Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 467 Do You Need To Be So Arrogant

From connecting planes, taking a boat, and finally going to the island, after arriving at the Shangri-La Hotel, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon that day.

In early May, Boracay was full of tourists, and there were heads everywhere.

There are not as many Chinese people here as in Phuket and Bali. There are more Koreans here, but everyone has yellow skin, and it seems that you can see Chinese people everywhere.

The two did not follow the tour group, and found the Shangri-La Hotel all the way by themselves.

Lu Qi wanted to find a local tour guide, but found that Jiang Shen recognized him everywhere, as if he had been there before.

Jiang Shen's divine sense now swept nearly ten kilometers around. It was difficult to find someone in the vast crowd, but it was easy to find a hotel.

In the hotel lobby, Lu Qi looked at Jiang Shen, hesitated to speak, thought for a few seconds, saw that Jiang Shen hadn't finished speaking, turned to the service desk, and said in English: "Hi, please open us two standard rooms."

"Standard room? No more, now is the tourist season, sorry." The waiter apologized.

"Is there a presidential suite?" Jiang Shen was so awesome now, the first thing he said was the presidential suite.

Lu Qi rolled her eyes and looked at Jiang Shen depressedly.

"Sorry, no."

"Then what do you tell me?"

"All of our rooms are basically booked, and there are still four [-]-eight suites." , what is said here is in terms of Chinese currency.)

"More than 8000 Chinese dollars a night." Lu Qi felt that it was a bit expensive.

But she also knew that Jiang Shen was rich.

Sure enough, Jiang Shen waved his hand: "Give me a room."

"One room." Lu Qi's face turned red immediately.

Jiang Shen waved his hand in a terrifying manner, but he only wanted one room, which greatly surprised Lu Qi.

"Well, it's too expensive." Jiang Shen looked reluctant: "Since the suite has two rooms, save some money, there is no reason for flb people to take our money."

"Oh." Lu Qi replied weakly, you Jiang Shen usually spend money like water, but today you know that you are saving money.

In my heart, I was afraid and looking forward to it.

"Okay." The waiter nodded and smiled.

Just about to go through the formalities, a lot of people rushed in from outside.

With children and daughters in tow, more than a dozen dark-skinned people rushed in.

As soon as the leader came in, he chatted with the waiter in the local language.

The official language of flb is English, and the local language is Tagalog.

Jiang Shen hadn't learned this language before, but when he arrived at Linlai FLB, he had just spent a few hours learning it on the plane.

Although he has the ability to remember with both eyes and ears, he has not finished learning it, he can only hear it vaguely, and he is not as familiar with English.

What this person meant was to open four suites, because they were four families traveling and vacationing.

The waiter apologized, we only have three rooms, and the other one was booked by these two guests.

The man said, did he pay?Still foreigners, give us all four rooms, or we will leave.

The waiter said, this should be served on a first-come, first-served basis, or you can discuss it with these two people.

The man thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Jiang Shen in English, where are you from?

Jiang Shen smiled and said, Huaguo.

Oh, that person didn't ask Jiang Shen either. He turned his head and said to the waiter, "These two idiots are Chinese people. Are you sure you want to give up the room to the annoying Chinese people and drive away your compatriots?"

This, the waiter hesitated a bit.

What is this, if they are Koreans, the Japanese are not counted, they are actually Chinese dogs, you haven’t watched TV these two days, do you want to be traitors?

Well, the waiter was told to stay there by this person, but out of professional ethics, she still didn't express her opinion.

The Filipino said again, your manager is there, call him here.

I don't believe it, you want to help the Huaguo dog and not your own people.

He mouthed a Huaguo dog, thinking that Jiang Shen couldn't understand.

Indeed, Jiang Shen didn't understand part of what he said, but he could still hear the general meaning.

Ni, are you courting death?Jiang Shen himself felt displeased with flb people, but he didn't expect that this **** is still causing trouble.

Soon, the hotel manager came over.

The two continued to communicate in the local language.

That person still meant the same thing, saying that Jiang Shen and Lu Qi were Chinese dogs, and they should put a sign saying that Chinese people and dogs are not allowed to enter the hotel.

Jiang Shen knows that there is little news in the world recently, because some time ago near a certain island, the Huaguo fishery administration ship and the FLB warship confronted each other on the sea, which made FLB lose face, and F was also scolded domestically.

The manager also insisted on giving the room to Jiang Shen at first.

But then flb can really say, are you going to betray your country?Let's spread this news back to the country, and spread the fact that your hotel would rather be given to the Hua people than to us, and I will see what you do.

He didn't pay, you have to choose again.

The national righteousness was suppressed, and the manager finally nodded, "Okay, I will give you all four rooms."

After they discussed it, the flb man was full of pride, like a winner, he looked at Jiang Shen provocatively, and then went to pay with his card.

The manager came over depressed and said in English: "I'm sorry sir, I want to express my deepest apologies to you. This gentleman wants four rooms and has already booked them in advance on the Internet. Our waiter thought it was still available due to an operation error. There are vacancies, I may have misunderstood you a bit, I'm really sorry."

The manager is very smart, he didn't say that he gave up Jiang Shen's to this flb person, but said that their staff made a mistake, and that flb person had already made a reservation on the Internet.

