Jiang Shen walked out of the box feeling refreshed.

Today, these three heads and one slap paid back everything owed to Jiang Fengmin.

From then on, his thoughts were clear, and he had no worries about dealing with the Jiang family and the Tang family in the future, and there was nothing he would be unable to do.

If it wasn't for my mother's words before she died, he would have changed the Jiang surname.

He wandered to the elevator entrance, and saw a beautiful woman on the left touching his head, her face was full of depression.

Yu Shijun?Jiang Shen got angry when he saw her.

"Hey, Jiang Ju, don't sing anymore? Why did you leave?"

"You went there?" Jiang Shen was annoyed.

"I don't know, I wanted to sing, but why did I suddenly go to the toilet?" "Where's my cousin?"

"Is that really your cousin?" Jiang Shen stared.

"You know?" Yu Shijun blushed: "That's our Tang Hall, she said, she wants to see your character and introduce you to a girlfriend."

"Shit, I'm engaged and need an introduction?"

"Isn't that unmarried? She is my old leader, and I can't refuse---" Yu Shijun was also angry. Do you think I think that someone like you still has someone to introduce you to a girlfriend?You bastards better be alone forever.

Jiang Shen talked to her a few words, and it seemed that she didn't know about Tang Hairong's conspiracy, and Director Lan might have been involved, otherwise Jiang Fengmin wouldn't have arrived at this time.

Forget it, don't bother with her.

"You take care of yourself." Jiang Shen said coldly, and entered the elevator.

"Am I wrong too?" Yu Shijun stood there. Anyway, I do everything wrong in your eyes. You are not married. Even if you are married, you still get divorced. What is wrong with me?Don't pretend to me, Lu Qi in the bureau, I think everyone has an affair with you, pretending to be pure and crazy with me.

Yu Shijun stood there cursing.

What happened that night finally completely turned the father and son against each other.

In fact, everyone knew that it was Tang Hairong's fault. However, even if Jiang Shen didn't blame Jiang Fengmin, Jiang Fengmin couldn't bear the thought of his wife being touched all over by Jiang Shen.

So at this point, there is basically no possibility of reconciliation between father and son. Although Tang Hairong is hated by her husband, she has completed the task.

It has to be said that this woman is unscrupulous and dares to do anything for the purpose.

A week after this happened, it was almost June.

At this time, many things happened in Dongning.

Citibank officially settled in Fengle District, and rented a storefront to start renovation.

The deputy mayor, Qiao Xiaoshan, is no longer in charge of investment promotion and education because he and his son-in-law Jiang Shen want to avoid suspicion.

Qiao Feixue became the vice president of Huaxing Dongning Branch and was sent to the head office in Beijing for a one-month training.

This training is a good thing. The banking system also has such a tradition. Only those who have been trained by the head office can continue to advance in the future, or else they will retire in the position of vice president for the rest of their lives.

And Jiang Shen was also preparing to go to the capital.

The place he is going to is 'Hexi Province' which is close to the capital.

Hexi Xuli's Yongtai Group has invested billions of dollars there, and now he is being pushed to the brink of death. Some time ago, there was news about his chest hair.

The brothers who were sent there were all beaten, and then detained by the local police for the crime of gang assault, but another group of people who beat them were never caught.

At that time, Jiang Shen was lying in the hospital.

This matter slowed down.

Now that Jiang Shenyuan has arranged the work in the bureau, it is time to deal with this matter.

June [-]st, Children's Day.

Jiang Shen had lunch at Xiang Lan's house, and after giving Xiaoxi a gift, he took Xu Li, Ding Yan, and Pan Wenwen, three beauties, to ask Lu Qi for leave in the name of business, and then flew directly to Hexi Province, accompanied by the company Chief lawyer Zheng Jiaer.

Xu Li, Ding Yan and the others are very happy, going out with Jiang Shen for the first time.

Zheng Jiaer was a little depressed.

Although she didn't see Jiang Shen messing around with her own eyes, the woman's intuition told her that the company's three beautiful executives and this Jiang Shen were a little unclear.

And Jiang Shen's lust is full of daring, she has seen it before.

The last time I almost fell in love with Shu Jue in front of her.

To say that he has nothing to do with these three beauties, Zheng Jiaer really wouldn't believe it.

However, recently I heard that Jiang Shen was engaged, why these women still didn't respond.

On the plane, only Ding Yan and Jiang Shen sat together, and their attitudes were relatively close.

Everyone can come on the bed as they like, but when they go outside, they don't dare to be too presumptuous. Usually Ding Yan pretends to be Jiang Shen's girlfriend.

Xu Li is older, Pan Wenwen is also a few years older than Jiang Shen, and her qualifications are relatively low. Among the three girls, only Ding Yan can match Jiang Shen.

Zheng Jiaer watched wildly, thinking wildly, will the three girls be with Jiang Shen at night? ,

This is too messy, right?Will I accept it instead?

At 01:30 in the afternoon, the plane arrived in Hexi Province.

Hexi Province is not well developed, because it is adjacent to the capital, and the adjacent prefecture has a little bit of the glory of the capital, and it is doing better than the capital of Hexi Province.

Especially when the real estate was on fire a few years ago, countless big bosses in the capital came here to enclose land and develop real estate, and many bosses made a fortune.

'Hejing City', which is adjacent to the capital, is a medium-sized city dominated by real estate. There is almost no decent industry in the city. The GDP of the past ten years has been supported by real estate.

