Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 474 The Chaos of FLB

Bang, bang, after a few gunshots, another kick.

Plop, the door is still not open.

No way?The captain was sweating.

"Don't run." The crowd in the corridor behind was furious. Dozens of flb people rushed forward, and they were less than ten meters away in a blink of an eye.

"do not come."

"Back up."

"Back up."

Several sergeants roared with guns, nervous and frightened at the same time.

With so many angry crowds coming, they dare not shoot, but if they don't shoot, let them approach, I am afraid that they will also be in bad luck.

at this time.

A sergeant standing at the end, facing the swarming crowd, suddenly trembled.


The muzzle spark burst out, and a shuttle of bullets was shot out.

"Ah---" The scene was full of blood and blood, people turned their backs, and the dozen or so flb people who rushed to the front fell to the ground one after another.

My grass?The action captain nearly fainted.

"***, my God, who told you to shoot?"

"Are you crazy to shoot your own people?"

All the sergeants stared dumbfounded at the shooter.

The sergeant who fired the shot was also shocked. He trembled all over and stammered: "I---I don't---know, I see them rushing up---I'm nervous----"

Now that things have gotten worse, it is unimaginable to shoot and massacre one's own people.

"Bang" at this moment, the door finally opened.

The sergeants covered Jiang Shen and Lu Qichong and rushed to the roof where the plane was parked.

And there was an endless roar from behind.

Death did not frighten the chasing crowd, the blood stimulated their nerves, and they went completely crazy.

The current scene is very similar to a group of corpses in a zombie movie.

They saw their compatriots falling under the guns of their own people in order to protect the most hated Chinese people, and they became even more crazy.

"Come on."

"Don't let them run away."

"Kill that Huaguo dog."

Ant-like flb people chased Jiang Shen and the others to the parking lot.

"Take off quickly, take off quickly." Jiang Shen and Lu Qi had already sat on the helicopter.

But the helicopter suddenly had a problem and couldn't take off.

The crowd came frantically.

In an instant, he was only three or four meters away from the six sergeants.

It was about to drown the helicopter.

"Tut Tut Tuk" Another sergeant fired.

The pressure was too great, and the crowd rushed over like crazy. The sergeant got nervous, moved his finger, and pulled the trigger.

"Pop flop" blood splattered, life disappeared, and another batch fell down like harvesting straw.

Crazy, all crazy.The action captain has suicidal thoughts.

Before they could react, the crowd drowned the six of them first.

Plop, the sergeant who fired in the chaos was knocked down by the angry crowd.

They tore the soldiers who fired the shots into pieces like they were dealing with enemies, like they were tearing apart the Chinese people.

Some people grabbed it with their hands, while others bit it with their mouths like zombies. Only the sergeant's screams were heard in the field.

Within a few seconds, the whole person became bloody.

"Is this the end of the world? Zombies are coming?" The captain was petrified, thinking he saw a side in the movie.

I didn't expect the anger of the crowd to evolve to this level.

"Be careful." The man in the helicopter yelled.

Now the crowd has completely surrounded the helicopter, and someone started beating on the sides of the helicopter.

The other five sergeants leaned against the side of the helicopter, pushing with their guns, knocking on the crowd around them, and preventing them from approaching the helicopter.

Immediately, someone with sharp eyes saw that the submachine gun of the fallen sergeant was picked up by a civilian.

The man raised his submachine gun and pointed it at the five sergeants.

"I'm stupid." The captain was quick-eyed and took the lead to fight back.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly.

A shuttle of bullets hit, puff puff, blood spattered on the other side again.

The crowd fell again.

People with guns were also knocked down.

Oh My God?Lu Qi almost spit out from watching in the helicopter.

This is the massacre of civilians by the army, and she did not expect to see it with her own eyes.

Now the crowd is even crazier.

They rushed forward, separated the five soldiers with their flesh and blood, surrounded and knocked them down one by one.

A sergeant had a stick stuck in his eye.

"Ah" the sergeant screamed and fell to the ground on his back. At the same time as he fell to the ground, there was a loud gunshot in his hand.

Suddenly, another group of people were swept away.

Another sergeant knocked left and right with the butt of his gun to force the crowd back. After finally getting up, he took a closer look and saw that someone had grabbed a submachine gun and was pointing it at him.

He didn't even have time to think this time, so he shot directly.



The opponent also fired at the same time.

The two were shot at the same time, and the surrounding people turned their backs and blood flowed like rivers.

In less than a minute, the six sergeants including the captain had all fallen into a pool of blood.

Some were shot to death, some were bitten to death by angry crowds, and some were thrown from upstairs to below.

In the end, everyone surrounded the helicopter, beating wildly, and even hung on the helicopter.

"Crazy, these people are crazy." The helicopter pilot was shocked and frightened, and the front glass was about to be smashed.

At this moment, the helicopter suddenly recovered and could finally take off.

Hurrah, the helicopter began to crawl upwards, and more than a dozen people were hanging under the helicopter. The heavy pressure prevented the helicopter from getting up for a long time.

"Get out of the way." Three people in the crowd raised their submachine guns and told the people in front to get out of the way.

They're going to shoot down the helicopter with a submachine gun.

"My God." The helicopter pilot watched the plane fail to fly, while the three guns pointed at him.

