Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 481 Friends of Women

After Ge Danni left, Jiang Shen thought something was wrong.

Why is it that Lu Qi is the head of the government, and everyone comes to me?

Yu Shijun made an appointment tomorrow night, and Ge Danni made an appointment tonight, are they all agreed?Got a schedule?

Jiang Shen was a little depressed.

Unexpectedly, someone came in to look for him.

Miao Fang, the head of the Business Section [-], came in after Ge Danni.

Lu Qi and Jiang Shen had said that they planned to make Miao Fang the office director.

Miao Fang came to seek Jiang Shen's opinion. She has always followed Jiang Shen, and she also likes to follow Jiang Shen to be the director of the office. The year-end bonus will naturally be more.

And follow Jiang Shen, go to the countryside and enter the town to enter the enterprise, and the benefits will be softened.

Jiang Shen understood what she was coming for, and gave some pointers. The section chief has benefits, but no future. Ge Danni became the office director and a member of the party committee. There, you can be a deputy director of any bureau you transfer to.

You have worked in the business department for 100 years as the section chief, and you are still a sub-section. If you are the office director, you can get a commission, and it will be logical to be the deputy director in the future.

Because the director of the China Merchants Office is a member of the party committee and is basically at the same level as Jiang Shen, the deputy director, Jiang Shen told her not to focus on benefits, but to think about progress.

After sending Miao Fang away, Jiang Shen was a little proud. My buddy is no longer a rookie in the officialdom, and he can give advice to others, hahaha.

But I don't know that Miao Fang walked out of his office with a faint scar on his face. What kind of party committee member, what kind of department and deputy department, I actually want to work with you, Jiang Ju.

Miao Fang walked forward, and Wang Jing came in again.

Wang Jing was also the first to follow Jiang Shen in the bureau, but she never had a real job.

Recently, Lu Qi planned to mention her as the deputy section chief. Wang Jing was very grateful to Jiang Shen.

That's right, why do you want to thank Jiang Shen, because Wang Jing also knows that Director Lu seems to listen to Director Jiang in everything.

The two talked for a while, and Wang Jing finally blushed: "Is Jiang Ju free the night after tomorrow? I would like to treat you to dinner, thank you."

"---" Jiang Shen hesitated for three seconds: "Maybe I don't have time, my own people are not in a hurry, and we don't want too many opportunities to eat."

"Oh" Wang Jing was also very disappointed and left depressed.

Nima, I have become a friend of women and the chairman of the Women's Federation.

Jiang Shen watched Wang Jing leave and felt a little headache. This China Merchants Bureau wants to set up a women's federation, and I am the chairman of the women's federation doing my part.

He saw that Zhao Zifeng liked Wang Jing a little bit, so he decisively rejected Wang Jing's invitation.

Brothers and wives can't be bullied, but you can't mess around with yourself.

He could still tell, not to mention Lu Qi, but Miao Fang and Wang Jing, as long as he wanted to, he could lead her to the bed with his fingers.

However, there are some things that cannot be overdone, and your unit must keep a low profile.

In the midst of yy, my ears pricked up, and the sound of high-heeled shoes came from outside again.

I copy, who is it?

Jiang Shen picked up the small bag, ready to leave.

A scent rushed into his office, and then the man walked in, pushed back, and closed the door again.

Hiss, Jiang Shen took a breath and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Song Linghua is here.

This former Guan Haiping's legendary lover, and later Song Linghua, who was said to have taken refuge in Lu Yong, stood in front of Jiang Shen gracefully.

It was only May, and she was wearing a tight-fitting sweater, a mini skirt underneath, snow-white thighs, flesh-colored stockings, and high-heeled shoes. She was exquisite and exquisite, and her whole body was filled with the smell of a mature beauty.

Elder sister, are you cold? Jiang Shen really wants to ask.

"Director Song, who is this?"

