Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 477 Yu Shijun Cried Angry

At night, after seven o'clock.

Xiang Xiaoxi went back to her room to do her homework first, and Jiang Shen ate there for a while pretending.

When it was past eight o'clock, Xiang Lan had a little too much wine, his face was flushed, and every time he looked at Jiang Shen, he looked a little confused.

It's spring, and it's spring again to District Chief, Jiang Shen knows it well.

But he still has to pretend.

"District Chief, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

"Oh---" District Chief Xiang was slightly taken aback when he heard that, as if he was a little disappointed.

When Jiang Shen saw her eyes, he knew that she was also a bold person.

The daughter was in another room, and judging by her expression, she dared to leave her here to sleep.

"Let me see if Xiaoxi is sleeping. If not, you can talk to her." The first half of Xiang Lan's words are the key.

She meant that if Xiaoxi fell asleep, you should not leave.

Jiang Shen didn't dare, walked up to her, and said in a low voice, "I'll go first."

"---" Xiang Lan was very disappointed.

"Come back later, your door is closed, I can come in."

"---" Xiang Lan knew that Jiang Shen was powerful, but she didn't expect to be able to enter after the door was closed, so she nodded excitedly.

The two walked to the door of Xiaoxi's room.

Sure enough, Xiang Xiaoxi was still awake, wondering if she was waiting for Jiang Shen to leave.

"Xiaoxi, I'm leaving, see you another day."

"88 Brother Jiang."

"After finishing your homework, go to bed early."

"OK, all right."

Then Xiang Lan and Xiang Xiaoxi's mother and daughter sent Jiang Shen out.

After Jiang Shen left, Xiang Xiaoxi was also dejected: "Mom, I'm going to wash up and go to bed too."

"Have you finished your homework?"


"Then go to sleep."

09:30 in the evening.

Xiang Lan tossed and turned on the bed alone, unable to sleep.

The little bastard said to come back later, it's already 09:30, why not come?

She got up twice in the middle and saw that Xiang Xiaoxi was sleeping like a pig, but there was no movement outside the door.

Forget it, I'm afraid he lied to me, let's sleep.

Xiang Lan drank wine today, the smell of alcohol was touching, and her body was filled with amorous feelings, plus she hadn't touched a man for many years, and met a macho man like Jiang Shen, both physically and psychologically, she was at the time when she needed it the most.

She was a little disappointed that Jiang Shen didn't come.

Just when she was drowsy and a little bit asleep, someone chuckled in her ear: "Why are you still wearing underwear inside? Next time you wait for me, you must vacuum inside."

Then a big soft hand reached into the quilt, slowly swam over her body, and finally covered her breasts.

"Jiang Shen---" Xiang Lan's body twisted slowly with this big hand, she was surprised and delighted, and shocked at the same time.

"How did you get in?"

"Is this important?" After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he lifted Xiang Lan's quilt and rudely pulled off her underwear.

"Do you like me coming in like this?" Jiang Shen growled and straightened his waist.

Puchi, the bottom has long been wet and slippery, making a pleasant puzzling sound.

"Uh----" Xiang Lan didn't speak, but hugged Jiang Shen tightly, for fear that Jiang Shen would leave suddenly.

Soon there was a continuous sound of beeping in the room.

When Xiang Lan woke up the next day, if it wasn't for the damaged underwear and the smell in the room, she would have thought it was a hallucination.

The second is Tuesday.

Originally, the district party committee was held every Monday.

Because the previous May Day holiday, this week the party committee was adjusted to Tuesday.

The party committee was fooled by the crisis and went through personnel affairs.

It was confirmed that Lu Qi was promoted to be the director of the Investment Promotion Bureau, and Lu Yong was transferred to be the director of the Environmental Protection Bureau.

While the party committee was still in session, Yu Shijun in the China Merchants Bureau was getting angry.

"Lu Qi, let you be on duty on May Day, and you go to flb to travel, what's your attitude?"