"Shoot." There seemed to be a voice in his mind reminding him.

He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

The machine guns on either side of the helicopter fired.

chug chug

This time it was terrible.

The caliber of the machine gun on the helicopter is much stronger than that of the submachine gun.

Flutter, flutter, two bloody roads were directly killed in front of him.

Including the three with guns, they were all beaten to pieces.

The scene was extremely bloody, and on the way from the helicopter to the door, two open spaces were cleared out. There were screams, pain, and calls for help, all kinds of voices were intertwined.

Whoosh, the helicopter finally climbed up.

Those who were hanging under the helicopter fell down one by one.

Even if they could persist, Jiang Shen's spiritual thought would force them to let go.

"Beasts, beasts"

Whether it was the people who rushed into the hotel or the people outside the hotel, they saw the helicopter firing and heard the gunfire from above.

People downstairs picked up rocks and threw them at the helicopter, and people upstairs started picking up submachine guns on the ground.

"What?" The pilot managed to get the helicopter up, and was just about to turn around and fly away when he saw someone pointing a submachine gun at him again.

No way, he has to live.


chug chug.

The roof was massacred again.

The helicopter fired twice, and the two rounds of machine guns finally suppressed the crazy crowd.

Everyone crawled on the ground, expressing their dissatisfaction with all kinds of curses and anger.

Then everyone watched the helicopter leave.

Now take pictures of pictures, and videos of videos.

In less than 1 minute, all kinds of shocking news from flb at home and abroad.

"Protect tourists from China, but kill their own residents."

"Selling a woman is shameless and obscene."

"A shocking murder, the government slaughtered people."

"In order to please China, soldiers slaughtered civilians."

"Long Beach massacre, blood flowed like a river."

"Whose army are you in?"

"Are two tourists better than a national?"

Overwhelming news, photos spread to all parts of flb country along with the Internet.

FLB people across the country are angry.

In order to rescue two Chinese tourists who were trapped, the government used the machine guns on the helicopter and massacred nearly a hundred Chinese nationals.

This is a tragedy that has never happened in human history.

The whole country of flb was furious, various parades continued, the president was impeached, several military chiefs took the blame and resigned, the Minister of Defense was surrounded by angry crowds on his way to work, and was seriously injured after overturning a car.

The whole country is in chaos.

Countries around the world have issued statements to their countries, advising not to travel to FLB in the near future.

East Asian countries, yellow-skinned South Korea, Japan and other countries have withdrawn their embassies and staff.

Now flb has gone crazy all over the country, hitting anyone with yellow skin.

Many Chinese flb people have been hurt.

People like Luo Bushen, whose ancestors were in FLB, and almost all of them are Chinese, were also implicated in this incident. Their family members were surrounded by FLB people and beaten to death in the street.

fld is in a mess at home, and it is not easy abroad.

In this incident, long beach and other places in flb, maybe my yellow skin was hurt.

People in China, South Korea, Japan and other places were injured in the incident, and all countries have condemned flb for not protecting Chinese people well.

For each country, flb has adopted a different attitude.

Very polite to South Korea and Japan, and sent troops to protect the people of both countries everywhere.

As for Hua Guo, they ignored it and just sent Jiang Shen and Lu Qi back to the country.

This attitude is very bad.

On May [-]th, President FLB took the blame and resigned, and a large number of generals in the army were replaced.

On May [-]th, the turmoil in the FLB capital and near Long Beach became more and more serious.

Many people took to the streets to burn, vandalize and loot all night, and the incident became more and more chaotic. Some flbs began to pull out banners, killing them when they saw yellow skin.

On June [-], the former vice president and acting president ordered a curfew, and the capital Manila marched into the army to appease the people and hope they would not be impulsive.

That night, some civilians charged the army, trying to snatch weapons.

The army was repeatedly ordered not to shoot, but there were still some people, whether the guns misfired or for some reason, shot down the flb people on the opposite side.

The crowd became angry again and rushed towards the army.

Then the gunshots from the army rang out one after another.

Someone took the lead, and the others shot reflexively.

New massacres in the capital Manila.

The demonstrators were forced to disperse.

But under the attention of the international community, it didn't take long for them to gather again.

Then start new demonstrations, new marches.

Since then, flb has been in chaos in the country, and three presidents have been changed in one year.

Every president has been doing the same thing, appeasing the people at home while protecting the yellow skin at home.

This incident has affected FLB for five years. It took five years for their domestic turmoil to subside.

The instigator, Jiang Shen, never imagined that he would do something casually in flb, which would lead to national turmoil in flb and almost lead to civil war.

In fact, as long as he is willing to stay in flb's country and control both sides with his divine sense, Bao Zheng can plunge flb into civil war.

But he doesn't have that much time in flb.

He was sent back to China by flb on May [-], and never paid attention to flb's affairs again.

But his name is recorded in history by the entire flb.

In the secret files of the flb government, he was code-named the devil.

Return to China on May [-]nd.

Lu Qi was downcast.

After finally going out with Jiang Shen, we played in Long Beach and almost had an accident.

Nothing happened between the two.

But fortunately, I finally spent the night in a room.

Next time, we have to wait until the [-]th. I don’t know where to go to play on the [-]th?

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