Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 488 Darker Than Me

Originally, he had a hundred ways to mess with this group of people, after much deliberation, Dongning came to hack, we also came to hack, and give them some ruthlessness.

So on a dark and stormy night, more than 100 men with machetes rushed to Yongtai's office in ten trucks.

Chest Hair and the others were also very fierce. They didn't run away when they saw it, they picked up the guy and went to meet them.

In a fierce battle between the two sides, the twelve heroes did not lose Jiang Shen's face, relying on the advantage of the terrain of the office, they resisted more than 100 people.

The other party saw that something was wrong. He was in the office. Let alone more than 100 people, more than 1000 people are useless. If they can't go up at the same time, the advantage of the number of people is useless.

Get a bulldozer.The group of people from the Jincheng Group used to do forced demolition, and they were very good at this. They immediately drove the bulldozers to demolish Yongtai's office.

Twelve heroes don't look good, the office is going to be demolished, right? We Dongning people, under the leadership of Brother Shen, have traveled across the country and fought invincible players all over the world. The house is going to be demolished. It's too embarrassing.

kill out.

The leader is called Huzi, who was originally called Brother Hu, and he belongs to Brother Xiaobai.Later, because Brother Xiaobai was equal to Tiger, he didn't dare to call him Brother Tiger, so he changed it to Son of Tiger.

Hu Zi was heartbroken, and the twelve heroes rushed out suddenly.

The other party has also been prepared, waiting for them to come out.

The two sides fought another bloody battle. Although they were brave, there were few people. When they went outside, the advantage of the opponent's large number came out.

Huzi and the others gradually lost, and people fell one after another.

Fortunately, at this time, there were non-stop calls from the people all around, and the police finally came over slowly.

When the people in Jincheng saw that the police had finally arrived, they got into their cars and fled in droves.

Anyway, their goal has been achieved. With so many people and such a big battle today, if the people in Yongtai are not idiots, they will not dare to send gangsters over in the future.

It's really a joke that outsiders come to Hejing to play black.

Huzi and the others managed to hold on until the police arrived, and before they could say a word, they were all arrested.

The charge is mob assault and illegal possession of controlled knives.

I'm stupid, Huzi and the others were furious, but they didn't bring anything. The guys they just copied were stools from the office and kitchen knives for cooking.

Later, there were a few machetes and iron bars, all of which were seized.

But the police don't care, and it's clear that they are blackmailing them, arresting them first, and then preparing to sue them. Once the charge is convicted, it will not be detained, but jailed.

When Xu Li and Tiger got the news, Jiang Shen was still in the hospital, so he sent a lawyer over to talk.

The police said that they would be given time, as long as they caught the so-called gangsters who came to hack people at night, they would investigate thoroughly.

But judging by their attitude, I am afraid that they will never be able to catch any of the more than 100 people who came that night.

Then the Jincheng Group came. It is easy for you to rescue them. 12 billion land is transferred to us. Let’s go back to Dongning and take your people back.

When Xu Li heard this, her face turned green with anger.

It was still 15 billion last time, and this time it became 12 billion.

The land purchased for nearly 19 billion was reduced by [-] million in this way.

You colluded with the local government to deliberately deceive foreign businessmen like this, right?

Zhong Anguo's humanity, don't talk nonsense, if you have proof, you can sue, you can also petition, the capital is next door, do you know the location of the State Letters and Calls Bureau?I can find someone to take you.

At this time, Xu Li knew that this might be a trap. First, the land was sold to outsiders at a high price, and then the local boss came to engage the outsiders, and finally bought it at a low price.

In this way, both the government and the local bosses benefit, while the non-local bosses suffer a great loss.

Of course Xu Li won't agree, and you will lose [-] million in one fell swoop, you think I'm an idiot.

But Jiang Shen was in the hospital at that time, so Xu Li had to wait.

The other party just said, don't underestimate us, let's abolish one of you first, twelve people, [-] million, it is really appropriate.

It didn't take long for news to spread that the leader, Huzi, had his right arm broken after falling in the detention center because of the most violent fight that day.

Grass, Tiger, Chest Mao, Xiaobai and others all jumped up when they heard it.

Too much bullying, we Dongning people, when have we been bullied like this by others.

Zhong Ping'an is a deliberate demonstration. I can do the same with the people in the detention center.

According to Tiger, he wanted to come over that day and kill Zhong Anguo.

But they also remembered Jiang Shen's words, we are all big bosses now, not the bosses of the underworld, we have to calm down, wait for Brother Shen to wake up if we have anything to say.

When Jiang Shen was hospitalized, Xu Li also went there and told Jiang Shen about it, and then Jiang Shen asked them to wait.

Xu Li went to see Huzi today to reassure him.

Huzi is from Dongning. He is in his early twenties. After graduating from high school, he joined Brother Xiaobai. Three KTVs.

It was also the first time he suffered a disadvantage when he grew up so big.

"Mr. Xu, I've embarrassed Brother Shen." Huzi lowered his head in shame when he saw Xu Li.

Back then, he had seen Jiang Shen from a distance, and that was all.

