Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 499 I'm Scared

"That's enough, Brother Gentleman." Huang Zhenguo finally spoke.

He stood up slowly, with no expression on his face.

"The original bet admits defeat, today we admit defeat, isn't it 90 billion, don't be like a hooligan, give Mr. Li a little time, we will chip in for you."

Huang Zhenguo coaxed Jiang Shen first, and when Jiang Shen left, he could immediately mobilize the power of the capital to deal with Jiang Shen.

Now that they have turned against Jiang Shen, if this lunatic rushes forward to slap him in the face, everyone will lose face.

You call Huang Zhenguo whether it is better to fight Jiang Shen or run away, that is a very important matter.

"Director Huang is right?" Jiang Shen withdrew his hand, threw Li Yan to the ground, and then pointed to Huang Zhenguo: "I will give you face, you must not bully me, no one can give me Jiang Shen's money. Owe."

"Whoever dares to bully me will definitely regret it for the rest of his life."

Jiang Shen's words were full of murderous intent, and the whole villa suddenly seemed a little gloomy.

A group of second-generation officials were frightened by Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen was really proud of himself, and then felt the phone ringing on his body.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It turned out that it was a text message from Qiao Feixue.

"Wangfu Hotel, come and pick me up quickly."

Uh, my fiancée is busy.

Jiang Shen nodded to Zhao San: "Let's go."

Then he bent down and lifted up, two in each hand, and lifted up the four large bags beside him.

Shake, the eyeballs of everyone around will stare out.

When they were playing mahjong just now, someone even carried it on purpose. It wasn't that the two couldn't carry a bag at all, but Jiang Shen went out with two bags in one hand.

We are smart, whoever wants to fight with him will be miserable.

Everyone watched Jiang Shen and Zhao San leave, feeling a little apprehensive.

As soon as Jiang Shen left, Huang Zhenguo's expressionless face suddenly sank.

"Tang Can, call Bureau Yu."

"Xiao Xiao, contact Mazi."

"Okay, Director Huang."

Tang Can fought first.

"Give him black and white, let's try together." Ma Tianming smiled darkly.

Yu Ju is the deputy director of the Jingcheng Police Department, and Mazi is a well-known figure on the Jingcheng Road.

Tang Can's father is the chief of the bureau, but this matter can't be dealt with by the big ones, young people have their own way of dealing with it, it's better to directly find someone they are familiar with.

Yu Bureau will get through soon.

"What? Someone hit Mr. Li Yan and Mr. Li? If you are so bold, I will send someone over there immediately. What do you want to do, Young Master Tang?"

Yu Ju, as the deputy director of the police station in the capital, is very difficult to be.

In the capital, dragons and snakes are mixed, and there are many high-ranking officials. If you are not careful, you will offend people.

His deputy chief said he was not big, he said he was not small, and even the second generation of officials like Tang Can had to build a good relationship, and he didn't dare to offend at will.

Because these second-generation officials are not one or two people, they often play with a bunch of people, and offending one will offend a large number of people.

After he heard it, he made a statement on the spot and sent someone over immediately.

Then he calmed down and thought about it, dare to hit Li Yan?And it was Tang Can who came to report the crime?

"What, can I ask, who hit Mr. Li Yan and Li?" Yu Ju asked cautiously.

"A man from Dongning, named Jiang Shen, I heard that he is the deputy director of some district in Dongning, a department-level cadre." Tang Can said disapprovingly.

"Jiang Shen?" Yu Ju's voice became several times higher in an instant.

"You know Yu Ju?" Tang Can asked strangely.

"I don't know you." Yu Ju shook his head, and then there was silence on the phone. After a few seconds, he smiled wryly: "But, I said Mr. Tang, or else, forget it."

He suddenly said something.

"What?" Did I hear correctly?Tang Can thought he heard it wrong.

"Yu Ju, I've always regarded you as an uncle, what can't you say to me?" Tang Can started to play the emotional card, just say what you have.

This news is too shocking. The director of the capital may not have the confidence to face the people in the capital, but he is very arrogant when facing the people outside.

Now Yu Ju actually told him to forget it?How not to shock him.

You have never regarded me as an uncle, how could Yu Ju be deceived by this young man's few words: "I really don't know, and I don't know him."

"I've only heard his name before, but it's not convenient for me to say, the organization has regulations, why don't you ask your father?" Yu Ju smiled.

I hissed, Tang Can gasped.

You want to ask my dad about such a small matter?

After hanging up the phone, Tang Can was still standing there blankly.

"What's wrong?" Ma Tianming saw that Tang Can's face was not right.

"What did Yu Ju say?" Huang Zhenguo also saw something was wrong.

Li Yan had already sat up, covered his face, his face was flushed, he was ashamed and angry: "Did Yu Ju send someone here?"

"Yu Ju----" Tang Can was stunned for a while, then murmured, "Yu Ju, tell me to ask my dad."

Grass?What's happening here?

Half of the people here are not from the system, but the meaning of these words is still understandable.

Shrunk down?

Can't start the game?

I have to ask Tang Can's father about this.

Tang Can's father is the deputy mayor and police chief of Beijing, at the deputy ministerial level.

And a powerful person.

"Then ask your dad, just say to help me." Huang Zhenguo knew that Tang Can was in trouble, so he didn't dare to ask his dad, but adding Huang Zhenguo made it different.

Huang Zhenguo's identity and background are enough to attract the attention of Tang Can's father.

Tang Can nodded and was about to make a phone call.

Ma Tianming said: "Wait a minute, Xiao Xiao, you should call Mazi first."

