Tang Jiancheng hated Jiang Shen, not to mention that Tang Hairong mentioned this person many times, Tang Jiancheng also hated himself for being stabbed in the Weishan case. He had always felt that Jiang Shen could be saved at that time. His, but deliberately did not help, let himself be stabbed, and almost retired early because of it.

"It turned out to be Director Jiang?" Tang Jiancheng bit the word "Director" very hard, meaning that you, a small Zhengke, dare to appear here?

"Come here, Ju Jiang, let me respect you." Tang Jiancheng staggered and walked in front of Jiang Shen.

He wanted to humiliate Jiang Shen. As a department-level leader, it was too easy to humiliate a small official like Jiang Shen.

He had already thought about it, when Jiang Shen drank the wine, he would not drink it, and if he said that Jiang Shen was not worthy of drinking with him, Jiang Shen would lose face when he poured it down.

"Who are you? Do I know you very well?" Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen came first.

I'm sorry, Lu Mingjie's eyes darkened, and he knew that tonight was going to be miserable.

"Nah, from your unit?" Deputy Director Wang almost jumped up when he heard the words, and swears straight away.

"China Merchants Bureau, deputy director." Jiang Shen smiled, and then added: "Chengdong District Merchants Bureau."

I thought you were from the City Merchants Bureau or the District Merchants Bureau?

Director Xia stared at him: "What are you? Our Tang Hall respects you, is this your attitude?"

Although the Provincial Department is in the same city as the Municipal Bureau, there are still many people who don't know much about Jiang Shen's reputation.

"I'm not a thing? Are you?" Jiang Shen turned to Director Xia with a smile.

"Grass." Tang Ting was angry.

But his anger had just begun, and Jiang Shen stretched out his hand to slap him.

Well, Director Xia was thrown off his back by Jiang Shen's slap.

My day?Everyone around was stunned.

They are all people in the system, who is as fierce as Jiang Shen, and the people in the police department are the ones who beat them.

"You——you dare to hit someone?" Deputy Director Tang was half sober again, and almost yelled at the same time as Director Wang next to him.

Jiang Shen shook his little hand, wow, a glass of white wine on the table was spilled on Deputy Director Wang's face. "I didn't hit people, but things. Deputy Director Wang, do you want to try?"

It should be said that Jiang Shen's rank is not high, but this director or something, he just hit me, bite me.

Moreover, he is becoming more and more courageous now, and the deputy director dares to do it.

"What kind of quality do you have?" Deputy Director Wang was startled and angry after being splashed by him, but he was too scared to swear anymore, so he had to reason with Jiang Shen: "You are a national cadre, and----" How to be like a hooligan, I didn't dare to say these words after all.

But the dissatisfaction on that face couldn't be hidden.

"You dare to hit me?" Director Xia was angry. This is a powerful figure in the police department. He had been sitting in the office for a long time, and he might not be able to beat Jiang Shen in a fight, but he got up immediately, took out his phone and rushed out of the box angrily.

This is to call someone.

"You wait, don't leave if you have the guts." Tang Ting pulled Director Wang to block the door, preventing Jiang Shen from going out.

"Tang Jiancheng, do you owe me a beating? Get out of here, don't block me." Jiang Shen pointed at Tang Jiancheng and called him by his name.

"You dare to hit me?" Tang Jiancheng didn't believe it. After all, he was also a deputy director, and he was the deputy director at the department level.

Do you really take state officials seriously?The main hall can call you casually.

"Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of the way quickly." Jiang Shen said finally.

Tang Jiancheng was a little scared, but he was a policeman after all, so he didn't move a bit: "Look, Jiang Shen is lawless, beating department-level cadres, enough for him."

He yelled loudly to scare Jiang Shen.

Was Jiang Shen frightened?

Ni, I've wanted to hit you a long time ago, members of the Tang family, I want to hit every one I see.

Jiang Shen has endured until now.

He raised his hand violently.

"Ba" slapped Tang Jiancheng in the face.

This time the slap was heavier than the previous ones. Tang Jiancheng didn't stand on his back, but he backed up steadily, his head buzzing, as if hundreds of bees flew over him.

Also playing in the main hall?The people around Lu Mingjie were stunned.

"It's really cheap, you can't do without hitting." Tang Jiancheng, who was slapped by Jiang Shen, retreated from the door, still insulting Tang Jiancheng.

It was unbearable to pee, and unbearable to shit, Tang Jiancheng almost jumped up.

"What kind of cadre is this, bastard, hooligan, lawless." Tang Jiancheng couldn't help but send someone to arrest Jiang Shen now, and kept looking up.

Director Xia called and did not know who to send over.

First arrest Jiang Shen, take him to the provincial office, and beat him to death.

It is said that the police cannot arrest people randomly, but Jiang Shen's beating of cadres is enough.

Xia Chu was on the phone, and Jiang Shen was also on the phone after calling Tang Jiancheng. He called Yang Da. The place where they ate was in the eastern part of the city, and it was also under the jurisdiction of Yang Da's police station.

Seeing that both sides were on the phone, Lu Mingjie was startled and frightened, so he had no choice but to keep talking.

Well, Tang Ting and Jiang Ju are all our own people, don't be like this.

The three of them in the Tang hall stood outside the box and blocked the door. They were afraid that Jiang Shen would escape, but they suddenly found that Jiang Shen was sitting there again, as if he didn't intend to leave, so the three of them walked in again.

