Speaking of this little flb, the country is small and the country is small, and it is extremely courageous.

Chased our fishing boats in the South China Sea many times, shot them with machine guns, and even rammed them with warships.

This time, I saw that all the fishing boats from Huaguo came to their flb waters, hahaha, what a godsend opportunity.

Under such circumstances, Hua Guo had nothing to say about sinking the fishing boat.

"Fire, fire." The commander ordered excitedly on the spot.

"Sir, do you want to scare them first and force them to stop?"

"No, no need, they are violating our waters this time, directly sinking, order, aim at the Chinese fishing boat, directly sinking."

"Yes, sir."

Bang, the Delpina trembled, and a shell pierced through the air.

In the night, everyone saw the beautiful red fire color.

"My God, they hit our boat directly." Brother Bin's men were all pale with fright.

Judging from the direction of the opponent, it was obvious that they wanted to sink them with one shot.

"Speed ​​up." Brother Bin was also crazy.

Even though brother Xiong said big things in front of him, he was also afraid.

The "Pu Chi" gun almost fell against the stern of their ship, causing waves in the sea.

"It's dangerous."

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

This is clearly intended to sink them.

It was really accurate, it was so accurate, if it wasn't for the weaker force, it would have hit the middle of the fishing boat directly.

"What's going on?" The commander on the Delpina was also furious.

There is no wind on the sea today, the weather is very good, and the distance is the most suitable. The first shot actually missed.

"Sir, it's a bit of a surprise, let's continue."

"Hurry up, fire the cannons quickly." The commander couldn't wait to sink the Huaguo fishing boat.

"Yes, sir."

"Bang, bang, bang." The Delpina fired continuously like a fire-breathing machine.

The void is trembling, and the sea is trembling.

If Brother Bin hadn't been petrified, almost all of them would have jumped into the sea.

When he came back to his senses, it was too late, and he saw the flames around the fishing boat, boom, boom, boom, splashing waves.

The sea water drenched them all.

None of the shells hit.

What's happening here?To scare us?It's not like, artillery is deadly, and it doesn't need to be so close to scare it, it's better to shoot quickly.

Every cannon fell into the sea against the fishing boat.

"Hahaha, rubbish flb navy, what kind of accuracy is this." Brother Bin laughed, boosting morale.

"Hahaha." As soon as he said it, everyone relaxed a lot.

This side was laughing, and the commander behind him turned green with anger.

Ni, what kind of accuracy is this, even a fishing boat can't hit it?

"What are you doing to eat? If you don't hit again, get out of here." The commander was furious, and the people below didn't understand.

There is no reason, this gun has a fire control radar, which can automatically lock the target, and at the speed of the opposite fishing boat, every gun can hit it.

"Sir, there may be some problems with the artillery, we are working on it."

"I'm stupid, are you telling me there's something wrong with the cannon?"

We are now using the most powerful navy ship to hit a fishing boat on the other side, so don't tell me that we can't hit it.

If this spreads, the embarrassment can be thrown to the United Nations.

"We must sink him, sink him." The commander went crazy, regardless of how many people were on the ship.

"Bang, bang, bang." After the naval gun was corrected, it began to fire crazily and rapidly.

The gunner was also crazy, firing dozens of shots in a row in just one minute.

There were only streaks of fire on the sea.

Whoosh, whoosh, and then around the fishing boat, boom boom boom, bursts of water splashed in all directions.

That small fishing boat was like a solitary boat in the waves, drifting back and forth, but couldn't hit it.

Let alone the commander at this time, even the gunner is going crazy.

He just planned to fire a few shots, but found that all the shots were empty. He was shocked and angry, and continued to fire continuously like a conditioned reflex. In the end, he couldn't hold back and wanted to sink the fishing boat. .

He even thought, if I shoot so many shots, even if I shoot blindly, I can still get one shot.

The wrecked ship was torn apart with one shot.

It's like gambling, once you let go, you lose your mind and play for a few minutes at a stretch.

The Del Pinar is equipped with a 76mm rapid-fire gun capable of firing eighty rounds per minute.

After a few minutes, it finally misfired.

I'm dizzy, the fishing boat is still there.

"Wow, wow!" Compared with the fury on the Del Pinar, the fishing boat was full of joy.

From initial despair, to panic, then shock, fear, then excitement, and finally excitement.

The people on the fishing boat have already discovered that no matter how powerful the Del Pinar behind them is, they can't hit them.

"Hahaha, flb's navy is so rubbish, it dares to dance with us Huaguo."

"Is this him a cannon? A crooked cannon? Haha."

"Brother Bin, is our boat wearing a protective shield? Hahaha."

"Brother Xiong is hiding everything. If you say you can't hit, is it true that you can't hit?"

At this time, Brother Bin cast all his admiration for Brother Xiong.

Some people even took out their mobile phones at the end and started filming the scene of the opponent's heavy artillery fire, and then planned to upload it on the Internet after returning home.

The artillery technique of flb, it is estimated that even if the ship is parked there, it will not be able to hit.

"Why don't you fight? Continue." The commander of the Del Pinar was going crazy.

