Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 472 Sinking the Delpina

"Adjust the angle, the starboard gun is ready."

"Adjust the angle, the right gun is ready."

The Del Pinar changed orders again.


The distance between the two ships is 15 meters.

The huge Del Pinar came with the wind and the waves, the waves in front almost hit the fishing boat, and it seemed that it would hit the fishing boat at any time.


"Report, there is a problem with the starboard gun."

"I messed with you." The commander knocked a low-ranking officer in front of him to the ground with a slap.

Still let me live?

Your usual training is awesome, but there are all problems at critical times.

"Sir, retreat, we have officially entered the waters of Huaguo. According to international agreements, they can sink us unconditionally."

"They say that their boat hasn't appeared yet, so let's withdraw quickly."

It's only 15 meters, you tell me to withdraw.

"Catch up, crash them, speed up, speed up with all your strength." The commander seemed crazy.

"Full acceleration."

"Copy guns, everyone copy guns, go to the bow and shoot them with guns." The commander went crazy and asked the soldiers to copy guns. Now at this distance, 15 meters plus the height of the boat, a distance of more than [-] meters can be shot with rifles up.

A large number of soldiers rushed to the bow of the ship, some went to get their guns, some went to watch.

"Come here, shoot." At this moment, someone on the fishing boat fired first.

Dada dada.Brother Bin's men got an AK47 out of nowhere, and swiped at the bow of the Del Pinar.

The flb people never thought that there would be automatic rifles on the Huaguo fishing boat.

"Ah---" There was a scream, and a row of people fell down in front.

"No way." A man on the fishing boat was stunned with a gun in his hand. He glanced casually without aiming at it. He didn't expect that the people he hit on the other side turned their backs, and some even fell into the sea from the bow of the boat.

"My God." The commander almost vomited blood and fainted again.

The fishing boat missed, and their soldiers were swept away.

A shootout soon ensued.

Bang, bang, bang, dense bullets flew back and forth on both sides of the bow.

But the strange thing is that there are only three guns on the fishing boat, and no one has ever been shot, while the FLB sergeant who takes the lead gets shot.

Plop, plop, one after another, in less than a minute, more than 1 people were knocked down.

The bow of the ship was stained red with blood, and flb's navy dared not raise its head after being beaten.

There were screams and cries for help everywhere on the bow.

"Sir, I can't beat them, I can't beat them, their marksmanship is too accurate."

Ni, you have dozens of guns, but you can't shoot three guns?I have a go.

The commander wanted to commit suicide.

Compared with the time, Brother Bin screamed, "It's cool, it's cool, hahahaha."

He has never been so happy today.

Holding the gun in person, one shot at a time, headshot with the gun, almost hits with a random shot, and the flb people on the opposite side fell in a pool of blood one by one.

No one on the opposite side dared to show their heads.

It turns out that so many people want to be soldiers, it feels really good to shoot a gun.

At this moment, Brother Bin wanted to join the army.

Just when he was excited, another call came.

"The Navy has destroyers coming, throw your guns into the sea and keep going."

"The destroyer is coming?" Such a coincidence?Brother Bin is in a good mood, and he can't think so much after hearing the news.

"Throw the gun, throw the gun."

The fishing boat continued to run forward.

"Sir, let's retreat, Huaguo sea area." Someone on the Del Pinar once again suggested that the commander retreat.

At this time, it is still rare to enter the waters of Huaguo, and it is too late to retreat now.

"How many meters are there?"

"Ten meters."

"They threw the guns, they seemed to be out of bullets, the guns fell into the sea."

Someone below shouted.

Someone boldly poked his head out and saw that there was no one behind the fishing boat. Everyone hid and ran forward desperately.

There are still ten meters left, so many people have been beaten to death, how do you want me to go back to China and confess?

"So many brothers died, so many people were beaten to death by a group of fishermen, how do you want me to explain to the people? Charge up, hit them to death, and sink them." The commander issued the last crazy order.

"Yes, sir."

The Del Pinar continued to accelerate, chasing the fishing boat in.

But at this moment, a huge hull suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away.

This is a warship almost twice the size of the Del Pinar.

According to the line of sight on the sea and the radars of both sides, the other side can usually be found tens of kilometers away.

But before that, neither side found out.

Even the people on the destroyer were wondering.

"Hey, what's in front?"

"Oh my God, FLB's warship is chasing our fishing boat?"

"Damn, what's wrong with our radar?"

"I just saw it now."

Is there a problem with the radar or is it a small matter, is there a problem with the telescope?

The two sides seemed to appear out of nowhere, and when they met suddenly, the people of the Huayu Ship were also stunned.

The flb people were also shocked, I was dizzy, this is Huaguo's Type 051c guided missile destroyer, he hit us like an adult hitting a three-year-old child.

"Quick retreat, no --- hoist the white flag to inform us that we are in the wrong place."

At this time, the Type 051c guided missile destroyer also began to send out signals.

"Please evacuate immediately and stop chasing our fishing boats. You have entered our waters. According to international practice, we can sink you unconditionally. Please evacuate immediately."

According to the tradition of the Hua Kingdom, it is the first to announce, and then to warn, and it is generally not the first to act unless it is absolutely necessary.

Switching to country m, maybe it would be a pre-emptive strike, let's talk about it after a shot.

The Type 051c guided missile destroyer sent the signal very quickly, and the commander of the flb immediately responded: "Quickly, tell them that we are going in the wrong direction, go back immediately."

