Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 484 Xiao Jiang was hospitalized again

"Are you crazy? Are you still the police?" Deputy Director Tang was really angry. The director of the Xiaoxiao Police Station actually wanted to confront him as the deputy director. The world is too chaotic.

"Whoever dares to move, whoever dares to take a step forward, take him to the Provincial Department." Director Tang snatched a pistol from a special policeman. He had a bit too much alcohol today, and the special policemen around him were a little scared. Watch him dance around with his mobile phone, for fear that he will shoot suddenly.

"Nah." At this moment, Chen Xiaomiao, who was beside Yang Suo, waved his hand, and everyone saw a black light hit him.

Bah, a police walkie-talkie slammed into Tang Ting's face.

This time, the person who was smashed in the Tang hall was turned on his back, but when he fell, his arms hit the ground heavily, and his fingers buckled involuntarily.

Bang, a gunshot.

The whole audience was stunned.

All the policemen stayed there throughout the corridor.

There was silence all around, and even Na Xia Chu and Director Wang were frightened dumbfounded.

Then everyone looked at Jiang Shen on the side.

Jiang Shen lowered his head and looked at his chest.

Blood gushed out like a spring, his face was pale, and he pointed at Tang Jiancheng with trembling fingers: "You---you---"

Plop, Jiang Shen fainted to the ground.

"How is it possible?" Tang Jiancheng looked at the gun in his hand, lying on the ground with a blank mind.

Did I hit Jiang Shen?How could I hit Jiang Shen?I'm not working hard?I don't have a trigger?

"Shoot someone?" Yang Da was shocked and angry. "Catch it."

With a big wave of his hand, the policemen from the police station rushed up behind him, regardless of his identity as the deputy director, they grabbed the gun and put it on the ground and handcuffed him on the spot.

"Do you dare to shoot?" Chen Xiaomiao also pretended to scream, she now knew that Jiang Shen was fine after being shot, she shouted sharply, and the police from the district bureau rushed up.

"Catch them all and bring them back to the bureau."

Now the special police officers were dumbfounded. They were aggressive at first, but now they saw Tang Ting knocking down a person, who would dare to resist.

Bang, bang, bang, the police from the police station and the district rushed up and punched them. Even Xia Chu and Deputy Director Wang were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces. Then they were all arrested and handcuffed.

Although the special police were fully armed, they did not dare to fight back at this time.

Just kidding, Tangting shot, and the man didn't know if he was killed. If he was killed, Tangting would be in bad luck, and so would the police officers.

"No, Ju Jiang is dying, call an ambulance."

"Quick, stop the bleeding first, call an ambulance, the police car will send it first."

The people around also started to panic.

Those who arrest people arrest people, and those who give away people give away.

Various reports also respond to the leadership at the same time.

The first person to get the news was Fang Xuanjun, the deputy governor and head of the provincial department.

"What? There was a conflict between the special police detachment of the provincial department and the police station of the district bureau?" Fang Xuanjun was at a loss when he heard it, this is unscientific.

How could people from the general police station offend the provincial department?

Tang Jiancheng also shot and wounded a person, and now that person is in emergency treatment, his life is in critical condition?

What the hell happened?

Fang Xuanjun was furious at first, and was going to call Chen Jianming from the Municipal Bureau to scold him, what did the police in the east of your city do?Later, when I heard it again, it turned out that there was a reason for the incident.

The one who was injured was the former excellent policeman Jiang Shen, who is now in the Merchants Bureau of Chengdong District.

When I met Tang Jiancheng at the restaurant after dinner that day, there was a language conflict between the two, and then it seemed that Xiao Jiang beat someone.

Then Tang Jiancheng had someone call the special police detachment, and then Xiao Jiang also called the local police station.

Then Chen Jianming's daughter smashed Tang Jiancheng, and Tang Jiancheng shot.

