Jiang Shen is too arrogant, beating someone else in someone else's territory is so high-profile.

This is flb, every mouthful of saliva will drown you.

Lu Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Jiang Shen was cursing and humiliating the flb person, and finally stomped heavily on that person's head, then spit on the person's face with a 'flutter', and swaggered with Lu Qi go outside.

It's too arrogant, now even the waiter next to him can't stand it anymore, and the flb girls are all eager to try, so they can't help but rush up and beat Jiang Shen up.

I have seen arrogant, never seen such arrogant.

"Damn, that's too arrogant, arrest him." On the other side of Boracay, members of the flb national security team also chased Jiang Shen here.

They have been connected to all hotels in the entire Boracay Island, and all crossings are monitored, and each hotel has agents arranged by them.

Shit can't be tolerated, urine can't be tolerated, Jiang Shen's behavior is simply challenging the whole flb, a flb man wearing sunglasses, almost rose up according to the case, shouting to arrest Jiang Shen.

"Don't be impulsive, Afulo, Jiang Shen is deliberately causing trouble. We are going to find him, and we have fallen into his trap. The Japanese side can learn from the past. Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive."

"Is it just to watch him beat our countrymen and let him run amok in Long Beach like a Chinese dog?"

"He won't be proud for long, country m is already researching weapons against him."

"I can't wait for a moment, I don't believe he is a god."

"Luo Bushen is not his opponent either."

"Luo Bushen is also of Chinese descent. I suspect that he deliberately exaggerated Jiang Shen's kung fu. Maybe he didn't want to fight Jiang Shen at all."

"The reports from Japan and country m show that this Jiang Shen is also very dangerous. If you don't believe in God Luo Bu, you must trust the reports from Japan and country m."

"Report? Maybe it's an excuse for the Japanese and the M country."

"Afulo." The man fainted, and after talking for a long time, the person named 'Afulo' still refused to accept Jiang Shen.

"Today, I am the master here. Without my order, no one is allowed to move around. At the same time, I will inform the police on the island not to look for this Jiang Shen, and don't give him an excuse to make trouble."

"Yao, you coward." Fuluo said furiously, "You will regret it."

People from the action team on this side went to Neijiang, and Jiang Shen took Lu Qi to find another hotel on the other side.

Along the way, Lu Qi also had lingering fears. She never expected Jiang Shen to be so arrogant. It is estimated that except for the Hua people, people from all over the world could not stand it anymore.

Lu Qi was also worried that a large number of flb people would block them, but it turned out that there were not.

Now is the peak tourist season, and the FLB people on the island are busy earning money, who would come to Jiang Shen for this kind of thing.

And when Jiang Shen went out, no one dared to follow him.

The two changed hotels and came to the 'ulsiebe' hotel hundreds of meters away.

As a result, as soon as the two entered, the waiter saw that their eyes lit up, and a flb waitress stood up suddenly, bowed to Jiang Shen first, and then said in English with a smile: "Accommodation, how long do you need?" rooms, we have many rooms."

Such a good attitude?Lu Qi was dumbfounded.

"Give me a standard room." Jiang Shen said.

"Okay, 900 yuan." (All in the book are in Chinese currency, not in pesos.)

When the waitress filled out the form and completed the procedures, Jiang Shen suddenly shook his head: "No, the standard room is too small, change me to a suite."

"Okay, 600 yuan." The waiter was still smiling.

After she finished everything again, Jiang Shen shook his head again: "It seems a bit wasteful, let's come to two single rooms."

"Okay, 700 yuan per room, a total of [-] yuan, do you need one near the sea?" The waiter said with a really nonchalant attitude.

Don't take such a bully on the little girl, Lu Qi watched Jiang Shen molesting the little girl, and even felt an urge to hit Jiang Shen.

I want to hit you, flb people see, what will they think?

"Hey, forget it, forget it, let's get one, give me the best suite, a sea view room."

"No problem, we have the best sea view room." The flb girl took the trouble to change Jiang Shen again and again.

Jiang Shen didn't change it this time, after the transaction was over, Jiang Shen took Lu Qi to the room.

"You did it on purpose, you're playing with a little girl." Lu Qi was speechless.

"I'm here to show you, flb people are very cheap. After calling, the service attitude has improved a lot. Try another person?" Jiang Shen couldn't hide the pride in his eyes, as if he had expected the people here. The service attitude will be very good.

The room they booked was indeed very good, facing the sea on one side, and you can see the sea view from the room.

There are two rooms in total, one for two people.

Now that Lu Qi came with Jiang Shen, she was actually a little bit prepared.

Now it is a room for one person, I wonder what happened at night?She was still looking forward to it.

But it was just before four o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them cleaned up and went out to play on the beach.

There are people coming and going on the beach, and there are heads everywhere.

Yellow-skinned people can be seen everywhere, Japanese and Koreans are as numerous as fur, and Chinese people can also see them.

However, they are all yellow-skinned here, and most people can't hear them and can't tell them apart.

Including Jiang Shen, it was also rare to come out to play, and played on the beach for a while, very happy.

At this time, Jiang Shen also found that if there were no enemies and no work, it would be very enjoyable to just play happily.

