Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 500 Flexibility and Stretch

Huang Zhenguo hit his uncle.

Currently Minister of the National Police.

I am 68 this year.

According to relevant national regulations, provincial and ministerial-level party and government officials must retire at the age of 65, but those who have not completed their tenure can be extended for three years, so they can generally reach 68.

Uncle Huang Zhenguo will be 68 in a few months and can only retire.

Huang Zhenguo called, and the secretary answered. The secretary knew that it was Huang Zhenguo, and said softly: "The boss has something to do. He is on the phone with other leaders. Wait a moment."

About 3 minutes later, there was a voice over there.

His voice was a little low, as if he deliberately lowered his voice: "Zhen Guo, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask Third Uncle about someone." Huang Zhenguo didn't mention his grievances with Jiang Shen first, but deliberately said that he was asking: "There is a man named Jiang Shen in Dongning Province. Do you know Second Uncle?"

"Jiang Shen?" The opposite party was obviously stunned for a moment, and then asked back: "Is he your friend?"

"Heh, we just met and played mahjong together." Huang Zhenguo felt this subtlety, and immediately changed his tone, as if he and Jiang Shen had become friends.

Hearing this, there was a slight sigh of relief on the phone, as if he was relieved.

The sound was very small, but the keen Huang Zhenguo still felt it.

"Friends are fine." The minister smiled and said, "It's good for you to know more friends. Take your friends to have more fun in the capital."

Fuck me, Huang Zhenguo understood when he heard this, even his second uncle is afraid of Jiang Shen.

Nima doesn’t bring such a thing, you all hide half of what you say, isn’t it uncomfortable to hold back?

Huang Zhenguo didn't ask anything now, but he felt even more uncomfortable.

"Second Uncle, what is Jiang Shen's background? I think Zhao San also respects him very much?" Huang Zhenguo asked again, determined to find out Jiang Shen.

"Jiang Shen---" The person on the other side was a little depressed, as if he didn't know what to say, he hesitated for a while, and finally said: "He has no background, but he has made great contributions to the country and the local government, and---"

After a pause, he organized his words: "And this person is a bit unreasonable, some chiefs also pay attention to him, why don't you ask your father?"

So did the Minister of Police.

I asked Dad again?Huang Zhenguo heard Tang Can get such an answer just now, and now he also encountered it.

Is there anything you can't say?Are you my second uncle?

However, the minister gave him a hint in a sentence.

The minister said that Jiang Shen was a little unreasonable.

The meaning was obvious, it was to tell Huang Zhenguo not to mess with Jiang Shen.

In addition, he breathed a sigh of relief earlier, and asked Huang Zhenguo to meet more friends, which was very obvious.

Just say clearly, Zhen Guo, don't mess with Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen is hard to mess with.

Of course, a minister would not be so unqualified when he speaks, and it would also show that he is incompetent.

But the meaning of these words is too obvious.

"Stay outside, it's getting late, go home early, I have something to tell the leader, that's it."

The minister said a few words and hung up the phone.

Now everyone in the villa looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Some chiefs also pay attention to him?" It was this sentence that everyone paid the most attention to.

Those who can be called chiefs are at least on the same level as Huang Zhenguo's father.

However, what the minister said just now was "some heads."

I'm stupid, not one or two.

Ma Tianming lost his temper now.

A chief is not something his bureau committee father can handle, let alone a few.

"What has this kid done? Has he made great contributions to the country and the government?" Ma Tianming refused to accept it.

"Never mind that." Huang Zhenguo was the oldest and most experienced.

"Think about it, what should Jiang Shen do when he comes to ask for money tomorrow?" Huang Zhenguo already understood that they, the second generation of officials, might not be able to do anything to Jiang Shen.

What will Jiang Shen do if he asks for money?

90 billion?

Jiang Shen's tone when he left just now, if they couldn't show it, Jiang Shen might chase them to their house and slap them in the face.

