Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 478 The Angry Tang Hairong

Yu Shijun hung up the phone and sat quietly in the office, tossing and turning in her little head.

If you want to stand firm in the official position and surpass your opponents, you must have a backer.

Now that my father is in Fu'an, he is beyond his reach, and he obviously wants to make a breakthrough and bump his head.

Everything depends on yourself.

I used to be a little arrogant in the provincial government. Although I didn't offend anyone, I didn't make any helpers. I can't be like this in the future.

Find a backer, look for a backer, and a backer who can help you.

After Yu Shijun thought about it, there was one person who was more suitable.

That was her former leader, Tang Hairong, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Finance.

The three generations of the Tang family have been in Dongning's officialdom for decades, and their influence is intricate and deep-rooted. Not to mention, Tang Hairong's husband is still the mayor of Dongning City, a man of influence.

With Mayor Jiang's help, there is still a chance to surpass Lu Qi in the future.

In the past, Yu Shijun didn't look for Tang Hairong either. When Tang Hairong was her leader, she thought her father was honest and didn't treat her very politely. Of course, she didn't offend Tang Hairong either.

Now when you come to the grassroots level, you know the importance of someone above you.

"Tang Ting, I'm Xiao Yu." Yu Shijun's tone was extremely gentle, without any arrogance like before.

"Mr. Shi, long time no see." Tang Hairong's silver bell-like laughter rang out, also very affectionate.

Finally call me?Tang Hairong has also been waiting for Yu Shijun.

She had seen Yu Shijun's pride for a long time, so she was provoked to come to Dongning to meet Jiang Shen.

She knew that Yu Shijun would either fail or succeed, and now she took the initiative to call herself, of course she failed.

It is impossible for the girl of heaven to go down to the grassroots level without a backstage.

"I also said that I haven't seen the leader for a long time. When you are free, let's have a meal together." Yu Shijun said.

"No problem, I'm free tonight." Tang Hairong was on fire at this moment, when she received the call, if it was someone else she would have hung up, and when she saw that it was Yu Shijun, she immediately turned into a smiling face.

"Then it's settled. I'll find a hotel and I'll contact you."

"OK" Tang Hairong hung up the phone with a smile.

As soon as the phone was hung up.

"Bang" Tang Hairong threw out a cup in front of her.

If Yu Shijun was here, she would never have imagined that the enthusiastic and gentle Tang Hairong who just smiled would have such an expression.

It was a ferocious face.

The glamorous Tang Hairong looks no different from a witch.

She was the number one beauty in Dongning's officialdom back then.

In his early forties, he looked like he was in his early thirties.

But now that he was on fire, his entire face was deformed.

Who is she mad at?

The next man, trembling all over, stood in the corner with a pale face.

Who is this man?

Xie Changqing, Mayor of Hengqiao District.

Just now Tang Hairong almost threw a glass on his head, scaring Xie Changqing half to death.

Nima pervert, you answered the phone with a smile just now, if you have the ability to get angry with the boss, what use is it to me?Xie Changqing secretly despised Tang Hairong.

"Tell me, how much did Jiang Fengmin pay Jiang Shen?" Tang Hairong was furious, pointing at Xie Changqing and cursing.

"No --- no ---" Xie Changqing didn't know where Tang Hairong got the news from, so he could only bite the bullet.

"Did you say again?" Tang Hairong picked up a cup in front of her again: "How dare you lie to me?"

Raising it, Xie Changqing's face turned green from fright.

His head was also scrambling to calculate.

The boss didn't dare to pay this money, because he was afraid that Tang Hairong would find out, Xie Changqing couldn't pay it himself, and it was paid by a company the boss found.

How did Hairong Tang know?Enterprise leaked?

"Don't tell me, don't tell me I smashed it, do you dare to try?" Tang Hairong was fierce, holding a cup to smash Xie Changqing, and told Xie Changqing not to move.

Xie Changqing wants to cry, one side is the boss, and the other is the boss's wife, you go home and ask your husband yourself.

Don't dare to ask him, come to bully me.

"Really not." Xie Changqing gritted his teeth. Jiang Fengmin is his boss, and he couldn't admit it today despite his bloody head.

"Bastard." Tang Hairong waved her hand, whoosh, the cup flew out.

Xie Changqing wanted to dodge, but he still didn't dare. He closed his eyes, ready to be hit.

Bang, the cup flew out against his head.

"Okay, okay." Tang Hairong was still merciful, and smiled angrily: "Sure enough, Jiang Fengmin is your boss, so you just stand up for him. Fengmin did not admit the wrong person."

Although Tang Hairong is fierce, she is not an unreasonable person, she still deserves to admire Xie Changqing in her heart.

"Changqing, how many years have you been with Fengmin? I remember that you spent the Spring Festival at our house in the first year. I made dumplings by myself, and then you said they were delicious, so I asked you to bring back twenty. You're still refusing, aren't you?"

Tang Hairong can't be tough, but soft, this woman is really smart and capable.

"Tangting has always taken care of me, I am very grateful, sincerely grateful, my growth is inseparable from the care of the boss and Tangting, but---" But Tangting, don't make things difficult for me.Xie Changqing felt numb all over when Tang Hairong spoke softly.

"You also said that the boss took good care of you, so how did you repay the boss?" Tang Hairong's face changed again: "You accepted a huge sum of 66 yuan from the company, you are so courageous."

