Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 476 Change Secretary

Brother Xiao Jiang is engaged?

Xiang Lan's house at night.

Before Jiang Shen arrived, Xiang Lan was cooking.

In order to dispel her daughter's wild thoughts, Xiang Lan got angry with her in advance.

Xiang Xiaoxi sat alone in her room, holding a pen and poking vigorously on a piece of paper.

A girl was drawn on that paper, extremely ugly. On the girl's belly, the words 'Qiao Feixue' were written.

Then Xiang Xiaoxi kept poking, poking Qiao Feixue with her pen.

"Fox spirit, stinky three-eighth."

"Fox spirit, stinky three-eighth."

Every time Xiang Xiaoxi poked, she gritted her teeth and cursed.

It was after five o'clock.

Bang, bang, bang, there's a knock on the door.

"Xiaoxi, open the door, maybe Xiao Jiang is here." Xiang Lan was still cooking.

When Xiang Xiaoxi heard this, she jumped up quickly, crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the wastebasket next to her, and ran out happily.

"Brother Jiang."

Opening the door, Jiang Shen was holding a toy white bear in one hand and a cake in the other.

"Haha, brother Jiang, I miss you so much." Xiang Xiaoxi jumped up and threw herself into Jiang Shen's arms.

Long time no see, Xiang Xiaoxi has grown up again.

Jiang Shen felt something strange in his arms, and quickly stepped back, putting the cake and teddy bear in front of him to block it.

"Look, does the little bear like it? It's cute." Jiang Shen shook and shook.

Xiang Xiaoxi tilted his mouth, took the bear and threw it aside.

"I don't like it, I'm not a child, this is a child's toy." Xiang Xiaoxi pulled Jiang Shen's heart, pulled him into the house, and closed the door.

She actually likes this teddy bear very much.

But she can't say she likes it.

It was played by little girls. I am not young anymore, I will be an adult soon.

I checked the information, women in ancient times can get married at this time.

If Jiang Shen knew that there were so many things in her little head, he might faint on the spot.

"Where is District Chief Xiang?" Jiang Shen was serious, completely forgetting how he rudely lifted District Chief Xiang's clothes when he was in this home that day.

"My mother is cooking, so come and play in my room first." Xiang Xiaoxi pulled Jiang Shen and refused to let him go.

"Wait a minute, I have important work to report to the District Chief, be obedient." Jiang Shen hurriedly left Xiang Xiaoxi and ran to the kitchen.

Lao Gao pouted at Xiaoxi, watched Jiang Shen disappear in front of him unwillingly, sat on the sofa in the lobby angrily, then picked up the little bear and pinched it back and forth, expressing his unhappiness.

Jiang Shen sneakily came to the kitchen, but saw Xiang Lan glanced at him, his face was a little flustered, and then he deliberately put on a straight face: "Little Jiang, sit in the lobby, I'll finish the cooking right away."

"District Chief, I have something to do at work and I need to report to you." Jiang Shen also pretended to be deaf and dumb.

"Then after dinner, let's talk in the study."


The two dogs and men, tacitly, their mouths are serious, and they probably don't know what they are thinking in their hearts.

Jiang Shen paid attention to Xiang Xiaoxi, stepped forward quickly, and pinched Xiang Lan's buttocks with one hand.

"Don't be like this--" Xiang Lan blushed and began to breathe heavily.

Jiang Shen squeezed a few times, and left reluctantly.

He knew that Xiang Lan was easily emotional, so he liked to see her like this.

Who told you to pretend to be noble and generous every day, with the majesty of a district chief, I like to see you in such a mess now.

"You go out first, come back later, okay?" Xiang Lan felt a little weak in his legs and feet when he was molested by Jiang Shen, and he almost couldn't hold the shovel.

"Then I'm leaving." Jiang Shen felt a little biased, and returned to the hall triumphantly.

"Brother Jiang, I don't know a few questions, can you teach me?" Xiang Xiaoxi rolled his eyes and thought of another idea.

"Ahem---what topic, you can show it." Jiang Shen didn't dare to enter Xiaoxi's room.

This little girl is also bold now, God knows what she will do.

Xiang Xiaoxi was a little disappointed, he didn't call Jiang Shen in, so he turned around and took out a math test paper.

"Xiao Xi, Brother Xiao Jiang, I got engaged today. I never thought that your birthday is the same day as my engagement. When will I bring you, Sister Feixue, to meet you?"

Jiang Shen reminded Xiang Xiaoxi that I am engaged, children, don't think about it.

He agreed to get engaged earlier because of this kind of consideration.

"It's not marriage." Xiang Xiaoxi pouted, which almost made Jiang Shen faint: "In this society, don't marry too many people."

I'm dizzy.Jiang Shen couldn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

It seems that He Xiang Xiaoxi can't go on the right path, but has to go on the wrong path.

He said with a smile: "Xiaoxi is so beautiful and cute. I'm sure many male classmates like you. Are there any handsome guys?"

"That is." Xiang Xiaoxi is also a little proud, she is equivalent to the school girl in school, and of course many boys like her.

"But they are all children. I still like brother Jiang."

Xiang Xiaoxi ignored her mother who was cooking next door, and directly expressed her love for Jiang Shen.

