"What are you afraid of? It's still the same as last time. You send people to our people and let our people do it. Even if something happens, you still come to our people. It has nothing to do with you. Officer Duan, you did it once, and you did it the second time. I'll call you another 20 later."

"Don't make it too big. Even though you are a foreigner, the other party is also a rich man. It is very troublesome to start a lawsuit. Don't be an example." The surnamed Duan agreed with a smile.

Nima, this shit just wanted to collect money, so Arong hung up the phone and cursed.

Is the surname Duan risky?A little, but really not much.

He just changed Xu Li's people to another room. As for being maimed by people in other rooms, it's out of his control. At most, he will receive a warning or something.

That's the scum of the few in the police force.

Ah Rong and the others waited for the report after the phone call. In the office, everyone flirted with the scene where the beautiful Xu Li was pressed down by Zhong Dong. They were chatting happily.

Not long after, Ah Rong's phone rang.

As soon as the call was answered, Ah Rong's face instantly turned livid.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Is there something wrong there?" Zhong Anguo put his arms around the beauty and asked Arong while he was making love, but he wasn't worried at all.

Arong stood there in a daze for a while, and burst out a sentence.

"Old Duan is dead."


"The old one?" Zhong Anguo and Baldhead also changed their expressions drastically.

"Officer Duan, Officer Duan just had a conflict with a prisoner in the detention center, and was beaten to death by the prisoner."

"--------" Haha, Zhong Anan laughed: "Did someone from Xu Li do it?"

"No." Ah Rong seemed about to cry, "Our people did it."

Fuck me, Zhong Anguo and the bald head swear at the same time.

They put a few people in the detention center, especially for punishing Xu Li.

Every time they wanted to scare Xu Li, they would ask Duan to change a person named Xu Li to another room, and then the people they arranged would go up and beat her violently.

Unexpectedly, this time, Duan, for some reason, clashed with their people, and then fought, but was killed by the people they arranged.

This is the end of the day, and their people will never come out again.

Is this a little weird?Zhong Anguo thought for a while: "Is Ah Gu in the detention center?"

"Ah Gu didn't go today."

"Call him and ask him to tell the few people inside, and hold on. I will pay the family's settling expenses immediately. If I accidentally kill someone, it will be indefinite at most. If I continue to do activities, I will be able to come out in less than 20 years."

The bald head and eyelids jumped, 20 years?How many 20 years are there in life?But there is no way, who told you to kill the police.

That bone received a call: "Okay, I'll go to the detention center right away and wait for my news."

After hanging up the phone, Ah Gu hurried to the detention center.

In less than 10 minutes, Ah Gu called.

"Ask Zhong Dong to answer the phone, I'm Ah Gu."

"Finished?" Zhong Anguo asked.

"No." Ah Gu cried: "Mr. Zhong, I'm sorry for the government, I'm sorry for the people, I deserve death, I'm sorry for Brother Gentleman, please tell my wife and son for me, his father is a beast, and he will never be reincarnated in the next life. Be human, woo woo woo—"

After A Gu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"A bone, you are crazy, what are you talking about? Hey, hello, A bone, A bone?"

Damn, what's the matter?Now Baldhead, Ah Rong and Zhong Anguo were a little scared.

Call again, Ah Gu's cell phone has been turned off.

In less than 10 minutes, news came from the detention center.

A Gu attacked the detention center with a knife, trying to save his friend, but was shot dead on the spot in the detention center.

Why do you say you stormed the detention center with a knife?A ghost?

I hissed, thinking of what Ah Gu said last, sorry bro?

Zhong Ping'an suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

There is eccentricity, there is definitely eccentricity.

Now a few people are not calm.

As soon as Jiang came, Lao Duan and A Gu died one after another.

And a dead one is more abnormal than a dead one.

"Zhong Dong---Zhong---Dong---do you want to call the police---" Ah Rong was a little scared.

"What are you calling the police for? What are you saying? You idiot." Zhong Anguo pressed the cigarette butt on the table viciously: "I don't believe it anymore. A strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. What's the origin of this guy surnamed Jiang?"

"Let's find someone to ask."

"Which one of you has acquaintances in Dongning?"

"Not in Dongning, but in Songshan."

"I have a classmate who is Dongning's boss. Let me ask, is his name Jiang Shen?"

These days, if you want to investigate a person, even if you are not familiar with the local area, you can always find information by asking others.

Ten minutes later, news from all parties came.

The famous underground emperor in Dongning Province, known as Jiang Plague God, Jiang Yan Wang.

Including Dongning, Fu'an, Songshan and other surrounding provinces and cities, everyone on the road knows, and everyone knows.

It is said that when he got engaged, there were prominent Taoist figures in the surrounding provinces, whether they knew Jiang Shen or not, they didn't go, and all the red envelopes went.

This is still a government official.

Nima, Jiang Shen asked about his background, and Zhong Dong was extremely depressed.

These days, there are people who are powerful in one province and one city all over the country, but there is really no one who can be spread in several provinces and everyone is in awe of.

Domestic heroes are all domesticated.Out of the house, all of them are like grandchildren.

This Jiang Shen is lucky. He traveled thousands of miles from Dongning to our Hexi Province.

"Whatever Jiang Yan Wang, Jiang Plague God, Zhong Dong, my name is Qi Renma, I will kill this Jiang."

The bald head said viciously, he was afraid and a little bit dissatisfied.

The Raptors are not crossing the river, what are you?Not only dare to cross the river, but also dare to kill my people?

