Of course, Zhao San also has a group of people in his circle in the capital, and there are two or three of them.

There was a son of a certain general who quietly looked at Jiang Shen: "Third brother, are you still here?"

That means, is it the rich second generation paying for it?Are you still here?

"I'm not coming, let my boss come." Zhao San pushed aside the crowd and came to the mahjong table.

"Ma Tianming, I'll let my brother come with you."

"Your brother?" Ma Tianming looked at Jiang Shen disdainfully.

"A master of thousands of doors? Don't look for a master of thousands of doors, say it's your brother?" Ma Tianming didn't speak, but when he spoke, he really hit the point.

"You---" Zhao San originally wanted to rely on Jiang Shen's ability to win money and save face, but now he was seen through, and his face turned red.

"There are so many eyes, why don't you show me?" Jiang Shen sneered: "Zhao San, tell me how big people are playing here, so they are all poor officials?"

"No, it's the second generation of poor officials." After saying that, he turned and left.

"I don't care." Ma Tianming slapped the table and jumped up.

Poor official?

The second generation of poor officials?

You **** rich second generation, do you know that the crooked mouth of our officials can make you bankrupt?

Many people were furious when they heard this.

The official second generation always looked down on the rich second generation, but they didn't expect to be despised by the rich second generation today.

We have a large group of principal and deputy departments, your sister, kill your father, believe it or not.

"Stop!" Ma Tianming called to Jiang Shen, and stood up.

"Have a personality?" Ma Tianming smiled and looked at Jiang Shen: "Playing with my personality? A poor official? Jiang Shen, right? How big do you want to play?"

"Zhao San, this gentleman, is he Jiang Shen who was involved in Zhong Ande in Hejing City not long ago?" Some people seemed to have heard of Jiang Shen's name.

"What is Zhong Ande?" Ma Tianming had never heard of it.

It's not in the same circle, and there are differences in levels. I really haven't heard of it, and it's not pretending.

Someone immediately bowed his head and said a few words to Ma Tianming.

After Ma Tianming listened, his face changed slightly, and he raised his head to look at Jiang Shen.

18 billion of the land was transferred to Zhong Ande's cousin with 18 billion.

However, this is the capital.

"I've been playing a lot abroad, starting at a thousand, but not a thousand, it's a shame to go out." Jiang Shen laughed.

Nima, the faces of a group of second-generation officials all turned pale.

Zhao San said before that if you die, you will win or lose a hundred times.

One hundred is one hundred million.

These people must be the second generation of officials, and most of the money is in the hands of the elders. They usually win or lose tens of millions. Win or lose around [-] million.

Now Jiang Shen opened his mouth and said a thousand.

A thousand is a billion.

This is still a little stressful.

There are so many princes from the main department, the deputy department and even the deputy country. If they have time to collect one billion, most of them can do it.

If you take a billion to gamble on the spot, there are really few people who can do it.

There was a moment of silence on the field.

Ma Tianming blushed because he saw Zhao San looking at him with contempt.

Ni, are you looking for an upstart to be prestige?

"Wait a minute." Ma Tianming was not simple either.

He was the oldest present, in his early thirties, had been in the society for many years, and he himself was a senior official of a state-owned enterprise.

He picked up his cell phone and made a call: "Mr. Li, where are you?"

"I'm playing poker with people now, and I want one billion cash, how long will it take to get it?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at Villa No. [-] in the Xiangmen community."

After Ma Tianming made the phone call, he looked proud.

"5000 million in cash will arrive right away, and the rest of the money will arrive within two hours."

Wow, the audience was shocked and moved.

The corners of Zhao San's eyes also twitched.

Even in the capital city, there are not many people who can mobilize one billion cash at any time.

Whoever has nothing to do at home puts a billion yuan, and the bank withdraws money, it must be a few days, or a few weeks, or even a few months in advance.

Two hours, a billion?Mr. Li is definitely not easy.

Zhao San admitted that he couldn't do it himself.

When they play cards, they usually use chips. After the game, they will transfer the money if they lose.

Today, Ma Tianming deliberately gave Jiang Shen off his horse, and called one billion yuan with one phone call.

"You don't need to play with cash?" Zhao San said weakly.

After all, he was younger than Ma Tianming, and his momentum was suppressed.

"To play with the rich second generation, of course you have to play with cash." Ma Tianming smiled and looked at Jiang Shen: "Brother Shen, why don't you wait for a month? Go back to Dongning and get the money before coming back?"

"Hahahaha." The audience laughed wildly.

Rich second generation?Rich sister, sometimes, even if you have money, you may not be able to get it. Take a billion and let us see.

According to them, even if Jiang Shen's family has 100 billion in the bank, it is impossible to withdraw [-] billion within two hours.

On the contrary, a minister only has one billion in the bank, and he can withdraw it within a short period of time if he engages in relationships.

This is the difference between officials and businessmen.

"Where is this place?" Jiang Shen raised his head and asked Zhao San.

"Four villas in Xiangmen Community, Dinghai District." Zhao San's momentum was suppressed now, and his voice was also quiet.

Jiang Shen picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"Ding Yan, immediately send 30 billion in cash to Building [-] of the villa group in Xiangmen Community, Dinghai District. I'll ask someone to pick you up."

"-----" The audience was silent.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shen.