Yu Shijun didn't dare to look for Jiang Shen, so it's not a big problem to bully Lu Qi.

"On the May Day holiday, except for the police and other special departments, our China Merchants Bureau has never been in the habit of being on duty during holidays." Lu Qi knew that she was the governor's daughter-in-law before, so of course she had to let her know. Now that she knows that she will take over, she is afraid of her .

"What are you talking about? The leader wants us to be on duty, so we have to be on duty. That's the case in that unit. I didn't have the habit of being on duty before. Now I want to change it. I have already reported to the Lu Bureau. The bureau will issue relevant documents. After the holidays Arrange people on duty, so that we can wholeheartedly serve foreign capital and merchants.”

"I'll say it again, foreign capital and businessmen don't necessarily have the same holidays as ours. Comrade Lu Qi, how can you do a good job in attracting investment with your attitude?"

"The leader wants us to be on duty? Are you talking about you? Director Yu, you and I are on the same level, so don't use your father's official hat to overwhelm me." Lu Qi's words were a bit serious.

When Yu Shijun heard it, he was so angry that smoke came out of his seven orifices.

You wait for me, the party committee will end soon, and my appointment will be announced, so you will look good.

Don't you have a good relationship with Jiang Shen, my old lady transferred you elsewhere.

As the leader, she can selectively adjust certain positions in the bureau.

This is also the most common thing in officialdom.

The top leader can't control the overall situation, that's very prestige, and he doesn't respect the appointment order of the district party committee.

Therefore, if someone came to a new unit to serve as the head of the bureau, if there were strong old leaders in the bureau, they would definitely have to change one or two leaders to ensure that the bureau's party committee could be under their own control.

Yu Shijun made up his mind, and when he became the director, he replaced Lu Qi and Qian Youjin as soon as possible.

In this way, the entire China Merchants Jiang Shen is alone.

In the past, Lu Yong couldn't control the party committee for a moment. If it wasn't because he was about to leave, he would have replaced Lu Qi and Qian Yuejin.

"Lu Qi ----- don't be complacent --" Yu Shijun said halfway, when the phone rang.

She lowered her head to see Lu Yong's, and she was overjoyed.

Hahaha, I am the director.

"Ju Yu, the party committee is over----" Lu Yong was extremely depressed and didn't know how to speak.

"Congratulations to Bureau Lu, how high is Bureau Lu?"

"Hey, what are you congratulating, Environmental Protection Bureau." Lu Yong shook his head. The Environmental Protection Bureau is good, but the pressure is also high. Now it is always an environmental protection issue, but it is better than China Merchants.

"Hehe, let's have dinner together when Lu Yong is free tonight." Yu Shijun knew that if he wanted to stand firm at the grassroots level, he must form a clique.

Lu Yong can also be regarded as a top leader, of course he must establish a good relationship.

"Then---I have something to do tonight, let's try another day." Lu Yong hasn't said the result yet, but seeing Yu Shijun's tone, she seems to feel that she has been hit.

Lu Yong was too embarrassed to speak.

Yu Shijun is a smart person, when he heard Lu Yong's tone, something was wrong.

"Ju Lu? What about our side?" She asked cautiously.

"What?" Lu Yong yelled loudly, "Lu Qi is now in charge."

I'm dizzy, Yu Shijun is so lucky that he didn't faint.

"----" She stood there blankly, almost thinking that she had heard it wrong: "Isn't it? Secretary Zhuang promised me." In desperation, Yu Shijun said it out.

"It's the name proposed by Secretary Zhuang, withhold Lu Qi's name, and then agree with the district chief." Hearing Lu Tong's words, Yu Shijun knew that the secretary and district chief must have approved beforehand.

The top leaders of the party and government agree that there is no need to vote for this, and they can be appointed directly.

Zhuang Zhiguo, you lied to me.Yu Shijun was furious at first, and then felt powerless all over his body.

Even though she is the daughter-in-law of the governor, but she is not from Dongning Province, it is useless to shake the sky.

