Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 490 Never Suspected Guilty

"Where is Mr. Zhong? You don't look like Mr. Zhong?" Jiang Shen was not afraid, he sat down on his own, and then looked around, all of them were vicious. They looked at Jiang Shen, a young man, and many of them laughed. .

It's really a random person who went up and turned over with a single knife. What kind of Jiang Plague God is there?Does he have plague himself?

"Brother Gentleman is so powerful in several provinces, Dong Zhong is also afraid of you." Ah Rong said with a smile: "Actually, we don't have any deep hatred. If we knew that Xu Li was Mr. Gentleman's woman, it would be like this. Otherwise, Mr. Gentleman, you see Look, let's discuss it, and if we can solve it, we can solve this matter?"

Ah Rong seemed to be begging for peace when he spoke.

"Okay, I am very willing to put peace as the most important thing. Does harmony make money?" Jiang Shen nodded: "Say, what suggestion does Zhong Dong have?"

"What Zhong Dong means." Ah Rong tapped his fingers on the table.

Zhong Dong is that interesting?Zhong Anguo told them to cut down Jiang Shen immediately when they saw Jiang Shen.

Ah Rong is also considered wise. He heard that Jiang Shen was fierce, so he tried it on purpose. Now he felt that Jiang Shen wanted to make peace, so he also tentatively offered a suggestion.

"Everyone take a step back, 15 billion, give us the land."

A Rong reported this number, which was first reported by Zhong Dong to Xu Li.

It also accounted for Xu Li's [-] to [-] million yuan.

In his opinion, this is a bit of a conscience, and he took a step back.

But two or three million people are outside, and ten times is enough to kill people.

"Hahaha." Jiang Shen laughed exaggeratedly.

The laughing Ah Rong and the bald head felt creepy.

"What are you laughing at? Brother Gentleman, do you have any other opinions?" The bald man said viciously, his right hand had already been put behind his clothes.

There was a boy behind him, seeing this instruction, he immediately withdrew and waved to the far side of the corridor.

Passing on gesture by gesture.

"Close the door, close the door." The door began to close under the restaurant.

This is going to close the door and beat the dog, so let's cut Jiang Shen first.

"Damn it, is Zhong Anguo crazy about money?" Jiang Shen's face straightened after he finished laughing: "I said, the price will be different when we meet, now it's 35 billion, you pay 35 billion, this piece I will give you the land."

What Jiang Shen said was that they must buy it.It doesn't matter if you don't buy it.

Neuropathy?The bald head and Ah Rong looked at him with crazy eyes.

"Cut him." As soon as Jiang Shen finished speaking, Arong jumped up and overturned the table.

"Cut him." The bald head also hissed loudly, and with a twitch of his right hand, a machete appeared in his hand.

Then there was a sound of "Pu Chi", a flash of saber flashed behind Ah Rong, blood burst out, and a left hand flew up first.

"Ah--" Ah Rong screamed in pain, clutching his left hand and trying to look back.

Heck, heck, heck, he was hit with several knives again, he couldn't see anyone, only machetes all over the sky.

"**" The bald head was petrified.

Fifteen people in the room slashed at Arong as if they had taken an aphrodisiac.

After a few knives, Arong was chopped up, and then continued without holding back. At first, Arong could still scream, but gradually he stopped moaning, and there was hardly a complete piece of flesh visible all over his body.

This process takes barely ten seconds.

A living man was chopped into a pile of mud.

Then everyone looked at the bald head.

"You --- what are you doing ---" The bald head was frightened out of his wits, is this a rebellion or bewitched?

"Cut him." Someone yelled sharply, and everyone rushed towards the bald head.

no?The bald head turned around and ran away in fright.

Just opened the door.

Brush, the cold light flickers outside.

With a puff, the bald man screamed and lowered his head.

A short knife stabbed him in the lower abdomen.

Then several people rushed in from outside, and slashed at the bald head again.

"Ah---" The bald head was chopped off just like Ah Rong.

And this is just the beginning of the bloody scene.

After the two were chopped to pieces.


The people in the entire hotel seemed to be crazy, chopping up in twos and threes.

At this time, Zhong Dong, who was in the Office of the Chief of the Hexi Police Department, had a happy conversation with Lei Zhenbang, the chief of the Hexi Police Department.

He created an alibi for himself, even if Jiang Shen was cut into pieces, it's none of his business.

The two were chatting happily when the phone on Director Lei Zhenhe's desk rang.

He picked up the phone, and his face changed drastically.

"What? Crowd fights? Countless casualties? Where? Songgou Restaurant? I'll be right there." After Lei Zhenhe hung up the phone, Zhong Anguo's face changed dramatically.

"Lei Ju, what's the situation?" Countless casualties?The use of this word is scary.

"There was a gang fight in the Songgou restaurant. According to the people who reported the incident, there were countless casualties and the whole restaurant was stained red. I'm sorry Zhong Dong, I have to go out."

"Oh, you're busy, I'm leaving too." Zhong Anguo hurried out too.

As soon as he left Lei Zhenbang's office, he started making phone calls.

"Beep, beep, beep."

"The call you made was not answered."

He made several calls in a row, either the phone was turned off, or no one answered.

Zhong Anguo also panicked.

Bald?Ah Rong?What happened to these two generals?

He just walked to the gate of the bureau when a phone call stopped him.

Lei Zhenbang called.

"Zhong Dong, you wait and go, go with our people."

"what's up?"

"The scene has been controlled. There were more than 60 gangsters fighting in groups. All of them died. The boss of your demolition company, Baldhead and Ah Rong, were both present and also died."

