

Pick up the phone and look: "Ding Yan."

Hey, this little girl almost never dared to call herself, there must be something wrong.

Jiang Shen had no choice but to answer the phone.

"Hello, Yan'er."

"Brother Shen, are you busy? Is it bothering you?" Ding Yan's weak voice made people want to feel sorry for her even more.

Speaking of Ding Yan, she is not very old now, but she is also the big boss of several companies. She usually has a strong aura, but when she meets Jiang Shen, she turns into a cute little girl.

"Okay, what's the matter?"

"Then---Sister Xu asked me to ask you, are you still coming tonight?" Ding Yan's voice was very gentle, so gentle that Jiang Shen couldn't bear to be angry.

Every week today, if Jiang Shen goes to Yongtai Group to accompany the three daughters Ding Yan, Xu Li and Pan Wenwen.

It was only then that Jiang Shen remembered that he didn't go to dinner at night, and he forgot to call to talk about it.

Xu Li must have missed herself, and she didn't dare to call, so she had to let Ding Yan call.

"I----" Before Jiang Shen finished speaking, Qiao Feixue gritted her teeth and stared at Jiang Shen fiercely.

Jiang Shen didn't know what to say.

Then I saw Qiao Feixue waving her hand, meaning to let Jiang Shen pass.

"I'll be over later." Jiang Shen had no choice but to say.

Facing Ding Yan, he really couldn't bear to refuse.

"Oh, see you later." Ding Yan happily hung up the phone.

"Go, go, go." Qiao Feixue was full of resentment.

"You didn't ask me to go." Jiang Shen touched it with a smile on his face: "No hurry, it's over here, and I can go again."

"Go to hell." Qiao Feixue pushed Jiang Shen: "You should go there, I have to read at night, and you can come back after I pass the exam next week."

"Are you angry or are you serious?" Jiang Shen can handle Qiao Feixue well.

"What do you think?" Qiao Feixue cocked her mouth, "What am I afraid of, I'm the palace." She is proud now, engaged, her real girlfriend.

"You play and play, just remember to come back." These words came out of Qiao Feixue's mouth, with a slight sadness.

"Don't be like this." Jiang Shen lowered his head and kissed Qiao Feixue. He was soft but not hard. The more pitiful Qiao Feixue said, the more embarrassed he was.

Qiao Feixue smiled secretly, she knew Jiang Shen too well, she must not get angry, she could only overcome strength with softness.

"Go, go, she won't miss you." Qiao Feixue didn't even know who was on the phone, probably it was Fang Rou.

"Then I'm really leaving." Jiang Shen was not in the mood to continue with Qiao Feixue after being hit by the phone call.

After all, there were three beauties waiting for him on the other end of the phone.

"Wait." Qiao Feixue rolled her eyes.

"Let me eat a few mouthfuls before leaving, hum, let her eat my old lady's saliva." After finishing speaking, Qiao Feixue threw Jiang Shen down, bowed her head and opened her mouth.

"I'm tortured, hiss---" Jiang Shen closed his eyes and screamed, "How can I get away like this---"

More than eight o'clock in the evening.

The distraught Jiang Shen quietly escaped from Qiao Feixue's house.

He looked down at himself, and there was a towering tower below. Fortunately, it was night and no one could see it, otherwise it would be difficult to walk.

This Qiao Feixue really thought about it, let them eat her saliva.

Well, when I got there, I took a shower first, and Jiang Shen rushed to Yongtai Group excitedly.

Now that the three girls live in the company, it is convenient for them to get together with Jiang Shen.

Sure enough, Xu Li had something to do with Jiang Shen.

"Sister Xu has something to ask you, otherwise she wouldn't have asked me to call." Ding Yan and Jiang Shen were in the bathroom, helping him take a bath while talking to him gently.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shen raised his hands up and down, saying that it was appropriate for Ding Yan's preference.

Xiao Dingyan's nutrition is getting better and better now, and her figure is getting longer, and she is slowly getting closer to Xu Li.

"It seems that there is a second-generation official chasing her, and the background is a bit big."

"What?" Jiang Shen was furious when he heard that.

Also, one of his women is prettier than the other. Jin Zhiqing and the others are better off, they all go to work and have a relatively fixed circle of activities in Dongning City. Because Xu Li manages the huge Yongtai Group, she often goes out to discuss business.

Now in Dongning, Xu Li is already a bit famous, a beautiful boss, a billionaire woman, and some people even know that she is Jiang Shen's woman.

