Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 495 You Can Really Pretend

"Okay, okay, Young Master Meng, Young Master Xu, isn't this Young Master Lin?"

"Boss Yang is here too."

"Hello Director Song."

Li Yan is worthy of being the second richest man in the mainland, and he knows half of the second-generation officials present.

The last time I saw a person, that person was sitting on top of Ma Tianming. He had never spoken a word. He had dark skin and was 27 or [-] years old.

"Director Huang?" Li Yan stepped forward quickly and offered his hand.

Zhao San looked at Li Yan disdainfully, and Ma Tianming looked proud.

It was obvious that Director Huang was with Ma Tianming, not Zhao San.

"Mr. Li, long time no see." Director Huang stood up at this moment, reached out his hand and shook hands with Li Yan.

At this moment, Zhao San lowered his head to Jiang Shen, and said softly: "He is from the Huaxuan Department, the deputy director of the Internet Center, and controls Li Yan's Qiandu Company."

Jiang Shen understood now, and directly managed the department.

No matter how rich Li Yan is, he still has to be respectful when encountering this regulatory department.

However, this is not the point.

Zhao San said again: "His father, Huang Xiaoyan." Then he gave Jiang Shen a look that you understand.

Huang Xiaoyan?Jiang Shen was shocked for a moment.

The biggest enemy of the Jin family, the helm of the Huang family.

Directorate level.

With so many second-generation officials present, Director Huang's father should be the most powerful.

No wonder Li Yan also walked forward quickly and took the initiative to shake hands.

This person seems a little low-key?After Jiang Shen found out that he came, he didn't say a word, and he didn't pay much attention to Jiang Shen, as if he didn't pay attention to anything.

This is like a real second-generation official, low-key luxury with connotations, he doesn't talk, Zhao San doesn't talk, Jiang Shen doesn't even know that his backstage is the most powerful among the people here.

Ma Tianming's bureau committee father wants to be a dwarf, but here, Ma Tianming is arrogant and arrogant, and Director Huang doesn't seem to exist.

From this point of view, this person is still a bit generous.

"Is that Boss Jiang?" Li Yan looked at Jiang Shen after meeting the young masters.

"Mr. Zhao, who is this?" Li Yan also knew Zhao San, and then looked at Jiang Shen.

"Dongning Jiang Shen."

"Jiang Ping's son? Jiang Ping, the richest man in Dongning?" A rich man like Li Yan may not be remembered by ordinary people, but the richest man in each province can still be remembered.

"His son is Jiang Zhiqiang, my classmate."

Not Jiang Ping's son?Dongning's surname is Jiang?No more billionaires?A trace of disdain flashed in Li Yan's eyes, probably bragging.

His memory is very good, and he is sure that apart from Jiang Ping, there is no Jiang Ping rich man with a family fortune of over [-] million in Dongning Province.

Moreover, in front of him, not to mention a family property of over [-] million, even a family property of over one billion is really nothing.

Li Yan immediately ignored Jiang Shen, turned around and chatted with Ma Tianming and Director Huang.

Someone reminded Jiang Shen at this time: "Zhao San, it's 25 minutes."

Where is your money? What about 30 billion?

Adjust 30 billion in half an hour?Li Yan heard it and almost laughed.

Do you think you are the head of state?

The high-ranking officials in the capital are like a cloud, and the rich businessmen are like a rain. It is estimated that 30 billion can be transferred within half an hour.

It's Li Yan, the second richest man in the country, who wants to transfer 30 billion in half an hour. He definitely has to greet the chiefs and then go through the bank.

30 billion funds, it is estimated that it will take half an hour for the bank to move out of the vault.

You want to find 30 billion cash in half an hour now, and you still have to send it here?Totally impossible.

Especially at this point, it's time to get off work, and the sky is slowly getting dark.

Could this Jiang Shen be a liar?Li Yan reminded Ma Tianming.

It's okay, if he can't finish it, Zhao San will kneel down.

Saying that, he looked at Zhao San provocatively.

Zhao San immediately stared back at Ma Tianming, but he seemed to have no choice but to stare.

Jiang Shen used to think that Zhao San was awesome, but now he knows that he only knows the common sayings of officials when he arrives in the capital.

No wonder Zhao Sanlao wanted to curry favor with Jiang Shen, he was not invincible, so he needed Jiang Shen, an invincible friend.

"It's 28." Someone next to him yelled again.

28 points.

There was still no movement outside.

Zhao San's face was not good-looking, and he was a little scared. He was going to lose, it was too embarrassing, and he had to kowtow.

Sensen was anxious: "Brother Shen, why don't I go out and have a look?"

"Go out, the car is here." Jiang Shen giggled.

The car is coming?Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then everyone quieted down. Sure enough, they heard the sound of a car outside.

"Is there a car here?" Someone saw from the window that a Toyota off-road vehicle that hadn't been registered for a while came, and soon stopped at the door of the villa.

"Go, go get the money." Jiang Shen patted Sensen.

Zhao San and Sen Sen were overjoyed.

The three came out first, and then many people followed.

Only Ma Tianming, Li Yan, Director Huang and a few others sat there, seemingly in disbelief.

30 million?

Can a buggy put down?

Is it the ruble again?Slip of the tongue on purpose?Zhao San can't be so unqualified, can he?

