Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 491 We Are Rehearsing

The police knew that Jiang Shen had a background as a government official. Without evidence, they could only ask Jiang Shen to assist in the investigation for a few hours.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Shen entered the police station, all parties mobilized to search for evidence that Jiang Shen had entered Songgou Restaurant.

Find experts to restore the hard drives, including those monitored by the hotel.

But no matter how they investigated, they couldn't find any evidence that Jiang Shen had entered Songgou Restaurant.

Don't say that he can't be arrested now, even if he is arrested, there is no evidence to prosecute him.

"You can't let it go." Zhong Anguo was frightened to death.

He kept shaking his head at Bureau Lei: "This case is too weird, how could my people kill each other and all of them died?"

"Lei Ju, if you don't punish him, how can he do it?"

Zhong Anguo wanted the police to torture Jiang Shen to extract a confession.

Lei Zhenbang looked at Zhong Anguo speechlessly, do you think this is ancient times?Can you extract a confession by torture?

To extract a confession effectively, is there still an unsolved case in this world?

"You think I don't want to break it. This is a shocking case. It has been almost rare since the founding of the People's Republic of China. But based on the one-sided words of you and Accountant Zhu, how can I convict him?"

"We have reported to the police department, and the police department will send someone to pick up the case."

Zhen Zhenbang can't help it either.

Hejing City is located in the southwest of the capital, and it is a barrier to the southwest of the capital. Such a shocking case happened and immediately alarmed the capital.

They couldn't cover it even if they wanted to.

Someone from the police department came down directly.

"What will happen then?" Zhong Anguo asked in horror?

"If no evidence is found, he will be released tomorrow morning at the latest."

"What should I do if so many people die in my company?" Zhong Anguo refused to accept it. There were 1 objections. Only he knew that Jiang Shen must be responsible for this matter.

"They may have internal strife and hacked and killed each other to death." Lei Zhenbang knew that the culprit could not be found in this case, and he would definitely rely on it in the end.

"How is it possible." Zhong Anguo was about to cry. My more than 60 subordinates will be divided into two factions to hack each other, and then they will all be hacked to death?There is such a coincidence in the world.

"Mr. Zhong, we have checked. This Jiang Shen is very famous in Dongning. He was previously called the God of Plague Jiang by Taoists, the King of Jiang Yan."

"It's even worse now. Someone called him Jiang Tongsha recently."

"Do you know what it means? It means that he kills both black and white."

"Now he is the deputy director of the Chengdong District Merchants Bureau. He has an official position. We don't want him to stay in the police station for too long. There is no procedure in the organization. We will release him when the time comes."

"Nee." Zhong Anguo thought for a while in a daze, and burst out a sentence: "This kind of person can also enter the system?"

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhong Anguo came out of the police station very bored.

He already knew that Jiang Shen would come out tomorrow morning at the latest, and if no new evidence could be found within this night, Jiang Shen would come out.

Is there any other way to control Jiang Shen?

While he was thinking, his cell phone rang.

The mobile phone number is no stranger, Zhong Anguo's mistress, that accountant Xiao Zhu.

"Hey, baby, what's the matter?" Zhong Anguo said softly.

"I'm sorry, my hands are a bit weak, your baby has broken one arm and one foot." Jiang Shen's voice came from the phone.

"You?" Zhong Anguo was still in front of the police station at this time, and he heard such words before he got into the car.

"Jiang Shen, don't mess around, I'm at the police station, don't mess around, let her go, let her go." Zhong Anguo ran to the police station in horror.

"Don't be nervous, Zhong Dong, it's just a broken arm and a foot, don't you want the people in the detention center to break my brother's hands and feet?"

"There is a kind of karma in this world called retribution, Zhong Dong, you should think about it carefully, do you want to keep that hand and foot?"

Ba Jiangshen hung up the phone.

"Officer, officer, I want to report. Jiang Shen threatened me and broke my woman's hands and feet." Zhong Anguo ran back to the police station and reported Jiang Shen.

"Zhong Dong, did you make a mistake? Jiang Shen is still in the torture room." After the police found out, they said helplessly to Zhong Anguo: "Are you too tired, why don't you go to the hospital?"

The police also felt that Zhong Anguo had so many deaths in the company, it is normal to be frightened, and it is also possible to be confused by fright.

"Not Jiang Shen? That must be his subordinate, it must be his subordinate." The more Zhong Dong thought about it, the more frightened he became.

"Send someone to protect my company's accountant."

At this moment, there was news from the police outside.

Someone called the police for help, and saw a woman committing suicide by jumping from upstairs.

It was Xiao Zhu who jumped off the building.

After being sent to the hospital for examination, it was found that one hand and one foot were broken, but his life was not serious.

"Mr. Zhong, are you okay now? I suggest you go to the hospital to see your colleagues." And yourself.The police reminded Zhong Anguo.

You said that Jiang Shen called me, but Jiang Shen is still in the torture room. You said that Jiang Shen interrupted the hands and feet of your company accountant, but she actually jumped off the building by herself.

The police began to wonder if Zhong Anguo had lost his mind.

Zhong Anguo also understood, and felt ashamed and angry, but more afraid.

This Jiang Shen is too terrifying.

Before I knew it, I solved all the people around me.

Next?Is it just me?

"I want to see Bureau Lei. I remembered that Baldhead and Ah Rong each brought a group of people to the restaurant to negotiate for something."

"It must be that they didn't talk well, and finally started fighting, I remembered."