The matter sounded chaotic, but Fang Xuanjun knew that Tang Jiancheng had made things difficult for Jiang Shen many times during the Weishan case before, and it was obvious that he couldn't get along with Jiang Shen. This conflict must be due to this reason.

Speaking of which, both sides are at fault, Jiang Shen, you shouldn't hit people first, but you, Tang Jiancheng, used the special police detachment for such a trivial matter?

This is a state institution, a team serving the people, could it be your personal bodyguard?

Still shooting?This situation is too bad.

Especially this little Jiang, I was insured back then, and I sent him to study. You know he belongs to me, so you dare to touch him?

Fang Xuanjun had a good impression of Jiang Shen.

When Jiang Shen left the police force, he called and wanted to thank Fang Xuanjun, but Fang Xuanjun was not free at the time and went to another place, so he politely refused.

Both parties were at fault in this matter, and Tang Jiancheng was obviously more serious.

But Fang Xuanjun still had a headache, how to deal with it, although he admired Jiang Shen a little, but you shouldn't beat the officer, anyway, you used to be in the disciplined force, anyway, Tang Jiancheng was a department-level official.

Moreover, Tang Jiancheng and Director Xia are representatives of the provincial department. If they are dealt with, the provincial department will lose face.

From now on, what if the district bureaus of the following police stations follow suit and start contradicting the provincial department?

After much deliberation, Fang Xuanjun prepared for both sides to play [-] big boards each.

Just then, a phone call came from the police department.

The caller was Executive Vice Minister He Tienong, the uncle of Xiao He's classmate.

Also at the deputy provincial and ministerial level, Fang Xuanjun is much worse than He Tienong.

Not to mention the power of the He family in the military, political and police circles, even He Tienong's future is ten times stronger than Fang Xuanjun's.

Moreover, the police department is in charge of the police department, and Tie Tie's immediate boss and peers will also be suppressed.

As soon as this call came, Fang Xuanjun had no choice.

At the same time, Xu Zhen, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, also called Fang Xuanjun over, and severely criticized Tang Jiancheng. As a department-level cadre, he openly fired in public, and he shot an outstanding government official.

Tang Jiancheng belonged to Jiang Fengmin, that is, from the Huang family, who happened to be the enemy of the Jin family. Xu Zhen would of course take the opportunity to deal with it to death.

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection also dispatched overnight to investigate the eating situation that night.

Now the central government has issued three orders and five trials, prohibiting eating and drinking with public funds, and the police are not allowed to drink alcohol. You, Tang Jiancheng, are so drunk that you dare to dance around with a gun. You are looking for death.

Under the double pressure of the police department and the provincial party committee, Tang Jiancheng will still have a good life.

This case was divided into two steps. First, the local police station investigated Tang Jiancheng for the crime of intentional injury, and then the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Disciplinary Commission of the Police Department jointly investigated Tang Jiancheng for violating police regulations.

Under the pressure of the leaders of all parties, the preliminary results came out in less than a week.

Tang Jiancheng double-opened, and then prosecuted for several crimes including intentional wounding and abuse of power.

Jiang Shen was also taken aback. Although he lay in the hospital for more than a week before waking up, he was also given a warning without warning.

Chen Xiaomiao, who hit Tang Jiancheng with a walkie-talkie, was also exempted from warning.

As for the other Xia Chu, Deputy Director Wang, etc., they were punished in various ways, and all of them were more serious than Jiang Shen and Chen Xiaomiao.

After the whole matter was settled, the Tang family suffered heavy losses, and the power of the police department was almost wiped out.

Jiang Shen pretended to lie in the hospital for more than a week, and then, like last time, miraculously woke up and miraculously survived.

On the second day after being discharged from the hospital, Jiang Shen went to work as usual, and the king returned.

The name of Jiang Plague God shocked the officialdom again.

Every time someone has trouble with Jiang Shen, someone must be unlucky.

