Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 479 Helping each other

Xie Changqing was seeing Tang Hairong, and Jiang Shen was going to see Ou Chufeng again.

The last time I saw Ou Chufeng in a hurry, he put down his things and left without saying a few words.

This time he had to go to the provincial government again because of Qiao Feixue.

He really wanted to go to Governor Ou's house, but Governor Ou and Jin Zhonglin lived in the same compound, so he went to Governor Ou's house.

Although it was only the second time, Secretary Song was just like his family.

There is no way, Jiang Shen was brought up by the governor of Ou. The two are considered to be in the same camp, and they have been labeled as the European family. Of course, they need to get acquainted.

Moreover, there is no conflict between Jiang Shen and Song Dami. Song Dami's deputy office, Jiang Shen's Zhengke, is three levels behind. Song Dami will go down in the future. If Ou Province is more powerful, he will be a real job in the department, and there is a little conflict of interest with Jiang Shen. nor.

If Jiang Shen is also the deputy director, then Secretary Song and Jiang Shen may not be as good as each other. In the future, Ou Sheng will retreat to the second line, and the arrangement of these two people may be good or bad.

So when Jiang Shen went over, Song Dami was extremely polite.

"Wait a minute, there is a visitor from Ou Province, there is a little urgent matter, I will call you after the bell hall."

This time Jiang Shen was not as lucky as last time, but Jiang Shen was considered good, and joined the team of several people.

He went late, and there were seven or eight people lined up outside the door. Ou Chufeng obviously treated them differently, and he was straightforward, so after meeting three groups of people, he called Jiang Shen by name.

Under many jealous eyes, Jiang Shen walked into Ou Sheng's office.

"I have time today. I'll give you 10 minutes. Is that enough?" Ou Xing sat there in a state of grandeur, with a sub-provincial and ministerial demeanor.

Among the several senior deputy provincial officials that Jiang Shen met, Jin Zhonglin was more generous. After all, he spent a lot of time in state-owned enterprises.

Jiang Fengmin is more elegant and looks like a university professor.

Fang Xuanjun, the deputy governor and chief of the police department, was a bit gloomy, probably because of his reconnaissance.

In terms of the aura of senior officials, Ou Chufeng is considered the strongest, which is also determined by his personality.

He is more forthright, he doesn't hide and hide when he speaks and does things, and his aura comes out naturally.

"As long as Ou Xing speaks, three minutes is enough." Jiang Shen said with a smile on his face, not polite to Ou Chufeng, and went straight to the point.

"My fiancée works in a bank. Recently, she is taking the exam for the position of 'Vice President of Huaxing Dongning City Branch'. The written test ended yesterday. She said that the questions are not difficult and she performed well. It is easy to get into the top five."

Ou Chufeng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Isn't Qiao Xiaoshan's daughter? I heard that a famous beauty in the financial system, when you were engaged, I was surprised. I didn't expect the two of you to be together."

Ou Chufeng knew that Jin Zhonglin's daughter and Jiang Shen were friends, at the time he thought they were a couple, but now the result is a bit unexpected.

"Thank you also for Ou Xing's red envelope." Jiang Shen bowed his head in embarrassment.

What is the red envelope in Europe?

Jiang Shen gave Ou Chufeng a card last time, and Ou Chufeng gave it back to Jiang Shen again.

It's not that Ou Chufeng refused to accept him and didn't give him face, because there was 100 million in the card, which shocked Ou Chufeng too.

I have never seen so much money, never seen a Zhengke give so much to a deputy province.

Ou Sheng regarded him as one of his own, so of course he would not accept him, but when Jiang Shen got engaged, he sent it back.

"In the future, don't do this with me." Ou Chufeng laughed and cursed, you are so bold, to send 100 million to a deputy province?

You are not afraid of being found by the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

After a pause, he said, "I've heard about this time. She is so confident? Only the top five can enter the interview. Is she sure that she can enter the top five?"

"I can definitely get in. If I can't get into the top five, I don't dare to come to you, Ou Sheng." Jiang Shen said in his heart, she can't get into the top five, and I can make her into the top five, let alone she is still in the top five. Get into the top five.

"It's good to have confidence. Although I'm not in the financial system, I have many old friends. I heard from them that the competition is fierce this time. There are two Ph.D. students and eight graduate students. Your fiancée can enter the top five, which is very powerful. "

"If you have strength, what are you afraid of?"

Jiang Shen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and ordinary people's leaders would stop talking.

Another meaning of this sentence is that as long as your fiancée can enter the interview, I can help to say hello.

Such naked words, of course, a senior official of this level would not say it.

But the meaning of this sentence is obvious.

Jiang Shen couldn't hear it before, but now he has been in the officialdom for a while, and he immediately understood it.

"Then thank you Ou Sheng, thank you Governor Ou." Jiang Shen thanked repeatedly.

"You don't need to thank me." Ou Xing was really straightforward, and he said it on the spot, completely different from ordinary leaders: "You are lucky, the person who came for the interview is from the central head office of China Bank, and he called me yesterday to come to the interview , Let me arrange it, they are all my old colleagues, I said hello, as long as I can get into the interview, there will definitely be no problem."

"Xie Ou Province, Xie Ou Province." Jiang Shen cast his eyes on the ground in admiration. Seeing Governor Ou, he had a straightforward personality and went straight to the point. Other leaders had to ponder over a sentence for a long time, and they were exhausted. Governor Ou just said it directly.

