Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 473 Transferring the God of Plague


National Security Operations Headquarters.

Manlando looked at various documents.

"Jiang Shen has been in the hotel all the time. On the surface, it has nothing to do with Jiang Shen."

"However, according to Japanese data, he can still go out and kill people while he is sleeping."

"In Huaguo's online novels, there is something called Yuanshen, which can leave the body and create an illusion that he is not there."

Manlando explained to his subordinates.

"Captain, what you said is too vague. It's common for Hua people to fantasize every day, and things in novels can also be taken seriously?"

"I didn't expect the captain to also like to read Hua Guo's online novels?"

Manlando sneered: "Huaguo is our greatest enemy, and everything is worth learning from. Online novels also contain a lot of ancient knowledge of Huaguo. I know there is a website in Huaguo, and novels about Taoist priests and tomb robbers are very popular. , You don’t need to believe what’s inside, but it’s better to understand it than to know nothing at all.”

"And have you found out that our warship, from the beginning to the end, was shot out of shells and machine guns, and did not hit the opponent's fishing boat. How is this possible?"

"Even if we were replaced by those of us who don't know how to use naval guns, we might be able to hit those who are blind."

"What's even more strange is that the artillery on both sides of the ship's side can't be fired when there is a problem at a critical time. When encountering a Hua ** ship, it can be fired automatically? Don't you think it's weird?"

"Captain, I don't think this is possible. It must be that the sergeants who came back deliberately said this because they were afraid of taking responsibility."

"That's right, nearly a hundred people were killed or injured on the entire ship. Only a dozen or so of them came back alive. Some people were said to be frightened and stupid, and it's normal to speak incoherently. It's obvious that they are trying to shirk their responsibility."

"It would be an international joke for the Ministry of Defense to believe such nonsense."

They were in a meeting when suddenly an urgent call came in.

"Not good. Now the people are outraged. Many people in Long Beach Road have begun to besiege yellow-skinned East Asians. People from Korea, Japan, and China have all been besieged. Jiang Shen is also there."

FLB's best and most advanced warship was sunk, and the government knew it was wrong and could bear it.

But the people can't stand it.

Now demonstrations have started all over FLB, asking the government to retaliate.

The flb government knows that it is wrong, and it is a headache. While appeasing the people in the country, it seeks the help of the United Nations.

But the United Nations also said that the results of this investigation are entirely your responsibility, and it is inconvenient for us to intervene.

Hua Guo didn't ask you to pay compensation, and let your people back, which is already considered good, what else do you want?

Economic blockade?By the way, have you ever been in Huaguo?

Travel blockade?Do you think that people from Huaguo come to you to play more, or do you go to Huaguo there?

"Quickly, notify the Boracay Island team, notify the Boracay Island Police Station, appease the people, don't cause riots, I'm going to see the president."

Manlando was also afraid.

This Jiang Shen is said to be able to cause an earthquake, so don't piss him off. An earthquake sank Boracay.

If the common people come like this, the tourism industry of Boracay will be hit hard, and it will be flb himself who will hurt.

And because East Asia is all yellow-skinned, including Japanese and Koreans, if you can't tell the difference, all three countries will offend.

At the same time, Lu Qi and Jiang Shen in Boracay were notified by the hotel.

It's chaotic outside, I suggest you don't go out, the hotel will protect you, and a large number of police are also rushing here.

At this time, all over Boracay, angry flb people began to chase and beat the yellow-skinned people they saw.

At first, someone asked: "Japanese? Korean?"

Others will say japanese, or korean, and flb people will let them go when they hear it.

It was discovered later that some Chinese people also speak Korean and Korean in English.

Damn, Chinese people are really insidious, pretending to be Korean.

Hit, no matter what they say, the yellow-skinned ones will be beaten.

As a result, the entire island was in chaos, and the Japanese and Koreans were beaten.

A large number of military and police were transferred from the inland to Boracay.

All the original policemen on Boracay Island came to the hotel where Jiang Shen was staying.

There were about 150 policemen on the whole island, and they surrounded the hotel where Jiang Shen was staying.

The person in charge of the hotel couldn't figure it out, and the staff didn't know either. Lu Qi also looked strange.

Only Jiang Shen knew that the flb people were afraid of causing Jiang Shen's anger by attacking here, so all the local police came to protect Jiang Shen.

"It's so strange. The hotel next door doesn't have a single policeman. We are all policemen here." Lu Qi stood at the window and watched the scene outside.

Jiang Shen had already woken up at this time, and looked outside with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be chaos here soon."

"---" What is this?There's going to be a big mess here, so why don't you tell me to rest assured?

Whoosh, after Jiang Shen finished speaking, his divine sense went out again.

When he went out this time, he was instilling a will in the local flb people and spreading rumors.

"Do you know, I heard that in the 'ulsiebe' hotel, there lived a high-ranking Chinese military official who brought his family to Boracay Island for vacation."

"I heard that a high-ranking official of the Chinese Army came to Boracay for vacation at the 'ulsiebe' hotel. His warship was the missile destroyer that sank our Delpina."

"Let's go, go to the 'ulsiebe' hotel, where a senior Chinese navy official and his family live."

"Revenge, revenge."