Zhuang Zhiguo, the little secretary, lied to her if she said she was cheating, you bite me, Zhuang Zhiguo is afraid of her ass.

"Hey, that's it. You're still young. When your dad comes to Dongning to be the governor's secretary, you have plenty of opportunities, Bureau Yu." Bureau Lu hung up the phone helplessly.

Waiting for my dad to come over to be the secretary of the governor?Is this him? What year is it, Yu Shijun really can't wait for a moment.

After answering the phone, she was depressed, and looked up to see Lu Qi, who was also answering the phone.

"Thank you District Chief, thank you District Chief, I will work hard." Lu Qi smiled all over her face, and looked at Yu Shijun provocatively. This woman is too arrogant, and now she can be slapped in the face.

Damn, Yu Shijun was so angry when he saw it, he couldn't help but knock Lu Qi to the ground with a slap.

You wait for me, Yu Shijun stomped on the spot, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, Yu Shijun." Lu Qi was full of anger when she was called "Lu Qi, Comrade Lu Qi" before, and now she is also calling her name.

"What instructions does Director Lu have?" Yu Shijun lost for a while, gritted his teeth and turned around.

"The bureau document you mentioned just now, let me have a look. You can't just write a few words to call it a bureau document. Do you know how many experts and how long it takes for a central document to go through from drafting to promulgation?"

"Okay, Director Lu, send it right away." Yu Shijun's face was flushed, and Lu Qi's words were like a slap on her face.

Who are you, Yu Shijun, to draft documents for the bureau?

Feeling proud of the villain, Yu Shijun turned around and went back to his office, his chest was heaving with anger, and he felt like he was going crazy.

what to do?Yu Shijun was sitting in the office.

Now that Lu Qi has become the director, Jiang Shen still has his tail up to the sky, how can I still live in China Merchants in the future?

Do you want to transfer?Back to the province?

However, when she came here she was arrogant, and now she is returning in despair, how could she lose face as the number one beauty of the provincial government.

As she sat there, thinking wildly, her phone rang.

Looking down, "Dad." Yu Shijun felt sour in his heart, tears rolled down uncontrollably.

"Why, my baby, you seem to be in a bad mood." Governor Yu remembered to call his daughter in his busy schedule, and it was not easy.

"It's nothing, I miss my parents a little bit." Yu Shijun resisted, not letting his father find that he was crying.

"I heard that my baby didn't join the competition bureau this time? Are you disappointed?" Governor Yu chuckled.

"Dad, don't talk about it." The more Yu Shijun thought about it, the more useless he became, the more sad he became, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help it anymore and cried.

"Don't cry, don't cry, why don't you come to Fu'an? I'll transfer you to Dad, okay?" Governor Yu was also very depressed. His daughter was not in the province he was in charge of, so he couldn't help much if he wanted to. help.

As for saying hello to the governor of Dongning province, it would be embarrassing to say hello to another governor or secretary of the provincial party committee for his daughter, regardless of the fact that they are not in the same camp.

Officials who have reached their level will generally not greet people at the same level unless they have to.

It must not be a trivial matter for one official to greet another official.

It is worth considering if the daughter's deputy hall is promoted to the main hall.

Go to Fu'an?Yu Shijun was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it.

If I leave, Jiang Shen and Lu Qi will be so unhappy.

Where should I save my face?Besides, I studied in Dongning, and I stayed here after graduation. When I arrived in Fu’an, I didn’t know the place well. My father also served as the governor of Fu’an for four years, so he had to leave sooner or later.

"No, if I don't leave, I will stay here. I don't believe it. I, Yu Shijun, are no worse than that Lu Qi. I will surpass her one day."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, it's my Yu Zhenqiang's daughter, hahaha, okay, I will try you too, if you really want to come over, I still don't agree, work hard, grassroots, is the most tempered person place." After Yu Zhenqiang finished speaking, he gave a few more instructions, and then hung up the phone.

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