No one in Dongning would dare to chase after Xu Li. Xiao Dingyan must be someone who has no eyesight in other places.

After taking a shower, Xu Li and Pan Wenwen were already waiting for them on the bed.

Jiang Shen didn't care about it either, and first fought with the three of them, and then talked about it slowly.

Xu Li and Jiang Shen talked.

It turned out that since Yongtai Group received Jiang Shen's financial sponsorship, its business has grown bigger and bigger. Recently, it got two pieces of land in 'Hexi Province', one for commercial use and the other for industrial use.

One of Yongtai Group's plans is to develop real estate, and the other is to build a cement branch.

Where is Hexi Province?It is to the west of the capital, and it is a neighbor to the capital.

This distance is a bit far from Dongning.

In the past, Yongtai Group's business was only located in Dongning and nearby provinces and cities. Now Xu Li has shown her vision and level. With Jiang Shen's financial support, she has shown her strength and fought all the way to the edge of the capital.

She also has a plan for this, to gain a foothold in Hexi first, and then see the opportunity to develop in the capital.

In the end, if domestic enterprises want to become giants, they still have to become famous in several megacities.

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shenzhen, these places can prove whether you have the strength to become a multinational group.

Xu Li is planning to use Hexi Province as a springboard to test the waters first, and then look for opportunities to enter Beijing.

Ordinary enterprises, if they rush into the capital rashly, have no foundation and no background, they will come out in a hurry in a short time.

Where is the capital?Noble people gather, high-ranking officials are like a rain, and the richest man in Shanghai with tens of billions of dollars has no backing and wants to develop in the capital city, but it is also a waste of money.

Xu Li seldom talks to Jiang Shen about her business affairs, it's not that she doesn't want to talk about it, and Jiang Shen never cares about it, and she's not interested in listening to her business affairs. Li has gone to the capital to develop, and there is still a transition in Hexi Province.

It is said that Xu Li also got two pieces of land, but immediately found that the neighbors in the capital should not be underestimated.

Hexi Province is adjacent to the capital city and has obvious geographical advantages. Many dignitaries and young masters in the capital city even have properties in Hexi Province.

When their group was acquiring commercial land, it competed fiercely with a real estate company called 'Jincheng Group'.

The total area of ​​this plot is 10.26 square meters, including 4.126 square meters of construction land.

The starting price starts from one billion yuan. After the competition between Yongtai Group and Wujia Group, only Yongtai and Jincheng remain.

After several rounds, Yongtai Group won the land with 18.5 billion.

Xu Li was also very happy at that time.

On the night after the incident, Xu Li was preparing to fly back to Dongning overnight.

A young man about 30 years old went to the hotel to see Xu Li.

It turned out that this person was Zhong Anguo, the chairman of Jincheng Group.

Zhong Anguo wanted to invite Xu Li to dinner, but Xu Li naturally refused.

Zhong An Guodao, I know you, the boss of Yongtai Group in Dongning, a famous local beauty boss, but the dragon is not crossing the river, you came to Hexi from Dongning, do you know the environment in Hexi?

Zhong Anguo was pointing at the outside of the hotel at that time, and said arrogantly: "You throw a brick out, and the person you hit on the street by the way, his parents, or relatives and friends may be the capital's bureau or even the provincial department. senior officials."

Some people say that if you meet a cyclist on Jingcheng Road, you may be a department-level cadre, but if you meet a car driver on Hexi Road, his father is likely to be a department-level, department-level, or provincial-level cadre.

The capital is too small, and senior officials all set their sights on Hexi Province, which is next to the capital.

Everyone came to Hexi to develop and grab resources.

Zhong Anguo is one of them.

His background is not small. According to him, even though the land was taken down by Xu Li, it is best for the two companies to jointly develop it, otherwise, Xu Li will be unable to move an inch in Hexi.

This is a bit threatening to Xu Li.

Xu Li ignored him. With Jiang Shen behind her, she was very courageous, otherwise she would not have come to Hexi Province.

Of course, she also knew that Jiang Shen was busy, so it would be best not to trouble Jiang Shen.

She went back to Dongning that night, and did not have dinner with Zhong Anguo.

Then Zhong Anguo kept harassing Xu Li with phone calls and text messages.

Maybe he saw Xu Li was young and beautiful, so he wanted to date Xu Li.

If you really want to soak up Xu Li, it's a double gain.

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