Song Ling's face was like peach blossoms, her eyes were like flying, and her voice was sweet enough to people's hearts: "Jiang Ju, are you free on weekend night? I want to report to you about work."

Copy, do you have to report to work at night?Jiang Shen saw that Song Ling Huaguo had been a ktv princess, and was even more daring.

She looks pretty, but it's a pity that you followed Guan Haiping before, and then joined Lu Yong, your sister, who am I?Jiang Shen said coldly: "You can report to work now."

After saying this, Jiang Shen felt that something was wrong.

"Now?" Sure enough, Song Linghua was stunned for a moment, then turned her head suddenly, twisted her little hand, bang, the office door was secured by her.

"Wait---" Jiang Shen was in a hurry, don't mess around, this is the office.

Jiang Shen now understood how Xiang Lan felt when he forced him in the office that day.

"Jiang Ju, do you look down on me?" Before Song Linghua started, she blinked her big eyes, tears flowed out, and walked towards Jiang Shen step by step.

"Stop, don't come over." Jiang Shen was furious.

"Actually, I'm not the kind of person you think, Jiang Ju. I have nothing to do with Lu Ju and the others." Song Linghua pushed forward step by step.

No wonder, Jiang Shen wanted to scold at first, but when he saw Song Linghua bursting into tears, even if it was acting, it was not easy, so he just couldn't scold.

"I'm not a local. My family has been miserable since I was a child. When I came to Dongning, I went to ktv because I was pretty. But, I'm really a showman rather than a body. I've never messed around with men---" Song Linghua burst into tears. Yuxia approached Jiang Shen while talking, and at the same time moved her hands back and forth on her body, seeing that the sweater on top was about to be taken off.

I said, what are you talking about with me?I'm not interested in your past.

Jiang Shen really wanted to refuse, and even got angry, but women took the initiative to take off their clothes, especially for experienced women like Song Linghua, the scene was still very exciting, and Jiang Shen was dumbfounded.

"Later, I met Director Guan. He went there every week, came and went, and got acquainted with him. Then he offered to hire me. I refused. Then he got me into the Investment Promotion Office. I persisted for three years. After three years I only agreed to go with Director Guan, am I really not a casual person?"

"Jiang Ju--" Song Linghua finished speaking, Jiang Shen's ears twitched suddenly.

I went, outside the office, Lu Qi was walking towards him with a bunch of documents.

Jiang Shen was shocked and recovered, only to find that Song Linghua had taken off her short skirt, with only a bra on top and a pair of thongs underneath.

Except for the key points, all the graceful figure was displayed in front of Jiang Shen.

"Hiss" I'm dizzy, if Lu Qi sees this, why don't you kill me?

Jiang Shen also knew Lu Qi's intentions, but this time at flb, he was really busy and lost a lot of immortal energy, so he was in the mood to think about it. After returning, Lu Qi was a little unhappy, it depends on Jiang Shen and Song Linghua Suddenly, it's strange not to go crazy.

I accompany you to flb, you didn't respond, but you got a ktv woman in the office, what would you think if you were Lu Qi?

"Quick, quick, Director Lu is here, get dressed quickly." Jiang Shen told Song Linghua to get dressed in a low voice, and at the same time opened the office door first with his spiritual thoughts.

Lu Qi knew that he was in the office. The door of this office was locked for Lu Qi to see. She didn't know what was going on.

"Director Lu is here?" Song Linghua thought at first that Jiang Shen was lying to her, but seeing his expression, she probably didn't seem to be faking it.

She quickly picked up the clothes and skirts on the ground, looked left and right, suddenly rolled her eyes, whoosh, bent down and got under Jiang Shen's desk.

Jiang Shen's office is also the kind used by the government departments now. There are drawers on the left and right sides, and the middle is empty. Song Linghua directly goes through the middle.

"You---" Jiang Shen was standing there watching Song Linghua take off her clothes, but suddenly saw Song Linghua get into between her legs as soon as she bent down, then spread her legs, and burrowed under the desk. Also stunned.