Based on his hatred for Jiang Shen, it's best to feed some black Jiang Shen first, and then make white ones.

Just now Jiang Shen threatened him and said that many people died in Hejing City, Ma Tianming was forced by him to feel ashamed and angry, and felt very aggrieved.

"Okay, I'll call."

Xiao Xiao's father is the leader of a certain deputy ministerial unit, and he is also considered a powerful figure.

That Mazi is known as one of the most powerful people on the road in the capital. He is responsible for many of the entertainment industries in the capital.

Xiao Xiao cooperated with Mazi to set up several KTVs and leisure places.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiao Xiao gave some simple instructions, and then asked Mazi to help him with Jiang Shen.

"Xiao Xiao? Say it again? What's that man's name?"

"Jiang Shen."

"Beauty ginger? Gentleman's gentleman?" Mazi asked Xiao Xiao.

"Yes." Xiao Xiao felt that something was wrong. In the past, Mazi would send someone without saying a word, but this time he even asked questions.

"Not from the local area? From Dongning Province?" Mazi asked again, with a depressed tone.

"What do you mean Mazi? You know him?" Xiao Xiao was a little unhappy.

He is majestic in front of Mazi, but in front of Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming, he is not as good. In this circle, he is actually better than Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming.

However, in this circle, he only recognizes his parents. No matter how good he is, in front of everyone, he is not as good as Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming.

So this time he wanted to prove himself in front of Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming.

Unexpectedly, Mazi didn't seem to be on the right track.

"What if Jiang Shen from Dongning Province? Xiao Xiao, forget it." Mazi sighed, "I can't afford to mess with him."

"Ni?" Xiao Xiao's eyelids twitched, it was the first time he heard Mazi say such words.

"Mazi, you are usually very good. You often brag in front of me, saying that you are from the Hongmen. Who are you afraid of if you are from the Hongmen?" Xiao Xiao was anxious.

"I just heard about Jiang Shen from senior Hongmen. There are some things that I can't talk about on the phone. I'll tell you face to face in the future. Anyway, I advise you not to mess with Jiang Shen. I'll be busy first, and I'll contact you later."

Beep, Mazi also hung up the phone.

Now everyone is a little dumbfounded.

They are able to call the wind and rain in the capital, isn't it because they have people who can be used.

Both black and white can be manipulated, so it is easy to bully others, but today, when they met Jiang Shen, all the black and white flinched.

How divine is this Jiang Shen, so awesome?

Everyone looked around blankly, you look at me, I look at you.

They all have contacts in the capital, from all walks of life.

But now, Yu Ju and Mazi can almost represent one of the strongest black and white forces in the capital, they are useless, what use are the others?

"Let me ask my dad?" Tang Can hurriedly called.

But before his call came and he had time to dial, a call was made to his mobile phone first.

Looking down, the deputy mayor of Beijing, the police chief's father, called.

"Where are you playing? What time is it?" His dad growled, "You don't have to go to work tomorrow, do you? Get the hell out of here."

"Hiss..." Tang Can looked at Huang Zhenguo, and said in a low voice, "Dad, I'm with Huang Zhenguo, Director Huang---"

"I told you to get out of here. If you hear me, go home immediately." Beep, Deputy Mayor Tang also hung up.

"I'm stupid." Huang Zhenguo's eyelids twitched, and he realized something was wrong.

Tang Can's father, of course, knew Huang Zhenguo, and he respected Huang Zhenguo's father very much, and he was usually very flattering.

But at this moment, he asked Tang Can to go back several times, and ignored Huang Zhenguo, there must be a problem.

His father had something to say on the phone, so Cui Tangcan went back.

Tang Can also understood, so he could only smile wryly at Huang Zhenguo.

"Brother Guo, I'm sorry, dad is getting angry, I'll go back first." Tang Can apologized repeatedly, then turned and left.

"Oh --- what, Young Master Ma, Young Master Huang, I'll go to Mazi, have an interview with him, and ask what's the matter." Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes, something was wrong, and withdrew.

"Young Master Ma, my mother sent me a text message. I'm going back too. I'm going abroad tomorrow."

"Director Huang, I have something to do, so let's go first."

These people are not human beings. Seeing that something is wrong, the deputy mayor of the capital told his son to go back, and they all made excuses to get out of the way.

Some people's elders are still at the ministerial level, but Tang Can's father may not have real power, so of course he quickly slipped away.

Damn, Ma Tianming saw it, and was so angry that he was half dead.

No morality, all ran away?

But you can't blame them, their circle is like this, although everyone often plays together, it is not easy to become a best friend.

What is a buddy?Only those who live and die together can be called buddies.

These second-generation official circles, to put it bluntly, basically come together for common interests and hobbies, and few are willing to live and die together.

And in politics, there are no permanent enemies or friends. Today they are friends, but tomorrow they may become strangers if their elders change their political views or factions.

In a blink of an eye, only one of the seven or eight people ran away just now.

In such a big villa, only Ma Tianming, Huang Zhenguo, Li Yan and one person remained.

This man's name is Liu Hao, and his father is also at the ministerial level. He is with Huang Zhenguo's father and is Huang Zhenguo's father's confidant.

So others can escape, but Liu Hao cannot.

"What should we do?" Ma Tianming was in a hurry. Looking at the situation, not to mention that Jiang Shen couldn't handle it, the 90 billion we owed might have to be taken out?

"Don't worry, I'll make a call." Huang Zhenguo was angry.

Don't force me to make a move.

Do you know how much my favor is worth?

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