18 billion is not what Zhong Anguo can come up with.

But he also used the relationship of Tongtian, and used all the resources that could be called.

Is it easy to reduce from 35 billion to 18 billion?

Zhong Anguo didn't want this land, but he didn't want to die even more.

In the end, he still paid 5000 billion in cash to transfer the land, and then gave it to the bank under low pressure, and then returned [-] million to Xu Li after the payment.

The next step is to concentrate on developing this land.

He calculated that after all the houses are built, as long as they can be sold, they can still earn about [-] million yuan.

It's just that the time has dragged on a bit too long. It's really not very cost-effective to invest more than one billion yuan, and I don't know how long it will take to sell it to earn about [-] million yuan.

But some profits are better than losses, and better than jumping off a building.

After this incident, Jiang Shen's name was spread from Dongning to Hejing, and was even heard of among some second-generation officials in the capital.

early june.


After Jiang Shen settled Zhong Anguo's matter, because He Jing was near the capital, he took Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen to the capital for a walk.

It seems that Xu Li and Zheng Jiaer are dealing with the handover of land in Hejing, and this seems to be the first time for the three of them.

Both Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen were not good before, but later they got mixed up and didn't have time.

However, the two women were still a little depressed. Jiang Shen had another purpose in coming to Beijing, to see Qiao Feixue.

Qiao Feixue is studying and training in the capital, and as a real girlfriend, Jiang Shen is here, of course he has to go and see her, otherwise she will feel better if she knows.

The temperature in Beijing in June is not bad, not as muggy as Dongning, but a bit dry.

Black silk and white legs are everywhere on the street.

Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen all wore short skirts made of silk, which catered to Jiang Shen's taste.

Jiang Shen was alone with the two beauties, and he was also very proud of walking on the road. He spent the whole morning and afternoon traveling, and only went to see Qiao Feixue before dinner.

The headquarters of China Bank trained by Qiao Feixue is on Changfang Street in the Xicheng District of the capital.

There is also Xicheng District, and Dongning's is nothing compared to the capital.

This is the heart of the Republic, where the power is the most central. In layman's terms, when you come here, any old man riding a bicycle may be a provincial and ministerial cadre.

After Jiang Shen left Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen in the hotel, he ran to Changfang Street by himself.

Then a phone call was made.

After several rings, Qiao Feixue's voice came.

"Jiang Shen."

"Fei Xue, are you free tonight? Let's have a meal together."

"Have you arrived in the capital?" Qiao Feixue was a little surprised.

"Yes, I have Changfang Street now."

"Hee hee, did you lie to me?"

"You don't believe it? Then you count to three, and I will appear in front of you immediately." Jiang Shen also smiled.His divine sense has found Qiao Feixue's position.

"No." Qiao Feixue was startled.

She also knew how powerful Jiang Shen was.

"Wait a minute, there is a dinner at work today, I'll take a leave of absence." They also have dinner at work today.

Jiang Shen paid attention to her spiritually, and saw Qiao Feixue happily running to ask for leave.

Little girl, it seems that you still miss me a lot, why don't you take the initiative to call me?

Qiao Feixue's leader is a middle-aged man in his 40s, who seems to be a director.

Hearing that Qiao Feixue asked for leave, she frowned: "Ask for leave? Xiao Qiao, no one has ever asked for leave for group activities in our unit. Whoever asks for leave will ask her to treat us to a meal next time."

"Then next time, I'll invite you." Qiao Feixue said weakly.

"This is a trivial matter. Today, the president wants to personally condolences to some of you middle-level cadres trained from various provinces, and there are also senior officials from the Ministry of Finance present. Xiao Qiao, why do you want to ask for leave?"

"My fiancé is here. He is going to Beijing for the first time, and he is leaving tomorrow. I must have dinner with him."

"My fiancé." The director hesitated for a moment: "Should I let him come with me? We are all on our own, so I can take care of you."

"It's not good."

"It's nothing. Our unit is like this. Those who often bring their families, the president sometimes brings his wife."

"Then let me ask." When Qiao Feixue heard that the president was coming, it would be best not to ask for leave, but if Jiang Shen insisted, she would still go with Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen didn't want to be with them at first, I wanted to have a tryst alone with my little Feixue, but think about it, the future is long, Qiao Feixue can't hinder her when she is making progress.

"Forget it, then I'll wait for you, call me after you finish your meal, and I'll pick you up." Jiang Shen thought, it's a bit troublesome to call back and forth in the capital, do you want to borrow a car from Zhao San?

"Let's go, come and eat together?" Qiao Feixue said.

"No, I don't know each other. You can eat. I'll meet up with a friend and call me after dinner."

The two fought for a while, and finally Qiao Feixue listened to Jiang Shen and ate at work, and called Jiang Shen after eating.

Jiang Shen didn't have an appointment with Qiao Feixue, a little depressed, and wanted to go back with Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen to accompany her.

But at this moment, a phone call came in.

"Zhao San." Just as Jiang Shen thought of Zhao San, Zhao San called him unexpectedly.

"Brother Gentleman, I am mistress."

"Brother Zhao, why are you calling me when you have time?"

"I heard that you are doing a lot of tricks in Hejing. It's awesome. Brother Shen will kill you there. How about it? Are you still in Hejing? I'll go to see you right away."

Did the news spread quickly?Jiang Shen didn't expect that all the news would reach Zhao San.

"I'm in the capital, just arrived, and I'm about to call you to borrow a car." Jiang Shen couldn't say that he had been here for a long time, he just arrived.

"I'm in the capital, hahaha, okay, okay, you're there, I'll come pick you up right away, and introduce a few friends to you." Zhao Sansan was delighted.

This kid is so happy?Do you want to pretend to be a tiger?Jiang Shen was thoughtful.

He really guessed right.