This time it was all right, the department-level cadres were investigated and dealt with.

This God of Plague really cannot be messed with casually.

He has been lying in the hospital for so long, and many things have happened outside.

Song Linghua passed the interview as she wished, and Lu Qi and Miao Fang personally attended to ensure that she passed the interview.

Fang Rou was also transferred to the district government as Xiang Lan's secretary.

She was originally a career establishment, and was successively promoted to the director of the Office of the Health Bureau, and then the Deputy Director of the Office of the District Government.

When referring to the deputy director of the district government office, she is a sub-department of business, and can be transferred to a sub-department of administration after reaching the sub-department of business.

Student Fang Rou has also become a deputy department-level cadre.

Moreover, if she works with the district chief for another two years, she can be directly promoted to a regular department. If it takes a long time, she will be the secretary of the district chief in the future, and she will be fully qualified to be the chief of the bureau or the mayor of the town.

Jiang Shen was in the office, calling all parties to report safety and find out about the situation in the eastern part of the city.

Then he called Sora.

He promised the Governor of Ou to take care of Citibank.

While he was in the hospital, Governor Ou kept his promise and helped Qiao Feixue get the vice president, so Jiang Shen naturally wanted to handle this matter immediately.

"What? You want us to move to Fengle District?" Suo La frowned immediately after receiving the call: "Our house has been rented, and the renovation has started?"

"Then are you going to move or not?" Jiang Shen talked nonsense with him, and said directly: "Move immediately, and I will pay for the decoration and rent by myself."

"Okay, okay, let's move it." So La didn't dare to offend Jiang Shen now.

He has seen Jiang Shen's strength, he is far from being an opponent, he is here to inquire about news, there is no need to offend Jiang Shen.

"You choose a place in Fengle District, and I'll help you pay the rent for the first year." Jiang Shen didn't bully him either, it must be foreign capital, so give him some face.

"Thank you Jiang Ju, but Fengle District, hey." Sola knew that the local foundation of Fengle District was not as good as that of Daning District, but their main task in Dongning was not business, and it was within the range of tolerance. , move, Citibank moved.

After Jiang Shen finished his call, a graceful figure walked into his office.

Jiang Shen is also used to it, basically as long as he arrives at the office and sits down for a few minutes, all the beauties in the bureau will appear one after another.

"Jiang Ju looks good, is he recovering well?" Yu Shijun came in with a smile on his face, and the sadness in his heart.

The gun didn't kill you?Why didn't you die in the hospital?Come to work again?

"Fortunately, thanks to Bureau Yu, the recovery is not bad." Jiang Shen said in his heart, I'm afraid you wish I could die immediately.

"Jiang Ju, do you remember what I told you last time? You promised me to have dinner together."

"Of course I remember, but unfortunately I was hospitalized?"

"So how about tonight? Or, do you need to rest up?"

"Let's go tonight. I'm in good health. If you don't believe me, you can try it." Jiang Shen couldn't help teasing her, and regretted it a bit after he finished speaking.

Yu Shijun remained calm, his eyes fluttered, and he glanced at Jiang Shen's crotch, Jiang Shen's whole body trembled at this sight.

"Whether you are in good health or not doesn't depend on what you say." Yu Shijun became more and more courageous, even daring to tease Jiang Shen.

Now she wanted to curry favor with Jiang Shen and give Jiang Shen a false impression of being submissive, so she began to speak along Jiang Shen's lips.

Of course Jiang Shen also knew what she was thinking, since the beauty is willing to follow me, it's okay for me to tease her a few words.

The two dogs and men looked at each other provocatively at the same time.

"Then see you tonight." Jiang Shen resisted the urge to press Yu Shijun on the table, screaming in his heart, this girl is normal, and she is really attractive.

The title of the most beautiful woman in Dongning's officialdom is not fake. Putting away her proud attitude and smiling a little on her face, Yu Shijun is still very seductive and very seductive.

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