Shang Xingrui was smiling and handing Huang Zhenguo a cigarette, but he didn't expect to hear such a sentence.

Who are you?If you tell me to resign, then resign?Fuck you, get the hell out of you.

His face darkened, he took back his cigarette, and said with a sneer: "Your surname is your name."

Are you the chief's son?Among the chiefs, only Chief Huang is in charge of our Huaguo People's Bank. I'm going to you, so why pretend to be forced.

"Miangui's surname is Huang." Huang Zhenguo also sneered: "If you don't resign tomorrow, don't regret it."

Surname Huang?what? What?Your surname is Huang?

Shang Xingrui burst into tears when he saw Huang Zhenguo's eyes.

No way, you won't be Chief Huang's son.

Don't bring such a fool.

"Huang----that----huang----" Shang Xingrui hesitated for a long time, his hands were shaking.

"It's good if you understand. I'll go and talk to your president. It's better than my dad talking to your president? When my dad speaks, will it be difficult for you to resign?"

Huang Zhenguo's meaning is obvious, I want to find your president and tell you to leave, and then I will be more sensible and resign myself. If you are not willing, I will find my father, and the result will be different then.

If such a trivial matter alarmed the chief, the end would be miserable.

I went, and the assistant to the chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission also wanted to cry.

You second-generation officials have enough to eat and have nothing to do. Form a team to bully people.

Form a team, you go to fight the boss, what are we mobs doing here?

If Huang Zhenguo knew what he wanted, he would definitely say it, we also want to fight the boss, but we can't beat Jiang Shen, so we have to come here to slap you little monsters to find a sense of existence.

"Well, Director Shang, I suddenly have something to do, I'll go first." The assistant to the chairman hurried away.

The Banking Regulatory Commission is also under the management of Chief Huang. As I said earlier, it is a ministerial-level institution directly under the State Council. Is it mine?

A few people from the China Banking Regulatory Commission all turned around with their heads down, and fled for their lives with the boss.

Cai Zhaoxing, who had been howling like ghosts and wolves, was also dumbfounded.

He was beaten half to death, and then got a very bad news.

The second-generation officials on the opposite side are much more powerful than him.

"Young Master Huang, don't do this, it's just a misunderstanding, and it's none of my business." The fashion director is in a hurry, I'm wronged, I didn't do anything, I can't let me resign.

If it weren't for the crowd, Director Shang would have knelt down.

Is it easy for him? He has worked hard for more than ten years in the People's Bank of China to get to where he is today. If he has to resign, how will he live the rest of his life?

Huang Zhenguo ignored him.

"Little Qiao?" Director Shang turned to ask Qiao Feixue. He knew that Qiao Feixue's boyfriend seemed to be the boss, so wouldn't that mean that his background was bigger than the chief?

"Little Qiao, tell me something for me, I've taken good care of you during your training these days---" Director Shang was so frightened that his whole body was shaking.

Qiao Feixue was a little embarrassed, her character was not the one to kill everything, she looked up at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen understood: "Give him a chance to make amends, that Cai or something, let him get out, and also, get out of the capital, and don't let him appear in the capital in the future."

Hiss, when everyone heard it, this one was even more ruthless.

Even the capital is not allowed to stay.

"Brother Shen, don't worry, if he dares to be in the capital, I'll beat him once, until his limbs are disabled." Zhao San squeezed his fists and smiled grimly.

"Is it boring to beat him?" Ma Tianming shook his head. He obeyed Jiang Shen, but not Zhao San: "You are a barbarian. If he still dares to stay in the capital, we will send him to live in Xishan for ten or eight years."

Xishan, I am a fool, Cai Zhaoxing wants to jump up and curse.

Xishan's full name is 'Beijing Xishan Prison'.

A high-level prison, dedicated to detaining prisoners within the system, who are basically middle and high-level officials above the rank.

Cai Zhaoxing could barely get in.

But high-end prisons do not mean high-end life inside, famous places of suffering.