Zhao San is feeling overwhelmed today.

Although Third Brother Zhao didn't dare to say that he ran rampant in the capital, he was also the overlord of one party. He didn't expect to be bullied when he came out to play with his friends today.

I was very angry at the time, but the other party was no worse than Zhao San, no matter his background or background.

Zhao San could only grit his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

At this time, the little follower, Sensen, pulled Zhao San from behind, bowed his head and gave the opportunity: "I heard that Brother Shen has arrived in Hejing."

Zhao San turned around, who did you listen to?Why didn't he call me.

I also heard from your friend that someone smashed Zhong Ande's place in Hejing.

A cousin of Zhong Ande, who is engaged in real estate in Hejing, the apparent boss is Zhong Anguo, but in fact Zhong Ande has the largest shareholding.

It seems to mention that the person's surname is Jiang, Dongning.

Dongning is so fierce, probably Jiang Shen is the only one.

Zhao San immediately called Jiang Shen.

Hearing that Jiang Shen had just entered the capital, he immediately drove over in a Land Rover off-road vehicle.

At 04:30 that afternoon, they received Jiang Shen.

Only Zhao San and Senlin were in the car.

"Brother Gentleman, help me." Zhao San almost bowed his head.

"I'm fork, don't be so oily with me, who bullied you." Jiang Shen was a little proud, and his buddies guessed it.

I think you are usually very good, but there are still people in Beijing who bully you?

There are too many great people in the capital, and I can only go out of the capital to be awesome, and Zhao San is also rare to be humble.

Then when Jiang Shen asked how he was being bullied, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Nima, it turned out that I lost money in gambling, and then I was ridiculed a few words.

This has to go to the following provinces and cities, Zhao San can slap the table and hit people, but now the other party's status is equal to him, or he can scold him back, but, if you lose money, you can't lose again, right?

If they scold each other again, Zhao San will be looked down upon even more.

So Zhao San was very aggrieved this time. He lost money and was laughed at, but he still couldn't scold him back.

"Playing cards with friends today, it's not too big, and if you die, you will win or lose a hundred times."

"There is a man named Ma Tianming, and his father is a bureau committee member, a minister of a certain department." Zhao San only said the bureau committee member, a minister of a certain department, and Jiang Shen knew who his father was in a flash of his mind.

There are only more than 20 bureau committees in the country, and only those few are ministers, and you can often see it in the news.

"Horse battle."

Zhao San's father is also a bureau committee member. Both parties have the same family background, and the backgrounds of all parties are also the same.

Evenly matched, no one can suppress the other, and no one will submit to the other.

But Zhao San lost money today and was ridiculed by others, this tone is really hard to swallow.

"Is the game over?" Jiang Shen smiled, the young master of the bureau committee is not a bureau committee member, so it's okay for me to play a game of cards.

"Of course not, Brother Gentleman, let's go."

Zhao San found a backer, and pulled Jiang Shen to a place.

Where they play cards is their own place.

An independent villa, I don't know it belongs to the second generation of officials, when Zhao San and Jiang Shen arrived, there were more than a dozen people around it.

What they play is mahjong, four people play, seven or eight people watch.

"Hey, the third son is back again, hahaha, have you borrowed money? Don't lose all the living expenses for next year? Hahahaha." A young man in his early thirties, several years older than Zhao San, saw Jiang Shen and Zhao San came in, laughed loudly, and then glanced at Jiang Shen.

"Third brother, is this the minister's son?"

Someone asked Zhao San.

Before Jiang Shen came here, he had heard that the entire room was filled with sons and nephews of high-ranking officials in the capital, at least at the deputy ministerial level.

People in the capital play in circles.

Circles are divided into levels and factions.

The upper class talks about factions, while the juniors talk about ranks.

The second generation of the Deputy State Department is a circle, and occasionally they will lead the Deputy Department.

For the son of a senior official below the deputy ministerial level, he would be ashamed to be taken to play with others.

You said that your father is at the department level, and here are all the fathers of the main department, the deputy department, and even the deputy country, so you have to serve tea and water for everything, is it interesting?

"This is my boss, Dongning Gentleman." Zhao San grinned.

"Brother Shen?" There were not many people who were older than Jiang Shen, and many people looked at Jiang Shen.

"Secretary Xu's son?"

"It seems to be called Xu Shengjie."

"I've met Xu Shengjie. Is he Governor Shi's son?"

Everyone knew that Zhao San had a bit of arrogance in his eyes, and the sons of the vice-province would probably not hang out together, thinking that Jiang Shen was the son of the secretary of the provincial party committee or the governor.

"Jiang Shen, deputy director of Dongning Chengdong District Merchants Bureau." Jiang Shen greeted everyone with a smile.

The audience froze for a while.

"The one whose surname is Jiang?" Someone who was more active turned his head.

Not to mention the main province, there doesn't seem to be anyone with the surname Jiang in Dongning's sub-provincial level.

"My boss is not the second generation of officials, but the second generation of merchants." Zhao San said flatly, the second generation of merchants means the second generation of rich people.

Cut, everyone heard, what is the second generation of Shang?Many people have contempt on their faces.

It is often said that officials and businessmen are officials and businessmen, and officials are always ahead of businessmen.

Especially the people here are all the second-generation sons of the ministry and state. To put it bluntly, ordinary billionaires may not have as much wealth as them.

Even if the richest man in Dongning came here, they wouldn't take a look.

So he was a businessman?Zhao San was not convinced, and wanted to continue, asking someone to pay?Everyone understands.

The second generation of high-ranking officials in the capital is actually still willing to make friends with the princes of the lower officials in the frontier. If Jiang Shen is Xu Zhen's son, they will be much more enthusiastic.

Now that he is a rich second generation, almost no one cares about him.

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