"That's right, Dong Zhong, no matter how rough he is, he's still alone, and he's not in Dongning, so I don't believe it. He has three heads and six arms?" Ah Rong refused to accept.

Even if the surname Jiang brought some over, but, more than people?Will we be afraid of him in Hexi?

Zhong Dong is a businessman, and he wanted to make peace with Jiang Shen when he saw the two of them died, but now he was told by Baldhead and Ah Rong, he was dissatisfied again.

"The problem is to find Jiang Shen first?" It's always not safe to find someone else, he's keeping us in the dark.

I'm looking for money, I don't want to risk my life with others.

Dong Zhong just wanted to get some of Xu Li's money, but he didn't even think about it. He would get hundreds of millions of people at every turn, which is more cruel than killing his life.

In this society, a person can be killed for tens of thousands of dollars, let alone hundreds of millions.

As soon as the voice fell here, Zhong Dong's cell phone rang.

"Xu Li's number?" Zhong Anguo cheered up, knowing that Jiang Shen might be calling.

"Hey, Brother Gentleman---" Zhong Anguo didn't dare to underestimate Jiang Shen anymore.

"The situation has changed a bit now." Jiang Shen smiled and said, "You made me spend a lot of time and killed two more people. I lost a lot. Now I will transfer it to you, and it will cost 30 billion."

Jiang Shen's mouth collapsed, and another [-] million was added.

Ni, are you stealing money?It's not like stealing money.Zhong Anguo almost jumped up.

He suppressed his anger: "Brother Shen, it's not good to talk on the phone, why don't we meet?"

"Okay, can you tell me a place? But let's talk about it first, meet and talk with me, the price is different again."

"It's easy to talk, we have a good talk when we meet, the price is easy to talk about, you can't let Brother Shen suffer, right?" Zhong Anguo sneered, met?I will kill you.

"Then tell me a place." Jiang Shen didn't care at all.

Ever since Grandpa Quan, he seldom faced any enemies alone. Most people used their divine thoughts to do things outside, and his real body rarely exercised.

When doing things with spiritual thoughts, the effect is very good, but the deterrence is not enough. For example, not many people know that he, Jiang Shen, did what happened to flb.

It seems that to gain prestige, you have to rely on your real body.

The two parties made an appointment, and as soon as the phone hung up, Zhong Anguo laughed sinisterly.

"Baldhead, I'll leave it to you later."

"Okay, Zhong Dong, go and rest."

"Well, I'll go to the police station to check on the Zhou Bureau." Zhong Anguo is a businessman, not a gangster, he will not participate in this kind of scene, and there must be proof of his alibi.

In this kind of thing, the bald head becomes the main force.

The place where they met Jiang Shen was called 'Songgou Restaurant'.

This is Bald's own hotel, it's 04:30 in the afternoon, and it's almost time for dinner.

But at this time, no one comes to eat, which is the best time for negotiation.

When Jiang Shen rushed there, he saw that the door of the restaurant was still closed, as if it was closed today, only the small door on the side was open.

He swept away his divine sense, smiled slightly, and walked in through the small side door.

"Who are you looking for?" There were seven people sporadically in the hall, and there was a person at the cash register who was playing with the computer. When he saw Jiang Shen coming in, he stood up. This person was the bald head.

No matter how you look at Jiang Shen with a bald head, he doesn't look like an underground emperor who has shocked several provinces.

Nima, what is this high school student doing in our shop?

"Dongning Jiang Shen, is Dong Zhong here?" Jiang Shen grinned.

"You are Jiang Shen?" The bald head couldn't believe it.

Ginger Plague God?Jiang Yanwang?Is it the young man in front of him who looks no different from a high school student?

Jiang Shen is okay now, the clothes he wears are a bit mature, but when he was in school, he looked like he was underage.

"Do you need an ID card?" Jiang Shen gestured to take it out on his body.

"No, no, Brother Gentleman, please, please go upstairs." The bald head came back to his senses, Jiang Shen didn't look like his age, but his voice, his aura, were somewhat similar.

A person's aura cannot be pretended.

The bald head is also an old world, and one can distinguish seven or eight at a glance.

"Everyone calls me bald boy, brother Shen can just call me bald." The bald head led Jiang Shen up to the second floor.

As soon as I went up to the second floor, it was full of dense figures.

The boxes and corridors are all strong and strong men.

The bald boy is also a local bully in Hejing City, he is comparable to Dongning Chen Bopi, and today is his time to show off his strength.

While walking with Jiang Shen, he looked at Jiang Shen's expression from the corner of his eye.

Jiang Shen's face remained unchanged, his expression was calm, as if in his eyes, the people here were not human beings, but a herd of sheep and pigs.

This is either really confident, or really capable of pretending.

The bald head gave Jiang Shen a definition in an instant, either he was really awesome, or he was really pretending.

There is only one word between awesome and pretentious, but it can determine life and death.

If you pretend to be aggressive, you won't be able to get out today.

The bald head thought secretly.

The two walked to a box, bald and stretched their hands inside.

"Brother Gentleman, please."

Jiang Shen knew who was inside, so he still stepped in.

There is Zhong Dong inside, and Ah Rong is sitting inside.

Behind Ah Rong, there was a row of strong and strong men.There are about fifteen people in the whole box.

Each of them held a machete in their hand.

Seeing Jiang Shen coming in, Ah Rong laughed loudly: "Brother Shen is so courageous."

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