Nima, you are a child yourself, okay?Jiang Shen always felt that he was young, but today he suddenly found himself very old.

"Some people like Xiaoxi, but Xiaoxi has someone he likes. What if that boy wants you to give up the person you like and like that boy instead?"

"He's crazy." Xiang Xiaoxi was suddenly furious, and was about to continue yelling when she suddenly thought of something.

Brother Xiao Jiang means that he likes Qiao Feixue, but I am trying to force him to like me?

Then, what is the difference between me and the boy Xiao Jiang mentioned?

"Brother Jiang also liked a girl in high school, but she didn't like me, and I have been blessing her silently. I think that if you like someone, you don't have to be with this person. As long as she is happy That's good, isn't it?"

"It turns out that I was right. Now I have found your sister Feixue. We love each other and we have found the most suitable person for us."

It was the first time for Jiang Shen to say so many nasty and disgusting words, which made him feel goosebumps.

"Sometimes missing something is not necessarily a bad thing, maybe there is something better waiting for you."

"Don't talk about brother Jiang." Xiang Xiaoxi lowered his head, tears rolling down his face.

She understood what Brother Xiao Jiang meant. Brother Xiao Jiang liked Sister Feixue. If she stalked her, how would it be different from the boys at school who liked her?

Suddenly, she felt a little scared.

Because she hates the boys in school who pester her very much.

Could Brother Jiang hate me like this?She was afraid, she didn't want to leave a bad influence on brother Jiang.

"Brother Jiang, I wish you happiness." Xiang Xiaoxi was extremely sad.

"Okay, okay, what are you talking about? It's time to eat." Xiang Lan came out with the food.

She actually heard it all.

At first, she was still very nervous, but when Jiang Shen said later, Xiang Xiaoxi seemed to recognize Qiao Feixue's status, but no one knew what was going on in her little head.

Let's calm her down now.

"Xiaoxi, brother Jiang said that if you pass the high school entrance examination, brother Jiang will give you a big gift." Xiang Lan winked at Jiang Shen.

I can't let Xiang Xiaoxi's grades drop because of this kind of thing.

"Yes, yes, yes." Jiang Shen came to his senses: "Xiao Xi must pass the exam, brother Jiang was always No.1 in the class." Jiang Shen's face turned red after speaking.

He has become a braggart, and his grades used to be average and low, but now he becomes the first in the class in front of Xiang Xiaoxi.

Xiang Xiaoxi heard that Xiao Jiang's grades are good, so I have to work hard. People with good grades also like good grades.

"Well, I will definitely work hard." The firm look in his eyes made Jiang Shen feel guilty.

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat." Xiang Lan really doesn't have the posture of a district head now, she is completely like a housewife. feeling of happiness.

The situation of a family of three, I don't know how many years ago it was.

"Don't drink ginger?" Xiang Lan raised his head, looking at Jiang Shen with a little blurred eyes.

"I don't drink well." Jiang Shen put on airs.

"Then drink less, to invigorate the blood, red wine is still healthy. Xiang Lan opened a bottle of red wine.

"Does Xiao Xi have a drink?"

"I don't, I eat, and after I eat, I'm going to do my homework." Xiang Xiaoxi is determined and will study hard from this moment on.

Jiang Shen and Xiang Lan smiled wryly at each other.

"Will the district chief want to drink?" Jiang Shen continued to pretend: "If the leader doesn't drink, I dare to drink."

"Then I'll drink less with you."

The two started to drink, while Xiaoxi ate.

Less than a while after the start, Xiang Lan suddenly asked Jiang Shen: "I want to change my secretary, do you have a suitable candidate?" Then he raised his head and looked at Jiang Shen.

"Me?" Jiang Shen didn't know what to say, you changed the secretary to the district government office, how could you tell me?

Xiang Lan's face was a little blushing: "This secretary is not quick and convenient." When talking about convenience, he gave Jiang Shen a look.

Damn, Jiang Shen finally understood.

This change is too big ah?District Mayor Xiang still has this hobby.

Sure enough, Xiang Lan asked again: "Is there any classmate who is in the system and can be quicker?"

"Yes" Jiang Shen nodded as expected.

"A classmate of mine, the director of the office of the District Health Bureau, has been doing office work and has a good relationship with me." When Jiang Shen said that the relationship is also good, he deliberately emphasized the pronunciation.

"Then you bring her to meet me on Tuesday." District Chief Xiang calmly breathed a sigh of relief.

It is rumored that Jiang Shen has many women and has a rough private life.

She also thought about it, her current secretary is not caring, and even if she is caring, it is useless. Jiang Shen, a lunatic, always rushes to the district government office to do things, so she must change to a secretary with an unusual relationship.

Anyway, Xiang Lan didn't expect to marry Jiang Shen, the two parties just took advantage of each other.

One is to play with Xiang Lan's body, and the other is to use his resources.

Then she tested Jiang Shen, this little bastard actually has a woman in the health bureau.

"Okay, then I'll take her there on Tuesday." Jiang Shen also admired Xiang Lan, and dared to bring up such things.

Bold, really bold.

Before Jiang Shen started the first double flight, he tried every means but couldn't find an excuse. Later, Xu Li helped him solve it.

Look at the gap and apply to the district chief. Jiang Shen feels like he is going to be drunk while drinking.

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