"How about?" Liu Hao hesitated: "How about I call Zhao San and see if we can discuss it again."

Liu Hao and Zhao San have been classmates from elementary school to university. Their fathers belong to different factions, but they have a good personal relationship.

What to hit, Ma Tianming was very dissatisfied, and wanted to say this sentence, his mouth moved, but he didn't say it after all.

Huang Zhenguo thought for a while, nodded, and then looked at the time: "It's past eight o'clock in the evening, ask Zhao San, ask Jiang Shen to come with us, and let's have a supper."

Huang Zhenguo is a typical institutional person.

Just now, he was thinking of making Jiang Shen die, but now seeing that Jiang Shen is not easy to mess with, he immediately put down his body and thought about making friends.

Able to bend and stretch, a man in the system.

Politically speaking, is there an eternal enemy?

After hearing this, Liu Hao quickly made a phone call.

At this time Jiang Shen and Zhao San were there.

After Jiang Shen and Zhao San left the villa, they rushed to the 'Wangfu Hotel' with four people.

Among the four people, one is Sensen, and the other three are children of high-ranking military officers, named Wang Jianzhu, Tian Xiaowen, and Ji Yuan.

They return to politics, the army to the army, and everyone has their own circles.

These three people and Zhao San were considered to be in the same group, and they were all helping Zhao San and Jiang Shen just now.

Of course, this is not absolute. Some people's children of high-ranking government officials will marry and become brothers with the children of high-ranking military officials.

However, the general elders will give their opinions.

The army will return to the army, and the government will return to the government. It is best not to get together. If you get too close, the higher-ups will be unhappy.

After receiving the text message, Jiang Shen followed Zhao San's car and ran all the way, arriving at the entrance of the Wangfu Hotel after eight o'clock.

With a sweep of her spiritual thoughts, Qiao Feixue didn't eat in the hotel.

He is on the sixth floor of the hotel.

The sixth floor is a ktv, and Qiao Feixue is singing.

Back in Dongning, when Qiao Feixue went on a blind date, she was also at KTV, and then she asked Jiang Shen to save her.

Today seemed to be a repeat of the past. In Qiao Feixue's box, there were more than a dozen men and women.

"Brother Gentleman, where is sister-in-law?" Zhao San asked.

"Singing upstairs, you go, I'll do it." Jiang Shen didn't know what happened, but he scanned it with his spiritual sense, Qiao Feixue seemed to have had too much wine today, maybe a little drunk.

"It's okay, let's go up and take a look." Zhao San was afraid that something might happen to Jiang Shen's fiancée, and secondly, he was afraid that Jiang Shen would make another bid.

Thinking about it, Jiang Shen, these people are all masters of the capital, and they are a bit imposing, and they are leading everyone to go to ktv.

Wait a minute, Zhao San looked at the phone: "Liu Hao calling me? I'll answer the call."

In ktv.

Qiao Feixue leaned against the sofa limply.

She met with the president today, as well as the leaders of the Ministry of Finance and the Banking Regulatory Commission, and was forced to sing a lot of wine by the leaders.

There is no way to drink alcohol. Today everyone, regardless of gender, drinks.

After the end, several big leaders went back, and the middle-level leaders of various departments on the first floor led the crowd directly upstairs to sing.

Sing and sing.

But there is one person who hates it.

Cai Zhaoxing is the son of a vice chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

He happened to be working at the head office of China Bank, and he turned [-] this year. Ever since Qiao Feixue came here, he saw Qiao Feixue's beauty, and she came to Beijing for training from other places, so she has been pestering her all the time.

The two are usually not in the same department, and Qiao Feixue is rarely seen. I didn't expect him to come to dinner today, and then he kept feeding Qiao Feixue.

The people around saw it and booed, and they must be helping Cai Zhaoxing, so everyone poured Qiao Feixue together.

Qiao Feixue saw that something was wrong, and quickly sent a text message to Jiang Shen.