Ni, 30 billion in cash?

You will die if you don't brag?

Will this send 30 billion in cash?

Do you know how big 30 billion in cash is?

Don't think it's true if you say a few words to the inside with your mobile phone.

Many thought that Jiang Shen was scaring people.

Even Zhao San didn't believe it.

I know that Jiang Shen is rich, but will you bring 30 billion in cash with you?

Can you work hard here to withdraw 30 billion from Jingcheng Bank?

It can be picked up with a phone call in the capital, either to handle a case, or to speak in person at the bureau committee level.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shen like an idiot.

Jiang Shen nodded to Sensen: "Come with me and pick up my friend outside."

Jiang Shen took Sensen out.

"Zhao San, isn't your friend planning to run away?" Ma Tianming laughed.

"Rich second generation? 30 billion, hehehe." Ma Tianming's body trembled with a smile, could it be rubles?

"Hahaha." Many people laughed again.

In the past, some people really joked about rubles, thinking they were smart, but they were despised by everyone.

"Old Ma, take care of yourself, don't kneel down to my boss for a while." Zhao San refused to accept it.

"Look who kneels, dare you bet, he won't come up with 30 billion in a while, you kneel down for me?" Ma Tianming didn't believe it, of course, just in case, he added: "Give him half an hour .”

He did some calculations, and it took more than half an hour to carry 30 billion cash. Even if he really had cash, it would not be possible to arrive in half an hour.

"----" Zhao San was frightened by him, but didn't dare to say anything.

"Coward." Ma Tianming continued to hit Zhao San, he was in a great mood today.

"It's a bet. If you bring it in half an hour, you will kneel down to me." Zhao San was provoked and jumped up.

"Let's testify, take 30 billion in half an hour." Ma Tianming is now proud, and he is sure to win.

Let's talk about the outside.

After Jiang Shen called Sensen out, he asked him to wait at the door: "Stand still, I'll be right there."

Then he walked to the corner, swished and disappeared, and arrived at the hotel in the next instant.

Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen are collecting money in the hotel.

Ding Yan now also has a storage space, and most of Jiang Shen's money is kept on him, and a small part is kept with Ding Yan.

They were not surprised to see Jiang Shen appearing suddenly.

"Brother Gentleman, I seem to only have one billion euros here. In terms of Chinese currency, it is only more than 20 billion."

The two women were carrying big bags on the bed.

A big bag is put away early.

Such a heavy bag looks like a small toy in the hands of the two women.

Jiang Shen's immortal energy improved their physiques, although they couldn't fight, these women were not as strong as cows.

"The car is downstairs, and I will help control the driving. It will not be a problem to arrive within half an hour." Jiang Shen helped pick out four large bags.

It is full of euros, which add up to a value of more than 30 billion Chinese dollars.

"Take Euros, same."

Then the figure flashed and disappeared into the room.

The two girls took the bag Jiang Shen picked up and went downstairs.

There is already an extra car in the hotel parking lot.

This is a Japanese car without a license plate. At the beginning, Jiang Shen used the storage space to collect tens of thousands of cars in the Toyota company of the Mitsui consortium.

Some of them were exported to China, and Jiang Shen kept them in the storage space.

This time I took out a brand new one and threw it in the parking lot.

no key?Jiang Shen's divine sense can be activated.

Not enough gas?With so many cars, there is a little in each car, and dozens of boxes can be assembled.

The two women soon hit the road in a new car.

And there is no need to drive carefully on the road, Jiang Shen's spiritual sense is controlling it, it is fast and stable.

in the villa.

Jiang Shen and Sen Sen are back again.

"Where's the money? It's been 10 minutes."Although Ma Feiming's 5000 million yuan has not arrived, it is estimated that it will arrive first within half an hour.

"Don't worry, it's a bit out of the way here. If there is no traffic jam, I will arrive in 25 minutes." Jiang Shen grinned.

"Zhao San said he could arrive in half an hour, but if he didn't, he would kneel down." Ma Tianming sneered.

"What if it arrives?"

"It's here?" Ma Tianming raised his eyebrows: "It will reach 30 billion in half an hour, I will kneel to him."

"Don't play tricks." Zhao San challenged.

"Hmph." Ma Tianming sat down again, looking calm and relaxed.

More than 20 minutes later, Ma Tianming's 5000 million yuan arrived first, followed by Mr. Li.

It is the money sent by this person.

Mr. Li looks in his early forties, very capable.

Someone recognized him immediately.

"The boss of Qiandu Search." Li Yan.

Domestic search to do the best boss.

In 2013, No. 2 in the list of richest people in mainland China, with a net worth of over 500 billion.

He wants to say that he really has the ability to mobilize one billion in two hours.

Ma Tianming looked at Jiang Shen with disdain.

Rich second generation?Tall, rich and handsome?

When Li Yan came, he instantly killed 13 billion people across the country.

There is only one richer than him in the Mainland.

But it is definitely not from Dongning.

"Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li."

The second generation of officials in the room were all polite.

Although it has been said before that business is not as good as an official, it is said that Boss Li is very appreciated by the chiefs (everyone should understand that he can be called the chief).

Moreover, he is the second most valuable in the country, which is definitely not comparable to these second-generation officials.

Maybe their parents and uncles don't need to be so polite, but they should be more polite.

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