Tang Hairong knew that, if she didn't tell her, Xie Changqing would never admit it.

"---" I'm dizzy, Tang Ting really knows.

Xie Changqing was immediately frightened.

"You said, what are you doing with so much money? As a district chief, do you need to pay attention to this 66 yuan? I think you have a lot of ambition, and it is impossible to destroy your future for 66 yuan."

"It was Jiang Shen's engagement that day, and you went to that hotel too. Don't tell me, you happened to go there for dinner too?"

"Let me ask you again, is it Jiang Fengmin's fault? If you say no, I'll call the Discipline Inspection Commission to investigate you immediately."

When Tang Hairong mentioned this point, Xie Changqing couldn't believe it.

And he knew that if Tang Hairong said it and did it, she would really be called the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

There was no other way, he could only smile wryly: "Tang Ting, you have sharp eyesight, yes, the boss asked for a gift, but Jiang Shen confiscated it."

"I'm stupid." Tang Hairong burst out a word in cursive while Xie Changqing was stunned, and then stretched out her hand with a slap, almost all the things on the table were swept to the ground by her, her chest heaved in anger.

"Bastard, you keep telling me that you don't care about this little beast, you can get 66 for an engagement now, and get married in the future? Do you want to give 660 million?" Tang Hairong was sure, and the whole person was in a state of madness.

She looked left and right, and wanted to smash whatever she saw. She almost smashed everything on the desk, and almost knocked off the desk.

Xie Changqing didn't dare to say anything intimidating, Boss, I didn't betray you, Tang Ting knew about it.

He was afraid that Jiang Fengmin would come back to settle accounts with him, so he could only ask weakly: "Tang Ting, how did you know?"

"How do I know?" Tang Hairong was furious.

It turns out that the entrepreneur has always had a good relationship with the Tang family. The two parties have been in contact for decades. They used the Tang family's relationship to make money before, and later used Jiang Fengmin's relationship to make money. The two parties are like a family, and the entrepreneur was also labeled as Jiang imprint.

If it wasn't for this kind of relationship, Jiang Fengmin wouldn't look for him either.

Of course, the boss didn't know why Jiang Fengmin wanted 66 yuan. Jiang Fengmin told him not to say anything, but he didn't say anything.

As a result, Tang Hairong happened to have dinner with him that day.

After half of the wine, the boss had too much wine, went to the toilet, and put the phone on the table.

Tang Hairong sat next to him, and suddenly the phone vibrated, and a short message came.

"Boss, the money has already been given to Xie Changqing."

Tang Hairong just sat there thinking, why did he give money to Xie Changqing?

Xie Changqing knew that it was impossible to easily accept other people's red envelopes, and she didn't want to see Xie Changqing make a mistake.

Xie Changqing has been with Jiang Fengmin for many years, and Tang Hairong is also more optimistic.

When the entrepreneur came back, Tang Hairong also put on airs, as if she knew it long ago, and asked him in a low voice.

"Is the money given to Changqing?"

The boss had a bit too much wine, he was taken aback for a while, and then he came back to his senses, Jiang Fengmin only said not to tell others, not to tell his wife, it turned out that Tang Ting also knew.

"Yes, I just gave it."

"How many."

"Did Mayor Jiang say that, 66?"

Damn, when Tang Hairong heard it, she knew something was wrong.

Jiang Fengmin didn't ask for money from himself, why did he ask for 66 from outsiders?

She remained calm and patted the boss: "Thank you."

"Tang Ting is polite, without you, I would not be where I am today."

I'm dizzy, when Xie Changqing heard this, he co-authored a short message and betrayed us.

This wrong ah.

"Okay, let's go, your boss is there, I'll go and talk to him." Tang Hairong got the answer, and it really was for that little beast, so angry that her internal organs would bleed.

"Tang Ting, then I'll leave first." Xie Changqing retreated and hurriedly called the boss.

Then tell the situation and keep apologizing.

After Jiang Fengmin heard it, he was stunned for a moment, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, I don't blame you, it's okay, it's okay, let me explain to her."

Jiang Fengmin was a little annoyed, what happened when I gave my son 66 yuan?

That's also my son, only 66, and your Qianer will be more than 660 million in the future.

Here the boss and younger brother are communicating, while Tang Hairong is so angry that he is about to vomit blood.

This is the first time I come to Dongning, I promise you to send him tens of thousands and let him go to school here.

You promise me that you won't care about him in the future, but now that he's promising, he's done a good job, and it costs 66 yuan to get married.

Jiang Fengmin, oh Jiang Fengmin, if Jiang Shen is in the right place in the future, will he just let him recognize his ancestors and return to his relatives?

The more Tang Hairong thought about it, the more she hated it, and the more she thought about it, the more she became afraid.

No, I have to find a way to solve Jiang Shen once and for all?

After much deliberation, she used both black and white, and Jiang Shen, like Xiaoqiang, became stronger and stronger.

It seems that I am going to come up with a trick.

He had to find a way to make the father and son completely turn against each other.

Is there any way to make Jiang Fengmin no longer like Jiang Shen, or even hate Jiang Shen?

Tang Hairong thought for a long time in the office, and finally came up with a solution.

Doesn't this make the two of you strangers?

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