Director Lu, you go back first, this place is out of touch with you, Jiang Shen also wants to let Tangting know today, who has the final say in Chengdong District.

What about the ministry?So what if the Police Department is a direct department?

Are you the director?Not the director, you shit.

Jiang Shen wants to mess with Tang Jiancheng today.

Neither side believed the other.

Especially Deputy Director Wang, he almost wanted to laugh when he heard Jiang Shen called Yang Suo.

Nimo, you are not going to call the nearby police station, are you?

Do you know that the police are under direct supervision?The district bureau listens to the city bureau, the city bureau listens to the provincial department, and the police station is also under our control.

In less than 10 minutes, there was loud police noise outside the door, and two police cars rushed to the hotel door like the wind.

Hurray, a group of explosion-proof policemen poured down, all fully armed.

These people belonged to the special police detachment directly under the Provincial Police Department, and Xia Chu was the direct supervisor who managed this detachment.

About fourteen special police officers rushed into the hotel with live ammunition.

As soon as this group of people entered the hotel, the sirens blared.

On the east and west sides, several police cars roared towards each other.

A police car at the East Bay Street Police Station.

Hulala came five cars, full of twenty people, including police and auxiliary police.

To the west is the people from the Police Department of Chengdong District, the "Special Patrol Brigade" where Jiang Shen used to stay.

Now it is still under the control of the deputy director, Chen Xiaomiao. Chen Xiaomiao leads the team himself, and there are about twenty people.

Forty people assigned a group of policemen to surround the hotel first, and then they were responsible for evacuating the people, and then a large number of policemen rushed up with the special policemen in front.

When they rushed up, Jiang Shen's box was already full of people.

Jiang Shen stood there motionless, two special police officers held Jiang Shen's arms, one left and one right, and carried Jiang Shen out of the box.


"Let people go."

Yang Da's men arrived first and immediately blocked the corridor. The corridor was full of police, special police, and police stations.

"You from the police station? You are so courageous." Director Xia thought that bullying a police station chief was easy.

"Get out of the way immediately, this is the special police detachment of the provincial department doing business."

"Yang Suo, I now suspect that these people are not policemen. Do you want to take them back for inspection." Seeing Yang Da coming, Jiang Shen struggled to get out of the hands of the two special police officers.

The special police were going to arrest Jiang Shen and Kaka again, and there was the sound of a gun being loaded on the opposite side.

"Who dares to arrest people in the east of our city?" Chen Xiaomiao appeared angrily.

A team of police officers from the District Bureau also rushed up.Surrounded the other end of the SWAT.

"Chen Xiaomiao, what are you doing? Believe it or not, I'm calling your father right now?" Deputy Director Wang knew Chen Xiaomiao, and also knew Chen Xiaomiao's father, Director Chen.

"Is this still our government's world? I rebelled against you, call Zheng Wenze, call Chen Jianming, tell them two to run over." Tang Ting also turned pale in anger.

The dignified deputy director came down with the troops directly under the provincial department, and was blocked by people from the police station and the district bureau after the investigation.

Someone immediately called. In fact, as long as Zheng Wenze got through, Chen Xiaomiao and Yang Da would be ordered to withdraw.

"Beep, beep, the phone you are calling has been turned off." Zheng Wen turned off the phone.

Tang Ting was furious: "Hit his house, hit his house."

Soon, "Tang Hall, there is no one at home to answer."

The phones of the director of Chengdong District and the mayor of Dongning, Chen Jianming, were all turned off, and no one answered them at home.

My grass, Lu Mingjie and others have been watching. They were shocked when they saw the people from the police station and the district bureau topping the provincial department.

It is clear that the two bureau chiefs are helping Jiang Shen.

Of course I helped Jiang Shen.

Those two directors are not idiots.

Zheng Wenze's immediate boss is Chen Jianming, he just needs to follow Chen Jianming, and Chen Jianming's immediate boss is Fang Xuanjun, the director of the department, and Jiang Fengmin is still following in the city.

The daughter was dispatched, so how could Chen Jianming give Deputy Director Tang face.

If Fang Xuanjun called, Chen Jianming would definitely not say anything. Now that Deputy Director Tang, Chen Jianming really doesn't need to give him face.

He is the director of the provincial capital city, and his rank is the same as that of Tangting. If he is not young and has too little qualifications, he would have been a member of the party committee of the provincial department.

What's more, Zheng Wen took Jiang Shen's millions of lottery tickets, and Chen Jianming covered Jiang Shen on it, so of course he was going to shut down the phone.

Chen Jianming knew that his daughter had also gone. Although he shook his head and sighed, Jiang Shen was already engaged, but he had no choice but to turn off the phone.

If it is turned on, it is hard to beat Deputy Director Tang, and if it is turned off, it can be regarded as not knowing anything.

Now it's all right, a lot of people from the provincial government are on the phone, and the main leaders of the district bureau and the city bureau don't care about him.

Now you know, who has the final say in Dongning District?

You are a bad deputy director, do you really think there is no law?

"It's all brothers, don't hurt your peace, you go, if you don't go, we are going to arrest people." Yang Da is from the police station anyway, and he is not afraid of anything. Long, and can't control me.

He threatened the SWAT team on the opposite side by naked chatting, and everyone on the other side was dumbfounded.

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