"Don't be like this, Sister Rong---" Jiang Shen's thoughts swept away, and Yu Shijun had already gone upstairs. It seems that this is not seduction, but is Yu Shirong really fancying himself?

Don't worry, Sister Rong, if we meet each other, we can get to know each other better, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Jiang Shen stretched out his hand to push it away.

Yu Shirong suddenly seemed to go crazy, riding on Jiang Shen's body, reaching down to touch him.

Wen Nuan's little hand directly touched Jiang Shen's belt, and then grabbed the little Jiang Shen.

Damn, little Jiang Shen was caught by her, and Jiang Shen seemed to be on fire, so he didn't care.

With a sudden force, he flipped over in an instant, turned around and pressed Yu Shirong under him, and sat on top of her himself.

Hiss, Jiang Shen roughly tore Yu Shirong's skirt.

It contained nothing but underwear.

A piece of white snow came into his eyes.

What about Yu Shijun?With a movement of Jiang Shen's mind, he released a piece of mind, controlling Yu Shijun to go to the toilet.

Let her go to have a bowel movement and squat for half an hour before talking.

Half an hour for Jiang Shen is not enough, but it can make Yu Shirong fuck several times.

As long as she remembers herself and tastes herself, she will never be able to leave me.

Jiang Shen moved his hands up and down, and took off her underwear and panties.

"Don't---" Yu Shirong suddenly began to struggle, and stretched out the little hand that was stuffed in Jiang Shen's trousers, entangled with Jiang Shen wanting to refuse or welcome.

Sometimes, it is more tempting to refuse than to cater.

Jiang Shen didn't dare to use force, for fear of hurting her little hands, but it wasn't that she couldn't take off her underwear and panties without using force. prosperous.

No, is it easy buddy?One grain has already been allocated from the divine sense, which is very expensive.

Jiang Shen took it off a few times, but was blocked by her hand, and he didn't take it off, and he was angry in his heart.

Then be rude, Jiang Shen made a secret effort, bang, Yu Shirong's underwear was wrenched off by him, and he threw it out with his hands, a pair of lively little white rabbits fell into his hands.

"What are you doing---" Yu Shirong suddenly thought she was sober from alcohol, startled and angry and began to struggle desperately.

"What are you pretending to be?" Jiang Shen said angrily, "Isn't that how you teased me earlier?" Don't tell me you were joking with me earlier?

"Let go, do you know who I am? What do you want to do?" Yu Shirong was also really angry.

"Let go, Jiang Shen, you are rape----" Yu Shirong struggled desperately.

Ni, obviously you are seducing me, okay?Now tell me that?I don't care who you are, Jiang Shen sneered: "Really? Then you sue me." Jiang Shen felt that something was wrong, so he swept his divine sense to see what was going on outside.

I am grass.

A man outside with a livid face came out of the elevator and came towards their box.

Damn, Jiang Shen's lust disappeared immediately, and he quickly jumped up from the sofa.

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through his mind, should he disappear invisibly, or use a divine sense to control the man to leave?

There are many ways for him to prove his alibi and control these two men and women.

However, when he saw this man, he suddenly felt a sense of revenge.

He hesitated.

Bang, the box door was knocked open.

The man appears.

He stared at the two of them dumbfounded.

"Jiang Fengmin?"

"Jiang Shen?"

"Fengmin, Fengmin, save me, this pervert, crazy, I want to sue him, I want to sue him." Yu Shirong cried and threw herself into Jiang Fengmin's arms.

She covered her breasts with her hands, and pulled up the broken dress on her body. No matter how she covered it up, she couldn't cover up the spring color on her body.

Jiang Fengmin firmly pressed against the door, afraid that someone would come in from outside, and looked at the two people in front of him with a face full of disbelief.

"Hairong -- you -- why are you here?"

Jiang Fengmin was mad.

The illegitimate son Jiang Shen was in the same box with his almost naked wife Tang Hairong.

That's right, this Yu Shirong turned out to be Jiang Fengmin's wife Tang Hairong.

"Mayor Jiang? Is this Miss Yu your friend?" Jiang Shen put on airs.

When he heard Jiang Fengmin call her Hairong, he knew he had been fooled.

Ni, is this Jiang Fengmin's wife Tang Hairong?

You are cruel.

In this way, to separate our father and son.

Still, you wasted, and I never thought to forgive him.

Cool, Jiang Shen suddenly felt a sense of revenge, and even felt a little regretful, he was too gentle just now, he should tear open her panties, and then go in hard.

No, this kind of bitch should be dealt with by Brother Chest Hair.

"I came to sing with Mr. Shi. I had a little too much wine. I just wanted to talk to him. Before I could open my mouth, he messed up." Yu Shirong broke down in tears, and her acting skills were better than that of a star.

Jiang Fengmin's mind was blurred for a moment, angry and ashamed.

Beast, beast, she is your stepmother.

"Jiang Shen, do you know who she is? You are crazy, you just got engaged." Jiang Fengmin was so angry that his heart ached.

"Of course I know, your wife Tang Hairong." Jiang Shen disagreed.

"You beast -- you know you dare to --" Jiang Fengmin's eyes darkened in anger, and he almost fainted.

"I didn't know before, but I only found out after you came to call her? She really knows how to act, did she do it on purpose? Miss Yu Shirong?" Jiang Shen looked at Tang Hairong coldly.

"Feng Min -- woo woo -- I just saw that Ah Shen has been doing well recently and got engaged again, so I want Yu Shijun to be an intermediary to observe and understand Ah Shen. If he has a good character, I really I don't mind if he recognizes his ancestors and returns to his ancestors --- I didn't expect --- I didn't expect that after I tried a few times, he would reveal his true colors, and it was said that he had a problem with his private life. This is true --- this beast-- ---"

"Bitch, you got mad just now and climbed onto me, obviously you seduced me." Jiang Shen yelled.

