Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 492 Jiang Shen wants to vomit blood

Zhong Anguo wanted to fight Jiang Shen.

I've seen bullying people, but I've never seen such a bully.

I'm giving in, what else do you want?

If Zhong Anguo had come out to hang out like Baldhead and Ah Rong, he would really fight Jiang Shen desperately if he was forced to this point.

It's a pity that he can be regarded as a second-generation official, relying on his family's background to start a little business, but when it really came to this critical moment, he found himself very incompetent.

The people who can be used around me are all dead, what else can I do?

Does he want to die?Of course he doesn't want to die, he's still young, he's not yet 40, and he still has a lot of time left.

But if you don't want to die, you have to take out 35 billion.

Zhong Anguo has so much money.

He has also been engaged in real estate for many years. In the past few years, he made some money. However, under the various policies of the central government in recent years, the real estate industry has not been as crazy as before.

If it was one billion or eight hundred million, he could barely scrape it together, but 35 billion is really too much.

Moreover, this 35 billion is too deceitful. Obviously this land is worth about 35 billion. If you want to sell me [-] billion, this is even more exaggerated than robbery.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be taken advantage of, what should he do?

Only to find someone to intercede.

Jiang Shen was doing morning exercises with Xu Li and the others in the hotel the next day, when a phone call came.

It turned out to be Xu Shengjie calling.

At that time, Jiang Shen was standing behind Pan Wenwen's buttocks, and he didn't want to pick it up, but he thought that Xiang Lan had also done his best when he was the district chief, so he took it, and then turned around and lay down on the bed.

When Pan Wenwen saw it, she sat on it with her buttocks twisted: "Don't move around, let me enjoy it."

Jiang Shen's thing is too big, now Pan Wenwen is sitting, Jiang Shen wants to move, Pan Wenwen can't bear it anymore, her body becomes weak, she can't sit still, and she will crawl down like soft mud, so she told Jiang Shen not to Move, she moves by herself.

Jiang Shen smiled, touched Xu Li's breasts next to her with one hand, and answered the phone with the other.

"Mr. Xu."

"Brother Shen, I'm Shengjie." Xu Shengjie was a little more in awe of this call than before.

The last time Xiang Lan took the position, he also had other thoughts. He didn't expect Jiang Shen to push Xiang Lan up smoothly. Xu Shengjie admired him all over.

"Last time, I forgot to thank you. What instructions do you have this time?"

"It was a trivial matter last time. Brother Shen, please be polite. I really need your help this time."

As mentioned earlier, Zhong Anguo's uncle is a powerful deputy minister of a certain department in the capital, and he is considered a big shot.

Zhong Anguo had an accident this time, and couldn't stand Jiang Shen, so he went to his cousin, the son of a vice minister.

The vice-minister level is the vice-minister of what ministry?

It turned out that it was not a deputy minister, but the deputy director of the National Energy Administration.

The National Energy Administration used to be a deputy minister unit, but it was recently upgraded to a department under the management of the National Development Commission.

Both the National Development Commission and the Energy Bureau are very powerful ministries and commissions.

So even though Zhong Anguo's uncle was a deputy minister, when he went down to the provinces and cities, the secretaries and governors of each province would personally accompany him.

Zhong Anguo's cousin met at a gathering of the parents of both parties. One was the son of a feudal official and the other was the son of a high-ranking official in the capital. The two became good friends immediately.

This time Zhong Anguo found his cousin, and the cousin found Xu Shengjie.

"Brother Shen, let's save face, Uncle Fang is also a deputy."

"Deputy Department?" Jiang Shen smiled heartily, do I need to show face to the Deputy Department? "Mr. Xu, we are all friends. You helped me. I know. I will give you this face, 30 billion."

"30 billion?" Xu Shengjie was about to cry, and it was useless to co-author me for a long time?

Is there a difference between 30 billion and 35 billion?

For a diaosi like Lao Yan, assuming that he owes 30 billion and 35 billion to others, it is completely the same.

"Mr. Xu, a word of yours is worth [-] million yuan, and I lost [-] million yuan from him." Jiang Shen solemnly reminded Xu Shengjie.

Xu Shengjie understands that one sentence is worth [-] million, and there are not many people in the whole country, but the accounts are not calculated like this: "That kid really doesn't have so much money, you can't make it up even if you sell others."

"This boy hits my woman's attention." Jiang Shen said again: "I didn't let his family be ruined, and I really have a heart."

"Actually, I really hope he can't take out the 30 billion."

Jiang Shen's words made Xu Shengjie gasp, damn it, Jiang Shen wanted to kill him.

Pay attention to beating other women, this is really immoral, Xu Shengjie nodded repeatedly.

At first I thought it was just a business dispute, but when you heard about it, you even dared to think about Jiang Wen, this is the rhythm of courting death.

Seizing a wife and killing a child has been a blood feud since ancient times, okay, I don't know if there is such a thing in it, Brother Gentleman, what do you want to do, pretend that I never made this call.

Recently, Xu Shengjie's relationship with Jiang Shen has eased a bit, and he has also done some things for Jiang Shen. I don't want to waste this kind of favor here.

But to say that the people in the capital have intricate relationships, it's not for nothing.

Xu Shengjie just hung up the phone not long ago.

Another call came in.

Jiang Shen looked at it, "Nah, Jin Zhonglin."

Jin Zhonglin used to work for China Petroleum Corporation, and Uncle Zhong Anguo worked for the Energy Bureau, so it's normal to have some connections.

"Minister Jin." Since Jiang Shen hooked up with Jin Zhiqing, he gradually stopped calling him Brother Jin.