"Bang" the door also opened at the same time.

Lu Qi walked in.

"Why is the door closed? I thought you weren't here, but I didn't seem to see you go out." Lu Qi walked to Jiang Shen's desk, sat in front of Jiang Shen, and put the documents on Jiang Shen's desk.

Her office was located at a corner, and she could see the entrance of the bureau building. It was clear who was going in and who was going out. She didn't see Jiang Shen leave, so she probably was there.

"Well, I'm planning to go out---" Jiang Shen thought for a long time, and thought of a reason, let's go, go out first.

"So urgent? I have something to discuss with you. It will be ready in a few minutes. The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau called to urge you." Lu Qi seemed a little disappointed, thinking that Jiang Shen didn't want to stay with her.

Seeing her expression, Jiang Shen's heart softened, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down.

"You are the chief of the bureau now, you have to grasp the overall situation, and you don't have to ask me about everything." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "After this, how can we make progress."

Lu Qi froze for a moment, hesitated to speak, and finally sighed softly: "I'm meaningless."

It doesn't matter to me whether I make progress or not, Lu Qi thought, it doesn't matter if I'm not the chief.

Jiang Shen was recently engaged, and Lu Qi also knew about it, and felt very disappointed.

"Look, when Lu Yong was here, he said before that he would give Song Linghua an establishment. Song Linghua had passed the written test, and now she was going to have an interview. Three people passed the written test at the same time. The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau asked who in our bureau would participate in the interview."

In general system examinations, only when a certain percentage is reached can the examination be started.

For example, the position that Song Linghua applied for this time must have six people apply for it to be useful.

If only five people sign up, the exam cannot be held, and Song Linghua has no chance.

Of course, don't be afraid if there are not six people to sign up, Song Linghua can find someone to sign up by herself, and get all the places.

This time the registration was automatically collected, and Song Linghua did not need to find someone to reach six.

However, there are quite a few students with high scores in the test, and the top three in the written test are selected.

The scores of the three were very close, and Song Linghua barely ranked third, and almost died.

Now there is an interview, and the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security knows that this is a position that China Merchants has prepared for Song Linghua. You should send two people to attend the interview.

Three people were arranged for the interview, one from the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and two from the China Merchants Bureau. This would ensure that Song Linghua's score was enough to eliminate the others.

It's a bit unfair to say the least.

But as I said before, Song Linghua has worked in the Merchants Bureau of Chengdong District for many years. In terms of work experience, she is indeed much better than the other two. One radish and one hole have his advantages.

No wonder Song Linghua wanted to find her?When Lu Qi said this, Jiang Shen understood.

When Lu Yong was there, Song Linghua had the support of Yu Shijun and Lu Yong. Now that Lu Yong is gone, a word from Lu Qi can ruin Song Linghua's weaving dream.

"What do you think, who will you send for the interview?" Lu Qi asked Jiang Shen.

She doesn't like Song Linghua, but she will respect Jiang Shen's opinion, after all, Song Linghua has worked in China Merchants for so many years.

"This---" Jiang Shen's current thoughts are on this.

Because at this moment, Song Linghua was pulling Jiang Shen's pants under the desk.

Her meaning is obvious, please, please say something nice for me, I want this establishment.

But, am I, Jiang Shen, this kind of person? If you don’t ask me to ask, I will definitely give it to you.

Jiang Shen was very depressed.Song Linghua squatted down to pull his pants, and Lu Qi sat in front of him.

How similar is this scene.

Back then he hid under Wei Rong's office desk, and there were many teachers and classmates in front of Wei Rong.

Now the stars have changed, and he is sitting there instead.

Jiang Shen was thinking about what to say, when suddenly he felt a fiery heart, whoosh touched the crotch of his trousers.

I'm sorry, Jiang Shen's face suddenly changed.

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