Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 485 The Seductive Cousin

In the evening, eat at the popular four-star hotel 'Daxinchu' in Dongning.

The reason why Daxin Chef is popular is that the first time he arrives at Sanjiu is a hotel, and above the fourth floor is the ktv, and above that there is a bathing place. Many officials and bosses like to come here to eat, and those who like to sing go up to sing and take a bath Go up to take a shower, no longer have to run around.

This hotel is now Chen Bopi's property. If Jiang Shen comes, everything from eating to singing and bathing will be free.

But now that Yu Shijun is treating guests, Jiang Shen naturally does not know about it.

At [-]:[-], Jiang Shen rushed to the box, opened the door, and his eyes lit up.

There are three beauties in the box, either sexy and beautiful, or mature and charming. Jiang Shen has seen many beauties. Today, these three are comparable to the top three of the women around him, and even one of them almost surpassed Jiang Shen. All the women around.

Of course Yu Shijun was among them.

She usually wears more dignified clothes for work, but today she is back to the way she went to the bar by herself in Shanghai. Her lower body is black silk and a short skirt, with a tight vest and a casual jacket on the outside. She looks youthful and sexy. seductive.

"Jiang Ju, let me introduce you. This is my colleague in the Department of Finance, a famous beauty in our Department of Finance, Director Lan Xiaoping and Lan Xiaoping of the Planning and Finance Department."

A beautiful woman about 30 years old smiled and stood up, shook hands with Jiang Shen: "Jiang Ju is really young, hehe."

This beauty is a bit like Shen Bi, with a good figure, especially her slender legs. She is taller than Yu Shijun. Today, she is wearing a pair of shredded meat, with slender legs, shining in Jiang Shen's eyes.

Jiang Shen hadn't seen Shen Bi for a few days, so he couldn't help but look at Lan Xiaoping's legs a few more times, and secretly swallowed.

"This is my cousin, Yu Shirong, the most beautiful of our Yu family's poets."

"Jiang Ju, take care of our little gentleman."

As soon as Yu Shirong stood up, Jiang Shen's mind was shaken, and he swallowed a few more saliva.

This Yu Shirong's face is exquisite and glamorous. In terms of face, she is probably the most beautiful one Jiang Shen has ever seen, and she is the second most beautiful. She is wearing a brand-name low-cut skirt, and the twin peaks on her chest are ready to be seen. Below Her beautiful legs are as white as jade, and the breath of a mature woman rushes towards her, tempting every man who pays attention to her.

This woman doesn't wear seductive clothes, doesn't make up seductively, and behaves gracefully, but she has a mature figure, beautiful face, and proud figure. All of them combined can easily cause a man to flirt with her.

Fortunately, Jiang Shen can be regarded as a god, or an ordinary man who sees Yu Shirong and has a weak will will immediately react in his lower body.

"Hello, Sister Rong." Even though Jiang Shen read countless women, the moment he shook Yu Shirong's little hand, the urge to press her on the table and wantonly invade flashed in his mind.

Mine, this woman is really mesmerizing, the beauty in the novel, I finally saw it today.

"Chief Jiang is still blushing." Yu Shirong raised her mouth and teased Jiang Shen lightly.

"Ahem, it's Miss Rong who is so beautiful." Jiang Shen has always been thick-skinned, and after the first surprise, he immediately returned to his rogue nature.

He looked at Yu Shijun, what are you planning to do today?I found two extremely beautiful women, do you want to seduce me?and shoot me?It's also impossible, Yu Shijun probably won't use this kind of method, and this method is really not lethal.

Jiang Shen is not afraid anyway, let the horse come over.

There were only the four of them in the entire box, and they soon began to eat and drink.

Yu Shijun, who never drinks alcohol, also made some red wine today.

Director Lan didn't drink much, and he didn't talk much. Another cousin, Yu Shirong, kept respecting Jiang Shen.

She drinks a lot, Jiang Shen drank white wine, she drank red wine, Jiang Shen finished a bottle, she also had a bottle of wire harness, and there was no reaction on her face.

Jiang Shen took a look, oh, do you want to fight wine with me?Then open another bottle, don't let me get you drunk.

Women are not drunk, men have a chance.

Then it became the battlefield between Jiang Shen and Yu Shirong.

One bottle, two bottles, three bottles.

In less than an hour, Jiang Shen drank three bottles of white wine, and Yu Shirong also drank three bottles of red wine.

She probably didn't expect Jiang Shen to drink so well. After all, in the Dongning government, there are not many people who can drink three catties. In general government agencies, whoever can drink two or three catties must be famous all over the world. Every unit will have heard about it.

Now she drank three catties with Jiang Shen, and finally reacted, her little face was flushed, and she looked even more charming.

"My cousin seems to be dying, Jiang Ju, let's drink up to here." Yu Shijun saw that the situation was not good, and originally wanted to get Jiang Shen drunk, but now let's see if his cousin is okay.

"I think Sister Rong can still drink two bottles, Mr. Shi, don't cover up Sister Rong." Jiang Shen pretended to be crazy by drinking, and yelled at Shijun Shijun.

Shijun is your name?Yu Shijun rolled his eyes, really wanting to drop a wine bottle on your head.On the surface, of course, she was all smiles.

"We'll go up to sing and drink beer later, so let's stop here." Yu Shijun said.

"There is still a show?" Jiang Shen didn't expect it.

"Brother Chang, my cousin and I's singing is no worse than Feiying's two queens." Yu Shijun was full of confidence, and then looked at Jiang Shen provocatively: "Jiang Ju, don't you say you can't sing?"

