Around 07:30pm.

There was a dull atmosphere in the villa.

Most of them were sullen.

Li Yan, Huang Zhenguo, and Ma Tianming's complexions turned greener and greener.

The first lap of the second four laps did not finish.

As the banker, Jiang Shen has made nine deals in a row.

The pants of the three losers are almost gone.

Li Yan, who has lost the most among the three, owes Jiang Shen nearly 25 billion, Huang Zhenguo owes Jiang Shen 24 billion, and Ma Tianming owes Jiang Shen 23 billion.

The three together owed Jiang Shen more than 70 billion yuan.

If this continues, the three of them may lose 100 billion today.

Win or lose 100 billion?This scale is unheard of even if those present today are considered to be the second generation of officials at the top of the capital.

As I said before, you don't know the official school until you arrive in the capital, and you don't know the money is small until you arrive in Shenzhou.

There are big money in gambling in the capital, but the biggest ones are all along the coast.

There are gambling boats along the coast, you can gamble on the high seas, and you can also go to Xiangmen and Aogang to play, so the big wins and losses this time are definitely shocking.

Moreover, Jiang Shen has only now revealed his methods.

They said to play four more rounds, but at the beginning of the first round, Jiang Shen even played Zhuang Jiu.

Nima fights like this for four rounds, and I am afraid that each will lose 100 billion.

However, they were the ones who strongly demanded to play four laps just now, can we say it is over now?

Huang Zhenguo looked up at Li Yan, his eyes were asking him, Mr. Li, should we end it?

Li Yan couldn't express his suffering, can it end now? More than 70 billion?He knew that Ma Tianming and Huang Zhenguo would definitely not be able to take it out, did he ask me to do it alone?

But if I continue to gamble, I am afraid I will lose 100 billion, or even more?Huang Zhenguo hinted at him again.

Li Yan also knows that it is difficult to retreat now.

I want to make money, but I am afraid that I will lose more and more.

The only one who didn't want to quit was Ma Tianming.

He was afraid of losing in the past, but now, he has lost his eyes, and he can only desperately try to get it back.

Two four laps won't work, we'll play three four laps, three four laps won't work, we'll play four four laps, anyway, I'm going all out today.

At this time, not to mention their nervousness and fear, even Zhao San was also afraid.

He and Sensen were happy before, but when they won, they realized that something was wrong.

Jiang Shen won so much?Who pays?

Zhao San knew that Ma Tianming and Huang Zhenguo would definitely not be able to take it out, and they would never take it out. It would be unrealistic for Li Yan to take it out by himself.

If the other party can't give the money, or refuses to take it, with Jiang Shen's character, something will happen.

He knew that Jiang Shen was fierce, but those who were present today, not to mention their parents' generation, were young people like them, who stomped their feet three times on the three-acre land in the capital.

If in the end, one party refuses to pay and the other party desperately wants it, there will definitely be conflicts, and the matter will become a big deal.

How to do it?

The atmosphere in the venue is a bit heavy now, no one makes a sound, only the sound of mahjong keeps ringing in the whole villa.

Everyone insisted on three more.

As a result, Jiang Shen didn't give face at all, and he played three hands with Hu, and twelve hands with Zhuang, and in the meantime came a handful of seven small pairs.

Nima, this is all right, everyone owes Jiang Shen nearly 30 billion.

At this time, Huang Zhenguo and the others knew that they couldn't continue playing, and that Jiang Shen must have a ghost.

If you continue to play, you will lose to death.

Huang Zhenguo kicked Li Yan hard on the table.

Li Yan was furious, and at the same time as Jiang Shen came down, he shoved all the cards in front of him into confusion: "What, how do you play this card? Jiang Shen, are you out of luck? Lian Zhuang Twelve Put? I haven’t even heard of it, no more fights, no more fights.”

When Li Yan said this, his face was still a little red.

There is no way, Ma Tianming and Huang Zhenguo are both the second generation of officials. To save face, it is not easy for them to do this kind of thing, so he, the big boss, has to pretend to be crazy.

Fortunately, the scene was full of Gui Xun's children from the capital. If people outside saw Li Yan's big boss with this side, he would lose all face.

"Brand brand?" Jiang Shen glared, I have long thought you are not pleasing to the eye, the second richest man is awesome?

"Who do you say doesn't have branded products?" Li Yan also said that he was angry.

The three of them had the intention of playing tricks, and they were about to find an excuse to quarrel with Jiang Shen. If there was a quarrel, they could get away with whatever they lost.

"There are all kinds of bullshit on you, all over the world, what are you not cheating on?"

"That's right, Zhao San, are you deliberately looking for a cheater to cheat us of money?"

"I will definitely change the cards. I have never seen twelve games in a row."

Several people from Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming also called out.

"Original bet, Li Yan, you claim to have a net worth of 500 billion, and you can't afford to lose with only 30 billion? Don't be so mean, if you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will beat you?" Jiang Shen looked at Li calmly. strict.

How dare you hit me?Li Yan laughed back angrily, how many people in Huaguo dare to beat me?

"Did you try it?" Ma Tianming also found an excuse to explode, and sat beside him with a sneer: "Do you think this is Dongning? What a big tone?"

Zhao San saw it, it's not good, the big thing is not good, the other party is deliberately trying to turn his face, and then renege on the debt.

"Brother Gentleman." Zhao San is not very old, but he is actually a little more stable than Ma Tianming. Knowing that this matter should not make a big deal, he quickly tried to persuade Jiang Shen.

