Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 482 The Stimulation of the Office

"What's wrong?" Lu Qi kept looking at Jiang Shen, feeling the change in him.

"Nothing, nothing?" Jiang Shen said quickly, wanting to move the bench back, but afraid that Lu Qi would see it.

Lu Qi was very close to him, she was sitting now, and when she stood up later, she might see the situation behind the desk, so Jiang Shen could only sit a little further forward.

It's all right now, when he moved, Song Linghua thought she had got a hint, and she was very careful, and gently pulled him skillfully.

Ni?The nerves on Jiang Shen's back stood up.

To be honest, this is really exciting.

In fact, Jiang Shen has a hundred ways to stop Song Linghua.

But men are like this, this kind of scene is really exciting.

In a blink of an eye, it was suddenly cold below, and little Jiang Shen came out to breathe.

It's comfortable, it's really comfortable, Jiang Shen's heart feels great, the little Jiang Shen can't hold it anymore, now he comes out, it's very refreshing.

Before the coolness passed, suddenly there was a burst of warmth down there.

Little Jiang Shen entered a very gentle and warm place.

My God, she swallowed it.

Jiang Shen was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, he raised his head and looked at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi has been staring at Jiang Shen, seeing Jiang Shen looking at her, his face flushed slightly, and he lowered his head.

"Well, Comrade Song Linghua is not bad, after all, he still has industrial experience and business ability." Jiang Shen mentioned business ability and thought of business ability.

Song Linghua below seemed to be praised, and her little tongue moved nimbly, making Jiang Shen almost groan.

Why am I so depraved, so easily seduced? Jiang Shen felt that his ability to resist women's temptation was still a little bit weak.

"How about this, let Miao Fang and I interview." Jiang Shen thought for a while: "It's safer."

When Lu Qi heard what Jiang Shen said, she knew that Jiang Shen was going to spend the weaving on Song Ling.

"Well, it's up to you." Lu Qi's voice was very gentle, like an obedient wife, answering her husband.

Jiang Shen was a little embarrassed.

He despised himself very much and wanted to get out, but the physical pleasure and mental stimulation made him unable to move.

"Pu Chi, Pu Chi." Probably Song Linghua also knew that her weaving had hope, so she worked harder, and accidentally made her voice a little louder.

"Huh?" Lu Qi raised her head strangely.

Don't move, Jiang Shen clamped his legs, signaling Song Linghua not to mess around.

Song Linghua also found that she was too enthusiastic, so she quickly slowed down and lowered her voice.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? It's okay, I'm going out." Jiang Shen didn't dare to continue, he reached down and snatched back his little Jiang Shen.

Song Linghua was a little bit reluctant, and wanted to swallow it several times, but was blocked by Jiang Shen's hand, so she had to give up resentfully, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

Lu Ju, oh Lu Ju, I'm afraid you are not as successful as I am. To be a woman, you still have to be a little looser.

Song Linghua was a little proud at this moment, squatting between Jiang Shen's legs, teasing Jiang Shen a few times from time to time, but Jiang Shen didn't dare to get angry, she felt very excited.

"This is the other two lists that passed the written test---" Lu Qi showed Jiang Shen again.

Now these things are public on the Internet, and anyone can find them. Lu Qi shows Jiang Shen, usually to let him see if there are any related households among them.

Jiang Shen scanned the list: "You can figure it out. I won't go for the interview. The administrative department will be interviewing. I'm afraid it will be a unified interview in the city, and it won't be our bureau's turn."

"Well, let me arrange the money bureau."

"it is good."

After Lu Qi finished talking about her work, she seemed to want to say something more. She wanted to stand up, but she was reluctant.

"What else is there?" Jiang Shen asked decisively, he was impatient to leave the office now.

"I---" Lu Qi hesitated, and finally said boldly: "My birthday is on the 28th, do you have time to have dinner together?"

"Six 28?" Jiang Shen was greatly surprised.

