"Ahem, the third young master, is it half an hour yet?" The little follower, Ben Sensen, changed the topic at this moment, the pot wouldn't open, and he lifted the pot.

Fuck, who are you, you little follower?Ma Tianming was furious.

He was going to lose, but he was going to kneel down.

"It's over. I just saw it clearly. When you entered the door, it took more than half an hour. It's a pity." There were people who supported Ma Tianming, and they just talked nonsense.

"No, I kept my watch on. When I entered the door, it was 29 and a half minutes." Zhao San was not alone, and those who supported him were all from the military.

"It's been half an hour."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat. It's less than half an hour."

The men and horses on both sides competed for power.

"Okay." Director Huang patted the table at this moment, frowning: "What's the point of arguing about this? You're not a child anymore, and you really kneel here and there? See the real chapter on the card table?"

As he spoke, he pushed the mahjong in front of him forward, and then pressed it, and the mahjong machine started to operate.

He was planning to get along with him, obviously helping Ma Tianming a bit.

Zhao San heard it in his ears, and after thinking for a while, it is definitely impossible to make Ma Tianming kneel.

But today, Jiang Shen took 30 billion, and I counted it as a way to win back Ma Tianming's face. Forget it, I will give you face: "Brother Cai, I will give you face, so I won't let Ma Tianming kneel down, hahaha."

I'm sorry, Ma Tianming was furious, and wanted to get angry, but he was glared at by director Huang, but he still didn't get angry after all.

Director Huang's name is Huang Zhenguo, and Zhao San calls him Brother Guo: "Brother Guo, let's start, who will come?"

As soon as these words came out, wow, all the people watching took a step back.

The two people who were sitting on the mahjong machine also stood up.

Just kidding, who will win or lose 30 billion.

Even Ma Tianming dared not come.

Anyone can afford to win, and if they lose, no one can afford to lose except Li Yan.

"Zhao San, me, Ma Tianming, let's add Mr. Li, Mr. Li, I don't think they dare to come, why don't you come to make up the number?" Huang Zhenguo's words made everyone despise them.

It's clear that it's three-on-one.

Ma Tianming, Li Yan, and Huang Zhenguo are obviously in the same group.

This is a bit too obvious.

If Sensen hadn't been too young, she would have jumped out and scolded others.

"Hehe, I won't come this time, Brother Shen will come for me." Zhao San pushed Jiang Shen, he believed Jiang Shen.

"Jiang Shen?" Ma Tianming looked at Jiang Shen with contempt, as if he felt that he was not qualified.

"You two are the second generation of officials, two rich and handsome, isn't it just right." What Zhao San said made sense.

Two are the second generation of officials, and two are wealthy people, which happens to be at the same table.

"Then Jiang Shen." Huang Zhenguo is afraid of nothing, three-on-one, automatic mahjong machine, there are so many people around, it doesn't matter if you are a gambler.

"How big is it?" Ma Tianming asked cautiously.

Jiang Shen took a few steps forward and sat down on his seat: "Let's downfall ten, all the money has been brought."

Hiss, everyone gasped when they heard it.

Ten is 1000 million.

Their mahjong is not international mahjong, which means that it is 1000 million if you play it casually, and then add 1000 million if you don’t have a wild game, and 1000 million if you play a bar.

Add 2000 million for other mixed colors, add 4000 million for all colors, and the dice is a leopard, and it will be doubled if you play it. All kinds of additions, this size, the bottom line is to lose [-] million.

With bad luck, one billion, two billion, or even three billion are possible.

Is it too big?

Both Ma Tianming and Li Yan's eyelids twitched.

For a boss like Li Yan, if he loses 30 billion, it will also hurt his vitality.

Even Li Yan was taken aback, let alone Ma Tianming.

But at this time, Huang Zhenguo smiled and said: "Big is a bit big, but it's hard to tell the outcome, it's really exciting, I like it."