"Hee hee, singing is not my strong point, but listening to music is my strong point."

"Shi Jun, Shi Rong, I won't go. I drank some wine today and feel dizzy. I want to go back early." Director Lan stood up, and his long, silky legs dangled in front of Jiang Shen's eyes. Jiang Shen's heart also jumped wildly.

How good would it be if I could touch this beautiful leg?After Jiang Shen drank, he also started to lose his temper, and reluctantly glanced at Director Lan.

"Let's play for a while, Lan Chu." Yu Shijun said to her politely, but Lan Chu Zhang still left.

When Chief Lan left, he glanced at Jiang Shen.

Then tap-tap-tap, stepped on the high heels and left the box.

Jiang Shen always felt that her look was provocative. If Yu Shirong was not there, my buddies would rather send Lan Chu home.

"Jiang Ju, don't look at it, I don't want to miss Lan Chu, I'll make an appointment for you next time." Yu Shijun covered his mouth and smiled: "Come on, let's go sing."

"You can keep your word. When will you make an appointment for me?" If you were joking, would a man be afraid of a woman?Jiang Shen picked it up without hesitation.

"Xiao Jiang, why are you so reluctant to part with Lan Chu?" Yu Shirong stood up staggeringly, her eyes were a little blurred.

I seem to be jealous, my buddy is not so popular, is he?Although I am indeed handsome?Jiang Shen was narcissistic for a while, and quickly said: "Just kidding, just kidding, seeing Sister Rong, I don't need to go anywhere."

When he said the word 'place', he looked at Yu Shijun again, which meant that you might still be a virgin, but if it were me, I would rather be with Yu Shirong.

This is called a mature woman, this is called attractive.

Duo, of course Yu Shijun knew the meaning of his look, and his face flushed red with anger.

"That's, the one with the belt, maybe not like me." Yu Shirong dared to say anything, walking while talking, and when he walked in front of Jiang Shen, his body shook suddenly.

"Exhort" fell into Jiang Shen's arms.

Then I will not be polite, Jiang Shen stretched out his arms, and at the same time pretended to be concerned: "Sister Rong, are you okay, do you have too much wine?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I have a little too much wine, Mr. Shi help me, go up and sing a few words, I'll be fine."

"I'm going to pay the bill, Jiang Ju, upstairs room 808 to sing, you go first, I'll be right away." Yu Shijun helped Yu Shirong, and then handed it over to Jiang Shen.

Your sister, are you really here to seduce me?Interested?Dare to change something fresh.

Jiang Shen was afraid of being a fart, and since that was the case, I wasn't polite anymore, I hugged Yu Shirong's little man around and went upstairs.

Yu Shirong seemed a little shy, her whole head was buried in Jiang Shen's arms.

Really familiar?Jiang Shen smelled the scent of a mature woman in his nose, and put his arms around Yu Shirong's body, feeling the mature charm.

Suddenly thought in my heart, this woman is probably 40 years old, right?Otherwise, how could there be such a familiar taste?

Ni, I can't have it at this age?But it looks like thirty or so?

"Sister Rong, you're so young, you're not yet thirty." Jiang Shen walked into the elevator with her arms around her and asked intentionally.

"I hate it, I'm 35." Yu Shirong said coquettishly, "A woman's age is a secret." As she said that, Xiaoman twisted her waist a few times in Jiang Shen's arms.

At this moment, the two of them had already entered the elevator. With her twisting, Jiang Shen's whole body was hot, and he could not immediately peel her off in the elevator.

What the hell is Yu Shijun doing?What do you want to do today?

Is it to curry favor with me, to send me a beautiful woman, or to frame me?

While eating tofu, Jiang Shen swam his hands around her body, and at the same time swept Yu Shijun with his spiritual thoughts.

Sure enough, Yu Shijun was paying the bill, and after paying the bill, he came upstairs.

It looked normal, but when Yu Shijun walked halfway, a figure appeared.

It seems to be Yu Shijun's acquaintance, the two exchanged a few words, the main idea is that it is very common, you come to play, you also eat here, and now there.

The two sides exchanged a few words briefly.

At this time, Jiang Shen had already helped Yu Shirong upstairs.

Not far from the elevator is 808, a waitress came over: "Do you have a private room, sir?"


"Okay, this way, please follow me." He guided the two towards 808.

From the elevator to the present, Jiang Shen felt that something was wrong all over his body.

That is heat.

Not only is he hot, Yu Shirong is also hot.

It is now approaching June, and the temperature is not low. Yu Shirong drank wine and only wore a dress. Through the skirt, Jiang Shen could feel her fiery breasts, as if they were about to burn.

Is this for real?Acting cannot show such an instinct, it is a natural reaction of the body.

Jiang Shen felt that Yu Shirong's love was overflowing, and his body felt like it was on fire.

Both of them felt a little eager to enter the box.

No, buddy can't accept women anymore?And the woman herself knew nothing about it.

Jiang Shen is still somewhat rational.

To blame, Yu Shirong is really too beautiful, her face is not worse than Yu Shijun's, and her body is even more attractive than Yu Shijun's.

A man, even a god, is sometimes a person who can only think with three legs.

He was struggling to think about it, and the waiter had already brought them to room 808.

It seemed that she had greeted them beforehand, but without saying a word, she led the two into the box, turned around and closed the door of the box, and left.

None of the young princesses came over.

The lighting in the box is dim and the colors are attractive.

The two hot men and women collapsed onto the sofa at the same time.

With a splash, the sofa sank, and Jiang Shen was crushed under Yu Shirong.

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