Hundreds of shells were fired, and the flies were killed, but the fishing boat on the opposite side was still shaking.

"Sir, there are no shells." In the next report, the commander almost fainted.

"What? The shells ran out and missed?" The commander forced himself to stand still and took a few breaths of relief before recovering.

"Catch up and sink them." Someone next to him came to his senses, why haven't we caught up with him after so long?

The fastest sailing speed of the Del Pinar reached 29 knots, and logically it had already caught up with the fishing boat.

Why have you been fighting for so long and haven't caught up yet?

"Report, it seems that there is something wrong with the diesel engine, and it is being repaired."

"I'm stupid." The commander was really going crazy.

Usually there is nothing wrong, but today it is rare to make a contribution and find that the whole boat is full of problems.

"Adjust the angle, increase the speed and repair progress, and strive to catch up with the fishing boat."

"Yes, sir."


But this kind of firepower, against a fishing boat, is really beyond description.

The Del Pinar continued to accelerate, and as time went on, it got closer and closer to the fishing boat.

"Tut-chug." Half an hour later, the machine gun on the Del Pinar rang out.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was close to 300 meters. If it was daytime, people on the opposite boat could be seen.

The 12.7 machine gun slammed at the fishing boat.

At this time, the people on the fishing boat were not as nervous and afraid as before.

"Brother Bin, the flb's machine gun doesn't seem to be accurate either."

"Photographed, photographed, shot at night, it really looks good."

"How long will it take to reach our country's waters?"

"Ten hours, I'm afraid."

"Keep running, they won't let us go."

As they expected, today the flb navy lost all face, the shells ran out and missed, and the final investigation found that there was a problem with the fire control radar, no wonder the shots kept missing.

Now they are desperately trying to sink the fishing boat, or if word spreads, how will the flb navy gain a foothold in the world.

However, something strange happened again.

Their speed was still chasing closer and closer. After reaching 300 meters, the speed of the Del Pinar began to slow down again.

Chase all the way until seven o'clock in the morning.

After chasing for five or six hours, the distance between the two sides was reduced to 150 meters.

At this time, it was already dawn and standing on the bows of their respective boats, they could clearly see each other's heads.

"Wow, wow." Brother Bin, who hadn't slept all day and night, screamed wildly, demonstrating to the flb people on the Del Pinar.

They cheered at the bow and waved their mobile phones, as if telling him that everything about last night had been filmed.

Some people waved the national flag of China and provoked the FLB warships.

"It's unreasonable." Commander flb also didn't sleep all night, seeing it in his eyes, he was angry in his heart.

If I can't sink this fishing boat today, I will definitely be fired after I go back.

This is a disgrace, a disgrace in the history of the flb navy.

"Sir, we are approaching the sea area of ​​Huang Island, and further on, is the sea area of ​​Huaguo?" Someone came up to report.

The commander's heart moved, and he looked at the fishing boat in front of him.

"How far away from us."

"It is now 140 meters, and it is still approaching. At the current speed, it will reach 100 meters in two hours."

"It's dawn, don't fire the machine guns, if it's not good to attract the fishery administration boats from Huaguo, after closing the distance, use the cannons on the left and right sides to hit them and sink them."

"Yes, sir."

They chased all night, using machine guns while chasing all the way. The machine guns almost ran out of bullets, but they still missed. Now their last wish is to close the distance and use the artillery on both sides.

By this time, all the officers and soldiers on board knew that they had no way out.

If they can't sink this fishing boat, they will all become a disgrace in the history of the FLB navy. After returning home, all officers may be punished, and even soldiers will be retired.

The fishing boat must be sunk, even if it is hit, it will sink.

The two sides continued to chase and flee.

Two hours later, he entered the vicinity of Huangmou Island.

This is a very disputed sea area between China and f.

In fact, it is considered to be Huaguo's sea area, but flb has always refused to admit it, and often makes trouble here.

"Sir, quickly enter the waters of Huaguo."

"How far is the distance between the two sides?"

"There are still 90 meters."

It's eight o'clock in the morning, and the sun is shining.

The sea stretches as far as the eye can see, everything can be seen.

After chasing again, it is easy to encounter other ships from Huaguo.

"Chasing, continue."

Nine in the morning.

50 m.

ten in the morning.

30 m.

The two sides are getting closer and closer, and the huge hull has been fully displayed in front of Brother Bin and the others.

Compared with the Del Pinar, the little fishing boat looked like a child.

"Wow, 30 meters, 30 meters, so close, I saw their heads." Brother Bin's brothers all screamed.

With such a close battleship, the pressure is still great.

But Brother Bin just answered the phone, calm and relaxed.

"Fuck, get ready to shoot if you get any closer."

"It's Brother Bin." After a night of thrills, all the brothers were no longer afraid of the Del Pinar.

To them, it's a paper tiger.

It looks huge, but it's useless.

"Fire to port." The commander on board the Del Pinar issued the signal again.

"Fire on the port side." The order was issued at the same time.


"Report, there is something wrong with the port gun."

"I'm sorry." The commander spat out a mouthful of blood.

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