Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 501 The Awesomeness of the Capital Disciples

It was hot in June, and Qiao Feixue usually didn't wear such short clothes. Today, because Jiang Shen came, she changed into a sexy outfit after get off work, not because she came to eat, but because of Jiang Shen.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen hasn't come yet, and others say that her clothes are shorter than the princess's.

In fact, this is a bit exaggerated, the princess of ktv is probably similar to Qiao Feixue's skirt, but comparing the two together, it's a bit of accusation.

The president, deputy minister, vice chairman and other leaders at dinner today left after eating. Those who came to sing were some middle-level and low-level cadres. These people are not as stable as the leaders when they talk and do things. Besides, everyone has too much wine , and she was molesting a beautiful woman. The combination of various factors made Qiao Feixue feel a little uncomfortable.

"Have a cup of wine, just drink a cup of wine, haha." Someone booed, asking Qiao Feixue and Cai Zhaoxing to have a cup of wine.

"Xiao Qiao, Director Cai is really nice. I want to marry him even if I am ten years younger." Another 40-year-old aunt covered her mouth and smiled.

"Chairman Cai is at the vice-ministerial level." Someone reminded Qiao Feixue that Cai Zhaoxing's father was at the vice-ministerial level.

Speaking of the fact that there are a lot of ministerial officials in the capital, Qiao Feixue met the president, the vice president, the vice minister of finance, the vice chairman of the Banking Regulatory Commission, etc., five or six of the vice ministers at dinner today.

But there are many ministerial officials, but it doesn't mean that they are worthless. If one goes down, they can crush Qiao Xiaoshan.

As I said before, Qiao Feixue is still a bit traditional. Back then, she was forced to go on a blind date by her father, but until now, she has never had a fling with Jiang Shen.

So when I heard the deputy ministerial level, I was a little stressed.

Jiang Shen, why haven't you come yet?

The person she trusts most in her heart is Jiang Shen.

"Drink a cup of wine, just take it as an apology." Someone kept booing.

"You don't need to hand over a glass of wine. You can drink this glass of wine." Cai Zhaoxing sneered secretly, and put a glass of wine in front of Qiao Feixue.

He could tell that Qiao Feixue was drinking a little too much, and if he gave her another drink, she would probably pass out immediately, and by then, wouldn't she be able to play as she wanted?

Damn bitch, tonight, I must kneel and lick you.

Cai Zhaoxing put a glass of foreign wine in front of Qiao Feixue.

Qiao Feixue took a step back while supporting the sofa, suppressing the feeling of drunkenness in her heart, and shook her head: "I can't drink anymore, I have to go first."

"Little Qiao, you're so out of line." A man next to Cai Zhaoxing said angrily, "Do you still want to be the vice president of Dongning City?"

Seeing that Qiao Feixue was leaving, he even said such words out of desperation.

These words are a bit heavy, almost turning heads.

The faces of all the units in the audience changed.

Today, the three units had dinner together. There were people from the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the bank, and the Ministry of Finance. Everyone looked at Qiao Feixue with sympathy when they heard this.

If she refuses to give up today, she may be driven back to Dongning Province.

When Qiao Feixue heard this, her whole body trembled with anger, startled and frightened.

She knew that this vice president was not easy to get, and Jiang Shen specially asked Governor Ou in exchange for it. If he lost it, he would be so sorry to Jiang Shen, and he would lose face too.

With a sigh of relief in my heart, I was ready to drink this glass of wine.

At this moment, with a bang, the door was knocked open.

There was no drinking and singing in the box, and the lights were brightly lit.

Everyone saw a whizzing ray of light flying over, and it hit the head of the talking man next to Cai Zhaoxing.

"Ah---" The man covered his head and fell on his back, his face was covered with blood.

With a bang, the thing that hit him fell to the ground.

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out to be the latest Tyrant Golden Banana 9s mobile phone.

This cost more than 1 yuan a piece, and it was used to smash people.

Everyone turned their heads, and someone rushed in from outside.

"Whether she will be the president or not, you have the final say?" Jiang Shen strode forward.

A lot of people followed behind him.

Zhao San, Sensen, Wang Jianzhu, Tian Xiaowen, Ji Yuan, and even Huang Zhenguo, Liu Hao, and Ma Tianming.

A group of second-generation officials have come.

At this time, the man who fell to the ground stood up holding his head.

I saw a thin figure in the crowd rushing over first.

Sensen took the lead, picked up a bottle of beer on the table, bang, and slammed it on the man's head.

"Ah!" The man screamed again, before he could stand still, he fell down again.

"You, you have the final say? You have the final say? You have the final say?" Sensen could finally feel proud, cursing angrily while kicking wildly with his foot, the man who kicked rolled all over the ground.

He is Zhao San's follower, and Zhao San regards him as a brother, but in the eyes of other second-generation officials, he will always be just a small follower. He was ignored in front of him, and he couldn't get in the way. This time, he finally found someone to vent his anger on.

"What are you doing? Do you know where this is?" The biggest official present was the assistant to the chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, at the deputy ministerial level. As an official at this level, he naturally has the aura of authority without anger.

Seeing that his own people were being bullied, he quickly stood up and shouted at Jiang Shen and the others.

"Your one?" Ma Tianming also stood up, being suppressed by Jiang Shen and Zhao San in front, he also needed a target to vent his anger on.

"I'm Dong Youhua from the China Banking Regulatory Commission." Assistant Dong's face was full of confidence. I'm a dignified deputy minister. Have you heard my name?

