Xu Li also has several mobile phones, one of which is specifically for contacting Jiang Shen.

Being harassed too much by him, I turned off the other work phone in anger.

As a result, within a few days, news came from Hexi.

The group has paid the money, but the land has not been obtained for a long time. The local government has always said that there are still some problems with the procedures.

Then Yongtai Group's local office clashed with people because of a trivial matter, and was smashed by a group of underworld gangs, and even the staff were injured.

After calling the police, the police arrived for a long time, and the local police did not arrive until the smashing was over.

Xu Li was so angry that she was half dead.

This is the consequence of not having a foundation.

Moreover, this approach of the local government is very insidious and very popular.

Now in many county-level cities in China, it’s okay if the leaders have a better character. If the character is poor, when foreign investors come to invest, they are very polite. And I couldn't withdraw, so I could only swallow my anger and withdraw capital at a loss.

The most famous in the country is Nanhai Province. At the beginning of the big development, various discounts attracted bosses from various provinces to go there, especially the real estate industry is very prosperous.

When you buy land, invest in it, the policy suddenly changes, the government ignores it, and all kinds of difficulties, recently forced the bosses in other provinces to vomit blood at a loss and reluctantly stop.

Then the local bosses came on stage one by one and began to take advantage of it.

This approach in Hexi Province is similar to that.

Xu Li's Yongtai Group's money went down, and people turned their backs on him.

Zhong Anguo finally found someone to talk to Xu Li.

If you can’t develop in Hexi, I will give you two options. One, resell the land to me for 15 billion, or two, our two partners, you will be my wife.

Arrogant, very arrogant.

Jiang Shen's stomach exploded when he heard this.

This is typical government-business collusion and bullying outsiders.

Xu Li took the 18 billion land, but Zhong Anguo wanted to take it for 15 billion.

Obviously, Xu Li lost more than 3 million yuan.

Of course, Zhong Anguo also said that you don't have to lose money if you don't want to, you can be my woman and we'll be partners.

Is it a loss of [-] million, or bear the humiliation.

If you were an ordinary person, you really couldn't choose.

It must be 300 million cash, not 3000 million [-] million.

Zhong Anguo said, with my basic contacts in the capital, if you cooperate with me, it will not be a problem to earn a billion from this land in the future.

The two families are divided, and the family is also [-] million. Besides, you still have a piece of industrial land.

Calculated before and after, if the capital is withdrawn, Yongtai Group will lose at least one billion.

Too deceiving.

Xu Li had no choice but to find Jiang Shen now.

She was also afraid that Jiang Shen would scold her, so she asked Ding Yan to talk to him first.

"It's all my fault for being too impulsive. I wanted to make Yongtai bigger and expand its influence farther away. I didn't expect that it would be really difficult to open the situation outside and not familiar with the place." Xu Li bowed her head and admitted her mistake, tears rolling in her eyes.

"Fool." Jiang Shen put his arms around Xu Li gently: "What are you afraid of, tell me earlier, I'm here."

"Business is like this. You are a woman and a beauty. Of course it is more difficult than a man to develop in other places."

When a man goes out of town, he can use money and sex to pave the way, make friends with powerful figures in the local government, give gifts to beauties, and when a woman goes out of town, government officials ask you to eat, and they all want to get you drunk. It is quite difficult to open the situation without a backer.

"Have you investigated that Zhong Anguo? What's the background." Jiang Shen smiled slightly.

If the chest hair is present, seeing Brother Gentleman's smile, it is the rhythm of convincing people with virtue.

"Zheng Jiaer helped me to investigate and sent a sum of money to a local official. I heard that Zhong Anguo is the nephew of a ministerial official in the capital. His parents are not senior officials. His uncle is the deputy minister of a certain department. The governor of the city should also be respectful when he sees his uncle."

"They did this on purpose. They knew that I was going to participate that day. Jincheng Group deliberately raised the land price with me, and then I photographed it. Then they started messing with us."

"The government colluded with Zhong Anguo to trick me." Although Xu Li worked very hard and worked very hard, she was a monk halfway through. She knew that the shopping malls were dangerous and the officialdom was like a wolf.

She is in Dongning, with Jiang Shen as her backer, no matter in business or political circles, no one dares to play tricks on her.

When I went to other places, the shortcomings of lack of experience came out.

After all, the top management of Yongtai Group are all beauties like Xu Li, Ding Yan, Pan Wenwen, and Zheng Jiaer, so it is normal for them to lack experience.

"How many of our employees were injured?"

"There were two people I stayed there, and five were recruited from the local area, all of whom were injured. One of the locals had his leg broken. The company first paid 80 yuan to his family, and the lawsuit is still in progress."

"However, at some point in this lawsuit, the other party said that no one was caught, and all the money was paid by the company first."

"More than 300 million have gone down."

Fuck, Jiang Shen heard it, and also burst into foul language.

The people in the company were beaten, and the company paid more than 300 million in advance, but the people there haven't been caught yet, so it's okay to go on like this.

No one in Yongtai dared to go there. If this happened again, the company would lose money again.

The last time the Anzhou police came over, Jiang Shen bumped into them, and that was also to ask people to pay them money.

