Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 469 Killing God Luo Bu

At night, after seven o'clock.

Jiang Shen went back to the hotel with Lu Qi dejectedly.

I messed up a whole day of trouble today, but didn't make a big deal out of it.

The flb people backed down every step of the way, and it was useless for Jiang Shen to do anything.

Anyway, as soon as he quarreled with others, someone would come and take him away immediately, and he would not communicate with Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen was very depressed.

Lu Qi also understood.

The people who co-authored the flb here are afraid of Jiang Shen and don't let Jiang Shen cause trouble.

Jiang Ju is so awesome?Prestige spread to flb?

Lu Qi couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to think about it. Now the two of them had dinner and played outside for a while before going back to the hotel.

Does the following time count as our two-person world?

As soon as she returned to the room, Lu Qi's heartbeat started to speed up.

"You take a bath first, I'll wash after you finish, go to bed early, and get up early to play tomorrow." Jiang Shen said this as soon as he entered the room.

"Oh..." Lu Qi didn't have the aura of the deputy director at all, she responded weakly, and went to get a change of clothes in dejection.

It won't work like this, there won't be anything famous if it goes on like this.

However, if Lu Qi took the initiative, she couldn't let go of this face.

Besides, she didn't know Jiang Shen's intentions.

What if she just becomes her colleague?Is that embarrassing?

Gotta get a chance to try it.

Lu Qi was thinking about it, but Jiang Shen didn't.

He sat in the room thinking about what was going on.

This time I came to flb mainly to cause trouble, at least to kill Luo Bushen.

But because he brought Lu Qi, Jiang Shen didn't know how to come, if flb can't deal with Jiang Shen, let's deal with Lu Qi.

At this moment, he closed his eyes and communicated with Lola Aoi on the other side in the distance, whoosh, several divine senses also flew out.

Now, one of his divine thoughts is on Luo Bushen, and the other is on Aoi Lola, so that he can know the position and movement of the two at any time.

"Luo Bushen is now at the headquarters of the National Security Action Team in Manila. There are 26 people inside. You wait for Luo Bushen to be alone when he is off work before killing him."

"Although his national skills are powerful, but with my divine sense to help you, it is still easy for you to kill him."

"Yes, Master."

Lola Aoi was also in a hotel in Manila at this time.

About 3 minute passed.

Whoosh, several invisible rays of light penetrated into the room she was in.

Jiang Shen's divine thoughts arrived.

The spiritual thoughts entered her body, Lola Aoi's body shook, Huo De stood up, her eyes became bright and sharp, showing her sharpness.

At this time, Lola Aoi had half of Jiang Shen's divine sense and half of Jiang Shen's strength.

After killing Luo Bushen, Rola Aoi set off and headed for the headquarters of the flb national security team in the dark.

The headquarters of the National Security Action Team is hidden in an inconspicuous building. From the outside, the building looks like an ordinary company, but in the underground floors, it is their headquarters.

At this time, Luo Bushen had just left work.

During the day, he has been monitoring Jiang Shen's.

Later, when Jiang Shen arrived in Long Beach, the National Security Action Team sent a professional operation team to chase after him. He also controlled everything about Jiang Shen in Manila.

Knowing that Jiang Shen kept causing trouble there.

Okay, we won't give you a chance to cause trouble, it's up to you to do it.

But Luo Bushen also felt aggrieved.

A country is making concessions for a person.

But there was no other way. After Luo Bushen escaped back, he reported the confrontation with Jiang Shen to the headquarters, and then learned about Jiang Shen's stay in Japan from the headquarters.

Ni, it turns out that you all know that Jiang Shen is almost invincible, if you didn't tell me earlier, I almost died in Jiang Shen's hands.

Now let him besiege Jiang Shen with gunmen, he is no longer willing.

It's a pity that he didn't look for Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shen wanted to look for him.

Eight past three.

In the parking lot on the third floor underground, Luo Bushen just got into the car and was about to start the car and leave.

Suddenly, he felt a flash of white light in the distance, and a figure in a long white dress stopped in front of his car.

"Ghost?" Luo Bushen's eyesight is already extremely sharp. He has practiced martial arts to the point where he can see clearly even an ant walking by him, let alone a person.

And this figure seemed to appear suddenly.

A beautiful woman in a white dress, in her early twenties.Luo Bushen's mind circled, our National Security Action Team does not have such people.

How did she get in?Luo Bushen's heart beat violently.

From the ground to the three basement floors, there are at least a dozen gates to enter the headquarters of their national security operations team, and even a mosquito cannot fly in.

How did this man get in?

Luo Bushen sat motionless in the car, quietly pressing his watch with one hand.

There is an alarm device on the watch, and once you press it, the entire national security team will know that something is wrong here.

"Beep" The alarm bells rang in the headquarters of the National Security Action Team.

"What happened to Luo Bushen?"

"In the parking lot?"


In the parking lot, Luo Bushen got out of the car slowly.

"Who sent you? Jiang Shen?" Luo Bushen walked steadily and concentrated.

If it was Jiang Shen's person, he knew that his skills would not be too bad, even if he was a woman, he had to concentrate on it.

"My master asked me to tell you something, although you are now a flb nationality, don't forget that your ancestors are still Chinese."

Whoosh, after Laura Aoi finished speaking, her whole body started to move.