"What?" Jiang Shen waited for Ma Tianming's voice to finish, picked up a piece of [-] yuan on the table and threw it over.

He also deliberately scared Ma Tianming, Jiuwan flew past Ma Tianming's ear, and with a bang, pierced through a fish tank on the table not far behind.

Grass, Ma Tianming was startled, jumped up from his seat, and took several steps back.

I really didn't expect Jiang Shen to smash it as soon as he said it.

"Believe it or not, I killed you?" Jiang Shen stood up abruptly, and said to Ma Tianming in a fierce voice, "Do you know how many people died in Hejing City?"

"Where does your sense of superiority come from? Your father gave it to you? Ma Bi, Zhao San, if you say a word, I will maim him today, and I will do it now." Jiang Shen pointed at Ma Tianming and yelled.

The whole audience was stunned.

Are you threatening Mr. Ma?

Are you scolding Mr. Ma?

There are also quite a few of these second-generation officials. There are seven or eight people over Ma Tianming, but now Jiang Shen jumped out and cursed, and no one dared to speak out.

Everyone thought of a question. Not long ago, more than 60 people died in Hejing City.

It is said that all those who died were under the hands of Zhong Ande's cousin.

Zhong Ande's cousin is the one who paid for Jiang Shen's land.

As the saying goes, those with bare feet are not afraid of those who wear shoes. We are delicate and expensive, so there is no need to care about a country bumpkin like Jiang Shen.

Everyone can see that Jiang Shen is a lunatic.

With their identities, there is really no need to be serious with Jiang Shen.

Ma Tianming was sprayed by Jiang Shen, and then hit him with a mahjong. Although he missed the hit, he was frightened into a cold sweat. Looking at Jiang Shen's watch, he might come up to beat him on the spot, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to speak.

With the status of the second generation of officials, they have a sense of superiority and a strong aura, but when they meet such an unreasonable person as Jiang Shen, they have nothing to do, at least they dare not do anything today.

Jiang Shen threw the mahjong, shocking the audience, then turned around and pointed at Li Yan.

"Don't play with me, the fraction of the three of you doesn't count, 90 billion, you or they?" Jiang Shen looked at Huang Zhenguo.

Huang Zhenguo looked away, not daring to meet Jiang Shen's gaze.

Jiang Shen is a lunatic, in his capacity, there is really no need to confront Jiang Shen now.

After today, the capital city is still not decided by them.

At that time, there will be a hundred ways to mess with Jiang Shen.

"I'm out? I'm out." Li Yan sneered.

Ma Tianming and the others were young, and they were intimidated by Jiang Shen. He, Li Yan, had never seen a storm from the time he founded Qiandu to conquering today's country. Jiang Shen flew a mahjong, can he scare Li Yan?

"Young Master Tang, call the police and call your father." Li Yan spoke.

Tang Shao's father is the deputy mayor of the capital and the police chief, and a powerful figure at the deputy ministerial level.

"Mr. Li, is this boring? Are you going to ask me to invite brother Shen to the police headquarters?" Zhao San also said coldly.

The Zhao family has great influence in the military world. What Zhao San meant, you call the police, and I call someone from the Beijing Security Command. If Jiang Shen goes to the headquarters, who would dare to arrest him?

"That's right, you want to ask an adult to come out about our young people? Is it interesting?" Someone beside him also raised an objection.

When young people quarrel, do you call the older ones out?This is to make things bigger?

"Hehe." Jiang Shen also laughed, and then he suddenly took a step forward: "Fight, if you don't call the police, you are a bastard."

Jiang Shen said: "Beep", there was a deafening sound at the scene.

The slap was loud and heavy, and Li Yan was thrown backwards and fell to the ground with a thump.

Ni?Really hit?

The audience was silent again.

"I didn't like you a long time ago." Jiang Shen walked over cursing.

"Like others to make a search engine, and then Qiandu Tieba is still full of pirated versions, you can't compare it." Jiang Shen walked up while cursing, and then grabbed Li Yan, babbling, counting positives and negatives, hitting several times in a row a slap in the face.

I was dizzy, and Zhao San was also dizzy for a while, Brother Shen, how much do you hate pirated copies?Just beat Li Yan for this reason.

However, these few slaps by Jiang Shen also severely intimidated the audience.

He also doesn't want to beat Ma Tianming now, after all, he is the son of the bureau committee, let alone Huang Zhenguo, who is at the head level.

Li Yan can only be used to make an example to others.

After this slap in the face, Li Yan was so dizzy that he couldn't speak. The others were also shocked and angry, and even dared not speak out.

Too arrogant?Too unqualified.

People like them play, whether they have different political views or factions, or have enemies, at most they just sarcasm when they talk, and they basically don't fight with each other when they try to save each other's face.

Everyone is a person of status and status, and this quality is still there.

Zhao San is very aggressive outside, but here, he lost mahjong and was ridiculed by others, and was thrown home ashamed, and he didn't know how to curse and beat others, so he could only turn his head and leave.

Anyone who wants to swear at others and fight, no one will play with him, and he will be kicked out of this circle immediately.

In doing so, Jiang Shen is as unqualified as a gangster.

However, no one felt that Jiang Shen was wrong.

Why?If you are not here, if you leave this door, people here will have a hundred ways to kill you.

They don't know how to fight and swear in front of others, but everyone can tease you behind their backs.

You only have this ability, show off your power here, leave here, and see how Zhao San can protect you?

Unless you really send an army to send you out of the capital.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shen with sympathetic eyes.

Some people think that Jiang Shen is already half-dead.

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