It's a pity that he is not destined to be an ordinary person, he is destined to have many enemies in this life, and he is destined to not be able to live like an ordinary person.

Even if he is willing now, the Japanese and the people of M country are not willing to let him live an ordinary life.

Lu Qi came to play with all her heart, Jiang Shen didn't come to play.

He wanted to find trouble with the flb government, but found that the flb government seemed a little afraid of him and didn't dare to cause trouble.

Okay, let's see how long you can bear it, if you don't mess with me, I'll mess with you.

Jiang Shen bought a ball and tossed it with Lu Qi on the beach while looking around.

After a while, I found a goal.

These are two men and two women from flb, both in their 20s. They are also playing ball, but the two men kept looking at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi is currently wearing a three-point swimsuit. In China, it is naturally sexy and bold, but on the beach in Long Beach, some foreigners don't even wear underwear, only underwear. Lu Qi's behavior is considered normal.

Damn, two betting hooligans.Jiang Shen couldn't find anyone, and seeing the two flb people kept looking at Lu Qi, he knew that flb people had never seen a beautiful woman.

Due to the weather and temperature, flb is generally a bit darker. When I suddenly saw Lu Qi's snow-white and pink, I naturally had to take a few more glances.

Jiang Shen and Lu Qi also retreated towards them while throwing the ball, and soon the two were almost close together.

At this time, the two flb people opposite looked at Jiang Shen. His young and thin body was obviously a little boy.

One of them didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, bang, the volleyball in his hand suddenly hit Lu Qi's ass hard.

"Ah--" Lu Qi was having fun with Jiang Shen when she was suddenly spanked.

"Hahaha" the flb man laughed wildly.

"I'm sorry, beauty, are you okay?" The flb man was not as tall as Lu Qi, and he chatted up Lu Qi in fluent English.

"Fuck you." Jiang Shen seized the opportunity and threw it vigorously. The volleyball in his hand flew over accurately, and bang, it hit a flb woman among them on the chest.

That woman was not bad, but she was a bit dark, but Jiang Shen saw that she had big breasts, and the ball hit her directly on her chest.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry beauty, are your breasts okay?" Jiang Shen also said to the woman in English.

"Asshole." When the two flb men saw it, they flew into a rage.

The two rushed towards Jiang Shen.

again?Lu Qi started to hide her face, is this the rhythm of Jiang Shen wanting to beat someone up again?

Hehe, Jiang Shen clenched his fist and was ready to fight.

But before he could start to make a move, four men suddenly rushed up behind him, bang, bang a few times, they pushed the two flb people to the ground, and handcuffed them.

Then a meal in the local language.

Then they didn't talk to Jiang Shen, and the four dragged and dragged the two flb men away.

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen stood there with his fists clenched, haven't he played yet?

Lu Qi continued to be dumbfounded, what rhythm is this?Jiang Shen also brought bodyguards?

But she could see that the next ones might be four flb policemen with handcuffs on, and they took those flb people away before Jiang Shen could make a move.

What's the matter with him?

Not to mention the two of them were stunned, the flb woman who was hit in the chest by Jiang Shen was also stunned.

She caught up with the four policemen: "Is there any mistake, others smashed mine, you don't arrest foreigners, but arrest our own people?"

"Shut up, and Luo Suo will arrest you too." The flb police are also very depressed, they can only arrest you, don't mess with this ginger plague, let him find an excuse to make matters worse, we can't bear it.

"Have you noticed how good I am?" Jiang Shen laughed loudly.

Lu Qi smiled wryly, she thought it was an accident, maybe those two flb people happened to have committed a crime somewhere, and were arrested by the police.

But soon he discovered that this was no accident.

The two played for a while and found a place to buy ice cream.

There were two other people buying ice cream together, two yellow-skinned men.

Pretty girls are welcome there.

When the two saw Lu Qi, someone tried to ask, "Nihongjing?"

"?" Lu Qi didn't understand, it seemed to be Japanese, she knew that Jiang Shen could speak Japanese, so she turned to look at Jiang Shen.

"Mud pincher" Jiang Shen followed up with a sentence in English.

"Cut, it turns out they are Chinese pigs, the sick man of East Asia." The Japanese shrugged and ignored them.

Jiang Shen just called flb people the sick man of Southeast Asia, turned around and now he is called the sick man of East Asia by the Japanese.

"Fuck you." Jiang Shen was straightforward, and as soon as he waved his hand, the ice cream hit the Japanese face.

"Here again." Lu Qi was still in a daze.

Ten meters away from them, several flb men like wolves and tigers rushed over, subdued the two Japanese with a few blows, and then pulled them away.

"Eight grid---"


The two Japanese struggled and protested, but it was useless. They were quickly dragged and disappeared in front of Jiang Shen and Lu Qi.

My God, Lu Qi can see it now.

As soon as Jiang Shen had a conflict with someone, someone would come over and drag him away immediately.

It's almost like bringing a bodyguard.

Jiang Shen also stood where he was, scratching his head with his hands, you flb people are really insidious, so why am I angry, how can I cause trouble?

The flb people made it clear that Jiang Shen would not take the opportunity to cause trouble, and resolved all conflicts for him.

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