She is also considered a master, and with Jiang Shen's help, coupled with Jiang Shen's divine sense, her current strength is far above Luo Bushen.

Now start, it's faster than a bullet.

"Good job." Luo Bushen was not very afraid when he heard that she was Jiang Shen's subordinate.

Jiang Shen is strong, I don't believe how many people like Jiang Shen exist in this world.

Whoosh, when Aoi moved, he moved too.

The figures of the two unfolded in midair at the same time, and others could hardly see their real bodies.

Luo Bushen is also considered powerful. At the beginning, Jiang Shen didn't use supernatural powers, and his speed was almost as fast as Jiang Shen.

But Lola Aoi is not Jiang Shen, with Jiang Shen's divine sense, she will naturally attack with all her strength.

The two sides met in mid-air in an instant.

"Dragon soars and tiger leaps"

Luo Bushen used a move from "Dragon and Tiger Combined Strike", with a body like a dragon and an imposing manner like a tiger.

His hands are like claws, attacking the world together, this move kills people in mid-air, it is extremely powerful, many martial arts masters want to learn this move, but they can't get the point.

Many people have seen a tiger, but how many people have seen a dragon?

If you haven't seen real dragons and real tigers, you can't use the essence of this trick.

Luo Bushen had never seen a dragon before, but after seeing Jiang Shen, he regarded Jiang Shen as a dragon.

This trick really allowed him to use the power of a dragon and tiger attack.

"Pi Ba" he struck with both hands, the void vibrated, and the power exploded layer by layer. This blow let alone hit a person, it hit a tank, and the tank would also be pitted by him.

If Aoi didn't have Jiang Shen's help, he wouldn't even be able to withstand a blow from him.

"It's a pity." At this moment, in Aoi's mind, Jiang Shen's spiritual sense shook his head and sighed.

"Zheng" Aoi's samurai sword was like a shooting star across the sky, the light of the sword flashed, and blood splashed in the void.

A head soared into the sky.

With just one blow, Aoi Lola chopped off Luo Bushen's head.

Luo Bushen's head was off his neck, but his body was still moving forward.

The whole body was still in the posture of a dragon and a tiger attacking together, and the last step landed, and with a bang, it smashed a car more than ten meters away in front of it.

Then there was a plop, his head fell to the ground, and those eyes were staring at his own back with angrily.

Lola Aoi didn't stop, her figure jumped up, swished, and quickly disappeared into the parking lot.

When a large number of people from the flb national security action team arrived at the scene, they saw Luo Bushen's body standing there in a beautiful dragon-tiger combination, while his head was looking at his own body more than ten meters away.

Immortal Luo is dead.

Known as the number one master in Southeast Asia and the number one member of the National Security Action Team, Luo Bushen died.

He was also killed at the headquarters of the National Security Forces.

"Where is Jiang Shen?" The officials at the headquarters were furious.

"Jiang Shen must have killed him."

"Jiang Shen entered the hotel and hasn't come out yet."

"We can see inside with an infrared thermal imaging camera, and Jiang Shen is still there."

"Jiang Shen fell asleep, and saw him sleeping on the bed, motionless."

"He cut off his head with a knife. It may not be Jiang Shen. It is said that Jiang Shen has never used a weapon."

"I found it, I found it, it's a woman."

Immediately, someone from the headquarters was transferred to monitor.

A woman in a white dress wore sunglasses and covered her face with long hair, flashing past the surveillance at their headquarters.

"Jiang Shen didn't kill him, and it must have something to do with Jiang Shen." The operation captain's name was Manlando.

He is the master of the famous flb boxing champion Pacquiao.

FLB boxing champion Pacquiao is only 1.6 meters tall and weighs less than [-] kilograms. However, with his amazing speed and strength, he has won the world champion belt twice and is known as the national treasure of FLB.

In the entire FLB, Pacquiao, who has won eight levels of world boxing champions, is regarded as a national hero, and countless honors and brilliance envelope him.

But no one knew Manlando.

The giant behind Pacquiao is not much worse than Luo Bushen.

"Keep an eye on him, maybe he didn't come to flb to kill Luo Bushen." Manlando also felt aggrieved.

A whole country is afraid of one person.

However, he still had to bear it without humiliation.

Even Luo Bushen is no match for him, and Manlando can't help it.

"Why do you have to endure it? Can the power of the whole country not deal with him?" Some people were equally dissatisfied.

It is a disgrace, an endless shame, that the master of the national security operation team was killed at the headquarters.

"How is our country compared to Japan?" Manlando sneered, Japan has also suffered such a shame, do you think I don't want to take revenge?

"He will definitely have weaknesses, don't worry, find out his weaknesses?"

"If you ask me, the woman next to him is his weakness."

"Don't act recklessly, threaten him with a woman? This will offend the devil, unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not act recklessly."

"It is said that that person is just his colleague? But they sleep in the same room, maybe there is an affair."

"Let's see, let's talk. People in Huaguo have a three-day holiday on May Day. If you insist on it, they will go back."

The entire National Security Action Team was divided into two voices, one part wanted to seek revenge on Jiang Shen, while the team headed by captain Manlando hoped to wait for Jiang Shen to leave.

Don't cause trouble, let us spend these three days safely, Manlando wanted to bear it, but someone caused trouble in another place.

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