Jin Zhonglin seems to know it too, Brother Jiang stopped calling, and they all called Xiao Jiang.

"Little Jiang, it's been a bit big in Hejing City recently."

"I can't help it. A female friend has been bullied. There's blood and blood." Jiang Shen knew that he was going to intercede after hearing what he said, so he immediately set the tone.

Blood feud.

Brother, if you are not ruthless, how could Jiang Yanwang's reputation become bigger and bigger.

female friend?girlfriend?What about my Zhiqing?Jin Zhonglin also had a headache, but he was too lazy to think about such things.

"Well, Director Zhong still has a bit of influence in the local area. Some projects in Dongning Province this year need the support of the Energy Bureau."

"The project is as big as 30 billion?" Jiang Shen was a little dissatisfied.

"In five years, everything will be done well, and more than 100 billion will be invested." Jin Zhonglin also told the truth, thinking, if it is a small project, it is worth it for me, the head of the organization of the provincial party committee, to talk about it?

"Minister Jin, you said this, 20 billion, I will accept him 20 billion." Jiang Shen felt a pain in his heart.

It's just right for the old man to speak up, so he can only reluctantly give up his love, and another billion is lost.

"How much did you plan to charge him?" Jin Zhonglin asked after being stunned for a moment.

"30 billion."

"Oh---" Jin Zhonglin thought about it, I am a deputy minister, and I lost one billion in one sentence, which is not a small face.

Knowing Jiang Shen's ability, he was silent for a while: "That's fine, that's it."

Jin Zhonglin thinks about it, one billion calls is his limit.

The people in this capital city of Nima are really restless. Jiang Shen hung up the phone and cursed, dragging his whole body, trusting others, trusting others, and he can find intercessors everywhere.

Of course, it was Zhong Anguo's luck that he had the uncle of the deputy director of the Energy Bureau.

"Hurry up and turn off the phone." Xu Li looked at Jiang Shen coquettishly: "Two calls will cost 15 billion, and if I make another call, I will lose money."

Xu Li bought it for 18 billion, and now transfers it for 20 billion, so she can still make some money.

Really want to turn off the phone, Jiang Shen thinks something is wrong, the people in this capital are more difficult to deal with, if he had known that he would kill Zhong Anguo.

But after killing him, no one bought his land.

Shutting down.

Another call came in.

Ni, whose phone is this?Jiang Shen saw if he knew him, and in a heartbeat, he wanted to pinch him off and turn off the phone.

"It's from Zhou Chenglu." Xu Li recognized the phone number.

"Who is Zhou Chenglu?" Jiang Shen was puzzled.

"The executive deputy mayor of Dongning City, he visited our Yongtai Group and I had dinner with him. He is not bad."

I fork, Executive Vice President.

Jiang Shen knew that he and Duan Weiguo belonged to the same department, and they were both members of Xu Zhen, the boss of the province.

Last time Xiang Lan went up, he also contributed.

I don't know you, but it seems a bit excessive to cut off his phone.

People in the officialdom sometimes cannot help themselves.

Hey, Jiang Shen had no choice but to grit his teeth and pick it up.

"Then what, why are you soft?" Pan Wenwen was dissatisfied and got up from Jiang Shen.

"Damn it, two phone calls are missing 15 billion, and I'm still tough?" Jiang Shen said angrily, losing all mood.

"I'll come, I'll let you get up." Ding Yan smiled delicately, and she didn't think that little Jiang Shen had just come out of Pan Wenwen's body, she lowered her head and vomited in.

"Hiss..." Jiang Shen took a breath and connected the phone at the same time.

"Little Jiang, I am Zhou Chenglu from the municipal government."

"Mayor Zhou, I'm Xiao Jiang, what instructions do you have?" Jiang Shen listened to the leader's instructions while enjoying Ding Yan's gentle mouth.

The intention of Mayor Zhou's visit was exactly the same. Entrusted by an old leader in the capital, he took Zhong Anguo to ask for favors. Xiao Zhong, even if he went bankrupt, couldn't afford so much, so what, how about a little less.

"18 billion." Jiang Shen finally gritted his teeth and said while spitting blood.

"We photographed it for 18 billion. So many things happened here in Hejing. A dozen employees of our company were injured and arrested. 5000 million is my compensation for employees. Mayor Zhou, this is not too much. .”

The face of the executive deputy still needs to be given.

The mayor of Zhou is also old. If Jin Zhonglin hadn't come down last time, he would have had the opportunity to compete for the mayor. Later, the Jin family gave up the mayor to Jiang Fengmin for Jin Zhonglin.

Zhou Chenglu didn't know Jiang Shen well, so he was also depressed when he was entrusted to make this phone call this time. The executive deputy of our party, what are we talking about with the little Zhengke below.

But Jiang Shen's attitude is good, Zhou Chenglu is also satisfied, so let's do it, thank you, I have the opportunity to come to the city hall.

Of course Zhou Chenglu was speaking politely, at least he didn't know Jiang Shen well at this time, only that someone outside called him Jiang Wenshen.

I guess I don't want to have much contact with people like Jiang Shen.

"Thank you for the leader's concern." Jiang Shen said a few words politely, and after hanging up the phone, he immediately took down the electric board.

He lost 17 billion in three calls, and if he continues, he will really lose money.

"Don't be angry." Seeing Jiang Shen's distraught look, both Pan Wenwen and Xu Li wanted to laugh.

"You treat us as Zhong Anguo, you can do whatever you want."

"Little goblin." Jiang Shen laughed when he heard the words: "Then spank first."

As he said that, he turned over and rode Ding Yan under him.

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