As soon as everyone walked outside, the off-road vehicle braked suddenly, and then the doors opened on the left and right, and two beautiful women with short skirts and long legs came down.

"嚅---" The eyes of the second generation of officials all lit up, and some even whistled.

"Brother Gentleman, here comes the money." Ding Yan's crisp voice attracted most of the people's attention.

She is only 19 years old, youthful, energetic, glamorous, and her clothes are sexy. When she stands there, she is very attractive.

"Sensen, take the money."

Jiang Shen, Zhao San, and Sensen went up, opened the rear door, and dragged out four huge bags from inside.

These four bags almost filled the space at the back of the car, and looked very bloated and heavy.

Jiang Shen took one in each hand and dragged it several times before he got out of the car. He was carrying one with great difficulty. Zhao San saw it and hurriedly followed him and helped him. The two of them could barely lift a big bag together.

There were two second-generation officials, who probably had a good relationship with Zhao San, and they ran up to help, and they carried a big bag.

Four bags were carried into the villa.

"Brother Gentleman, let's go first."

"88" Jiang Shen nodded.

But Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen moved forward at the same time, stretched out two small mouths on the left and the right, and kissed Jiang Shen's left and right cheeks.

"Roar!" The second generation of officials screamed, all kinds of envy and hatred.

They have seen too many beauties, celebrities, female officials, what beauties haven't played before?

But both Ding Yan and Pan Wenwen have Jiang Shen's fairy energy to improve their physique and figure, and they are different in both temperament and appearance.

No matter how you look at it, they feel that they are of extraordinary background, with refined temperament, not ordinary vulgar fans.

"88" The two girls only saw Jiang Shen from the beginning to the end. In their eyes, the other men seemed to be full of shit. After kissing Jiang Shen, they turned around and got in the car, roaring away.

Ni?Really good at pretending?The second generation of officials admired Jiang Shen's pretentious kung fu.

Just relying on the cooperation of these two beauties, they instantly killed many second-generation officials at the scene.

Another day, I will also find two extremely beautiful women, and do this in front of my brother?Many people had an idea and thought of learning from Jiang Shen in the future.

Think about it, the brothers are at a party, and suddenly two beauties meet, don't look at other men, only look at the protagonist, and then each kiss and leave, it's a lot of pretense.

Everyone had various thoughts, and followed Jiang Shen to carry the four big bags into the villa.

Ba, Ba, when the four bags were thrown down, they were all heavy.

Li Yan glanced, each bag is estimated to be able to hold two adults, but it is impossible to put 30 billion in cash in four bags.

"There are 30 billion here?" Li Yan smiled: "Could it be rubles?"

"Hahaha." Many second-generation officials laughed.

"Of course not." Jiang Shen opened one of the bags, then picked it up abruptly, and fell to the ground.

"It's Euros, 32 million Euros per bag, a total of [-] million, worth almost [-] billion Chinese dollars."

Hurray, [-] million euros were scattered in front of everyone, covering the ground everywhere, very dazzling.

"Zhao San, do you play cards? Does the euro count?" Jiang Shen asked Zhao San.

"Hahaha" Zhao San was ecstatic.

They play cards with the second generation of Beijing officials. They use cash for wins and losses of less than one million, and chips for wins and losses of more than ten million. Then they pay the bill the next day. When paying the bill, Chinese coins, euros, m yuan, and even gold are all used Can.

These four things are all hard currency, and they are all recognized.

"Of course, of course, of course, the euro, of course, hahaha."

Ni?32 million euros, [-] billion Chinese dollars?Everyone at the scene was stunned.

A wealthy boss like Li Yan is worth more than 500 billion yuan, but that is only the market value of his company's stock.

30 billion Chinese coins, I am afraid he has never seen it before.

As for those second-generation officials, let alone.

This is cash.

Not bank deposits.

Maybe some of them have more than this amount in the bank at home, but no one has seen the cash.

32 million euros, [-] billion Chinese dollars, really shocking.

"So many euros here?" Someone murmured.

"Is it true or not?" Someone said this sentence after a long while, which immediately made people despise.

How could there be a fake?Is there anyone here who doesn't understand?Who here has never used the euro?

"So many euros?" Director Huang was also moved.

He has never changed his face when the mountain collapsed in front of him, and now he is finally moved when he sees so many euros.

So many euros must not have been proposed in the bank.

How did you get into the country?

Is it black money?

Countless thoughts flashed through Director Huang's mind.

However, although Zhao San and Ma Tianming disagree, the two sides will not get entangled in this kind of matter.

The two parties are at odds, one is that the parents of both parties are not in the same camp, and the other is that the two parties cannot play together.

But if there is no deep hatred, you will not investigate this kind of thing to the end, and even investigate the source of the money.

The two sides are fighting with anger, not desperately.

Moreover, both the Huang family and Ma Tianming belonged to the political circle, while Zhao San's family belonged to the military circle.

Disagreement between the government and the army is originally in line with the strategy of the upper echelon. It doesn't matter if the younger generations fight, but the elders must not fight too.

"With so many euros, even if you lose to me, it will be troublesome for me to spend them." Ma Tianming sneered, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

This time I was slapped in the face.

He called Li Yan and raised 5000 million first.

When people mention it, it is 30 billion.

Although it was the euro, he also lost.

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