That was when Jiang Shen mobilized thousands of people to Fu'an to scare Chen Yongxiong, and he also participated. At that time, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that Jiang Shen was about the same age as himself.

Later, after listening to Jiang Shen's deeds, he was cited as an idol, and all five bodies fell to the ground.

"Don't worry about your arm. When you come out, brother shen will find someone to heal it for you. Your family has already sent 100 million yuan, and other brothers will not be less. Brother shen asks you to wait a little longer. Remember carefully, the broken one You have it, and you will definitely recognize him in the future." Xu Li is no longer the little widow who was bullied by a few gangsters at will, she speaks and does things decisively and capable, and she can compete with the big sister of the underworld.

"I remember that a policeman with the number 68703, who seems to be surnamed Duan, took me to another room, where there were three people, put a bag on my head, and then broke my hand."

"Among the three, one is called Brother Bone."

"Okay, I'll write it down." Xu Li comforted her and left the detention center.

Not long after Xu Li saw Huzi.

The headquarters of Jincheng Group, chairman Zhong An Guozhong, also just finished answering the phone.

He was surrounded by two men and a woman, one of whom was bald and specialized in demolitions at Jincheng Real Estate Company.

"Mr. Zhong, the person surnamed Xu is here again. I just went to the detention center to see her. She should be convinced this time, right?" the bald man smiled.

"This bitch is really beautiful, Zhong Dong, as I said, treat her to a meal, give her some medicine, and let's talk about it first." Another man, regardless of the presence of a woman, let out a loud voice. laughing out loud.

"Nonsense, I would have done it a long time ago. Someone with status and status, the general manager of Yongtai Group, with a net worth of billions, you think of a little girl on the street." Zhong Anguo sneered.

Then he took a deep breath of cigarettes: "However, it's really interesting to be able to ride this kind of strong woman under me. I just want to slowly force her to submit. I don't believe in hundreds of millions of funds. She doesn't feel bad."

"Zhong Dong, did she give you a few shots, you really don't want the hundreds of millions, that's real money." The last woman, extremely coquettish, pushed Zhong Dong with her hand.

"Hahaha, you are jealous, of course I want people and money."

"That's right, what's the comparison with her, one shot is worth [-] million? I'm stupid, pure gold is not worth it."

"Baldhead, call her for me to ask her out. Tonight at the Hejing Hotel, if she wants to release these twelve people, come over and have a good talk with me. Tell her, don't look for people in the government. There is no one in Hejing City. will help her."

"That's right, no matter how much money she has, she can't send it out. Who dares to take money from her if she doesn't know the place well?"

"Even if there are acquaintances, we dare not accept it. We, Mr. Zhong, have said hello, who will help this girl out."

While everyone was discussing, the bald head made a phone call.

"Hey, Mr. Xu."

"Mr. Xu is not here. My surname is Jiang. Just call me Xiao Jiang, hehe." A very young voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You---who are you?" The bald head froze for a moment.

"I am Mr. Xu's man. Everyone calls me Brother Shen, but you can also call me Xiao Jiang." Jiang Shen is very humble.

Ni, Mr. Xu man?The bald head looked at Zhong Dong, saw Zhong Dong nodding, and continued: "Our Zhong Dong said, if you want to rescue these twelve at the Hejing Hotel tonight, you come to eat alone."

"What?" Zhong Dong slapped the bald little bald head from behind.

The neck shrank from the headache, and he immediately came back to his senses: "No, no, Mr. Xu came to eat alone."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xu and I are not free." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "You tell Zhong Anguo for me that we don't want that land anymore and agree to sell it to him."

"Oh--" The bald man's eyes brightened, and Zhong Ping'an looked proud.

"Today's price is 25 billion, give him a day to think about it." Beep, after Jiang Shen finished speaking, the phone hung up.

"What what? What what?" Did I hear correctly?The bald head and Zhong Anping looked at each other.

"How much did he say? 15 billion?" Zhong Pingan didn't answer the phone, so he couldn't hear clearly.

The other party bought it for more than 18 billion, and 15 billion was the price Zhong Anguo had offered before. It is definitely not possible now, and it has to be suppressed. It is best to suppress it to 12 billion.

"It seems to be 25 billion." The bald head hesitated.

"Fart him? 25 billion? Did you hear me right?" Zhong Anguo was furious. The other party bought it for 18 billion. I wanted him 12 billion. I only planned to lose him 25 million. Now sell me [-] billion and earn me [-] million. Billion, darker than me?

"It's really 25 billion, I can hear it clearly." The other person was close to the bald head, and 25 and [-] could still be clearly distinguished.

"Hehe, what kind of gentleman is this, Xiao Jiang, did you take the wrong medicine?"

"Oh, they thought it was Dongning?"

"Arong, call Officer Duan at the detention center and maim another one." Zhong Anguo was furious, and decided to show Xu Li some color.

"This time I broke my hands and feet."

"Got it." Arong next to the bald head continued to call.

"Let's make one more handicapped? The limbs will be cut off? Mr. Rong, isn't that good?" The person on the other side was a little hesitant, but it must be a policeman.

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