After Jiang Shen heard it, he chuckled: "It's okay, then we'll change to another hotel, please."

"It's okay, it's okay." The manager was secretly proud. Fortunately, I am smart, and fortunately they Chinese people don't understand the local dialect.

At this moment, Jiang Shen stepped forward.

That flb was still paying to book a room, while constantly insulting Jiang Shen and Hua Guo in the local language.

Rubbish Chinese people dare to travel here. According to me, the government will refuse the entry of Huaguo dogs.

That's right, that's right, a few flb people who were standing with him, scolded Jiang Shen while looking this way.

"Hi" Jiang Shen walked behind the flb man and patted him on the shoulder.

"What are you doing, Huaguo dog." The flb man turned around and said in the local language, with a satisfied smile when he spoke.

"Hahaha." The other flb people laughed.

"See, this idiot can't understand us." The flb man showed off his intelligence to his friends, then turned to Jiang Shen, still smiling, and said slowly in local language: "Silly Bihua Guogou, greet your mother and your girlfriend for me, I like your girlfriend very much, let me talk about it, please?"

"Hahaha." The flb people continued to laugh wildly, this time even the waiter and the manager also laughed.

It's too bullying. The bully can't understand the words here. When others see you smiling, they think you are saying hello to him.

Then that flb extended a hand to Jiang Shen with a smile, motioning to shake hands with Jiang Shen.

If it was Lu Qi, I really thought that he would greet him in a friendly way and shake hands with Jiang Shen.

Sure enough, Lu Qi whispered: "The flb people are still quite friendly." She was deceived by this flb person.

"Really? You think so?" Jiang Shen looked at Lu Qi speechlessly, the Hua people are very good at such things.

In the 90s of the world, in places like Beijing, Shanghai and Shanghai where there are many foreigners, Chinese people first used this method. While smiling all over their faces, they stretched out their hands to shake hands with foreigners, and then scolded them. What about you, to satisfy those perverted psychology.

Now this method has been learned by flb people.

"Then you may think that I'm not qualified." Jiang Shen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and shook it.

"You idiot bastard." The flb man continued to laugh, and then shook hands with Jiang Shen.

"Ah----" As soon as the hands of the two touched, the flb man almost jumped up and screamed.

Kacha, the flb people around him, almost heard the sound of the man's palm being crushed.

"Ah---" The tears and snot of flb people almost fell out of pain, and they desperately tried to push Jiang Shen's hand away with the other hand.

"You trash servant, your acting is really terrible." Jiang Shen said something in the local language.

"I'm stupid." All flb people were stunned.

It is really rare for Chinese people who can speak the local dialect, especially those who come here for tourism.

"Go." They are four families.Not to mention that the male masters of the three families saw that someone had suffered a loss, so they rushed towards Jiang Shen as soon as they rushed forward.

"What?" Jiang Shen let go, and kicked the man away.

Suddenly, I saw him punching and kicking three times, bang, bang, bang, plop.

The three flb men who rushed up were all knocked down to the ground.


"It hurts me to death."


Four men rolled around on the ground.


There are people around.

There were more than a dozen people in these four families, and their wives and sons were shocked and angry at first glance.

There are other flb people in the hall.

"What the hell, the Huaguo dog is bullying our flb people in our flb." A young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, younger than Jiang Shen, raised his arms and shouted.

"Hit him."

"kill him."

The hotel has two security guards who are getting agitated.

Including the other flb people in the hall, as well as the women and teenagers from the four families, there were almost fifteen people screaming and rushing towards Jiang Shen.

Even the manager next to him had the urge to hit Jiang Shen.

Too arrogant, dare to come to our flb and beat us flb people?

"It's the flb people who hit it." Jiang Shen said again in the local dialect, and then rushed straight up.

Continue to punch.

Regardless of whether the person who rushed up was a woman, a teenager, or a man, Jiang Shen knocked them down.

A few seconds later, the hall was full of howling ghosts and wolves, and nearly twenty flb people were knocked to the ground by Jiang Shen.

All kinds of cries were deafening.

The waiters were stunned.

The manager was also shocked.

In the hall, besides flb natives, there were also Koreans, Japanese, Europeans and Americans, and even Chinese.

I have never seen such a lively tourist.

Can you beat one, can you beat ten?Even if you hit ten, one hundred, one thousand?

You are miserable now, do you know how many flb people there are on this island?

A few Chinese compatriots looked at it and flashed, we can't live here today, don't implicate us.

"Let's go, let's go." Lu Qi also dragged Jiang Shen away.

She knows that Jiang Shen can fight, but most of the people who beat today are women and teenagers. After a while, the flb people will come and you will be in trouble.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Shen didn't leave yet.

He walked up to the first flb person he hit, stepped on it, and stomped his head firmly on the ground.

"Maid, don't lie on the ground like a dog, have the guts to stand up and fight me again? Stand up, aren't you awesome? So what if this is your country?"

After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he pointed to the whole hall, facing all the flb people: "I just hit you flb people in your country, come on, bite me, a bunch of trash, sick men in Southeast Asia."

I'm sloppy, the manager couldn't bear it anymore.

Lu Qi hid her face from behind, big brother, do you need to be so arrogant, I can't stand it anymore.

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