Jiang Shen likes to deal with people like Ou Xing.

To say that Ou Xing is also bold, if his words were recorded and posted on the Internet to let everyone know that the governor greeted people, dismissal would be the lightest.

When Jiang Shen thought about it this way, he also understood why the leaders had to think carefully about what they said, and couldn't say it too clearly. What should I do if the recording is made?

Being a leader is indeed difficult.

In the future, we must also learn the art of speaking. What we say should not be too obvious, and the meaning must be guessed. Only in this way can we become qualified leaders.

Jiang Shen was thinking wildly there, and Ou Xing smiled again: "You don't need to thank me, I solved the problem for you, and you have to help me solve a problem too."

Jiang Shen immediately stood up to show his loyalty: "Leader, please give me instructions."

"Hehe, don't you ask me what I want you to do?"

"Order whatever you want, even if the leader wants the stars in the sky, Xiao Jiang will find a way to get you off."

"Go, go, go, you should call me Ou Sheng." Governor Ou didn't see Jiang Shen at all.

If Secretary Song sees it here, it will arouse all kinds of envy and hatred, because Ou Xing usually talks to people, including Song Dami, who has never talked so casually.

Of course, this is also where leadership is brilliant.

When Ou Sheng was in Japan, he saw that Jiang Shen was lawless and dared to contradict himself face to face, so he was very easy-going when talking to Jiang Shen.

There's no reason to put on airs with Jiang Shen, but if he gets pushed, it's still him who loses face.

"I heard that you have attracted Citibank from country m. If you say that foreign banks enter Dongning, it is a good thing for the people, but it may not be good for the financial system."

Jiang Shen's eyes lit up, yes, he came from a bank in Europe.

"Ou province doesn't like it, I let them go out."

"Nonsense, our party members and cadres serve the people, of course we should raise our hands to welcome them." Ou Xing glared, Jiang Shen chuckled, so I might have misunderstood, the leader continued.

"I mean, can we put Citibank in Fengle District?"

"Fengle District." Jiang Shen immediately understood.

Fengle District is the most backward district among the eight districts in Dongning. It used to be a township in another prefecture-level city in Dongning. It was assigned to Dongning in 99, and then formed a district with the suburbs of Dongning.

There is no industry in the district, and agriculture is relatively developed.

In the past, agriculture was not well known. In recent years, agriculture has taken off. However, without a strong industrial foundation, Fengle District will always be the most backward district among the eight districts in Dongning.

The placement of Citibank in Fengle District is far from the previously decided Daning District.

Daning District is the center of Dongning, and the location of Citibank in Daning will have a great impact on state-owned banks.

Now put it in Fengle District, it depends on Citibank's own marketing methods.

Of course, there will be a difference, but not too much.

The world's top [-] brands are there, no matter how deep the alley is, as long as there is the smell of wine, people will still go there.

But Chinese people are like this. They think it might be better to put it in Fengle District.

The bank can't decide this kind of thing, so it can only ask Governor Ou.

Knowing that Jiang Shen was the one who introduced him, Ou Xing originally planned to invite Jiang Shen to come over and ask, but now Jiang Shen took the initiative to come to the door, just taking advantage of the trend.

Jiang Shen hardly hesitated, and nodded his head in less than two seconds: "Yes, as for Fengle District, I can also make the decision."

After saying this, the two looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

No one would have imagined that a Zhengke and a deputy province could stand on equal footing and exchange a favor with each other.

In the eyes of other Zhengke, this is simply impossible.

In the eyes of other vice-provinces, Zhengke would not be taken seriously.

Ou Sheng was very satisfied with Jiang Shen's answer. In fact, he could go to the local government or the leaders of Dongning City to handle this kind of matter.

But he is not a member of the financial system now, so there is no need to do such a thing and let others misunderstand.

At that time, people will not say it on the surface, but will say it secretly. You, a deputy governor, what is the person in charge of the bank doing there?Isn't it because they are afraid that the state-owned banks will be hit?

As far as the relationship between local governments and state-owned banks is concerned, the relationship is still hesitating.

When real estate was booming, the relationship between the two parties was very good.

But most local governments will owe money to the banks, especially the government is very jealous of the way the banks receive money.

It's too fast, just sit and collect high interest after borrowing some money.

It would be great if the local government could also borrow money and earn interest, which is faster than any tax.

So if Ou Sheng came forward, he might be scolded as a second devil.

Sit in the government and do things for the banks.

Now he is looking for Jiang Shen, and if Jiang Shen is going to handle this matter, it has nothing to do with him at all.

The exchange of these two interests is not a matter of too many minutes.

It took less than 2 minutes for Jiang Shen to come in, and the matter was over.

Usually at this time, Jiang Shen would get up and say goodbye.

However, he is also an official official now, and Ou Xing has no intention of telling him to leave.

If the leaders don't want to talk to you anymore, they will probably take some action.

Or light a cigarette, but not give it to you, or lower your head to write something with a pen, or cover the teacup, read some books, all kinds of actions mean to let you go.

Ou Xing picked up the cigarette, threw one to Jiang Shen, took one himself, and obviously wanted to continue chatting with Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen had never smoked, so he took advantage of the opportunity to light up this time.

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