Hexi is good, no one can be caught, no money, Yongtai has suffered a great loss, and has no place to redress his grievances.

Too much deception, too much deception, Jiang Shen's angry face turned green.

He was the only one who bullied others before, but this time his own woman was bullied like this.

"That Zhong Anguo is shameless." Ding Yan also said angrily: "He said, it's fine for sister Xu to accompany him for one night, one night counts as 1000 million, if you stay with him for 18 nights, you can withdraw at a price of [-] billion. "

"Fuck me, this is the prelude to his death."

Jiang Shen wanted to call Zhao San.

Zhao San should be considered a figure in the capital.

But after thinking about it, the nephew of a deputy minister, Nima, let me come first, Zhao San will do things, at most let the other party quit and apologize.

I want to destroy his family.

"I'm going to FLB on May [-]st. I'll deal with it when I come back. Don't worry, the office over there is reopened. I'll let Chest Hair transfer some people over there."

"Okay, their wages, our group will pay them."

"No, of course Zhong Anguo has to pay this little money." Jiang Shen sneered, wondering if my name, Jiang Shen, had spread to Hexi Province.

It's okay if you don't pass it on, this time is a good opportunity.

Jiang Shen was not in a good mood that night, so naturally he vomited desperately on the three girls.

Early the next morning, the three girls were as tired as mud, but Jiang Shen woke up refreshed.

He called Chest Hair, asked him to contact Xu Li, arranged for eight more capable people to go to the Yongtai Office in Hexi Province, and then contacted Lu Qi.

According to the agreement, the two are going to flb today.

FLB travel is generally better from December to February of the following year, because the temperature is lower and more comfortable at this time.

According to Lu Qi's route, first go to Manila, the capital of flb, then go to the tourist attraction Boracay, then go back to Manila, and then go to Bohol Island.

Huh, with the loud roar of the plane landing, Jiang Shen and Lu Qi got off the plane at Manila Airport at around [-]:[-] am on May [-]st.

In May, the temperature in flb is relatively dry, and the local temperature reaches about [-] degrees. You can see beautiful legs in short skirts everywhere on the street.

Lu Qi also came prepared, wearing a green dress, looking refreshing, generous, pretty and lovely.

After leaving the country and not working at work, Lu Qi no longer looked like the old and steady deputy director, but became a lively girl next door.

"It's been a long time since I came out to relax. I'm so happy, hahaha." Lu Qi stood at the airport and yelled at the sky, startling the flight crew nearby.

Jiang Shen stood behind, smiling wryly.

It seems that she is under a lot of pressure at work. The young deputy director, how many people are watching her, her work performance is not good, and she is not in the mood to travel. It is rare that I have completed the whole year's tasks this year. pressed.

"Let's go, the people of Manila are welcoming us." Jiang Shen laughed loudly.

He was right, the Manila government is ready.

Jiang Shen's name was passed on to flb after Luo Bushen, and it was already on the headlines of flb's security agency.

Has been identified as a special figure who may 'threat flb national security'.

As soon as Jiang Shen boarded the plane in Huaguo, flb knew that this person was coming.

The FLB National Security Operations Team was immediately on the verge of a formidable enemy.

As far as ordinary terrorists are concerned, they can refuse entry to such people, but Jiang Shen is only an official of the Chinese government on the surface, and has not committed any crimes. He is a completely legal Chinese citizen.

He wanted to come, and the flb government couldn't find a reason to refuse, but they knew that Jiang Shen was a threat.

Originally they wanted to refuse, but considering that Jiang Shen came in secretly last time, this time he came in openly, it is estimated that Jiang Shen did not come to cause trouble.

Even so, Jiang Shen's every move when he entered FLB was strictly monitored.

"The animal has disembarked."

"The Beast Leads the Beastwoman"

"Beasts in taxis."

In a basement of FLB Manila, several staff members are looking at the big screen and computer blankly.

They are flb's most elite members of the National Security Operations Team.

Now monitor Jiang Shen's every move in FLB.

During this operation, they took Jiang Shen's code name as a beast, and they didn't know what Jiang Shen would think when he heard about it.

He only looked at Jiang Shen, but didn't realize that Jiang Shen was on another plane.

A sexy and glamorous woman stepped off the flight from Tokyo.

This beauty is Lola Aoi.

Following Jiang Shen, she came to flb from Tokyo.

After Jiang Shen and Lu Qi got off the plane, they didn't open a room in Manila. They wandered around the streets of Manila at noon to see the scenery. After lunch, they rushed directly to Boracay Island.

Boracay is an island in the central part of the Philippines. It is known as the most beautiful beach in the world and one of the most attractive resorts in Southeast Asia.

According to the order of development, Boracay is divided into three areas: s1, s2, and s3. In fact, this is also the order of hotels on the island from luxury to frugality. There is a very famous honeymoon hotel in s1, which is ulabogbeach, the beautiful scenery on the shore of namib. The biggest selling point of the hotel is not only the secluded environment and invincible sea view, but also the jacuzzi on the balcony of the deluxe sea view room, which cannot be described as luxury.The price starts at only 1500 RMB.

Jiang Shen and Lu Qi planned to stay at the Shangri-La Hotel today.

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