Zhong Anguo wanted to make amends. At this time, the best way to express goodwill to Jiang Shen was to make amends.

With his confession, it would be easier for the police to close the case.

Because of the dispute, Baldhead and Ah Rong each brought a group of people to the hotel to negotiate. Because they couldn't reach an agreement, they finally fought, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

As for why all died?

Because someone was outside and locked the door.

The people inside couldn't get out, and they were evenly matched, so when they hit the back, they all died together.

After the people from the police department took over, they were also having a headache on how to solve the case. With Zhong Anguo's testimony, the case was much easier.

Nine p.m.

Jiang Shen, Xu Li and others came out of the police station one after another.

Zhong Anguo stood outside with a terrified expression, honestly, like a child who made a mistake, obediently waiting for Jiang Shen's arrival.

"Jiang Ju---Brother Gentleman. I'm Zhong Anguo." Zhong Anguo usually couldn't leave his eyes when he saw a beautiful woman, but today he hardly dared to look at Jiang Shen and his woman.

"Sorry, I was greedy for a while, and I regretted it too late, can you give me a chance to make amends?" Zhong Anguo knew that if he didn't surrender, the next time he jumped off the building, it might really be himself.

"Really? Are you sincerely asking for peace?" Jiang Shen asked standing at the gate of the police station.

"Of course, I swear, sincerely, sincerely, I beg Jiang Ju to forgive me."

"What the hell, you still want to pick on my woman." Jiang Shen stretched out his hand suddenly, right at the gate of the police station.

"Ba" slapped Zhong Anguo on the face.

thump, thump, Zhong Anguo retreated a few steps, his face flushed, startled, angry, and humiliated.

"Why, what are you doing?" There was a guard room at the entrance of the police station, and there happened to be a policeman on duty inside.

Seeing someone daring to beat someone at the gate of the police station, he ran out quickly.

"Hey, why are you beating someone?" The police rushed out, first yelled at Jiang Shen, then turned to ask Zhong Anguo, as long as Zhong Anguo said to call the police, he could arrest Jiang Shen.

"It's okay, we're rehearsing, and we're about to act, a face-slapping scene." Jiang Shen said to Zhong Anguo with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, police officer." Zhong Anguo almost burst into tears: "We rehearsed, just for fun."

"You ---" The police knew at a glance that what the two said was false, but Zhong Anguo, the person involved, didn't say anything, and it was hard for him to say anything.

"Look, officer, how is our acting?" After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he took another step forward.

Ba, ba, Zhong Anguo, who was slapped both positively and negatively, had blood all over his mouth and face.

Nima, the beating was so brutal that the police couldn't stand it.

"Sir, is he threatening you? What can I say to the police?"

"No, no, we are rehearsing, it's really okay, it's okay. Leave me alone, leave me alone." Zhong Anguo pushed away the policemen who came forward with a sad face, and finally couldn't help shouting: "I know you from Leiju, I call you Leave me alone."

He knew in his heart that if Jiang Shen dared to beat him here, he would not be afraid of him, so what's the use of catching him?

A few slaps in the mouth will not result in a sentence.

If he can be sentenced to death, I am also afraid that I will not have this life to see.

As soon as the police heard that he mentioned the Bureau of Thunder, hey, it's none of my business, you deserve to be beaten for being so cheap.

He turned around and left, returning to the guard room to be on duty.

"Brother Gentleman, are you satisfied? Are you sincere?" Zhong Anguo asked pitifully, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

"I'm in a better mood now. You knew that now, so why bother. Let's go, let's talk about business."

Still talking about business?Oh My God.Zhong Anguo immediately felt something was wrong.

In fact, Brother Shen, I don't want your land anymore, and we will go our separate ways in the future.

However, I still want to sell my land to you.

Jiang Shen patted him on the shoulder: "I've thought about it for Mr. Xu. We are not familiar with the place here, so it's not suitable to come here to develop. I'll sell this land to you."

"Ah---" Zhong Anguo wanted to cry again: "Brother Gentleman, I don't have so much money, why don't you develop this land and I'll help you find connections with all parties?"

"No need, you said you wanted to buy it earlier? What's the matter? Dong Zhong, don't you give me face?" Jiang Shen's face darkened.

"Buy, buy, I'll buy." Zhong Anguo asked pitifully, "Brother Gentleman, I'll pay - [-] - [-] million, okay?"

"But I don't have that much money, I'm going to take the land to the bank for payment."

"Anyway, it's a substitute payment, more substitutes." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "One-buy price, 35 billion."

"I'm dizzy." Zhong Anguo was about to faint.

Never seen such a dark one.

The land you bought for 18 billion will be sold for 35 billion, Mr. Gentleman, don’t bring such a black one.

"Brother Gentleman, you still said 25 billion last time." Zhong Anguo is now desperate.

"At this time, at that time, I have already said that the price will be different when we meet and talk, and the price will be different after a day."

Jiang Shen finally patted him on the shoulder: "Think about it carefully, I, Jiang Shen, rarely give my opponent a chance?"

"By this time tomorrow, the price will be different again."

"Either 35 billion, or jump off the 35th floor."

"As long as you don't die, I won't sell you here."

Jiang Shen gave Zhong Anguo two choices, and then swaggered away with the four girls.

My god, is this forcing me to a dead end?

Zhong Anguo stood there blankly, either jumping off the building, or buying Jiang Shen's land with 35 billion.

Is jumping off a building dead? I can't get 35 billion?Left and right are dead?

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