It will take ten years to be shut down, it is better to die.

The two of them had a drink together, which forced Cai Zhaoxing to leave the capital.

"Little Qiao, there's no need to do this, right?" Cai Zhaoxing stood up unsteadily at this moment, his face and mouth were covered with blood, and he looked horrible.

Do you have to drive people to a dead end?He refused to accept it, and stared at Qiao Feixue.

"You don't agree?" Jiang Shen's eyes widened: "You still dare to look, you dare to look at my woman again, believe it or not, I will blind you." Jiang Shen stretched out his hand to copy, and a wine bottle flew off the table again go out.

'Bang' the wine bottle hit Cai Zhaoxing's eyes.

"Ah---my eyes---" Cai Zhaoxing fell to the ground and screamed, covering his eyes in excruciating pain, and he didn't know if he was blind.


Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming were secretly shocked.

Including Tian Xiaowen and others, although they hit people and faces in front of them, they didn't know how to hit important parts such as eyes and heart. Cai Zhaoxing reacted quickly and flashed, definitely going to smash his eyes out on the spot.

They are also considered ruthless and fierce. Compared with Jiang Shen, there is a gap between them, and they will not accept it.

"Aren't you still convinced?" Sensen picked up another wine bottle and chased after him, then glanced at Jiang Shen, as long as Brother Shen gave instructions, he was about to smash it down.

He is not the second-generation official, but just a small follower, and he is lawless and has no scruples.

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced---I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm leaving tomorrow---" Cai Zhaoxing dared to say that he was not convinced at this time.

After several rounds, the box was covered with blood, and Cai Zhaoxing and a friend were beaten and seriously injured.

I don't know if it was a bit loud, or the person who left first notified the outside, and the door of the box was pushed open.

Then a group of people walked in.

It looks like a boss in front, followed by a group of security guards.

The boss came in aggressively, looked up at Zhao San, Tian Xiaowen, Ji Yuan, Ma Tianming and others, and his expression changed drastically: "Go out, you guys go out."

The boss drove the security guard out, and then closed the small door.

"Director Huang, Third Brother Zhao, Young Master Ma---"

"Ah, Young Master Ji, Young Master Tian, ​​Brother Jian Zhu, why are you here?"

This boss is the boss of Wang Lin Hotel, and this ktv is also his. He is a well-rounded person in the capital, and he has a very good relationship with Mazi.

He knew all the second-generation officials in front of him.

While calling people, while smoking.

"It's none of your business, Boss Lu, just take a look." Zhao San pointed at him.

"Of course, of course, do you want to help?" Boss Lu was also very shameless. He might have planned to come in to help Cai Zhaoxing and his group, but when he saw that the situation was not right, he immediately changed the direction of the wind.

"I don't need your help, just stand aside and watch."

After everyone finished speaking, Jiang Shen said: "Account Cai Zhaoxing, and let him pay for everything broken."

"Who is this?" Boss Lu didn't know Jiang Shen, but he had a lot of experience, and he could tell at a glance that Jiang Shen was a little different, as if he was still tall.

"You don't care, you can do what Brother Shen says." Ma Tianming glared at Boss Lu.

"Listen to Brother Shen, of course you should listen to Brother Shen." Boss Lu nodded repeatedly.

After Jiang Shen said this, he pointed at Director Shang's face, and his finger was almost on his face: "Well, let me let you go, be more sensible, my wife's training is over, she must be excellent in every way, there is If she is unhappy, I will be unhappy."

"Yes, yes, yes." Director Shang nodded repeatedly, screaming in his heart, you are too much, so many people told me that you quietly told me that you would die.

There are quite a few others who came to train from grass-roots provinces like Qiao Feixue.

Before, it was all kinds of sympathy for Qiao Feixue, but now it's all kinds of envy and hatred.

"Let's go." Jiang Shen put his arms around Qiao Feixue and waved his hand, leading a group of people away.