"Yeah." Lu Qi blushed a little.

Song Linghua is despising, she is engaged, yet you still chase after him, despise Lu Qi.

"Don't get me wrong, I know you're engaged, if you don't have time, forget it---" Lu Qi was a little bit tongue-in-cheek.

"Should be free." Jiang Shen wanted to refuse, but his immunity to beauties was still too weak, so he agreed again when the words came to his lips.

"Then it's settled, and I'll contact you later." Lu Qi turned around and left with a flushed face.

This is the first time she has taken the initiative to date a boy, especially a boy who is engaged.

She knew it was wrong for her to do so, but she couldn't control her emotions.

Hey, buddy is so good, Jiang Shen sat there, slowly zipping up his trousers.

After Lu Qi walked out, after a while, Song Linghua also crawled out with a red face.

"Jiang Ju, thank you." As she said, she wanted to continue with Jiang Shen.

"Stop, if you keep doing this, I won't let you interview?" Jiang Shen began to put on airs.

Little Jiang Shen had enjoyed someone's gentle mouth, and he began to turn his face and deny anyone.

"I--I'm sorry Jiang Ju--" Song Linghua's eyes turned red, and she seemed to start crying again.

This woman is really a genius in acting, has Lu Ju been deceived by her like this?

Thinking of her having an affair with Guan Haiping, and possibly Lu Ju, Jiang Shen felt a little sick.

What happened to me just now, didn't I refuse?despise myself.

"Get out, I'll pretend that what happened just now didn't happen, and if you do this again in the future, even if you're in the establishment, I can get rid of you."

"Oh, I know Jiang Ju." Song Linghua murmured in her heart, why didn't you say that when you were enjoying yourself just now?

She hurriedly put on her clothes, and left Jiang Shen's office after Jiang Shen took a look at the surroundings for safety.

My God, can't stay in the office after this?

As soon as Song Linghua left, Jiang Shen looked up to the sky and sighed, there are many beautiful women in China Merchants Bureau, and if he continues like this, he has really become a friend of women.

As long as he is in the office now, all the beauties in the bureau, including Lu Qi, the chief of the bureau, will find all kinds of excuses to run to him, making Jiang Shen a little afraid to return to the bureau.

But before Lu Yong was the director, he would not come if he couldn't say it. Now that Lu Qi is the director, Jiang Shen has to support her, so naturally he has to observe discipline at work, otherwise the staff below will think of Lu Qi and Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen suddenly found that the present day is not as comfortable as when Lu Yong was around.

Honestly stay until after get off work.

In the evening, Jiang Shen was going to have dinner with Ge Danni.

Jiang Shen has never been able to figure out why Ge Danni's surname is Ge and her father's surname is Lu.

Now that I finally understand, Jiang Shen was a little flattered when he saw Director Lu.

"Little Director Jiang, hahaha, thank you." Lu Mingjie shook Jiang Shen's hand a few times fiercely and enthusiastically behind Jiang Shen's box.

"Boss Lu said that you are the leader, and Xiao Jiang would like to thank you for your cultivation." No one would say polite words, the two of them exchanged polite words.

"Come, come, let me introduce you." Lu Ju introduced Jiang Shen.

Today, Lu Mingjie is not alone.

Jiang Shen also met Chang Jianzhong, the deputy director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, and Hao Bin, the deputy head of Chengdong District who is currently in charge of investment promotion.

Hao Bin used to be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and later became the executive deputy head of the district.

After Xiang Lancheng, the leader in charge, was promoted to district chief this time, Hao Bin was in charge of attracting investment. This was also the first time Jiang Shen met the leader in charge.

The previous three deputy district chiefs in charge of investment promotion were not members of the Standing Committee. This time, the Standing Committee was in charge, which is enough to see that the district party committee and government attach importance to investment promotion.

Of course, after Jiang Shen made the achievements, the leaders saw the potential of attracting investment.