Then he looked at these young people, all of them were handsome and well-dressed, and they were probably the second-generation officials. Thinking that he was the last in the leadership of the Banking Regulatory Commission, he pointed to Cai Zhaoxing: "This is our Chairman Cai's son."

"What era is it now? How dare a cat or a dog call you son?" Ma Tianming walked up and pointed at Cai Zhaoxing: "Kneel down for me."

Hiss, Cai Zhaoxing's expression changed drastically.

Arrogant, really arrogant, he dared to ask him to kneel down when he heard that he was the son of a ministerial leader.

Ma Tianming's anger suppressed by Jiang Shen urgently needs someone to release him.

He almost became hideous: "Either you kneel yourself, don't let me beat you to your knees."

"What about Luo Suo? Let's talk about it after we fight." Both Tian Xiaowen and Ji Yuan are the children of high-ranking military officials, and their personalities are actually very rough. However, Ma Tianming and Huang Zhenguo and others have stronger backgrounds than them, and they are a bit low-key. Now Faced with this kind of Cai Zhaoxing, of course he didn't feel any pressure at all.

The two rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards Cai Zhaoxing.

"What, what are you doing?" Cai Zhaoxing was startled and angry. He looked up and looked around. There were more than a dozen people on his side, but they were either men in their 40s or aunts in their 40s. There were only a few of them. The young man was also intimidated by Jiang Shen's aura.

Bang, bang "Ah---" There was a scream in the box, and Ji Yuan and Tian Xiaowen knocked Cai Zhaoxing to the ground in a few strokes, then rode on him and beat him fiercely.

Everyone has to show in front of Jiang Shen, we all obey you, but in the capital, we still have the final say.

Whether it is Ma Tianming or Ji Yuan and others, they must prove to Jiang Shen that the capital is still their world.

"Hit it to death, what is it, I'm--" Ma Tianming also walked up, raised his foot and stepped on Cai Zhaoxing's face a few times.

All the qi on Jiang Shen's body today was vented to these feet.


"Kill someone, kill someone."

"Call the police."

Cai Zhaoxing covered his face with his hands and desperately called for help.

Some people in the box started to fight, and some people started to make phone calls.

"Who dares to move?" Huang Zhenguo also began to show his power, and said with a sneer: "Whoever moves and hits, I will stand by me. Cai Peirong is here, and he can hit him."

Those who were fighting and making calls were all taken aback when they heard Huang Zhenguo's words.

Especially the director Shang of the bank, Qiao Feixue's boss, was shocked. They didn't say it was Cai Peirong just now, they only said that he was the son of Minister Cai.

"What is the China Banking Regulatory Commission?" At this moment, Zhao San turned his head and asked Ma Tianming.

His family is mainly in the military, and I have never heard of the Banking Regulatory Commission.

"The Huaguo Banking Regulatory Commission and the State Council are directly under the ministerial-level institutions." Ma Tianming smiled: "A bullshit unit is a group of people who are full and have nothing to do."

These few people said a few words and didn't take the China Banking Regulatory Commission seriously at all. Everyone present could see the self-confidence on their faces.

"Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, don't do this, tell your friend to stop first, okay, did we have a misunderstanding, is that your boyfriend?" Director Shang was anxious.

He knew that Qiao Feixue had asked for leave before, saying that her boyfriend was here, so that's all right now, as soon as four people came in, they all seemed to have extraordinary backgrounds.

"Jiang Shen--" Qiao Feixue didn't want to make such a big deal, after all, she didn't suffer any losses, but Jiang Shen's attack was so fierce, and she helped her earn back all the face, and she felt very sweet in her heart.

"A Sen, give that Mr. Cai a few more slaps, and then we'll have a good talk." Jiang Shen chuckled.

Ni, Mr. Cai, do you want to pick on my fiancée?

"Brother Gentleman, let me do it." Tian Xiaowen was hitting Cai Zhaoxing, and Cai Zhaoxing was rolling all over the ground.

Hearing this, he bent down and picked up Cai Zhaoxing's head: "Kneel down."

Tian Xiaowen, Ji Yuan and others forced Cai Zhaoxing to kneel on the ground, and then raised their hands.

Ba Ba Ba, he slapped more than a dozen slaps in one breath, probably too hard. After getting up, Tian Xiaowen covered his hands and grinned, it seemed that his hands hurt too.

After these dozens of slaps, Cai Zhaoxing almost fell into a coma. If someone hadn't supported him, he would have collapsed on the ground, unable to kneel.

Then the whole box fell silent.

Brother Shen said to slap a few times, and they slapped a few times.

Forbidden, director Shang's eyelids twitched, and he saw that Jiang Shen was the leader.

"Jiang Shen, isn't it?" Director Shang heard Qiao Feixue call him, and he desperately thought about who was named Jiang among the high-level people in the capital.

But he thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of it.

There is no bureau committee, is it a member of the Central Committee?In terms of the Central Committee, there are so many people, Director Shang can't remember who is surnamed Jiang.

But the Central Committee does not dare to be so arrogant.

"It's a little misunderstanding, don't be like this, don't be like this, everyone is your own." Director Shang took out a pack of cigarettes and started to smoke to everyone.

Unfortunately, no one picked up his cigarette.

"What's your name?" Huang Zhenguo asked him directly.

"Huaguo People's Bank, Shang Xingrui, Organization and Personnel Department."

"You make a report tomorrow, resign, don't do it." Now Huang Zhenguo finally found the feeling of commanding the world.

In other words, as long as he doesn't face Jiang Shen, he can act aggressive again.

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