"All dead?" More than 60 people all died?Hiss, Zhong Anguo gasped in shock when he heard the news, his whole face turned snow white.

This case is too big.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has never been a murder case of this magnitude.

The scene was very bloody.

The blood and flesh flying everywhere is indescribable, and there are stumps and broken legs everywhere.

Judging from the hotel's monitoring, it was more than 60 gangsters in the restaurant fighting with knives, fighting endlessly, and finally all died.

The bald head and Arong were both cut off so that they were almost unrecognizable.

But what is strange is that in the hotel's surveillance, what happened before can't be seen. The police called the surveillance and only saw many people who were originally in various places in the hotel, and then they suddenly started hacking as if they were going crazy.

The scene is very weird.

What happened before?

Why are so many people with knives gathered in the hotel?

Is there a two-party negotiation?

Why is there no one on the other side?

The police had many questions, but could not find a single witness.

The gangsters inside and outside the hotel are all dead.

A few hotel employees in the miscellaneous room didn't see anything. They were working, but when they saw the chopping, they hid in the miscellaneous room and called the police.

I don't know who came before.

Zhong Anguo sat with the police and went to the scene, the shock in his heart was indescribable.

He knew who the bald head and Ah Rong were going to see.

It is the God of Plague Jiang, the King of Hell.

This bastard is really the king of Hades, with more than 60 lives, he is so brave.

It's not a mess, and I don't understand the market on the road.

After all, Zhong Anguo is a businessman, and his bald head and A Rongcai are barely mixed. He has heard of Jiang Shen's reputation, but he still doesn't believe it.

Now that I think about it, I'm finally scared.

From Officer Duan to A Gu's death, to now more than 60 lives, Zhong Anguo finally understood that this Jiang Shen was terrifying, very terrifying.

This matter is also inseparable from Zhong Anping.

The bald head and Ah Rong are both members of his company, and now most of the gangsters are also members of his demolition company.

The police came to question him immediately.

What are people in your company doing in a hotel with so many guys?Who to negotiate with.

At this point, it would be useless for Director Lei to have a good relationship with him. This case is too big, with more than 60 lives, so it must be investigated clearly.

"It seems to be Jiang Shen. I have always left the matter of demolishing the company to Ah Rong. I don't care about it. Before I came out today, I heard that he was going to meet a customer from Dongning. I made an appointment at Songgou Restaurant. I didn't ask about it." , I thought he was seeing friends."

Zhong Anguo wanted to drag it clean.

Bureau Lei came over to ask in person.

Everyone is Zhong Dong's friend, so don't lie to me, the dead are all yours, and you happened to go to my office, so you must want an alibi.

Tell me the truth, what happened?

I really do not know?If you don't call Xiao Zhu, the accountant of the demolition company, she will understand a little bit.

Xiao Zhu is that woman who was hugged by Dong Zhong before.

Xiao Zhu will come soon.

It's like this, Xu Li, Jiang Shen's girlfriend, took a piece of land from us, and our President Rong seemed to want to discuss and do business with him, so we asked him to meet at Songgou Restaurant.

She couldn't say anything bright, but like Zhong Dong, she pointed the finger at Jiang Shen first.

All right, the people in the police station thought about it, and they actually have some points.

It was the place where Zhong Anguo wanted to mess with Xu Li, and had a conflict with the Dongning people. The previous few incidents were not serious, but this time so many people died, it was a bit too much.

Now that there is a confession pointing to Jiang Shen, let's arrest Jiang Shen first, and say that he went to negotiate with Arong.

It was easy to catch Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen used his ID card to open a room in a hotel in Hexi City.

When the police arrived, Jiang Shen, Xu Li, Pan Wenwen, and Zheng Jiaer were playing mahjong.

Ding Yan couldn't, she sat behind Jiang Shen and watched.

A group of policemen rushed in and were stunned when they saw four beauties and a handsome guy.

Of course, work still has to go on.

Jiang Shen was 'invited' back to the bureau city to assist in the investigation.

The police had no evidence, so they could only ask him, from what time to what time were you there in the afternoon?

"We play mahjong in the hotel."

"Where are the witnesses?"

"Are there four beauties in my company?"

"Those are people from your company. They may perjure witnesses."

"The police officer, you said I would be there?"

"Have you ever been to Songgou Restaurant?"


"Is there any proof that you didn't go?"

"Officer, do you understand the law? Do you have any evidence to prove that I have been there? You can't prove that I have been there. From a legal point of view, I don't need to prove that I have not been there? I am innocent."

Jiang Shen is also an old fritter. He has entered the police station countless times, and his legal knowledge is also very clear.

This one is called no doubt.

The principle of "no doubt" is the embodiment of the idea of ​​"favorable to the defendant" in modern criminal law, and it is one of the specific contents of the principle of presumption of innocence.

That is, if neither the guilt nor the innocence of the defendant can be proved, the defendant is presumed innocent.

Jiang Shen's meaning is obvious, don't come to scare me, if you have evidence, sue, if there is no evidence, lose Rosso.

You can't prove that I have been to Songgou Restaurant, and I don't need to prove that I have not been there.

The police station has nothing to do with Jiang Shen.

Indeed, there is no principle for suspecting a crime, which is very beneficial to Jiang Shen.

They had no choice but to question Xu Li and other four women.

According to them, the four women are more likely to be broken through.

But it was a pity, the four insisted in unison that they would play mahjong with Jiang Shen in the afternoon.

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