What he meant was to remind Ma Tianming and the others that we are three against one, what are you afraid of?

"Then let's go." Li Yan also agreed decisively.

"I haven't got my money yet?" Li Yan hasn't shipped Ma Tianming's one billion.

"Use the chips, your identities are worth the price." Jiang Shen didn't forget to flatter them.

The three looked at each other and smiled, Huang Zhenguo looked up at Jiang Shen this time.

The young man has courage, dare to play chips with us?Are you not afraid that we will renege on our debts?

Seriously, if they don't give up if they lose, a small bureau chief like Jiang Shen really has nothing to do with them in the capital.

Do you still dare to ask the son of the bureau committee for money?

Kill you.

So all three of them felt that Jiang Shen was bold.

"Then everyone's chips? It's troublesome to count cash." Huang Zhenguo seemed to be the leader of the three.

Bosses like Li Yan listen to him a little bit.

"open it."

Everyone agreed to use chips, and the mahjong officially started.

According to the rules of the capital, four rounds are generally a game, and one has to play four rounds before sitting down.

As soon as mahjong started, everyone saw something.

Huang Zhenguo, Ma Tianming, and Li Yan have at least one person to play cards in each game, either mixed, all, or bumped.

Others just feed him cards.

In this case, it is easy for the card maker to make a big deal.

Three against one is too obvious.

If Sen Sen hadn't been so qualified, he would have jumped out and cursed people a long time ago.

This effect is also very good.

Within three laps, Jiang Shen lost more than one billion.

And the losers are all big names.

All three of them won.

Among them, Ma Tianming won more than 7 million, Li Yan and Huang Zhenguo won more than 4 million, and the other won more than 5 million.

If this continues, Jiang Shen will lose all of Jiang Shen's more than 30 billion yuan after four rounds.

He brought cash with him, so he couldn't renege on the bill at that time, and he didn't have to wait for Ming to pay the bill, he could just split it up on the spot.

Sensen couldn't bear it anymore, under Zhao San's hint, he suddenly said: "It's past six o'clock, why don't you eat first, and call after eating?"

He wanted to help Jiang Shen change his luck.

People at the poker table, if they are always losing, will often make some small moves, either get up to pee, or change positions, which means to change their honest luck.

"Don't worry, the genius just got dark, and I'm not hungry yet. After finishing this lap, I've had a good meal. I heard that it's the first time for Brother Gentleman to come to the capital. This time we'll do our best." Huang Zhenguo said with a smile.

No hurries?Looking for a change of luck?Let's talk after we finish.

Zhao San became anxious when he saw it. Although he didn't lose his own money, he couldn't let Brother Shen lose so much.

He was still optimistic about Jiang Shen before, but he didn't expect that he would lose more than one billion after a while.

It's not his money that hurts.

"Brother Gentleman, do you want to change your luck?" He wanted to do it himself.

"No, it's almost over." Jiang Shen smiled, calmly, don't worry, don't worry, I played.

"Ten thousand touches." Jiang Shen said, touching ten thousand.

At this time, Li Yan heard it in his hand, two five seven cylinders, but he didn't care, and played another card, thirty thousand.

"Thirty thousand touches." Jiang Shen touched again.

He touched two pieces of Wanzi in a row, and the other three looked at each other.

This is a tacit understanding between them. At this time, if you want to guard against Jiang Shen's big name, you should try your best not to ask for it, and you would rather not listen to the words of the little deputy than fight.

Li Yan was the young deputy, and he thought to himself, if I catch Wanzi again, I won't be able to fight, so I don't have to listen, and I can't let Jiang Shen make a big name.

It was Ma Tianming's turn to draw cards.

He has six pairs and one card in his hand, the so-called seven small pairs.

One card heard is forty thousand.

He is a big name, if ten downfalls, seven small pairs will be worth [-] million.

And he has a leopard with four cards in it, and four with six.

This is doubled.