Seven or eight second-generation officials followed behind him just like his younger brother.

Director Shang looked at him thoughtfully, Jiang?Is it the chief's person?

Not to mention that Director Shang was conflicted, Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming were also conflicted.

They made all kinds of phone calls in front of them. They didn't know Jiang Shen's background, they only knew about various people, and they didn't want to mention Jiang Shen.

Huang Zhenguo was very decisive, he should change the situation immediately, and asked Jiang Shen to have supper to show his affection to him.

At this time, Jiang Shen was about to rush to the Wangfu Hotel. Originally, he had Zhao San as his younger brother, so he didn't want to accept these people anymore.

But Zhao San reminded him.

I must be the second generation of the army. Sometimes they are not useful in the local area. It will definitely be beneficial for you to make more friends with the second generation of officials.

And what, everyone is with you, Ma Tianming didn't dare to be as arrogant as before when he saw me, so I firmly pushed him down.

Damn, Jiang Shen is very speechless, you want me to take them in because you want to overwhelm Ma Tianming?It seems that you were bullied by him enough when you were young.

Well, what Jiang Shenjue's Zhao San said is also reasonable, brother, it is still beneficial to charge a little more.

So let them come together.

So when this matter was being dealt with, everyone worked hard. This is an opportunity to reconcile with Jiang Shen. Not to mention that they can't figure out Jiang Shen's details now, even if each of them owes Jiang Shen 30 billion, they must try their best to help up.

After the matter is settled, everyone will go to have supper.

Qiao Feixue was a little too drunk and didn't want to go, but Jiang Shen's immortal energy was slightly infused, and most of the wine was sober immediately.

Of course, Jiang Shen didn't make her fully awake. Women are not drunk, but men have a chance, just clear up.

In this case, Qiao Feixue still had to be hugged by Jiang Shen to walk steadily.

Everyone naturally flattered, the sister-in-law was unparalleled, the sister-in-law was strong, and she was the vice president at a young age.

Qiao Feixue, who took the photo, was also smiling.

After only an hour of supper, Jiang Shen was in a hurry to take Qiao Feixue back.

"Thank you brothers for your help today, Young Master Huang, Young Master Ma, the 30 billion you owe me will be canceled in one stroke, and that thief posted Li Yan, please tell him for me, I will give you face, and only charge him one billion. "

Damn, Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming were shocked again.

I thought about what Jiang Shen would say before, but I never thought that Jiang Shen would just forget it.

60 billion is fine, and it is not an ordinary big deal.

Sure enough, when Zhao San and Sensen heard it, their faces were heartbroken.

60 billion?Counting the 20 billion stolen from Li Yan, it is 80 billion.

Brother Gentleman is so generous, he threw away 80 billion with a wave of his hand.

According to Zhao San's estimate, 30 billion is a bit too much, and it is still possible to collect Huang Zhenguo and Ma Tianming's [-] to [-] million as a symbol.

It is also the range that the two can bear.

Unexpectedly, it was all canceled.

"What's your expression?" Ma Tianming was overjoyed, especially when he saw Zhao San's heartache, he was used to bickering with Zhao San: "Brother Gentleman, Prime Minister, look at your expression."

"What's wrong with my expression?" Zhao San was furious: "Brother Shen, it's fine for Brother Guo, this Ma Tianming is rich, he owns an investment company, Brother Shen still has to charge him one billion eight hundred million."

"Fart, I have so much money--"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, I'm not a child, Brother Shen and sister-in-law have something to do, let's go back to our respective homes." Huang Zhenguo was older and more stable.

He has to go home and ask his father.

"Let's go, Brother Gentleman, I'll see you off." Zhao San snorted coldly at Ma Tianming, and demonstrated to him that his relationship with Jiang Shen should be closer.

"Thank you, I'll go back by myself, Zhao San, help me see them off." Jiang Shen sent them off with ease, and left with a smile on his arms around Qiao Feixue.

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