She drank half a bottle of red wine in the hotel, and when she arrived at the ktv, some middle-level leaders of the head office, middle-level managers of the finance department, and an assistant to the chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission all offered her a glass of beer in turn, making her dizzy and dizzy.

No, Jiang Shen, are you here yet?If you don't come again, I'm going to throw up.

"Uh--" Qiao Feixue lay down for a while, and finally couldn't help it. She leaned over and vomited, directly into a trash basket in front of her.

"Little Qiao vomited, Xiao Qiao vomited."

"Xiao Cai, hurry up, take Xiao Qiao to the bathroom to wash up."

The assistant to the chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission pointed to Cai Zhaoxing with his eyes.

Cai Zhaoxing knew it well, and smiled: "Okay, leave it to me."

As he spoke, he walked over, pulled Qiao Feixue up, and hugged her around her waist.

"Go away." Although Qiao Feixue was drunk, she still had consciousness in her head. Seeing that Cai Zhaoxing wanted to weigh the machine to eat tofu, she pushed her away in a rage.

But she herself was also feeling tired right now, she pushed Cai Zhaoxing away, and fell heavily on the sofa herself.

With a plop, she rolled off the sofa and onto the ground again.

"Little Qiao, Xiao Qiao, are you alright?" Although Cai Zhaoxing was angry at her for pushing him away, he was thick-skinned, and today was his chance, so he hurried up to hug Qiao Feixue again.

This kind of country bumpkin from other places, as long as she fucks her tonight, as my father's vice-ministerial status, she won't fawn on her to death, don't pretend to me?

What to wear? 26 Seven-year-old woman, I don't think you are too old.

Cai Zhaoxing leaned over and hugged again, taking advantage of Qiao Feixue lying on the ground, he wanted to hug her full.

Especially at this time, the drunk Qiao Feixue was lying on the ground, her graceful figure teasing some of his nerves.

Unable to restrain herself, she touched Qiao Feixue's thigh with one hand.

At this time, Qiao Feixue shook her head hard to make her eyes clearer. When she saw Cai Zhaoxing touching her thigh, she was ashamed and angry, and without thinking, she just stretched out her hand.

Ba, a slap in the face of Cai Zhaoxing.

I copied it, and the audience was stunned.

In the big box, more than a dozen people were all stunned.

Then someone turned off the stereo and everything, and then the lights were turned on, and everyone looked at the two.

Everyone is a little embarrassed.

After a few seconds of silence, Qiao Feixue's immediate supervisor, Director Shang, changed his face drastically: "Little Qiao, what are you doing? How do you beat someone?"

"He wants to touch me." Qiao Feixue couldn't care less, and said angrily through alcohol.

"Little Qiao, don't talk nonsense. I saw you fell to the ground and wanted to help you. What are you thinking?" Cai Zhaoxing of course denied it.

"Little Qiao, we are all colleagues. Why are you talking like that? If one of us drinks too much, why don't you help him?" A director of the Ministry of Finance also frowned.

Although Qiao Feixue is a beautiful woman, in the eyes of the officials in the capital, she must come from other places for training, so she is not worthy of help.

"Little Qiao, did you misunderstand, please apologize to Director Cai." A woman from another province, who came to train like Qiao Feixue, helped Qiao Feixue up and signaled her to apologize to Cai Zhaoxing.

"That's right, Xiao Qiao, after your training is over, you have to apologize to Director Cai for the final assessment?" Someone pointed out the cleverness of it, do you still want to get a good grade in the end?Director Cai is not a big official, but he still takes care of you.

All of a sudden, everyone was helping Cai Zhaoxing with every word he said.

Qiao Feixue suddenly felt extremely wronged, who are you all?Why do you help a pervert.

There was even a middle-aged woman, from which department I don't know, who whispered coldly beside her, "I'm afraid to touch you dressed like this, the princess's skirt is not as short as yours, and she still pretends to be innocent."

She spoke softly, but Qiao Feixue could hear her clearly.

All the tears fell out of the moment.

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