"Let me tell you, there are no police in other hotels, and there are more than 100 police surrounded there."

"These bastards protect the Chinese dogs and ignore our compatriots."

"Come on."

The flb people on boracay are crazy.

People from all directions came to the 'ulsiebe' hotel.

Police guarding the 'ulsiebe' hotel immediately noticed something was wrong.

There are black heads everywhere.

Some people also started holding weapons.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, and hand over the Chinese people."

"Hand over the official Hua."

"No, there are no Chinese officials in it. Don't mess around. The government will not deal with this matter."

"You bastards, our warship has been sunk, our children have sunk to the bottom of the sea, and you are still protecting the Hua ** officer."

"Come on." The crowd first argued with the police, and then someone roared and took the lead in the charge, and then everyone rushed towards the police as if they had taken a stimulant.

"What should I do, sir, should we withdraw?" The police didn't want to protect Jiang Shen here, but they couldn't do anything with orders from above.

At this time, Jiang Shen's divine sense took effect again.

The officer stared at him: "Fight, whoever dares to come up, beat me to death."

I'm dizzy, isn't it, this is a compatriot.

He yelled very loudly, and the flb people on the opposite side heard it too, I am stupid, dare to ask us to death, beat them to death, we have a lot of people.

FLB people began to pick up all kinds of sticks, stones, and everything that could be used as a weapon to attack the police.

At this time, even if the chief does not give the order, the police below will fight back.


The police and the people fought fiercely.

What is rhythm?Lu Qi continued to be dumbfounded looking out of the window.

The domestic police are not ruthless, grabbing people and beating them desperately.

Both sides seemed to have drunk chicken blood, and everyone's eyes were red.

The police had an advantage at the beginning because they were well equipped, but as flb people from all directions surrounded the 'ulsiebe' hotel, the superiority of the civilians showed.

Moreover, there were sticks and stones everywhere on the island. In less than half an hour, the police couldn't resist and retreated steadily.

At this time, the chaos in Boracay alarmed President FLB and Manlando.

After meeting with the president, Manlando expressed Jiang Shen's terror to him.

"I personally think that Jiang Shen is responsible for all the things? I suggest to arrange for him to leave our flb immediately, and don't give him an excuse to cause trouble in Boracay."

"Many foreigners have been injured in Boracay, and there are more than a dozen Chinese tourists among them. If Jiang Shen finds an excuse, the consequences will be even more serious."

The president looked at the report on Jiang Shen: "Okay, arrange for him to leave immediately."

As soon as the president gave an order, a helicopter flew over the hotel where Jiang Shen was staying.

A six-member team, fully armed and armed with a submachine gun, got off the plane and found the room where Jiang Shen was.

"Bang, bang, bang." They knocked on the door.

When Lu Qi opened the door, she was slightly taken aback when she saw the fully armed action team.

"Are you Chinese people? Sorry, the situation on the island is a bit difficult to control. We need to arrange for the Chinese people to leave flb immediately to protect your personal safety."

When did the flb government become so kind?Lu Qi was a little surprised.

"Isn't this troubling your government?" Jiang Shen asked pretendingly.

I'm afraid they are not arranging for all Chinese people, but just arranging for themselves.

"Don't bother, don't bother, you are tourists, we want to ensure your safety, this is what our flb government has always advocated." The operation captain smiled and had a very good attitude.

For those who don't know, I really want to thank the flb government for treating tourists with care.

"Then let's go." Jiang Shen giggled.

Lu Qi doesn't understand. You said you didn't want to leave just now, so what's your plan?

The two followed the six action teams, left the room and moved to the roof.

Passing through the corridor, they saw three people coming out of another room, speaking in Chinese, obviously Chinese.

The faces of the three people turned pale, and they were a little frightened. Seeing Jiang Shen and the six sergeants, they froze for a moment at the same time.

Jiang Shen recognized them. Just now at the Shangri-La Hotel, the three Chinese people saw Jiang Shen beating someone, so they turned around and ran away in fright.

If it were someone else, Jiang Shen would also ask them to take them away, but now, he pretended not to see them.

It was Lu Qi who was soft-hearted, and when she heard them speaking Chinese, she couldn't help but said to the captain: "These three people are also from China, can you take them away together?"

"There's no room on the plane, let's go to the next batch." The captain smiled, but he was thinking in his heart that the other Chinese people have nothing to do with us, so we should all die.

At this moment, there was a burst of cheers in the hotel lobby.

The last line of police defense collapsed.

A large number of flb locals rushed in with all kinds of guys.

The police were not happy to protect the so-called Hua people, and there were too many FLB people on the opposite side, so they finally couldn't resist.

I don't know who was the first to retreat, and then the defense line collapsed. The crowd dispersed the police and rushed to all parts of the hotel.

"It's him, it's him, Officer Hua."

"There, there, going upstairs."

"catch him."

Someone with sharp eyes saw six soldiers going upstairs protecting Jiang Shen.

The crowd rushed towards Jiang Shen and the others like crazy.

The action captain's face was as white as snow, and he hurriedly urged the team to go up quickly.

They ran all the way to the fifth floor of the hotel and found that the door they had just entered had been locked.

"I'm stupid, I'm stupid." The captain kicked a few times without kicking away, and picked up the gun in a rage.

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