"Yes, sir."

The communicator's voice just fell.

Bang, bang, bang, the mk38 25mm artillery on the flb warship opened fire directly at the guided missile destroyer of Huaguo.

Bang, one of the shells hit the right side of the destroyer with incomparable accuracy.

The whole body of the destroyer trembled, and the entire crew felt it.

Fuck me, the flb fired.

Fired on us in our waters?

Quickly report to the top, can you fight back.

Report shit, missile preparation, all first-level combat readiness.

Captain Hua Guo was also furious.

Little flb rebelled, when our Chinese navy is a vegetarian, be more polite to you, you dare to fire in our waters?

The captain of the Del Pinar was about to cry.

"Whoever gave the order to fire the cannon, whoever gave the order to fire the cannon, hang the white flag quickly." He realized in horror that he might be out of luck.

But his order went on, bang, bang, bang, the mk38 25mm gun that had just had a problem fired again.

Bang, bang, bang, this time the shell fell into the sea against the destroyer, and almost hit the destroyer again.

"Yes, the c-803 anti-ship missile is ready to launch."

"Captain, do you want to notify the higher-ups?"

"I said I'm ready to launch, and I'll take care of everything."


Bang, as soon as the voice fell, the other side fired again.

FLB's ship made a U-turn, turned around, and came towards the destroyer while firing at the destroyer.

"Crazy, crazy, whoever ordered the firing, this is a capital crime, a capital crime."

"Sir, the artillery was fired automatically, we didn't fire it."

"What?" Nee, you told me the cannon fired automatically.

The flb commander finally couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

At this time, the captain of the destroyer on the opposite side also ordered decisively.

"Launch, target, Delpina."



The c-803 anti-ship missile pierced the air.

"Oh my God." Brother Bin watched the missiles of his guided missile destroyer come through the air, and his face was pale.

All of a sudden, he felt that his fishing boat suddenly accelerated, leaving the Delpina.

"Is this going to be a world war, Brother Bin?"

"No, FLB's cruiser entered our waters without authorization and fired three rounds at our destroyer. Even if they are sunk by us, they will not be able to fart."

The lawsuit went to the United Nations, and Hua Guo was right.

Brother Bin's voice just fell.


The c-803 anti-ship missile hit the Delpina very accurately.

With a bang, the entire battleship split into two from the middle, and then began to explode violently.

Even the officials on the guided missile destroyer did not expect the missile to be so powerful.

Boom, boom, the Delpina exploded continuously, almost becoming scrap iron.

In the end, there were only 13 officers and soldiers who survived and were rescued by Hua Guo, and most of them were buried in the seabed.

This incident caused violent international shocks, and the situation between China and the Philippines and the South China Sea was tense.

However, after an investigation by the United Nations, it was found that the FLB cruiser went deep into the waters of China in pursuit of the fishing boats of China, and actively provoked the guided missile destroyer, thereby attracting revenge from China, which was completely asking for trouble.

The whole country was sad and indignant, but they knew they were wrong, and finally took back the thirteen soldiers, and the matter was over.

As for Hua Guo, the captain who ordered the launch of the missile announced that he was relieved of his post and demoted for inspection.

In fact, he was sent to the most advanced military academy of the Navy to continue his studies, and after half a year, he came out and was promoted to two ranks, and he was reused.

The most unlucky one was Brother Bin, who was arrested after landing and investigated the source of his guns.

After being locked up for a few days, he couldn't find a gun. I heard that he killed more than a dozen flb soldiers and fined him tens of thousands of dollars. The fishing boat was confiscated and released.

Of course, Brother Bin is the most awesome.

According to the laws of China, hiding arms and intentionally killing people will be sentenced to death without parole.

As a result, he swept the FLB soldiers with AK47, and finally only fined tens of thousands of dollars. Many years later, there was a video of Brother Bin shooting the Delpina on the same day, which made Brother Bin famous and shocked Southeast Asia.

In the eyes of outsiders, everything is a coincidence, everything is due to the luck of Brother Bin, and the unluckyness of flb people.

Only a few people who chatted with him knew how terrifying the power Jiang Shen, the author of this incident, possessed.

Playing with the FLB battleship in the palm of his hand, and finally let him be sunk by missiles.

On the day of the incident, Jiang Shen was really exhausted.

This time he was at sea, he didn't go with his real body, but with his spiritual sense, he controlled Brother Bin's subordinates for a while, and the flb sergeant for a while.

Going back and forth on both sides consumes a lot.

The ship sank at around 11:30 am that day.

Jiang Shen was still sleeping in the room after the ship sank.

He was too tired, so he went to sleep immediately after withdrawing his spiritual thoughts.

"Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen, Jiang Ju, Jiang Shen." At twelve o'clock, Lu Qi hurriedly knocked on Jiang Shen's door.

Did you come to travel or sleep, don't tell me you slept all morning, now something big happened outside.

"Why, what's the matter, I really want to sleep." Jiang Shen lazily opened the door.

"Something happened. FLB's most advanced and largest warship was sunk by our country. Now FLB is parading everywhere and closing the embassies of the two countries."

"Tch, what did I think, just don't go out, you'll be fine soon, I'm going to sleep, call me in the afternoon."

"Hey, hello---" Lu Qi looked depressedly at Jiang Shen and continued to sleep.

Are you here to travel with me or to sleep? I'm dizzy

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