Hu down is [-] million for a family.

Ma Tianming stretched out his hand to grab it, I was dizzy, [-] a piece.

He added [-] and [-] for six pairs, so he must throw one.

But Jiang Shen touched two million sons.

What about throwing that?

At this time, either he will dismantle the other pairs and make them not listen, or he will throw away ten thousand pieces.

If he was a small card, he would be fine if he didn't listen to it just like Li Yan. Now it's a big card with a value of [-] million, so how could he be willing to dismantle it.

He hesitated again and again, and saw forty thousand on the table.

"Forty thousand." Finally, forty thousand was played.

Damn, did he touch two Wanzi?Huang Zhenguo and Li Yan glared at him at the same time.

I can't help it, the seven pairs listened, it's a big name, Ma Tianming responded to them with his eyes.

"Touch, hahaha." Jiang Shen touched again as expected.

This Wanzi touched three times in a row, and the expressions of the three of them changed slightly.

What if it's clear?It's also scary to mess around, and if you mess around, you might not be able to handle a family with more than [-] million yuan.

Of course, now they have won hundreds of millions, and around [-] million is still acceptable.

However, Jiang Shen can't be allowed to play big names.

Huang Zhenguo drew a card and got a ten thousand. Jiang Shen touched it, but it was useless to destroy it.

Then it was Li Yan again.

Li Yan touched it, grass, [-].

Eighty thousand ones had never been seen before, and Li Yan didn't dare to hit them. After much deliberation, he tore apart a pair of tubes.If you listen to the cards, you will not listen.

Then he looked up at Ma Tianming and Huang Zhenguo.

The three of them had a tacit understanding, and when it was over, Li Yan played all the cards he had listened to.

The other two knew that now it was up to them to fight Jiang Shen.

Ma Tianming caught again, I was dizzy, [-].

The cards in his hand are six pairs plus one for [-] and one for [-].

Unless you don't want to hear it, you must destroy a Wanzi card.

Fight or not?

If I fight, I'm afraid Jiang Shen will touch it again, if I don't fight, I will tear it apart.

Once split, the [-] million big name is useless, and we can only see the battle between Huang Zhenguo and Jiang Shen.

Li Yan has stopped listening, so he can't stop listening?

But what Jiang Shen said was too dangerous, if he touched it again, it would be a one-handed hang.

The risk is too great.

Ma Tianming is really courageous, in order to prevent Jiang Shen from playing big cards, Ning didn't play the two [-]D cards.

"Three pieces." He split the three pieces.

In this way, it becomes five pairs plus three leaflets, leaving two [-]D in hand.

Huang Zhenguo drew a card, but it was still useless, and it wasn't Wan Zi, so he knocked it out.

Then passed by Li Yan, Jiang Shen, there was no one, and continued to Ma Tianming.

Ma Tianming touched it, eighty thousand.

I'm sorry, Ma Tianming couldn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

If he didn't dismantle three pairs just now, and then knocked out [-], he would have caught [-].

The seven little couples have leopards, and they are worth [-] million yuan.

Ma Tianming hates it, anyway, this time I don't have to think about it, so I continue to hit three.

In this way, he has six pairs and listens to [-].

If you catch another [-], you will be seven small pairs, and a family of [-].

Turn around again, and it's Ma Tianming's turn.

"I'll rush." ​​Ma Tianming took a sip of tea and sprayed it on the table.

"What are you doing?" Everyone looked at Ma Tianming strangely.

Sensen and Zhao San have been looking at the cards behind Jiang Shen all the time. Everyone looks at their bosses, but no one knows the cards on the other side.

Ma Tianming almost fainted.

Grab another three.

If you hit [-] before, you will be fooled if you catch three this time.

Twice like this, oh my god.Ma Tianming really wanted to throw away [-], but in the end he gritted his teeth and threw away three.

He had already thrown two triples, and it was useless to keep the third.

Continue to listen to [-].

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