Some people describe Hejing City as the mistress of the capital.

This description is not wrong at all.

Many middle-level officials and middle-level bosses in the capital can't afford houses in the capital, so they come to Hejing to buy houses, and those who are able can even go to Hejing to hire a local girl as a mistress.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Shen and his party rushed to Hejing City from the provincial capital of Hexi.

Coming to Hejing City is like coming to a huge residential area, where there are tall buildings all over the place.

Some are already full of people, and some are still under construction. Compared with ghost towns in some places, there is still a certain market for commercial housing here.

Xu Li's fancy here proves that her strategic vision is still good.

"Look, Brother Gentleman, Sister Xu has done some research. Judging from the population and area of ​​commercial housing in Hejing City, as well as the quality of floating people in the capital, the real estate market here is at least ten years old."

Ding Yan pointed to the house in the distance and introduced it to Jiang Shen.

If you say this in another place, say it in Dongning, maybe someone will fight to refute it.

ten years?I don't know what will happen after ten years.

But in Hejing City, that can really be said.

More than 2000 million people from the capital city enter Hejing every year, which is equivalent to the entire population of the capital, and each person visits Hejing once a year.

This number is still a bit large, which proves that the two cities have very frequent exchanges.

Based on 180 million people per month, 6 people come to Hejing from the capital every day.

Among the 6 people, one-thousandth of them come to buy houses, which is [-] houses every day.

In fact, when people from Beijing come to Hejing City, they either live in Hejing and work in the capital; or they plan to buy a house. Who is free to travel to Hejing City?There's no shit to play here.

Therefore, the real estate market here will last at least ten years.

Even if other places are full of ghost markets, this place has the advantage of the capital, and it won't be a problem if it becomes popular for ten years.

Jiang Shen nodded after listening to their explanation.

"Yes, here is a bit like Xiangmen Island and Shenzhou opposite them. Housing prices in the capital are too high. I heard that ordinary houses on the third and fourth ring roads cost [-] to [-] square meters, and some school districts cost hundreds of thousands of square meters. Yes, those who have no money can only go to Hejing to buy."

Xu Li nodded: "Now the most expensive high-rise in Hejing has sold for [-] yuan. We plan to build some villas. After all, many high-ranking officials and bosses in the capital like the environment here. In the past, those who came here were middle-level cadres and small and medium-sized bosses. Now The top management and big bosses are also targeting this side.”

"It's convenient to have a mistress, hehe." Ding Yan smiled and looked at Jiang Shen when she heard a sentence from behind.

"You---" Jiang Shen rolled his eyes and held back for a long time: "Did Wenwen bring you down?"

"Jiang Shen, don't bully others, why am I leading Xiaoyan badly." Pan Wenwen was not happy.

Xu Li covered her mouth and smiled.

The relationship between the three daughters and Jiang Shen suddenly became much clearer.

Zheng Jiaer understood, with cold sweat on her face, this little rascal really had an affair with them all.

How did this get along peacefully?

Zheng Jiaer really couldn't understand.

Others should avoid mistresses if they have mistresses. Everyone in Dongning knows about Jiang Shen's engagement. Are these three girls still determined?Unscientific?

Could it be?Is he gifted?Zheng Jiaer couldn't help but blush when she thought of something.

"Lawyer Zheng, what do you think? What procedures should we go through first?" Jiang Shen and the three women teased for a while, then turned to ask Zheng Jiaer.

Zheng Jiaer was still thinking about something, but didn't hear it.

"Jia'er, Jia'er?" Xu Li called her twice.

"Ah---Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, Jiang Ju, what did you say?"

"People from our company are still being detained. You are a lawyer. What procedures do you need to go through first?"

"If you're detained, you don't have any connections with the locals, and you can't come out early. You can only wait. Otherwise, go to the assessment and insurance company first to see how our office was smashed. If you find the murderer, you can claim compensation."

"That's a small amount of money." Jiang Shen shook his head: "Take the three bosses to see the detained brothers."

"Oh well."

"Sister Xu, tell them that I, Jiang Shen, are here, and whoever beats them, I will definitely make him return ten times."

"Ah Shen, don't be too cruel, this is definitely not Dongning."

"Where wolves go, they eat sheep." Jiang Shen still said the same thing, he is the only wolf on the earth, and everyone else is sheep, no matter how many sheep there are, they are no match for a wolf.

Do you really think it's a cartoon of Happy and Gray Taro?Can the lamb counterattack?

Seeing what Jiang Shen said, all the girls knew that Jiang Shen had something to do, so they separated from her.

The two parties made an appointment for dinner, and they went to visit the detainees.

Who are the people being detained?

It is said that this time Dongning's chest hair and other bosses sent twelve fierce generals.

These people are all fierce men, and they are all well-known in Dongning. They are heroes with a small reputation.

This can be regarded as a fierce dragon crossing the river, and the fur-chested tigers are also very energetic. It must be the first time they have sent people to a place other than Dongning.

He was ambitious when he came here, but he soon realized that the strong dragon could not overwhelm the local snake.

They came thousands of miles, and when they came to an unfamiliar place like Hejing, let alone twelve, even 120 would be in vain.

Zhong Anguo of Jincheng Group knew that a group of gangsters had come to the Yongtai office, so he laughed in the office at that time.

Ni, Dongning people are idiots, it would be useful to send some gangsters over here?

Don't say you are twelve gangsters, twelve policemen are here, and I will beat you too.

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