"Shut up." Jiang Fengmin was furious, rushed forward and waved his hands, wanting to slap Jiang Shen.

Phew, his hand hit Jiang Shen's face not far away, and he stopped abruptly.

Jiang Shen didn't move, just stared at Jiang Fengmin: "Hit, hit, I'm so old, I haven't been beaten by my father yet, hurry up and hit me."

Haven't been beaten by dad yet?This sentence is such a warm and happy thing for other children who grew up with their parents.

After Jiang Shen said it, even Jiang Fengmin couldn't do anything.

He was also full of tears at this time, waving his hands and stopping in mid-air, his body trembling.

"Yes---I'm sorry for your mother and son, but---why---why didn't you give me a chance to redeem my sin?" Jiang Fengmin really regretted it at this time.

I regret that I abandoned my wife and son at the beginning, and it has become the scene like today.

The illegitimate child and the stepmother almost got together. This is the retribution of how many sins the ancestors suffered.

Jiang Fengmin hated it, wished everything could turn back.

Maybe this is retribution?Jiang Fengmin thought suddenly.

"Okay, I'll give it to you. You divorce this bitch and kowtow to my mother's grave to apologize. I'll give you this chance." Jiang Shen pointed at Tang Hairong.

"You are a bitch, your mother is a bitch, your mother is a bitch, a country bitch, she is not good enough for Fengmin." Tang Hairong was also like a lunatic.

When she heard what Jiang Fengmin said just now, she was so angry that smoke rose from her orifices.

What do you mean by wanting to make amends?Married me wrong?

"March [-]." When Jiang Shen heard her scolding his mother, he was so angry that he wanted to kill her directly.

He rushed forward with a stride, bang, and slapped Tang Hairong and flew out.

If it weren't for Jiang Fengmin, he would really have killed Tang Hairong.

But a slap is obviously not enough.

Jiang Shen chased after her, picked up Tang Hairong, slapped her face, and slapped her face several times, causing blood to flow from the corners of her face and mouth.

A pair of little white rabbits on the chest dangled back and forth under Jiang Shen's slaps, very eye-catching.

Jiang Fengmin was ashamed and angry.

This is his wife?Almost naked and beaten by Jiang Shen.

"Beast." Jiang Fengmin also rushed forward, trying to push Jiang Shen away and grab Jiang Shen's hand.

But his strength was far inferior to Jiang Shen's, and he pushed and grabbed several times without success.

In desperation, he gritted his teeth.


"Bah..." Jiang Fengmin slapped Jiang Shen on the face.

There was an instant silence in the box.

Jiang Shen stood there quietly.

Looking at Jiang Fengmin with a happy look.

Tang Hairong's face was covered with blood, but she was lying on the ground secretly laughing, she succeeded, finally succeeded.

"---I'm sorry---" Jiang Fengmin also came to his senses.

He took several steps back, looking at his hands in disbelief.

Jianzi, who hadn't seen each other for so many years, slapped him the first time they met each other.

Jiang Fengmin has everything in his heart, which is indescribable.

"Good fight, good fight." Jiang Shen also cried.

Tears flowed down like rain: "It's been so many years, and finally my father beat me, hehehehe."

"Jiang Fengmin, do you know? When I was a child, I watched other people's fathers go to school to pick them up, and saw other fathers get angry and beat their children. How did I feel?"

"I want someone to pick me up, I want someone to beat me—"

"Since I was a child, my mother has never scolded me or hit me once—but——I am not happy——"

"Because I don't have a dad--"

"How much I want to be like other children. If my father loves me and if my father beats me, no matter how hard the beating is, I won't mind---"

"But—why? Why?"

Jiang Shen was crying in front of him, and his voice became louder and louder in the back.

"Why? Since you didn't marry my mother, why did you give birth to me?"

"Why did you give birth to me and ignore me--"

"Why do you--why--"

"Plop" Jiang Shen knelt down.

Kneeling in front of Jiang Fengmin.

"I'm sorry---I'm sorry---" Jiang Fengmin kept shaking his head, with tears in his face and eyes.

"Bang, bang, bang." Jiang Shen kowtowed to him three times.

"The three heads are to thank you for giving me life and giving birth to me, Jiang Shen. From then on, you and I will have nothing to do with each other, and there will be no relationship."

"I hope you will warn those ghosts and monsters of the Tang family. If anyone provokes Jiang Shen in the future, I will kill one of them, and I will not be lenient."

Then he pointed at Tang Hairong with his finger: "Even if this bitch, I can still kill it."

Then Jiang Shen stood up and looked at Jiang Fengmin and Tang Hairong coldly.

The fierce light in those eyes made Tang Hairong feel cold all over.

"Goodbye." Jiang Shen turned and left without looking back.

Watching Jiang Shen walk away, Jiang Fengmin's body trembled, and the white hair on his head seemed to increase a lot in an instant.

He stood there blankly, staring intently, wanted to speak several times, but still couldn't speak out.

"Fengmin---" Tang Hairong came to him at this moment, pretending to be pitiful.

"Enough, don't you know how to be ashamed?" Jiang Fengmin suddenly turned back and was furious: "You are satisfied, you have succeeded, do you need to do this?"

"Bah..." Jiang Fengmin slapped Tang Hairong in the face.

Tang Hairong covered her face, crying on her face and smiling in her eyes.

Of course I am satisfied. Seeing the separation of your father and son, I am overjoyed.

How many slaps today are worth it.

She has used both black and white, and still can't deal with Jiang Shen. This time, she simply made things bigger, and finally managed to drive a wedge between Jiang Shen and his son.

At this moment, she is happier than **.

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