"District Chief Hao, I have always wanted to meet you. Thank you Director Lu for this opportunity." Jiang Shen had never met the leader in charge, so it was reasonable to say that he was very rude.

But now that he is famous, Hao Bin didn't dare to be serious with him, instead he was very polite.

"Secretary Zheng always mentions you. I hate that I shouldn't have let you go at that time. Talent is talent, and Director Xiao Jiang shines there." District Chief Hao used to be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Zheng Wen, the current Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and the police chief. The relationship is also good.

The entire box was just the four of them, plus the woman Ge Danni.

District Chief Hao and Chang Jianzhong all came to help Lu Mingjie support the scene, and they also knew that Lu Mingjie wanted Jiang Shen to take care of his daughter, so everyone was very polite to Jiang Shen.

In terms of rank, Jiang Shen is naturally not as good as any of them, but Jiang Shen has been gaining momentum recently, and his engagement with the deputy mayor Qiao Xiaoshan's daughter is overwhelming the leaders present.

Not to mention that Jiang Shen is a well-known ginger plague god in Dongning official circles.

Everyone had a good meal, one party wanted to make friends, and the other party also needed to know more friends in the officialdom, everyone was having a good time.

Hao Bin, who had gone to the bathroom outside, came back.

He returned to the box and poured a small glass of wine: "I just saw that Deputy Director Tang is next door, so I'm going to make a toast."

"The Tang hall?" Lu Mingjie asked.

"From the Police Department."

Tang Jiancheng?Jiang Shen remembered that when he surrounded the mountain last time, Si Si had a hard time with him. Later, he used his spiritual thoughts to control others and stabbed him. At that time, his heart softened and he didn't stab him to death.

He is also from the Tang family, Tang Hairong's cousin.

"Then I'll go too." Lu Mingjie and Tang Jiancheng were on the same level. Although he was the top leader, his police department was more powerful, so he didn't dare to neglect him.

Chang Jianzhong naturally wanted to go too.

The three of them poured wine and looked at Jiang Shen, meaning, are you going to Jiang Ju?

"You guys go, I won't go." Jiang Shen giggled.

"Oh, then sit down and let's go." The three of them didn't expect Jiang Shen to disrespect Tang Jiancheng so much.

But the three of them didn't think much, and went to the next door to pay respects to Tang Jiancheng.

The three of them used to be in good spirits, but they all shook their heads when they came back.

The people in the police department are all famous for drinking heavily. It is estimated that the three of them have been fucked several times in the past.

"Let's end it, if it doesn't end, people from the police department are coming." Lu Mingjie was very smart, seeing that Jiang Shen didn't go to toast, it would be a bit embarrassing if Lu Mingjie came to toast later.

He didn't know what feud Jiang Shen and Tang Jiancheng had, but Jiang Shen knew that there were leaders at the next door, so if he didn't go next door, there would be a problem.

Everyone sees that it is almost 07:30 in the evening, so let's end it.

"Dani, you didn't drink, you take Ju Jiang back, drive slowly." Lu Mingjie motioned to his daughter.

"Understood, Dad."

They wanted to leave early, the box door was pushed open heavily, and three wobbly people walked into the box.

"Hey, Bureau Lu, District Hao, Bureau Chang, why are you leaving?" Tang Jiancheng walked in with a flushed face.

"Director Wang and I are here to respect you."

The three are all from the police department, Tang Jiancheng is the deputy director, there is a deputy director of the office named Wang, and the other is Director Xia somewhere in the department.

The three of Lu Mingjie smiled wryly, so they had to pour some more wine.

Then he looked at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen nodded to Ge Danni at this time: "Ju Lu, let's go first."

"---" Ah, let's go first?Lu Mingjie felt dizzy for a while.

Sure enough, when Jiang Shen said this, the three people in the police department glanced over.

"Jiang Shen?" Tang Jiancheng saw that it was Jiang Shen and was half sober.

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